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Sonic Mania |OT| Dreams Come True

If you would have shown me this game in 2001... I swear, I've been waiting for this game for a long time.

We sonic fans have suffered. This will be our redemption.


Who else is double dipping on PS4 and Switch?

Anyone who outdoes me by triple dipping with Steam is gonna catch these spindashes.


I always liked modern Sonic but after playing the first 3 + K games 3 or so weeks ago fully for the first time through i am sold on classic Sonic.

Those classic fans told no lies when they said the classic ones are the best sonic games still.

I can't fuckin wait.

2 > 3 > Knuckles > 1 >>>>>>>>>>> CD

My biggest fear is the levels are going to be too CD-zany in Mania, which I never cared for. As a kid I never got to play CD and always thought it looked amazing, then I finally got a chance with the Sonic Gem Collection and...well. It wasn't fun at all navigating those levels. Even some of 3's levels I used to enjoy as a kid like Marble Garden felt tedious when I went back to it a few years ago, though I used to always play as Tails instead of Sonic so I guess things were "easier".

Hoping this game recaptures the magic of when I was a kid and loved Sonic. My grandfather introduced me to the series and now he's slowly losing his mental faculties/becoming a Trump supporter, and it fucking sucks---maybe I'll bring my Switch over one day and play old-school Sonic with him. :/
I totally get why people hate on CD, as it's super different from the other 2D games in the series, but as someone who played it years after its release and after playing the original 3(&K) a ton, I think it's actually my favorite!

The thing with CD is that... I feel like it "gets" the feel of Sonic the best of all. Sonic 1, 2, and 3&K are all quite linear and don't really encourage you to experiment with controlling Sonic, really. CD tests your ability to get a feel for how Sonic controls and to explore the levels. I know that Mania isn't going to be anything like CD, but I'm truly hoping the levels emulate the feel of CD more than any of the classics! I'm really hoping that the special stages are hidden in clever ways which force you to get enough speed and time those jumps JUST right!

This game has the opportunity to be something special, I'm really hoping Taxman's team pull it off like it seems like they're going to!


Who else is double dipping on PS4 and Switch?

Anyone who outdoes me by triple dipping with Steam is gonna catch these spindashes.
I am.

I have the CE coming for the PS4, but will (hopefully) purchase a physical copy for the Switch, if/when it's announced. I'm still hoping we get a physical copy in some form, this game definitely deserves it.


do we know if the framerate is unlocked on PC? imagine sonic at 120fps with ULMB 😱😱😱

Other Retro Engine games are locked to 60, but only one of those has had an official release on PC so I don't think anyone knows for certain.
I'm holding back until I hear what the Switch port is like. But damn if I'm not excited for this remix.

Actually that's a lie, if I could preorder it now I would preorder it. Unless I can and I have no clue how the Switch store works.


And on the sixth day the LORD David Bowie created man and woman in His image. And he saw that it was good. On the seventh day the LORD created videogames so that He might take the bloody day off for once.
First game I've ever pre-ordered digitally. We back, fam!
I always liked modern Sonic but after playing the first 3 + K games 3 or so weeks ago fully for the first time through i am sold on classic Sonic.

Those classic fans told no lies when they said the classic ones are the best sonic games still.

I can't fuckin wait.

I grew up on Sonic Adventure 2 and was basically addicted to the franchise as a kid... I bought practically every game until Sonic '06 came out, then I started being a bit more picky when it came to my purchases, haha. Of those games though included Mega Collection, and the original trilogy within that has probably been the only games in the franchise I continue to play whenever the opportunity comes to me.

The games are really damn good, and I believe Taxman's team are likely to make something that simultaneously rivals and tributes with Mania. After Mania I'd love to see them tackle a fully unique experience.


I haven't watched any trailers since the first one and I haven't really been looking at any additional info that's come out about this game, so I'm incredibly excited to pick this up this week


Gold Member
I'm holding back until I hear what the Switch port is like. But damn if I'm not excited for this remix.

Actually that's a lie, if I could preorder it now I would preorder it. Unless I can and I have no clue how the Switch store works.
+1 i'm gonna buy the switch version if it's on par with the other versions. if not i'm not even sure if i would pick the ps4 version...


Without going in depth, we know the Switch version is on par with everything else plus portability, minus system level achievements.

All the versions releasing on Tuesday are virtually identical.


Who else is double dipping on PS4 and Switch?

Anyone who outdoes me by triple dipping with Steam is gonna catch these spindashes.
Yeeeeeeeeeah boi. Gonna blast through the PS4 version when it unlocks, then play through the Switch version with a friend.
I haven't watched any trailers since the first one and I haven't really been looking at any additional info that's come out about this game, so I'm incredibly excited to pick this up this week

Same, since Mirage Saloon. They really seem to be putting their all into this, I have full confidence it'll be a great experience from beginning to end.

Can't say I've felt that way about any Sonic game in... uh, I dunno? Even the series' best recently have been riddled with padding and weird moments...

Unleashed's daytime levels were great, but in order to get to them you needed to collect tons of shit, explore hub worlds, and play long, boring nighttime levels which feel immensely out of place in the game and series.

Colors was cool and pretty consistently good but like... at least 1/3 of the levels reused level design and/or level gimmicks, thus getting from beginning to end wasn't as satisfying an experience as other platformers released close to it, such as DKCR.

Even Generations, a mostly great game, had tons of side content which was clearly meant to pad the experience out. Weird missions like working with Knuckles to find coins and playing rhythm games with Vector the Crocodile sullied what could've been a great game from beginning to end.

Mania, though, looks to be that. The biggest thing this game has against it is its inclusion of classic levels; even so, the level design is largely changed and there's tons of unique features and gameplay elements. Hopefully this game's success will inspire SEGA to allow for a more wholly unique game in the same style :)


For me, this is probably the most excited I've been for a Sonic game since...the original Sonic Adventure maybe? It's been so long, it's difficult to tell.

Major props to everyone on the crew for this one, seriously impressive stuff. Sonic is back!
For me, this is probably the most excited I've been for a Sonic game since...the original Sonic Adventure maybe? It's been so long, it's difficult to tell.

Major props to everyone on the crew for this one, seriously impressive stuff. Sonic is back!

I've definitely been more excited for Sonic games, but that was as a child. Like, I can safely say that 13 year old me was more excited for Shadow the Hedgehog than 24 year old me is for Mania.

To be more precise, I have more confidence in Mania than I have had in a Sonic game, possibly ever. Not spoiling levels and stuff tomorrow will be very difficult, I don't even think I wanna watch reviews because I'm worried they will show off levels I haven't seen already! I may as well wait til Tuesday to see anything!


I've definitely been more excited for Sonic games, but that was as a child. Like, I can safely say that 13 year old me was more excited for Shadow the Hedgehog than 24 year old me is for Mania.

To be more precise, I have more confidence in Mania than I have had in a Sonic game, possibly ever. Not spoiling levels and stuff tomorrow will be very difficult, I don't even think I wanna watch reviews because I'm worried they will show off levels I haven't seen already! I may as well wait til Tuesday to see anything!
Yeah, it's definitely difficult trying to remain as spoiler-free as I can. It's tempting to click all of these leaks/spoiler text/etc., but I must continue to resist. From what I've heard, this game has a lot of really nice surprises for long-time Sonic fans that are better experience first-hand in-game, rather than reading about it on some forum.

We've waited this long for another classic Sonic title such as Mania, what's a few more days to wait? Must remain strong.


I grew up on Sonic Adventure 2 and was basically addicted to the franchise as a kid... I bought practically every game until Sonic '06 came out, then I started being a bit more picky when it came to my purchases, haha. Of those games though included Mega Collection, and the original trilogy within that has probably been the only games in the franchise I continue to play whenever the opportunity comes to me.

The games are really damn good, and I believe Taxman's team are likely to make something that simultaneously rivals and tributes with Mania. After Mania I'd love to see them tackle a fully unique experience.

Yeah hopefully they get to make more games after Mania especially new ones and maybe even complete that Sonic 3 + Knuckles taxman version too and who knows a Sonic CD Taxman improved game aswell. But after Mania i would prefer his team to first make new classic like Sonic games, Mania will pretty sure be succesfull for sega so i am sure he and his team will get more work.

As a kid and teen i liked Modern Sonic more but as a adult i like Classic more now. Still will get forces too but i will probably enjoy Mania way more.
Yeah, it's definitely difficult trying to remain as spoiler-free as I can. It's tempting to click all of these leaks/spoiler text/etc., but I must continue to resist. From what I've heard, this game has a lot of really nice surprises for long-time Sonic fans that are better experience first-hand in-game, rather than reading about it on some forum.

We've waited this long for another classic Sonic title such as Mania, what's a few more days to wait? Must remain strong.

Exactly. I can keep myself busy all day tomorrow for sure. I am expecting something super special for classic fans tho, they better deliver!

Yeah hopefully they get to make more games after Mania especially new ones and maybe even complete that Sonic 3 + Knuckles taxman version too and who knows a Sonic CD Taxman improved game aswell. But after Mania i would prefer his team to first make new classic like Sonic games, Mania will pretty sure be succesfull for sega so i am sure he and his team will get more work.

I'd even be cool with, for the time being, a "Taxman Mega Collection" of sorts. $20-30 release of his variants of Sonic 1, 2, 3&K, and CD all in the same box. Let the Mania... mania, die down for a bit, then pump that out before revealing a new game in the same style. I'm sure it can't be too difficult to port those games considering they're all effectively complete via the iPhone and Android releases.
Hope it lives up to the hype for you diehard 2D Sonic fans out there. I have a feeling this will either be very loved or very much hated. Should be interesting to read the feedback.


can't believe this game is real. can't wait to play it. so cool that a team from my home town had a large part in making it.
I'm in day one. Never thought I'd be saying that about a Sonic game but credit where it's due. Mania looks genuinely fantastic. Not even a Sonic fan tbh but the marketing for this game has been outstanding. Here's hoping it's out on midnight.
Did anyone else preorder Switch CE through Amazon and it is saying it won't arrive till Thursday? (And hasn't shipped yet)

I did, I even talked to an Amazon rep earlier because I was worried about it, and they said not to worry.

Ugh, my two days off this week are Tuesday/Wednesday, and I'm still really worried about not getting my game from Amazon until Thursday. I need this game in my hands STAT!
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