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Smite |OT| Release The Quacken


Just started playing this amazing game! I started playing with Xbalanque, and now just bought my first god: Nemesis.

Just read the patch notes, apparently she's turning into a Assassin. Doesn't change much gameplay wise I hope? I really like her atm.
She already played more like an assassin than anything else. I doubt they had to change much.


I'm just rockin it with Nu Wa right now. Haven't lost a siege with her yet and just got her in Assault and blew the other team open. Of course, a lot of it has to do with having at least one or two other competent team members (and that the other team has less so).

I have no idea how to play her in conquest though. Kind of scared to take her into that.

Wow those warrior nerfs .... I think we will see a lot more Mage and Guardians now

There's always at least 3 mages on every team as it is.

The double favor weekend should now be (or almost be) live. A video we whipped up to celebrate:


Sucks that first wins didn't reset for those who already got them.

I had only done siege, so I didn't feel it too bad.


Yea resets at 5am EST. I expected it.

Scratch that. I didn't expect to get punished by doing my dailies earlier today and not receiving any gems for the entire day. Basically if you didn't do your dailies yesterday and waited til midnight you can do them now and get gems for Thursday's dailies. gg

I see what you meant now Idignate.


Got Athena to Legendary today, yay.

I haven't played conquest for awhile but with the gem giveaway I wandered into league. Got yelled at for picking a god that wasn't metagame proper (they actually cancelled the game because of my choice :( ). I felt bad so going to ask here.

Explain the terminology for me and what exactly is needed in league meta play, I have no idea what adc is for example.

My fault I guess ... I play assault, arena and siege almost exclusively nowadays. I still do casual conquest once in awhile (been playing since 2012) but I never bothered to learn the league metagame and terminology.
Just started playing this amazing game! I started playing with Xbalanque, and now just bought my first god: Nemesis.

Just read the patch notes, apparently she's turning into a Assassin. Doesn't change much gameplay wise I hope? I really like her atm.

She will attack faster, but she will be more fragile.


Got Athena to Legendary today, yay.

I haven't played conquest for awhile but with the gem giveaway I wandered into league. Got yelled at for picking a god that wasn't metagame proper (they actually cancelled the game because of my choice :( ). I felt bad so going to ask here.

Explain the terminology for me and what exactly is needed in league meta play, I have no idea what adc is for example.

My fault I guess ... I play assault, arena and siege almost exclusively nowadays. I still do casual conquest once in awhile (been playing since 2012) but I never bothered to learn the league metagame and terminology.

I rarely play Conquest, but just finished up a game and did great. But the meta is this - solo - mid - duo and a jungler.

solo usually has a heal of some sorts but can played by just about any God. Mid is typically a mage with good wave clear. Duo is your ADC and Support, typically a hunter and a guardian. Jungler is just...whoever wants to jungle, assassins, warriors, etc are good but theres mages and even guardians that jungle sometimes.

I'm probably wrong about some of these things but that's just how I see it.

*Sorry about saying 'typically' so many times hah. Also ADC = Attack Damage Carry.


The fucking attitudes of players are going to ruin this game for me.

Neith and Fenrir both from a guild were playing online with the rest of us 'noobs'. Neith character flipped the fuck out when the Ymir in our party wasn't able to purchase exactly what was needed to play. So of course Neith stayed at the fountain the entire game at level 3 filling up chat with endless nonsense of how we were doing everything wrong. Fenrir soon tapped out a few minutes later, hanging out at the fountain.

Why can't people just enjoy playing a game?


Play the quicker game modes. They give people less reasons to be assholes since there isn't as much time investment.


Got Athena to Legendary today, yay.

I haven't played conquest for awhile but with the gem giveaway I wandered into league. Got yelled at for picking a god that wasn't metagame proper (they actually cancelled the game because of my choice :( ). I felt bad so going to ask here.

Explain the terminology for me and what exactly is needed in league meta play, I have no idea what adc is for example.

My fault I guess ... I play assault, arena and siege almost exclusively nowadays. I still do casual conquest once in awhile (been playing since 2012) but I never bothered to learn the league metagame and terminology.
What god did you pick ?
Usually any god can do the job unless they were two guardians ?
Anyway, I usually dislike those stupid requirements for the "meta".
Just like yesterday, someone wanted me to take a warrior for solo lane when playing a mage is totally fine...
When they ask you to play a support, this usually mean "play guardian".

Mid lane, solo lane, you can put anyone on these lane.
What's important will be the skill of survival.
Duo line... people always want an ADC/hunter because it could become strong at end game but usually the result is that it's weakest line.
Because the hunter and the support don't do much damage in early game and if they're under leveled, they become usueless in mid game.
So I found it stupid to force a hunter on this line while a mage will be fine too.
But I guess it's for the 4rth player who need to leech the exp ?
So even in duo lane you should be able to pick the character you want and not be forced on a hunter.

What about the guardian ?
It's important but you won't go far with a coward guardian.
Also, it's one of the most difficult to leveled since you need to survive but you also need to kill creeps while the enemy ranged player attack you.

Though, I think the key player of a conquest match is the jungler because with a bad jungler.
Solo and mid lane are exposed to gank or can't push their lane.
Jungler can be either assassin or warrior.
Why not a mage or guardian ?
Mage are weak.
Guardian are slow.


How 'limited' is the limited time offer €23,99 to grab all champions + future champions?

Should I get it asap now it's still here?

Rygar 8 Bit

Jaguar 64-bit
no reason not to get it dont think it will go anywhere its been up for 2 years almost but it still its the best investment if your are interested in this game also if you want to avoid people crying about the meta i suggest we form a 5 man so we can all play who we want


How 'limited' is the limited time offer €23,99 to grab all champions + future champions?

Should I get it asap now it's still here?
I'd say try the game with the free heroes, and if you like it put your money on it. I bought the gods pack, and definitely don't regret it. I've played a different god pretty much every match, and enjoy everyone except for Hel.
Woah woah why are you guys running into douchebags? Only douche I ever ran into was 1 guy calling everyone in our team noobs(even though he was the worst player in our team) but he was playing at least(as in not just sitting at the fountain). Are you guys playing league or something?(idk what it's called, the tab that you have to be lvl30 to play)


Woah woah why are you guys running into douchebags? Only douche I ever ran into was 1 guy calling everyone in our team noobs(even though he was the worst player in our team) but he was playing at least(as in not just sitting at the fountain). Are you guys playing league or something?(idk what it's called, the tab that you have to be lvl30 to play)

I only play casual (I am way to inexperienced to play League) and I get at least one asshole every 2-3 games.
I haven't found too many assholes just the occasional, "wow you guys suck".

Usually when I do get a douche it's a Ra. Every Ra I have had on my team has been like this. It's like they think they're the shit cause they can get a snipe kill. Every Ra also autolocks. It's redic.


shhh Graham I'm still compiling this Radiant map
I haven't seen too many assholes in the few weeks I've been playing, although spamming voices sarcastically does happen here and there. After the shit I've seen in Dota 2 though, I'm like w/e on those types of people now.

How would you guys itemize Nemesis after the patch? I'm still in that early phase of figuring out item builds on my own. I'm not really sure where to go with her after the changes. :[


I haven't found too many assholes just the occasional, "wow you guys suck".

Usually when I do get a douche it's a Ra. Every Ra I have had on my team has been like this. It's like they think they're the shit cause they can get a snipe kill. Every Ra also autolocks. It's redic.

Delete Ra from the game.
Problem solved.


I haven't found too many assholes just the occasional, "wow you guys suck".

Usually when I do get a douche it's a Ra. Every Ra I have had on my team has been like this. It's like they think they're the shit cause they can get a snipe kill. Every Ra also autolocks. It's redic.
I have also seen this autolock douche Ra. Odd phenom.

Rygar 8 Bit

Jaguar 64-bit
janus is pretty fun built him full cdr and just kept blasting people with ults from base every 40 seconds all you have to do is wait for a team fight then aim at the middle of the fight and fire your ult into them i got a kill pretty much every time also if your being chased drop your 3 infront of you let them run through it and turn around and blase them with your 2 right in their face so you cant miss then drop a portal under them and they will pretty much be dead


I just carried an entire team with Odin in the arena. My team was constantly rushing the enemy even when they were low on life. We even had an abandon near the end, but the All Father don't crack till Ragnarok. It's probably a good thing he's getting nerfed soon.
Is Janus a mage or a guardian? If he's a mage then I might have to pick him up.

I've unlocked pretty much every god I care about at this point. Now I'm trying to decide on who I have a little bit of interest in. Right now I have my eye on Nu Wa and Chronos, but both of them seem pretty difficult to play. I've only seen a few Nu Wa/Chronos players do really well in Arena, so maybe neither of them are a great idea for me...


Is Janus a mage or a guardian? If he's a mage then I might have to pick him up.

I've unlocked pretty much every god I care about at this point.


And you never know who you might have fun with. When I was going through all the masteries for each God I found some hidden ones that I really liked.


What god did you pick ?
Usually any god can do the job unless they were two guardians ?
Anyway, I usually dislike those stupid requirements for the "meta".
Just like yesterday, someone wanted me to take a warrior for solo lane when playing a mage is totally fine...
When they ask you to play a support, this usually mean "play guardian".

Mid lane, solo lane, you can put anyone on these lane.
What's important will be the skill of survival.
Duo line... people always want an ADC/hunter because it could become strong at end game but usually the result is that it's weakest line.
Because the hunter and the support don't do much damage in early game and if they're under leveled, they become usueless in mid game.
So I found it stupid to force a hunter on this line while a mage will be fine too.
But I guess it's for the 4rth player who need to leech the exp ?
So even in duo lane you should be able to pick the character you want and not be forced on a hunter.

What about the guardian ?
It's important but you won't go far with a coward guardian.
Also, it's one of the most difficult to leveled since you need to survive but you also need to kill creeps while the enemy ranged player attack you.

Though, I think the key player of a conquest match is the jungler because with a bad jungler.
Solo and mid lane are exposed to gank or can't push their lane.
Jungler can be either assassin or warrior.
Why not a mage or guardian ?
Mage are weak.
Guardian are slow.

I had picked Athena initially and was going to duo but with 10 seconds left on the clock timer they were like no you have to be somebody else. I asked who?, no answer so I picked Agni. Mistake as somebody else had already called mid.

They literally cancelled the game (one guy said he's going to drop because the game is ruined. =/

Honestly I much prefer non league modes where people are way more laid back. The whole meta thing some people take way too seriously.


How 'limited' is the limited time offer €23,99 to grab all champions + future champions?

Should I get it asap now it's still here?

Honestly .... The money is in the skins, they WANT you to be able to get all the gods so end up spending lots of money on skins and voice packs. I don't think the god pack is ever going to go away, but don't take my word on it.


I rarely play Conquest, but just finished up a game and did great. But the meta is this - solo - mid - duo and a jungler.

solo usually has a heal of some sorts but can played by just about any God. Mid is typically a mage with good wave clear. Duo is your ADC and Support, typically a hunter and a guardian. Jungler is just...whoever wants to jungle, assassins, warriors, etc are good but theres mages and even guardians that jungle sometimes.

I'm probably wrong about some of these things but that's just how I see it.

*Sorry about saying 'typically' so many times hah. Also ADC = Attack Damage Carry.

Also, thanks for the explanation.

Re: Jerks, Other folks are correct. I have found the assholes all play Conquest and League Conquest. The games are longer and rely greatly on every single member of the team knowing what they are doing. There is very little patience in conquest for new people as one weak link can easily cause a lane to fold. With that said, with new gods I always learn them in arena first, so at the very least I'll know what I'm doing when I go Conquest.

edit: Game is down right now. Patch must be going live shortly! yay
Just a heads up, the servers are really shaky right now. First I couldn't even join a match and then I finally got in one a minute ago but it wouldn't let me lock in, and when the match started I just got kicked to the home screen with a 30 min deserter penalty. :\


And you never know who you might have fun with. When I was going through all the masteries for each God I found some hidden ones that I really liked.

Well I just bought Nu Wa. I love Ao Kuang and other gods who are good at pushing, so I figure I'll probably like her.


Is Janus a mage or a guardian? If he's a mage then I might have to pick him up.

I've unlocked pretty much every god I care about at this point. Now I'm trying to decide on who I have a little bit of interest in. Right now I have my eye on Nu Wa and Chronos, but both of them seem pretty difficult to play. I've only seen a few Nu Wa/Chronos players do really well in Arena, so maybe neither of them are a great idea for me...

I've found them both to be really fun and not really all that difficult. Chronos requires some slight micro on his 1, but that's about it. I personally would never pick them in arena though. Other gods are just better than them at it.

I had picked Athena initially and was going to duo but with 10 seconds left on the clock timer they were like no you have to be somebody else. I asked who?, no answer so I picked Agni. Mistake as somebody else had already called mid.

They literally cancelled the game (one guy said he's going to drop because the game is ruined. =/

Honestly I much prefer non league modes where people are way more laid back. The whole meta thing some people take way too seriously.

Agni can totally solo and Athena is a great pick for duo.

What lane did they want you to go in? Did they need a jungler?


I've found them both to be really fun and not really all that difficult. Chronos requires some slight micro on his 1, but that's about it. I personally would never pick them in arena though. Other gods are just better than them at it.

Agni can totally solo and Athena is a great pick for duo.

What lane did they want you to go in? Did they need a jungler?

I'm pretty sure they wanted a jungler or hunter or assassain. They had solo and mid already so it was either duo or jungler they were looking for.


Just a heads up, the servers are really shaky right now. First I couldn't even join a match and then I finally got in one a minute ago but it wouldn't let me lock in, and when the match started I just got kicked to the home screen with a 30 min deserter penalty. :\

I just got out of a 3v3 match where we were sure they were hacking ... felt wrong we were warping all over the place, and their vulcan felt like he was doing way too much damage. Maybe it was the servers.
Lmao.... I feel so bad. Just had a game where I misclicked Agni right at the end of god pick.... I've played him like once.

Let's just say I went like... 1 and 20, lol.


Just had the ultimate douche Ra experience. Guy on our team autolocks Ra immediately, and then ends up abandoning like two minutes into the game. Now the other team also has a Ra, and when our team look like we can win despite 4v5, he immediately abandons too. Is there some sort of douche Ra code I'm not aware of?


Just had the ultimate douche Ra experience. Guy on our team autolocks Ra immediately, and then ends up abandoning like two minutes into the game. Now the other team also has a Ra, and when our team look like we can win despite 4v5, he immediately abandons too. Is there some sort of douche Ra code I'm not aware of?

Maybe he was just being really nice and wanted to even out the teams again.

Don't you feel like the jerk now.
Finally got the feel of Vulcan, he's a lot of fun with all the setups and I love his ult. It's so troll if you land it. I sniped my solo opponent 3 times with it. lol

Also man, DMBrandon is not a fun streamer to watch. He talks a lot of crap to people. Even if it's sarcastic it's just rude. I'm surprised they allow him on the official stream.


formerly Oynox Slider
Could I get one too? Mine is sploatee?

Still no friend requests from anyone here. I have cried many times.
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