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Sony: We’re committed to big, spectacular experiences with story and characters at the core


i don't know about you guys but as i get older, i simply can't even bother with a game that doesn't tell a good story with good characters

it’s true for me as well. I do also enjoy a solid online experience which is like virtual sports to me, a match.

Outside of that, in single player I need not just great gameplay, but a cohesive tale be told with solid character building I can sink my teeth into.

Every time I play an open world game I feel like I’m wasting time. No matter how great the main quest can be, it gets lost in the clutter of meaningless side quests, fetch quests and busy work.

Sony needs to focus on linear experiences and not be tempted in creating re-playability. The last 2 Tomb Raider games were abysmal not following what made 2013 so special.
So...... They just admitted to making interactive movies.
"Video" "Games".


Technically, all games are interactive movies. The only question is if the plot is predetermined or choose your own adventure. Now Third Party focus on Choose Your Own adventure, because it is cheaper to let the player make their own fun. Sony is just filling a gap in the market.
I don't like that this has become the PlayStation identity. I prefer old skool Sony with lot's of variety and colourful video gamy video games.

I'm with 'ya on that. Seems Nintendo's the only one doing that nowadays (as far as the Big 3 are concerned). Don't really care too much for super-epic cinematic games because often the stories just aren't very good compared to actual movies in the similar genre. And then the gameplay & game mechanics don't feel unique enough to overcome that imo.

But hey, this approach's what has helped PS become the sales leader it is today, so I guess there's an audience for it, clearly. Just not myself, necessarily.

Matthewmatosis made an excellent point that's sort of about this on the new God of War, where you have so many elevator segments to mask loading times that are essentially a moronic decision since GOW won't be locked to the PS4 and newer consoles are going to have faster loading times, so you'll just be sitting on your ass doing nothing for no reason. You build your game to mask a hardware weakness, but you do so at the cost of lessening the experience.

Matthewmatosis rose from the dead? Time to bookmark and watch this good stuff ;)
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I don't like that this has become the PlayStation identity. I prefer old skool Sony with lot's of variety and colourful video gamy video games.
The job of a platform holder is to make games that third party developers are not making, in order to make the overall offering well rounded.

Nintendo make a little of everything, because they had to fill gaps everywhere. Sony is focusing on single player because third party is already saturated with GaaS and multiplayer games. Both are doing the right thing by their console platform.
Me too...

But I think when I was a kid I only started to really care about video games because of games like Metal Gear Solid and Final Fatasy VII.

I had a Mega Drive (Genesis) and a SNES and I didn't care much about it, but on PS1, the presentation, the characters and plot made me fell in love with games.

I think that's the reason that after the Wii I never cared to try Nintendo games. These days if the game doesn't have an interesting setting(story, characters...) or doesn't have a good online portion, I simply don't care about it.

Sony mostly does exactly the types of games I want.

That's interesting because for me it's kinda been the opposite. Granted, I got into 16-bit gaming pretty much as 5th gen was going on, since that's when I was old enough to really have a console, and while I have gravitated to heavy story-driven games for a while, I'm more into shorter, gameplay-focused stuff these days primarily due to lack of time thanks to work.

A lot of story-driven games just feel like they take too long to start up and pad portions out with filler that is only fun in the sense that you know (or hope) it leads to a payoff rather than having a payoff right at the moment you're playing it. I understand that kind of game design and can appreciate it, but if I had to choose, thanks to my schedule I just prefer games where the focus is more on game mechanics and gameplay.

Oddly enough I think games like REmake and RE2 remake hit the balance between focusing on story/atmosphere, length, and game mechanics that reward skill level/mastery very well. The former is particularly interesting because that was almost two decades ago, yet they still managed to get it just right. You can still engross yourself with the story, the setting and the characters but not feel the game is denying you chances to push things at your own pace or skill level just to create a setting for its story. At the same time, that same pace is a reward for increasing your skill level with the game mechanics and strategies formed with them, in learning the game through playing it, which IMHO is how it should be. And very little if anything feels like it's there simply to pad out the play time.

If more modern cinematic games were like that, I'd be inclined to preferring them a lot more, but that isn't the case. And I think the reason stuff like REmake did it so well is because of Capcom's heritage as an arcade developer, which you can still see to this day. That's them coming from an environment where every moment of your game needed to be interesting or you'd lose a customer's attention. Consoles would give them some breathing room on those design ideas obviously, but at least with games like the old RE games and remakes, they still use it as their foundation.


The nicest person on this forum
No doubt. That’s what you’re known for and that’s what I like about you the most. Never change
Actually like them invest more on first party Japanese games, thats my biggest reason why I liked Playstation.


well, gameplay sure isn't at the core that's for sure

I mean, a lot of people seem to like shallow gamedesign and gameplay as long as they get setpieces and them graphix (at 30fps of course, usually also above average input lag)
Matthewmatosis made an excellent point that's sort of about this on the new God of War, where you have so many elevator segments to mask loading times that are essentially a moronic decision since GOW won't be locked to the PS4 and newer consoles are going to have faster loading times, so you'll just be sitting on your ass doing nothing for no reason. You build your game to mask a hardware weakness, but you do so at the cost of lessening the experience.

Maybe they thought their strict adherence to GOW being "one take" would make it age well.

I'm guessing there was sunk-cost fallacy involved with that commitment: "We've already put so much work into these parts, we can't give up now!".

Some parts were mighty impressive due to the one take, in other cases they were dragged down. Judicious usage would have been great.
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Maybe they thought their strict adherence to GOW being "one take" would make it age well.

I'm guessing there was sunk-cost fallacy involved with that commitment: "We've already put so much work into these parts, we can't give up now!".

Yeah, I can see that. So much of the game was sacrificed for that gimmick. While yeah, it was nice and the overall package was IMO still amazing, I think it would have been a much better experience without the continuous camera.


Keep them coming...

even with backlog, finished Spiderman 3 times already. Second Play through of Days Gone and Horizon underway. ..
Yeah, I can see that. So much of the game was sacrificed for that gimmick. While yeah, it was nice and the overall package was IMO still amazing, I think it would have been a much better experience without the continuous camera.

GOW is probably a good example of the cinematic aspects getting in the way a bit too much.

The forced-walking segments wouldn't even let you turn around to look behind, I assume it was due to technical limitations.

The other negative that really stuck out to me is that one particular Ogre reskin...and I suppose the boss fights outside of Valkyries were a step down from past titles. For reference I think Hades in GOW3 was one of their best boss fights in the main series (didn't play the PSP games).

Still, would love to see what they'll come up with after its success since I remember reading that GOW was sort of a last ditch effort and there's PS5 to remove the limiters a bit more.
Matthewmatosis made an excellent point that's sort of about this on the new God of War, where you have so many elevator segments to mask loading times that are essentially a moronic decision since GOW won't be locked to the PS4 and newer consoles are going to have faster loading times, so you'll just be sitting on your ass doing nothing for no reason. You build your game to mask a hardware weakness, but you do so at the cost of lessening the experience.
Yes, the game was horrible and completely broken because of this - DAMN SONY!

Seriously, what do you design a game if not around some specific hardware target? the game was made to run on a base PS4 at 1080p 30FPS with whatever bandwidth could be guaranteed by the hard drive it comes bundled with. I'm fairly sure that if they designed for NvME equipped PC two years ago (very few people had them back then) this would have impacted the experience much more negatively for their existing customers for some potential benefits on hardware that will probably be released 4 years down the road. That sounds like a great idea, I wish you were in charge! (y)
That's interesting because for me it's kinda been the opposite. Granted, I got into 16-bit gaming pretty much as 5th gen was going on, since that's when I was old enough to really have a console, and while I have gravitated to heavy story-driven games for a while, I'm more into shorter, gameplay-focused stuff these days primarily due to lack of time thanks to work.

A lot of story-driven games just feel like they take too long to start up and pad portions out with filler that is only fun in the sense that you know (or hope) it leads to a payoff rather than having a payoff right at the moment you're playing it. I understand that kind of game design and can appreciate it, but if I had to choose, thanks to my schedule I just prefer games where the focus is more on game mechanics and gameplay.
I get you, it takes me a month or two to complete a 15 - 20 hours game :-/ (it took me all summer to finish Doom 2016!).

As for story driven games feeling too long, it's especially the case with Uncharted 4 (the first few hours are really boring and I can't replay it because of this), and all open world games with their pointless side quests.

Yeah, so I tend to go to older arcadey titles that are enjoyable because they handle really well.
Yes, the game was horrible and completely broken because of this - DAMN SONY!

Seriously, what do you design a game if not around some specific hardware target? the game was made to run on a base PS4 at 1080p 30FPS with whatever bandwidth could be guaranteed by the hard drive it comes bundled with. I'm fairly sure that if they designed for NvME equipped PC two years ago (very few people had them back then) this would have impacted the experience much more negatively for their existing customers for some potential benefits on hardware that will probably be released 4 years down the road. That sounds like a great idea, I wish you were in charge! (y)

You missed the point, you should watch the video I mentioned if you want to understand it. I get they had to work with some limitations, but the choice for having no cuts on the camera wasn't great. The endless walking and elevator segments are atrocious, there are literal arrows around your characters because you can't see shit that isn't immediately on your face and there's an over exaggerated aim assist bullshit that literally teleports you close to an opponent because the camera makes it impossible to properly judge distance.

And still had a blast and thought it was a really good experience. It ultimately falls short of greatness for some frustrating reasons.

GOW is probably a good example of the cinematic aspects getting in the way a bit too much.

Agreed 100%. It makes the game impressive when you just finish it, but it makes you never want to play it again. Immediately after I finished I thought it was a masterpiece, yet as time goes on I find myself think less and less about it and I don't remember much of anything at all. I respect the direction they're going, I just don't fully agree with it.

And your point about the boss battles is spot on. The valkyries are engaging and fun, the last one is even legit challenging. The rest are bad, the final battle is especially inconsequential. I hope Santa Monica ups their game for the sequel.


Those are only games im playing this gen and will play next gen. Nothing else. And i need them like every 3 month or so.


Good. Keep doing what you excel at and keep pushing the envelope.

The naysayers and haters will never be happy, don't try and please them, they are in the minority anyway.
The naysayers are like a fart in the wind.

This is exactly why Sony is successful why people love PlayStation.
Those naysayers are basically gamings equivalent of boomers, who rather stay nostalgic and have their games underperform compared to the games that get with the times..

Would definitely be a win for the industry if games would be comparable to Shenmue III.
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Gold Member
I miss the crazy days of the PS1 and ps2 era... Before gaming was so desperately trying to copy Hollywood. Even trailers are like movie trailers nowadays.
I miss the wacky crazy game trailers and adverts of old days.

.... I'll go shout at a cloud somewhere else.

You're not the only one. I can barely recognize Sony from what it has become.

I miss when video games were considered toys. Maybe that explains why they used to be so full imagination and fun.
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You're not the only one. I can barely recognize what Sony from what it has become.

I miss when video games were considered toys. Maybe that explains why they used to be so full imagination and fun.
That's where Nintendo comes into play and why they have a place alongside PlayStation.


Gold Member
That's where Nintendo comes into play and why they have a place alongside PlayStation.

There used to be a time when Sony competed with very creative IPs giving Nintendo a run for their money. Now, their output is just different shades of grey.

Besides, are you honestly, trying to tell me that Nintendo's tired recycling of old IPs qualifies as "imaginative"? Even they have succumb to mundanity. Granted, they're the one that legitimately offer the most value for their current console, but still.

I'm overall struggling to see value in what the big 3 are offering.
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There used to be a time when Sony competed with very creative IPs giving Nintendo a run for their money. Now, their output is just different shades of grey.

Besides, are you honestly, trying to tell me that Nintendo's tired recycling of old IPs qualifies as "imaginative"? Even they have succumb to mundanity. Granted, they're the one that legitimately offer the most value for their current console, but still.

I'm overall struggling to see value in what the big 3 are offering.
Times change and everything you've said is subjective.
You're missing out and feeling letdown because you hang on to the past.


Gold Member
Times change and everything you've said is subjective.
You're missing out and feeling letdown because you hang on to the past.

With all due respect, you can tell yourself whatever you'd like, but nostalgia isn't the counter argument you should pick. I barely feel like I'm missing out. With the exception of maybe a handful of titles, I don't see a legitimate reason to buy into this generation. It just isn't worth it. Generally, spectating this generation from the sidelines I've noticed its generated the most divisiveness among the gaming community so far.

If you enjoy the current output then that's great.
I don't see how you can say this is a bad thing.

In an industry that is almost entirely moving away from story-driven singleplayer experiences to always online live service games with little to no story focus, it's great that Sony is still investing in strong SP experiences and proving that these games can still be successful. Weren't people pissed off at EA for saying that their customers no longer want SP games and so they will just be making MP focused games?

I think on Sony's part it is a great business move as well. They are capitalising on the part of the market that 3rd parties are entirely abandoning. The open world/play with friends gameplay loop experiences will be provided in droves by 3rd parties, but Sony can also bring in the crowd that still want to just sit down and enjoy a good narrative driven SP game. The fact that in this day and age we are getting an incredible looking SP game like Ghosts of Tsushima from Sony rather than yet another microtransaction laden online shooter is what makes me support the Playstation brand.


With all due respect, you can tell yourself whatever you'd like, but nostalgia isn't the counter argument you should pick. I barely feel like I'm missing out. With the exception of maybe a handful of titles, I don't see a legitimate reason to buy into this generation. It just isn't worth it. Generally, spectating this generation from the sidelines I've noticed its generated the most divisiveness among the gaming community so far.

If you enjoy the current output then that's great.
I was speaking in general.


Besides, you talk about how it isn't like it used to be.
Sounds like nostalgia, one way or the other.
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Why not step up on the gameplay department as well, there's less and less commitments these days on evolving those samey gameplay template.

I guess only Japanese studios can I look forward to for the next gen, which also been less on the output.


Single player is why I still play video games. I don't want multiplayer or lootboxes or any of that crap.
Death Stranding was amazing (and actually did something good with online), re2, sekiro, all souls games, uncharted, last guardian, god of war, hl2, riddick, doom... and many sp games. This is what I want out of gaming. Sadly we get much less and less games like that each year


Gold Member
Quelle surprise.

I mean, good for them as it's quite clear those exclusives are now what makes PlayStation worthwhile, but after the sheer disappointment of Uncharted I just had to admit that that kind of game is usually not what I'm looking for. I can happily live without their exclusive first-party output, though it's undeniable that those games are spectacular and incredibly polished.
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