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Sony is officially helping with funding and development with Shenmue 3

if Sony uses kickstarter to help offset funding for weird games I want that have no potential for release otherwise then Sony, or anyone else can do that. As long as I get Shenmue, I don't care what it required to get that done.


I think it's fair enough people are a little upset about Sony not being entirely transparent here. At the end of the day, Sony knew what they were doing and whether we've been played or not, we're all still buying Shenmue III. Sony should have been honest, but everyone has to keep a few secrets for themselves...

To decide whether or not Sony is punished, I say we choose one nominee to represent GAF and challenge Sony's President to a game of


lmfao I'd french kiss the devil to get Shenmue III. I'd cut off a toe. I'd do part time as a human speed bump.

There isn't anything in the world that could get me to pull my pledge. Hell, I wish I could pledge more, right now, to offset the haters.

Yu and Adam could have locked the doors, gone chair to chair and forced everyone in the room to cough up a hundred bucks minimum into a bag, and i'm pretty sure i could have lived with the moral consequences.


Seriously, I don't know how anybody can think of anything other than OMFG WE'RE GETTING SHENMUE 3 HOLY FUCK right now

I mean... HOLY FUCK.

ohh you seen any "high quality" trailers? I got like a 100p vid of it from maybe 6-7 years ago. Seriously, that was really low quality and grainy as fuck :(


Gold Member
Please. If Microsoft wanted this game, they would have offered to help make it happen. They didn't. Sony is the one who always swoops in and funds weird, niche games. It's no different here.

If you bought an Xbox One for weird niche games by Japanese developers, you made a bad call.


The only one I can say is an exception this year is Ori.

But for the most part... Sony's box is well known for these types of games.
Sooooooooo am I the only Xbox guy upset about this? I'm thinking that I need a PS4 now. I thought that Sony would end up funding this by showing it at E3, but part of me still held out hope that it would be multi platform. Oh well.


not me
LOL @ People that mad, if Suikoden even given similar chances I would all over it.

Yes. Like some others, I've never played a Shenmue but backed this because 1) I want this type of franchise revival to succeed and 2) there's a fair chance I might actually like the game given its pedigree. But when I extrapolate this scenario to, say, Masato Kato wanting to start a Chrono Break Kickstarter, me pledging $100, then SE coming in to fund, do I feel cheated? HELL NO. I'm getting a goddamn Collector's Edition of Chrono Break with a Kato-signed lithogram of Frog, and I was one of the people that made it happen!

It just passes the smell test to me. If companies start exploiting this for franchises that clearly would have continued anyway, we can then have the discussion of drawing the line.

Not here. Not with Shenmue, or any other franchise clearly in desperate need of pledged fan support to assure publishers of interest.

The Lamp

This is why I'm okay with Kickstarter being used this way, it's easy to have 40k people sign a petition saying they will buy the game, it's another to have 40k people to pledge their money in advance to make it a petition with actual substance.

Not only that, people are actually getting the game in exchange for their money. It's like advanced pre-ordering. Nothing wrong with this. The $2 million practically counts as $2 million in advanced sales, which is what Sony was looking for--a guarantee of at least SOME revenue before they strong arm the long costs of development.

Not sure what's freaking people out.
A lot of people in this topic don't seem to realize that this project is not likely being designed to generate profit, it is likely at best a break even or mild profit expectation that is being done as a sign of good faith towards adoring fans.
I don't disagree necessarily (although I'm sure they're hoping they can build hype for the "return of Shenmue!"), but I wonder how you calculate the value of this kind of thing from a business perspective. It seems like the benefits of this would mostly be brand loyalty and word of mouth stuff passing on how great Sony is for "the gamer."


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Why are people acting like the money that fans are funding isn't going towards the game but right into Sony's pocket? Even though Sony is giving dev money, they aren't giving them a blank check. Every dollar helps to make this game as good as it can be.

In particular, the more money they get from Kickstarter, the more leverage Yu has to make what he wants.



This Thread represents modern Fanboyism and Gaming in a nutshell and it is disgusting to see and it makes me sad.

Y's and Sony give you a opportunity to have a Game "Fans" always wanted and people are bitching that Sony wants prove that it can get to a break even point.

People have to realize that this game is not for the main stream audience or gamers. The Kickstarter is just and only for the Fucking Hardcore Shenmue fans, so they can get a game out, that is most likely a financial disaster or not a game publisher want to fund. And it seems likeFans do not give a shit how this games is done. On average people are paying more than 80$ to get this idea of a game, which is insane.
40.000 Backers for such ,most likely, expensive game is not very much tbh, but it shows that some hardcore people really want that game and really go all in for this.

And now people blame sony to want some kind of security, that they do not lose a shit ton of money ? Ask yourself a question. Why did Microsoft, Nintendo, Sega, Acti, Ea or any other publisher try to get the game or try to fund it or even try help Y's? Because they know, that today this game is so niche and so exotic, that it will not be a main stream success and most likely a very high financial risk, that nobody wanted to take or even consider in 14 years. Sony is willing to take this risk, but wanted proof that people do not only demand that game on Twitter, but also that they are ready to back it up financially and take a little bit of Sony's risk. How is this bad ?

People are getting this game cheaper, when they back it up with 30§, but most people just went crazy backing it up. But as I said it is only the most hardcore niche fans and not the main stream.

Sony gets blaimed for not taking a financial enormous risk and not giving a Niche game to all of you without some kind of security. The most people, who back Shenmue III do not give a shit about how, they are in heaven, that Sony even considers the idea of Shenmue III and they where kind enough to give this exotic game this grand stage.



Any real Shenmue fan knows that anybody who is pissed at this isn't a real fan.

Exactly, just go to ShenmueDojo, people are even more happy to know that Sony is behind this, because that means there's a big publisher and it's going to happen. It doesn't matter if it's Sony, MS or Nintendo, fans just want this game to become reality.


A Shenmue 3 Kickstarter without the "Sony E3 Conference where TLG, FF VII remake and Shenmue 3 were announced" wouldn't have this success. A proper Shenmue sequel would never happen with solely a Kickstarted budget. No publisher would foot the bill for the Shenmue 3 we deserve without an unequivocal showing that there was a palpable interest in this game. We had 14 years of wait that prove that. So. Here we are.


To be hoenst, I never thought it would be different. But mostly because I can think.And why do people get nothing ? They get the most requested game they wanted for cheap or with extras. ?

Ohh yes lets compare game that is lost for 14 years now, that has no big publisher in the back, and niche to a multimillion selling franchise that sold 9 million units and has a big publisher and was announced multi platform.... omg where are we ?

Well Sony tricked you into giving them a 2 year interest free and non refundable loan.

I know everyone is excited to get the game they want but it is sleazy by Sony.


Sony deserve a standing ovation for this. Fuck the haters.

1. Sony is financially backing 14 year old dead franchise that NOBODY was willing to pick. IF you don't know what is big deal about this, think this way.

MS in their 360 heyday when they basically poured endless money into Japanese market, ignored shenmue. Yeah. shenmue was THAT DEAD, mother fuckers.

Sony didn't have to back this. Hell, if Sony basically ignored all the pleas from shenmue fans and gamers, no one would blame Sony for it. Sony instead can spend that money to make their own IP or resurrect their OWN DEAD IP. But instead they listened to their fans and making bet that they can make profit out of this.

2. Sony doesn't even OWN the IP after financial gamble such as this.

You guys know what this means. Basically if Shenmue3 becomes smashing hit and profitable to make a sequel, there will be dozens publishers (even Sega, LOL) who want to make side project or sequels. Sony can lose entire privilege for console exclusiveness, but they are still willing to take that risk.

If this is not showing good will to gamers, I don't know what it is.

3. Sony doesn't block PC, this is huge.
Sooooooooo am I the only Xbox guy upset about this? I'm thinking that I need a PS4 now. I thought that Sony would end up funding this by showing it at E3, but part of me still held out hope that it would be multi platform. Oh well.

It is multiplatform. You can play it on PC.


Amiibo collector simulator.

I had such a sick collection in Shenmue I. I was actually pretty upset that I had to continue on the Xbox and they just gave you all of them from the get go. I actually took up collecting them.

I also had a pretty well rounded move list learned.

I would love to be able to import one single save from Shenmue I to Shenmue III somehow.



Seriously though, wow...this faux outrage is amazing to me.
People have said for years that they would do whatever to get a new sequel.
Now there is some seriously suspicious cranky feelings going on.
Lol, at this point it's just shameful really. Hating that a game got funded that we've been begging for 15 years because your platform of choice is excluded. If it is that you want to be so butthurt about it and you love this game so much, then simply buy the console where it's at and play. If not, it's mostly fake concern. There are people who have pledged much more than $400.00 to see this thing happen and now you want to sit back and be mad because they've invested in something they love. This is the most selfish reaction I've seen in these system wars for a minute. The games are more important than the platform....I'd rather games get made than not as opposed to holding on to some stupid platform pride.


Sooooooooo am I the only Xbox guy upset about this? I'm thinking that I need a PS4 now. I thought that Sony would end up funding this by showing it at E3, but part of me still held out hope that it would be multi platform. Oh well.

You can also get a PC to play it. I really doubt that Shenmue 3 will require a top of the line PC to play when it releases.

If the PS4 acquisition is about money I feel for you, but if it's not don't worry the PS4 won't give you cooties or anything.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Exactly, just go to ShenmueDojo, people are even more happy to know that Sony is behind this, because that means there's a big publisher and it's going to happen. It doesn't matter if it's Sony, MS or Nintendo, fans just want this game to become reality.

Of course they're happy. Any reasonable person would know that $2 million is not nearly enough money to make this game. Hell, it's likely that $20 million won't cut it, either.

Having the assurance that a big publisher like Sony, who has a history of funding more niche passion projects and announced a game like The Last Guardian in the same conference, is willing to assist in the funding is a major relief to anyone who wants to see Shenmue III done right.


Sooooooooo am I the only Xbox guy upset about this? I'm thinking that I need a PS4 now. I thought that Sony would end up funding this by showing it at E3, but part of me still held out hope that it would be multi platform. Oh well.

Console producer gets an exclusive game that they're financially backing...and you're upset about it? Halo 5 looks tight as hell, but I have a PS4 and PC, am I mad bro? Not at all.

Sony did us all a favor. Anyone who's upset about this can fuck off.
if Sony uses kickstarter to help offset funding for weird games I want that have no potential for release otherwise then Sony, or anyone else can do that. As long as I get Shenmue, I don't care what it required to get that done.

Exactly. Can we kickstart a new Parappa please?!


Asks questions so Ezalc doesn't have to
Seriously, I don't know how anybody can think of anything other than OMFG WE'RE GETTING SHENMUE 3 HOLY FUCK right now

I mean... HOLY FUCK.

I was that way last night, and I still am that way today. I've had a stupid grin on my face ever since the announcement that it's finally fucking happening!


I don't quite get why people get upset over it. If you backed it for $29 you get a copy of the game when it comes out. It's not like you aren't getting anything from backing it. You are basically preordering the game at a discount. If you pay more you get more.

Easy, ppl is salty cuz of the hopes. Even if kickstarter say 500 times that the game will be released for PS4 and PC they had hope MS or Nintendo jumped with money to put the game on those consoles. Now that they know Sony is behind the Shenmue 3 revival, they are salty. But without Sony there was no game. Period.
Also without the backers, as they was the kickstarters to give green light for Sony to move forward with the partnership with YsNet (Yu Suzuki team)


Well Sony tricked you into giving them a 2 year interest free and non refundable loan.

I know everyone is excited to get the game they want but it is sleazy by Sony.

I've got investments elsewhere. $300 not earning me interest will be ok I hope. I mean interest on $300... I think I'd see my return of $.01 in about 2 years?


Sony just shot themselves in the foot.

I don't know how much the rest of you know about Kickstarter (I'm an expert), but transparency and honesty are huge parts of it. It's not like it was with Bloodborne where you can become successful by help funding and publishing it. If you help fund a game in Kickstarter, you bring shame to yourself, and the only way to get rid of that shame is repentance.

What this means is the fans, after hearing about this, is not going to want to back Shenmue at all, nor will they purchase any of Sony's games they help fund in the future. This is HUGE. You can laugh all you want, but Sony has alienated an entire market with this move.

Sony, remove all your funding or you can kiss your business goodbye.

lmao 10/10
Well Sony tricked you into giving them a 2 year interest free and non refundable loan.

I know everyone is excited to get the game they want but it is sleazy by Sony.

Well, assuming this winds up being a AAA retail release (which I assume it is), the basic $29 commitment will probably still result in a discount even if you factor in interest.


Sooooooooo am I the only Xbox guy upset about this? I'm thinking that I need a PS4 now. I thought that Sony would end up funding this by showing it at E3, but part of me still held out hope that it would be multi platform. Oh well.

I own both an Xbox one and a PS4, but any real Shenmue fan would likely buy any console to play that game even if it's an annoyance. I'll be honest, if I was told I had to pay 500 dollars to get a legit Shenmue III i'd do it in a heart beat, I simply don't think I have to :p


Well Sony tricked you into giving them a 2 year interest free and non refundable loan.

I know everyone is excited to get the game they want but it is sleazy by Sony.

What ? You know that Games at Kickstarter are mostly an idea. You have no guarantee whatsoever and you know that. A lot of those games get canned and your money is lost. You do not have to fund anything. Your choice. Thats why this is just for hardcore fan. And if you like it their fee is the financial risk they take and that they give you a game that will most likely be 60$ for 30.


Fantastic and obvious news, there's no way Shenmue 3 would be anywhere near what it deserves to be with a goal of only 2 million, if it could even be made at all, yet that was the goal.

Sony wanted to see that we'll put our money where our mouth is, which is honestly very fair considering that the first two games are financial failures. We even get the finished game for our trouble at the $29.00 tier, essentially a pre-order at half-retail price. I'm totally fine waiting a few years, hell Kingdom Hearts 3 at $40.00 is tying up my Amazon credit for god knows how long, but I'm glad I got in on that. It's perplexing seeing people act like there's a downside here.
I'm just happy that Sony pulled the strings to make the seemingly impossible actually a real thing. Happily backed, as Shenmue on DC was one of those keystone games for me.

Weird that people are upset though.


Yes. Like some others, I've never played a Shenmue but backed this because 1) I want this type of franchise revival to succeed and 2) there's a fair chance I might actually like the game given its pedigree. But when I extrapolate this scenario to, say, Masato Kato wanting to start a Chrono Break Kickstarter, me pledging $100, then SE coming in to fund, do I feel cheated? HELL NO. I'm getting a goddamn Collector's Edition of Chrono Break with a Kato-signed lithogram of Frog, and I was one of the people that made it happen!

It just passes the smell test to me. If companies start exploiting this for franchises that clearly would have continued anyway, we can then have the discussion of drawing the line.

Not here. Not with Shenmue, or any other franchise clearly in desperate need of pledged fan support to assure publishers of interest.

Yeah, this opening another option for us fans to decide the fate of our favorite?

Why the hell we dislike option?

then let those higher up corporate with ties decide everything like what happened to Megaman Legend 3?

Are you seriously gonna tell me this is not refreshing option? some people just not realize how clueless they are.

And again, if Suikoden ever given similar shot to prove fan enthusiasm I'm so all over it.


Guys i think we all know what the real important questions are.

Will there be forklifts?

Will there be Bikers?

Will there be Warehouse No. 8s?

These are all important questions.
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