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Sony confirms PS4 Neo, [Cites smartphone cycle, waiting until enough games post E3]


4K Bluray, for as beautiful as it may be, is about as important to the mainstream consumer in 2016 as a standalone HiFi DSD FLAC Player. In 2006 Netflix, Amazon Instant, and the ilk hadn't reached their meteoric commercial penetration, but in 2016 the world revolves around streaming to such an extent that Bluray sections are outright going way the of the Dodo.

Disagree. Streaming has it's flaws for critical viewing, from servers, to your network performance, etc. There is a distinct difference in quality between a UHD BR vs streaming. Not to mention the audio options. Look how many people want it, they just don't want that overpriced junk Samsung player. Once those players hit the $100-200 range, they will take off. Streaming has it's place, and that place is not the best experience, but rather a convenience.
Lets see how it turns out.

I hope it backfires in a mayor way.


Not doing it at E3 doesn't mean they can't do it at their own event again like the PS4 if they wanted to or do it at Gamescom which would be closer to a Fall launch anyway and better for price cuts to the original system.


What exactly did he mean with that red or blue comment.

It means don't believe everything you read on the internet.

Can you link to this post please?

Sorry, but his original comment about the multiple specs and price point is months old and he has way too many posts to search for it effectively. His post from today is not in the search engine yet so you'll have to read through this topic to find it...

Is he implying that they went with red?

Can't say for sure, but he was definitely implying that it is still an option.
2016 is for PSVR. It was always for PSVR.
I seriously doubt Sony wanted to create any confusion or take any emphasis off PSVR.
Please use common sense.

Neo would steal some attention (and costumers) away from PSVR, that's true, but the lack of its announcement at E3 doesn't exclude a fall release at all.
Interesting article about Neo in EDGE called ' Apocalypse Neo'

A few quotes about the problems devs will be facing:

while Sony is insisting on 1080P as the minimum resolution for the Neo version of games, the hardware is capable of running games in 4K, though it seems unlikely we'll see many games taking advantage of it for a good while. Sony mandates that games must, whatever the resolution, run at least at the same framerate on Neo as they do on the standard PS4 . A game running in 4K would need to render four times the pixels of a 1080P game, without compromising on refresh rate. Good luck with that.


while 4K may still be some way off, Sony wants all PS4 games releases from October onwards to ship with a Neo mode...Big studios making games for release this winter are likely facing an even bigger job, now that they have to optimise their game for what, despite the name, is essentially a new platform. That, our source says, will in the short term at least mean ' more bugs across SKUs. Teams will be bigger, with more people pushed onto triple -A product to get it done. In about three years, when everyone has caught up, maybe we'll see some massive graphical improvements. But from what I see, no developer in the world is getting yet the best out of PS4'
Neo would steal some attention (and costumers) away from PSVR, that's true, but the lack of its announcement at E3 doesn't exclude a fall release at all.

They won't release it this year. This year is for PSVR.
I'm just going to keep repeating that because it's the only thing that makes sense.
It's the only thing that ever made sense.


4K bluray support does in no way shape or form garuntee 4K bluray support. The only thing it confirms is that the machine has the potential to play 4K content- downloaded or otherwise. However, disc playback sounds like an expensive measure that most consumers would like to see cut from the total cost.

I agree that 4K gaming would be a rare thing but I came across the below PDF from Samsung the other day. I only post it now to show why some would expect 4K gaming.


It is from March/April so I assume this is referring to Neo?


Gold Member
damn now I want some f-ing ice cream.

Ben & Jerry's Dairy Free (Almond Milk) Chunky Monkey is the bees knees!

So Delicious (Almond Milk) Snickerdoodle is to die for!

People also need to drop the idea that Microsoft is somehow immune to the laws of heat, power draw, component costs, and their own shareholders. Both companies have access to the same vendor, the same hardware, and the same costs. Whatever Microsoft is capable of, so is Sony. Either company can completely scrap their plans, change things out, and do whatever they feel is necessary to hit their company's visions.

We're in an age where devkit documentation equates to unfounded, without question truth.

Very good points.

This part seems really weird to me. The leak said Sony was demanded every game from October on to have a Neo mode. I wonder if they've let up on that demand or something, 'cause it doesn't make much sense for him to be speculating on how much support it will have if they're demanding it has full support.

He means 'advanced features'. They do not have to add additional graphical tweaks, the game can basically be the same as the OG version.

The hardware is capable of running games in 4K? Lol no it's not. What a terrible, chicken little article.

I wonder how EDGE thinks a game ever gets released on PC.

It can run games in 4K, now the fidelity of said games is another argument.

Hell, Okami was rendered in 4K on the PS3, and then down-sampled to 1080p.
we anticipate all or a very large majority of games will also support the high-end PS4

This part seems really weird to me. The leak said Sony was demanded every game from October on to have a Neo mode. I wonder if they've let up on that demand or something, 'cause it doesn't make much sense for him to be speculating on how much support it will have if they're demanding it has full support.
Interesting article about Neo in EDGE called ' Apocalypse Neo'

A few quotes about the problems devs will be facing:

The hardware is capable of running games in 4K? Lol no it's not. What a terrible, chicken little article.

I wonder how EDGE thinks a game ever gets released on PC.


How? The rumoured release date is Fall 2017. Neo is rumoured late this year early next year.

I expected it will be the same time as PSVR.

Well, if they have a prototype ready, at the very least they could show off the new system and announce a partnership with say, Oculus, to bring VR to their platform. That would certainly grab some headlines.


Because talking about PSVR all E3 and then revealing the $500 console you need to adequately play it on would make it DOA. That's a tough pill to swallow, better to break it in half.
Thread is kinda embarrassing. So much hyperbole. People scared it's going to ruin gaming. Sony is scared of a "scorpion". "PS4poor" has been quoted more than once. So much baseless speculation, it's actually kinda entertaining, In the weird "watching someone get run over by a train I can't not look" way.

My sympathies go out to the worried people I guess. If I was 15 with nothing better to do and didn't have my own money I can see that thought process being easy to fester. One way to think about it is PS4 will always have the larger market share, extremely low chance of any games running bad on it because of an enhanced system, particularly for the next couple years, because games aren't just released in a few months as we know. we are worried about some potentially bad direction that won't even show up for another 1000 or more days? Guys I don't want to quote scriptures on you, but goodness, why stress yourself out over what "might" happen? I've seen people post "I'm furious at this iterative stuff Sony is doing". How can you be mad over something that hasn't happened? That's just not healthy people. This is a hobby we obviously are passionate about, but let's get some perspective. Even with Sony documenting all these guidelines so the user base isn't fragmented, the power is still in you the consumer. You can tell Sony or MS I don't want this thing by not buying it, and they, along with deva will focus on base models. Never forget consumers as a whole are in control when it comes to goods and services.

Please gaf, please just go and play some video games and let's get normal again. It's not so bad, I promise. E3 is our personal holiday ;-) just for geeks that play video games. We're all special...let's join hands my friends, good things are on the horizon.


This part seems really weird to me. The leak said Sony was demanded every game from October on to have a Neo mode. I wonder if they've let up on that demand or something, 'cause it doesn't make much sense for him to be speculating on how much support it will have if they're demanding it has full support.

Well that could be suggesting I guess that some old games might not work without patching.


How is that going to "Steal the show"?

errrmmmm. Not sure if I should make this comment, but I think its odd MS is going to release a slim model and then next year release a more powerful machine. I feel like that is a mistake. Just ride out the XB1. The uninformed MS fans are going to purchase the slim and be like, "wtf" next year. Kind of shady imo.
errrmmmm. Not sure if I should make this comment, but I think its odd MS is going to release a slim model and then next year release a more powerful machine. I feel like that is a mistake. Just ride out the XB1. The uninformed MS fans are going to purchase the slim and be like, "wtf" next year. Kind of shady imo.

Good point.
And I'm pretty sure most of the hardcore gaming audience isn't using XB1 anyway.


This part seems really weird to me. The leak said Sony was demanded every game from October on to have a Neo mode. I wonder if they've let up on that demand or something, 'cause it doesn't make much sense for him to be speculating on how much support it will have if they're demanding it has full support.

Probably a concession to smaller devs and indies. And there's also the question of if they'll have enough devkits to go around to every PS4 developer ahead of the PS Neo launch.
Well that could be suggesting I guess that some old games might not work without patching.

Yeah, that was my only guess. But, it's already known that old games would require a patch to get use out of the extra power (but they'll all be playable). There's no way in hell most developers are going to put in the work for old games.

He means 'advanced features'. They do not have to add additional graphical tweaks, the game can basically be the same as the OG version.

That doesn't make much sense if all games are compatible any way. Aren't the requirements that all games have to work on both systems, and all games starting in October have to have a Neo mode? If what you're saying was right, there would be no need for the second rule, as the first would cover it if they didn't mean there has to be a difference between the two.

EDIT: Oh, also, wasn't it part of the leak that all games are required to run in full 1080p in NEO mode?


It's EDGE. I think they are very well informed. It's a great article.

Well sony in the FT said the opposite, they said it would be very little work to accommodate both.

So who do I believe, Sony...Edge.....Sony....Edge....

Who would know more, I just dont really know, might have to do some more research...

Edge are a joke nowadays.


Because talking about PSVR all E3 and then revealing the $500 console you need to adequately play it on would make it DOA. That's a tough pill to swallow, better to break it in half.

My suspicion and hope is they won't be spending a lot of time of PSVR either this E3. At this point it's beating a dead horse when dragging it on stage yet again. Show it off at a more public event like Gamescon and TGS. I doubt the mass media will care anyways; sites like CNET said, via Jeff in the Beastcast, that their traffic for VR content is so low that they don't talk about it anymore. It would be smart not to waste too much time on VR on the big stage.
It's EDGE. I think they are very well informed. It's a great article.
The article has both pure speculation and inaccuracies. It's not 'great' unless you just want someone to rubber stamp your own pessimism.

Almost everything they cite there applies to PC gaming and yet the game industry seems to still exist and isn't already a pile of smoldering ash.


Thread is kinda embarrassing. So much hyperbole. People scared it's going to ruin gaming. Sony is scared of a "scorpion". "PS4poor" has been quoted more than once. So much baseless speculation, it's actually kinda entertaining, In the weird "watching someone get run over by a train I can't not look" way.

My sympathies go out to the worried people I guess. If I was 15 with nothing better to do and didn't have my own money I can see that thought process being easy to fester. One way to think about it is PS4 will always have the larger market share, extremely low chance of any games running bad on it because of an enhanced system, particularly for the next couple years, because games aren't just released in a few months as we know. we are worried about some potentially bad direction that won't even show up for another 1000 or more days? Guys I don't want to quote scriptures on you, but goodness, why stress yourself out over what "might" happen? I've seen people post "I'm furious at this iterative stuff Sony is doing". How can you be mad over something that hasn't happened? That's just not healthy people. This is a hobby we obviously are passionate about, but let's get some perspective. Even with Sony documenting all these guidelines so the user base isn't fragmented, the power is still in you the consumer. You can tell Sony or MS I don't want this thing by not buying it, and they, along with deva will focus on base models. Never forget consumers as a whole are in control when it comes to goods and services.

Please gaf, please just go and play some video games and let's get normal again. It's not so bad, I promise. E3 is our personal holiday ;-) just for geeks that play video games. We're all special...let's join hands my friends, good things are on the horizon.

Not sure what out there can prove that


If PC can thrive with hundreds of specs then I'm sure consoles can handle two. It's not like game this generation have been properly optimized any way.

PC games leave settings to the users to make sure they run at an acceptable clip. Some auto detect your hardware, sure, but autodetection isn't particularly good.

On consoles on the other hand, it's still going to be developers who have to play test each build multiple times, find problematic performance areas, and go from there.

And who says multiple asset qualities aren't more work, at any rate?

" It's not like game this generation have been properly optimized any way"

So make them worse?


is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch
Then you haven't been paying attention to the last E3? How about the last 2 PSXs?
Or any other large event that had PSVR? Maybe this E3 you will remember?

It's been in the hands of people to try for over 2 years at numerous events.
I am well aware. All of the Sony games I am looking forward to work on PS4 and do not have to justify an additional $400 expenditure. There is more hype than substance right now. Sorry if not pretending to be excited is impolite.
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