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Sony announces partnership w/ KojiPro, New IP, 1st game "console exclusive to PS4"/PC


I hope its a spiritual successor to Metal Gear Solid or a game like it.

I wouldnt mind if its a horror game like PT either.

Or a mech game...like Zone of the Enders n_n

I wonder what it would be like if they made a RPG as well.
Even though I play them at a glacial pace, I would like to see his (complete) take on the horror genre.



That grin on House is amazing. Priceless even.

I am extremely excited to see which ideas have been laying dormant for so long. Kojima must have loved Metal Gear, but now is his chance to go beyond.


is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch
He just came out of a situation where he had a game come out on five platforms, only to get zero marketing support outside of release month. I would not be surprised if what he does next is a bit smaller in scope compared to MGS V, but pleasantly devoid of whatever bullshit he had to endure during that game's development. He would not be the first developer with name recognition to move to something less massive, and on fewer platforms. He pretty much has a clean slate and can do what he wants within the confines of whatever his anticipated completion date is. Hopefully, that is before the end of this generation.


Gold Member
Why do we have to blame people for port begging when Sony make such an ambiguous terms in the first place?
There won't be port begging if they have the guts to do what should've been done. Make it clear at the first place.

Hmmm...to me, the phrase: "console exclusive" is pretty clear. It means PS4 will be THE ONLY console it will be on. PC/mobile are the only other options at that point.
This YT comment is great XD
I imagine that the second the contract was terminated, Kojima said good bye and went to the roof, where Konami execs chased him, and Kojima ripped off his tie and stood at the edge, help up his arms and fell backwards as the Konami execs ran towards him yelling "KOJIMAAAAA!!!" and a Sony helicopter appears, Kojima holding onto a rope ladder underneath it, as they ride into the sunset. They get to the Sony building, Kojima walks in, and says "Kept you waiting, huh?"


Great news I'd say...but kind of leaves me sad that Metal Gear is not going to be the same anymore after this...Ah well we all have to grow up someday, I'd reckon...


Who will own the IP?

If Kojima, then I imagine it comes to PC (and he prolly does own it)

If Sony, then it won't (see Bloodborne)

The examples you gave Sony doesn't own the IP

This sounds like another Shenmue/NMS/Street Fighter type partnership where Sony will help with [some] funding, marketing, and technical support in exchange for console exclusivity, but doesn't make a stink about a PC release.


This is great news. Really looking forward to the game.

Don't know why people keep bringing up XBO in the topic. The man is a newly started high profile Japanese developer. If he decides to go anywhere it's probably with Sony since they have the resources and don't mind a PC-port. Microsoft isn't relevant in his home territory.

This. Not sure why it's even surprising people. A Japanese developer going with a Japanese company. Shocking!

Can't wait to see what he cooks up though! That's for sure.
Out of curiosity (I doubt anyone knows yet), what other known developers are working with Kojima on his new project? Are they coming from Konami as well?


Rather than being happy with the fact that one of the greatest game developer just got out of the hell hole called Konami, ppl are derailing this thread with port begging...smh.
in the video, Kojima says "I'm thrilled to embark on creating a new franchise with Playstation".

Whatever deal or partnership they have in place, seems will be long term, lasting more than this first title.


Definitely not an STD, as I'm a pure.
Good for Sony and especially Kojima. The love these two have for each other is unmatched. Now let's see if it will actually be a PS4/PC game or a PS5/PC2 game.

Oh and we need PT PSVR.


TB really needs to chill out, jesus. Whatever this thing is will come to PC eventually. Not everyone can have triple 980s or whatever crazy internet-person-only rig he has. Sony is the only platform holder willing and able to do this for Kojima and the industry as a whole is better for it. I'm just ecstatic that him and his staff will be able to make games once more.
He just came out of a situation where he had a game come out on five platforms, only to get zero marketing support outside of release month.

Dafuq? Didn't know about this. So Kojima had a huge flop due to marketing? Development? ???

If that is true it would leave this to a PR motion
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