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Sony patents Depth Camera within a controller


Cores, shaders and BIOS oh my!
Nope, it's not. Yes I have a DS4. I don't want to use it with one hand and I don't want the game to require switching grip styles between one moment and the next. That'd be a fail imo. And if it's minor movements like you suggest, then why hold it with one hand to begin with? Juse use both. Which would make the gesture even less realistic if it's meant to be like replacing a hand in 3D space. Meh. Now if they make their standard controller detachable/separate like 2x joycons or, again, like 2 redesigned moves with all the expected inputs and a more convenient form, that's a different thing and I'd be all for it, Wii was a winner, make a next gen version and be VR capable out of the box too as a bonus.
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Nope, it's not. Yes I have a DS4. I don't want to use it with one hand and I don't want the game to require switching grip styles between one moment and the next. That'd be a fail imo. And if it's minor movements like you suggest, then why hold it with one hand to begin with? Juse use both. Which would make the gesture even less realistic if it's meant to be like replacing a hand in 3D space. Meh. Now if they make their standard controller detachable/separate like 2x joycons or, again, like 2 redesigned moves with all the expected inputs and a more convenient form, that's a different thing and I'd be all for it, Wii was a winner, make a next gen version and be VR capable out of the box too as a bonus.

Yep it's in your head , why would it be so difficult for you to let go of one hand & move the controller into 3D space? this is stuff that you do naturally.


News flash:


If Sony chases VR at the expense of system power and MS fully chases system power, the next gen landscape will be pretty interesting.


If Sony chases VR at the expense of system power and MS fully chases system power, the next gen landscape will be pretty interesting.
The good thing about that is to chase vr you must also chase power as it takes far more power to render *next gen * vr games than it does regular vr games


Nope, it's not.

I'm pretty sure that the difference between having a one handed controller & letting one hand off of a 2 handed controller is mostly in your head lol.

Let one side go & boom you're holding a one handed controller.


Cores, shaders and BIOS oh my!
Except it's not. These controllers are made for 2 hands, any controller made for one hand is different.

Sure, we can go to the days people played Resident Evil Gun Survivor with the dualshock in one hand and a guncon on the other, everyone loved that, right? Oh wait...
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Except it's not. These controllers are made for 2 hands, any controller made for one hand is different.

Sure, we can go to the days people played Resident Evil Gun Survivor with the dualshock in one hand and a guncon on the other, everyone loved that, right? Oh wait...

Pick up your DS4 right now with one hand it actually feel better than holding the PS Move , it's only in your head that it shouldn't be used this way.

DS4 is designed in a way that it can be held with one hand like a Move controller

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Cores, shaders and BIOS oh my!
I don't see it, it's a 2h controller. If they want motion controls of this sort rather than just tilting and what not with both hands they should make the default controller detached a la joycons or Oculus Touch.
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I don't see it, it's a 2h controller. If they want motion controls of this sort rather than just tilting and what not with both hands they should make the default controller detached a la joycons or Oculus Touch.

Well I'm forced to believe that you lack vision .


Cores, shaders and BIOS oh my!
Sure, I guess we'll see how often you'll be swinging your DS5 around with one hand soon enough.


This reads like those “INTERNET HAS NO FUTURE” quotes from the mid 90s
People actually wanted the internet, though, that's the thing. Internet use went up by anywhere from 30 to 100 million users a year from its inception. VR sales are going down.
Otherwise, awesome analogy bruh.
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People actually wanted the internet, though, that's the thing. Internet use went up by anywhere from 30 to 100 million users a year from its inception. VR sales are going down.
Otherwise, awesome analogy bruh.

Nah, 99% didnt even know what it was. Where is that 30-100 million quote from? Try finding growth rate from 3-30 million....where VR is at.
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Only impressive is the way you skew numbers. 1995 is not a year from its inception.
""TCP/IP network access expanded again in 1986 when the National Science Foundation Network (NSFNet) provided access to supercomputer sites in the United States for researchers, first at speeds of 56 kbit/s and later at 1.5 Mbit/s and 45 Mbit/s.[28] Commercial Internet service providers (ISPs) emerged in the late 1980s and early 1990s. The ARPANET was decommissioned in 1990. By 1995, the Internet was fully commercialized in the U.S. when the NSFNet was decommissioned, removing the last restrictions on use of the Internet to carry commercial traffic.[ "

Whatev, man. You can try to parse it anyway you want. The internet took off like fire once everyone had access to it and they removed the restrictions in place. VR is going the opposite direction. Apologists for it can make all the excuses they want, but sales say otherwise. The fact that you're even trying to support the busted analogy between the popularity (or lack thereof) of VR and internet use is amazing.


You can have a 200 page thread on pixel counting on GAF. That doesn't mean shit. Again, I ask: why are sales going down?
Price? Still in its infancy and not too consumer friendly? Let's see how it fares when it's wireless, lighter, smaller and costs less. They can't just give up now. All this counts as experience.

Besides, price alone is a big factor. When price dropped a lot during black Friday a lot of PSVRs sold. So that's an indicator.
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Price? Still in its infancy and not too consumer friendly? Let's see how it fares when it's wireless, lighter, smaller and costs less. They can't just give up now. All this counts as experience.

Besides, price alone is a big factor. When price dropped a lot during black Friday a lot of PSVRs sold. So that's an indicator.

I agree price is a huge barrier, which is why I don't think it's wise for Sony to tie a popular product like the Playstation to a yet to be popular tech like VR. Adding costs to the PS5 for something that may or may not take off is a stupid, needless risk for Sony take imo. All of these enhancements you speak of (lighter, less wires, etc) are all going to incur costs that don't seem to justify the existence of the product, at least to me.


I agree price is a huge barrier, which is why I don't think it's wise for Sony to tie a popular product like the Playstation to a yet to be popular tech like VR. Adding costs to the PS5 for something that may or may not take off is a stupid, needless risk for Sony take imo. All of these enhancements you speak of (lighter, less wires, etc) are all going to incur costs that don't seem to justify the existence of the product, at least to me.
Well I hope they're smart enough to know not to add unnecessary VR costs to the console. So they're not enforced on anyone and keep them as extra peripherals.


""TCP/IP network access expanded again in 1986 when the National Science Foundation Network (NSFNet) provided access to supercomputer sites in the United States for researchers, first at speeds of 56 kbit/s and later at 1.5 Mbit/s and 45 Mbit/s.[28] Commercial Internet service providers (ISPs) emerged in the late 1980s and early 1990s. The ARPANET was decommissioned in 1990. By 1995, the Internet was fully commercialized in the U.S. when the NSFNet was decommissioned, removing the last restrictions on use of the Internet to carry commercial traffic.[ "

Whatev, man. You can try to parse it anyway you want. The internet took off like fire once everyone had access to it and they removed the restrictions in place. VR is going the opposite direction. Apologists for it can make all the excuses they want, but sales say otherwise. The fact that you're even trying to support the busted analogy between the popularity (or lack thereof) of VR and internet use is amazing.

You just made my point. VR tech today is like internet tech in 1991. You need to change focal length of whatever eyes your seeing through. Internet ala 1995 is like, wireless lightweight VR with eyetracking/foveated rendering at a price people can afford.

Internet today is like all the above, approaching photorealistic graphics/animation with simulation for almost all other sensory input. You lack vision man :)

People with mindset like yours is what holding innovation back. Just wants the same thing over and over again. Nostalgic people I guess.
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Well I hope they're smart enough to know not to add unnecessary VR costs to the console. So they're not enforced on anyone and keep them as extra peripherals.

Whats necessary is subjective. For me the blu ray drive and large hdd is not necessary, so therefore I hope they are smart enough to not include that. Sigh. It doesnt work quite like that.
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You just made my point. VR tech today is like internet tech in 1991. You need to change focal length of whatever eyes your seeing through. Internet ala 1995 is like, wireless lightweight VR with eyetracking/foveated rendering.

Internet today is like all the above, approaching photorealistic graphics/animation with simulation for almost all other sensory input. You lack vision man :)

People with mindset like yours is what holding innovation back. Just wants the same thing over and over again. Nostalgic people I guess.
The point and argument wasn’t about the tech, it was whether people wanted it or not. The internet had restrictions placed on it for commercial use that ended in 1995 and it blew up. VR has no governmental restrictions placed on it and there is nowhere near the interest there was in the internet. The two are nowhere near similar on any level.


People with mindset like yours is what holding innovation back. Just wants the same thing over and over again. Nostalgic people I guess.[/QUOTE]
I don’t want to prevent arm flailers like yourself from having a good time, I just don’t want that shit to be a central control method for the next PlayStation. If it’s merely an option sold as an accessory, I’m fine — buy one and flail away, brother.


The point and argument wasn’t about the tech, it was whether people wanted it or not. The internet had restrictions placed on it for commercial use that ended in 1995 and it blew up. VR has no governmental restrictions placed on it and there is nowhere near the interest there was in the internet. The two are nowhere near similar on any level.

Of course its about tech. You may be too young too remember, but just because the "internet" is the implementation we know today, it was not always that way. Internet is only really an advanced network. There were other networks fully available for commercial use long before that. The difference is technological advancements in software/hardware. Thats the driving force behind wider adoption and further innovation/expansion. You seem to live under the illusion that things just magically appears and people wants it or not.
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Whats necessary is subjective. For me the blu ray drive and large hdd is not necessary, so therefore I hope they are smart enough to not include that. Sigh. It doesnt work quite like that.
The Blu-ray drive and hdd are essentials to play games. You can't compare that to VR, that's an extra.


Say that to the tens of millions who buy both digital and physical to play games.

Aaah I see. Thought you knew what subjective means. What I ment by that is, that what you deem necessary is not the same as what I would.

As a response, try saying VR dont need to be built in to the millions of PSVR owners. This is always a balance act, where Sony has to make those decisions based on the market today vs future market opportunities and direction.
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Aaah I see. Thought you knew what subjective means.

As a response, try saying VR dont need to be built in to the millions of PSVR owners.
Dude.... Almost 90 million PS4s out there. Say half uses physical and half digital. So that's 45 million each. Both are essentials, vital ways to play your games. You cannot play your games any other way.

PSVR is not one of them. It is not required to play games. It's an extra. And there are hardly 3-4 million who have them, no?

Not the same.
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Dude.... Almost 90 million PS4s out there. Say half uses physical and half digital. So that's 45 million each. Both are essentials, vital ways to play your games. You cannot play your games any other way.

PSVR is not one of them. It is not required to play games. It's an extra. And there are hardly 3-4 million who have them, no?

Not the same.

As a response, try saying VR dont need to be built in to the millions of PSVR owners. This is always a balance act, where Sony has to make those decisions based on the market today vs future market opportunities and direction.

PSVR is required to play PSVR games, is it not? They also classify as games last I checked. Its impossible to create new opportunities with your mindset.
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Sure, I guess we'll see how often you'll be swinging your DS5 around with one hand soon enough.

And just like that you prove that you're just talking & not taking anything in

OK but what I was saying still apply for the standard controller vs PS Move , Give us position tracking that's good enough to just be natural, You wouldn't be swinging the controller around so all you would have to do is let go of one side of the controller to use it as a PS move.

The difference is basically in your head once you look away from the controller , have you held a DS4 with one hand? I think you somehow got it in your mind that I'm talking about swinging the controller all around or something . I'm talking about bringing these controls into normal games , that's the point of having it in the standard controller .


Gold Member
Honestly, if it's done well I think a depth camera in the controller is a great idea.

If they keep the DS4 design and just use this camera to replace the touchpad then, meh, nothing lost and little gained.

But, if they drop the right thumbstick and use the camera to create a large, low-latency, high-accuracy touch surface where it used to be, things could get very interesting...

...for shooters anyway. Would suck for fighting games except maybe Soul Calibur. You'd also have to migrate the face buttons to the grips or else to paddles, and that seems like far too much change at once for most gamers' tastes. If it ain't broke...


Cores, shaders and BIOS oh my!
And just like that you prove that you're just talking & not taking anything in
So if you're only gonna be doing minor movements why even change your grip and use it with one hand rather than keep using it with both? Like I said, tilting and such a la sideways Wiimote for Mario or for a Lair-but-good style game or a racing game or fine tuning your aim in an FPS with gyro controls is fine, anything else however no thanks with a 2h controller.


So if you're only gonna be doing minor movements why even change your grip and use it with one hand rather than keep using it with both? Like I said, tilting and such a la sideways Wiimote for Mario or for a Lair-but-good style game or a racing game or fine tuning your aim in an FPS with gyro controls is fine, anything else however no thanks with a 2h controller.

SMH , it's a 3D mouse , you can reach into the virtual world & move stuff.
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