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Sony May Have PS5 Marketing Rights for Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora


Gold Member

Franchises like FIFA and Call of Duty may not be exclusive to PlayStation consoles, but the platform holder markets them as if they are. And as part of a corporate strategy webcast, it’s flagged Ubisoft’s upcoming open world Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora as a potentially partnered game.

While it didn’t clarify, Sony CEO Kenichiro Yoshida said that it values its relationships with third-party publishers, and flashed up a list of logos on screen.
The inclusion of Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora suggests that PlayStation has signed a deal with the release.



also more gta5 , along with deathloop which means more deathloop trailers at playstation events
FIFA deal is also interesting

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
The game is probably going to be pretty similar to Horizon honestly. Similar color pallette. Similar open world design probably. Similar weapons. Similar juxtaposition of tech and nature. I don't think it'll look as good as Horizon, but I guess we'll see.


Flashless at the Golden Globes
The game is probably going to be pretty similar to Horizon honestly. Similar color pallette. Similar open world design probably. Similar weapons. Similar juxtaposition of tech and nature. I don't think it'll look as good as Horizon, but I guess we'll see.
At the very least, it will be very dynamic thanks to all these next gen enhancements like A.I, destruction and much faster flying speeds.


Much of Frontiers of Pandora's reveal trailer takes place with Na'vi heroes riding their Banshee companions. As it turns out, this isn't just for show – the game will let you take to the skies and travel across them at high speed, and only new hardware allowed the team to couple that mechanic with the detailed world it wanted to present.

"[New consoles allowed] us to have much better object detail up close to you," explains Stefanove, "but also when you're flying high up in the air – to have a lovely vista and far-distance rendering, where we can even use the ray tracing to do shadows super far away, you know, three or four kilometers away from you."

It's not just that the world needs to look good as you lazily soar over it – it's that it needs to stay looking good while you travel very, very quickly, as Jansén explains: "You're flying at enormous high speeds on a Banshee over this very, very detailed landscape. It doesn't matter how much we can render, unless we can stream it in as fast when we're moving very fast from one place to another. So just this shift to these newer hard drives, it can't be underestimated because, and it really has a lot of implications."

Map Design​

One of the less visible benefits of new hardware is in changing not just how the open world looks, but how it's pieced together. Because of more limited tech, older open world games needed to balance detail with density, which can lead to large areas of relative nothingness between major points of interest (I'm looking at you Assassin's Creed: Odyssey). It seems that new-gen tech will allow Frontiers of Pandora to be built a little more organically:

"It's not just the old 'I'm taking this slow walk as I enter into the place because we have to stream everything in'," explains Jansén of the benefits to his maps, "it's little subtle things that people don't think about, which is how close together are all the places in the world. If you look at, with the old hard drives, they had to be spaced out very far [apart], because you had to stream out the old and stream in the new, so it just created a formulaic world. So, there's a ton of stuff like that."

Enemy and Creature AI​

It's not just graphical power helping Massive's designers – processing power will help them try new things, too, particularly when it comes to NPCs.

"Technology is everything," says Jansén, "it's what allows us to realize our dreams as designers. It's what allows us to tell our stories, and to create the immersion and the escapism that we want. It's not just about escapism, it's about danger as well, because Pandora is a beautiful place, but it's also a dangerous place. So, the wildlife, the AI, the way that they track you, the way that they attack you, the advances in technology and the way that we are taking advantage of the power with our in-house Snowdrop engine is allowing us [to] do amazing things that would not be possible [otherwise]."

Stefanov steps in to show us exactly what that can mean: "I can give you a specific example of something that you see in the trailer that has to do with the AI systems. For the big creatures, whenever they are calm, they would obviously walk around trees and things like that. But when they are fleeing, or attacking you, or whatever, they will just go straight through the bamboo and other vegetation and just completely destroy it. I think it's really cool to be able to see all of these effects that the NPCs have on the environment, as well as you having an effect on the environment too."


While this does fall somewhat under the "it looks nice" bracket of technical improvements, Massive is adamant that improving some of the more complex visuals will help players get into the idea that they're on the Pandora of James Cameron's original movie, not just another game world.

"It's a first-person game," says Jansén. "It's, to me, the most immersive way of playing. So we're really going all-in on that vision of, 'Remember the movie, remember you wanted to go to Pandora.' Now you can go to Pandora and, to do that, we needed to have the best simulation of weather, rain, animals, and the best rendering, because the more technically excellent it is, the more capable it is of taking you from where you are and into the world of Pandora."

Stefanov gives some examples of what that can mean to the game: "In terms of a new generation of consoles, the improved [hardware] just gives us so much opportunity to make sure that the game's as immersive as possible. So a couple of examples, we have a completely new lighting system that is based on ray tracing, and I think it is a dramatic step up in quality that makes you feel like it's a real place. One tiny example is that it can actually handle the translucency of the leaves [...] so it can figure out how much of the light is reflected through the leaves, how tinted it is with the colors and everything else. You get lovely reflections and sights for the water, even down to the volumetric clouds up in the sky – they actually receive the correct lighting as well."

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
At the very least, it will be very dynamic thanks to all these next gen enhancements like A.I, destruction and much faster flying speeds.


Map Design​

Enemy and Creature AI​


I'm intrigued! Might be awesome. I might even get it since I skipped Horizon 2. Don't have open world fatigue at the moment. Been playing a lot of other genres.


always chasing the next thrill
? It's literally the best looking game shown on ANY platform as of now.

Even if it gets a classic Ubisoft downgrade, it will still look better than any game out there right now.



If by some miracle Avatar doesnt get delayed to 2023, this might be the only next gen only game releasing on the PS5 this year.
see that big fat ubiturd logo in the bottom right?
why on earth should anyone give a fuck about this.



? It's literally the best looking game shown on ANY platform as of now.

Even if it gets a classic Ubisoft downgrade, it will still look better than any game out there right now.



If by some miracle Avatar doesnt get delayed to 2023, this might be the only next gen only game releasing on the PS5 this year.

It's a Ubisoft game. And cap on the graphics(and I don't care about that neither).
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Will this be one of the first movie tie-in games in a long that will be actually good?

I miss the 90s, where those were still among the best AAA games you could find. I think the last one I remember being really good was the Raimi trilogys Spider-Man games.
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Flashless at the Golden Globes
see that big fat ubiturd logo in the bottom right?
why on earth should anyone give a fuck about this.

Thats CG. This trailer was inengine.

Besides, it's not about the graphics. It's a true next gen game using the CPU, SSD and graphics for gameplay improvements and simulations in ways no other game has done so far. Read the interview i posted above.


always chasing the next thrill
Thats CG. This trailer was inengine.

Besides, it's not about the graphics. It's a true next gen game using the CPU, SSD and graphics for gameplay improvements and simulations in ways no other game has done so far. Read the interview i posted above.
dude ubisoft is not able to create anything original it's the most boring drab mediocre not bad 6-7 cookie cutter shit i have ever played. I rather legit play a bad game and have a laugh then an ubisoft game.


I don't really care about Avatar universe but I'm still looking forward to see how current gen open world game looks and plays.


? It's literally the best looking game shown on ANY platform as of now.

Even if it gets a classic Ubisoft downgrade, it will still look better than any game out there right now.



If by some miracle Avatar doesnt get delayed to 2023, this might be the only next gen only game releasing on the PS5 this year.

None of that is gameplay...


Flashless at the Golden Globes
dude ubisoft is not able to create anything original it's the most boring drab mediocre not bad 6-7 cookie cutter shit i have ever played. I rather legit play a bad game and have a laugh then an ubisoft game.
meh. visually it looks stunning. it's made by a decent enough team. it sounds good on paper. It's ok if you dont think ubisoft has the track record to pull this off but im still hopeful based on what they have shown so far if not for the fact that no one else has shown or said anything even remotely close to what they are trying to do here. In that sense, they ARE unique because everyone else busy making last gen games.


Neo Member
The thing that intrigues me most about this?
Seeing FIFA there.

Not FIFA23, or Ea Sports FIFA, just FIFA.
Whilst nearby is NBA2K. Which company will be using the FIFA brand now? Hmm.
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Moderated wildly
Thats CG. This trailer was inengine.

Besides, it's not about the graphics. It's a true next gen game using the CPU, SSD and graphics for gameplay improvements and simulations in ways no other game has done so far. Read the interview i posted above.

Is this the same ubisoft that had watchdogs in engine....oh and devision......


Flashless at the Golden Globes
Is this the same ubisoft that had watchdogs in engine....oh and devision......
Like I said, even if they downgrade the shit out it, it will look better than any game released or shown so far. No one else is even trying to do what they are doing here.


always chasing the next thrill
Like I said, even if they downgrade the shit out it, it will look better than any game released or shown so far. No one else is even trying to do what they are doing here.
i assume you played horizon forbidden west on the ps5?


Flashless at the Golden Globes
i assume you played horizon forbidden west on the ps5?
Yep. I have and I had this to say about it the other day.

I think Horizon looks more visually spectacular at times. it's a very schizo game. Some areas look stunning, some dont. Game looks close to next gen in fidelity mode, looks like a ps3 game in performance mode. But a cross gen game should not even come close to a next gen game like ratchet in theory. The fact that it surpasses Ratchet in some aspects is equal parts impressive and depressing because its clear even Insomniac isnt pushing the PS5 to its limits.

Still whats here from HFW, Demon Souls and Ratchet is still better than 99% of the games released so far this gen with Flight Sim being the only exception. Likely because its the only next gen only game MS has shipped so far.



It's the best looking game on consoles right now, but Avatar clearly looks better and is pushing CPU, SSD and GPUs in ways Horizon FW just couldnt due to its cross gen limitations.


? It's literally the best looking game shown on ANY platform as of now.

Even if it gets a classic Ubisoft downgrade, it will still look better than any game out there right now.



If by some miracle Avatar doesnt get delayed to 2023, this might be the only next gen only game releasing on the PS5 this year.

I didn't even realize this was due out for 2022. Also, are these running in real time? Specifically the flying sequence?


Those deals are are waste of money anyways, but especially if you can't even buy the fucking consoles.


Flashless at the Golden Globes
I didn't even realize this was due out for 2022. Also, are these running in real time? Specifically the flying sequence?
It's inengine so its likely not realtime. But they have confirmed realtime ray traced GI, reflections and shadows. There is no other way to light the game. It's ray tracing only. They will use software ray tracing on older GPUs. So worst case scenario it only gets downgraded on non-RT cards, and even if it does get downgraded they will still be using ray tracing GI so it will still look somewhat closer to what we saw in the pre-rendered inengine trailer. Not a complete renderer change like we saw in Watch Dogs and Witcher 3.

There is more detail here about how they improved the snowdrop engine. Lots of new enhancements that sound like nanite and lumens.

And lets face it, it will get delayed to 2023 like every single previously announced 2022 game. Starfield, Suicide Squad, Pragmata have all been delayed. This is next.
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