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Splatoon 2 Testfire Thread: This is a port...able game now


Yo, this game is fucking awesome! lol

I tried gyro controls again this time with a much higher sensitivity with both the Pro Controller and joycons and it's just not for me. I play much, much better with the Pro Controller with no gyro.

Dual Splats seem a little strong on all fronts. Fast rof, awesome grenade, dat dodging with B, and an amazing special.


I've been in 4/5 testfires so far and every single one in the first match i always instinctively hit x to jump

gonna be ages before I break of that habit.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
the sensitivity on the joycon felt fine for the gyro, but it was way too pronounced on the pro for me. It might be because I swing the pro around more.


Walruses, camels, bears, rabbits, tigers and badgers.
Darn, got kicked middle of the match. Was splating squids like crazy. :/

I have a weird controller-related issue I just noticed. During that hour of play on the pro controller, my pointer finger that I was using to push the right trigger started to hurt. I never had that problem on the WiiU Gamerpad during countless 3+ hour play sessions. I hope that will go away with time, because otherwise the pro feels great with Splatoon.


Neo Member
Took me about 3 games to get used to split joy-con motion config. After that performed normally. Tried using the grip as well. It becomes a bit harder. Split joy-con really is the way to go. Can't wait to play MK8D online


That was the last of the testfire hours I'll play and it was probably the best hour for me. New roller is fun, Tentamissiles is the best new special.

Honestly I... don't really like the Dualies that much, which surprises me. Remembering to make use of the dodge will take a lot of practice.


Well I just played a full hour in handheld mode and it. Was. Flawless. I tried 5GHz band before, but I didn't remove the 2.4 preset from the Switch and I guess it was just defaulting to it. Well, I deleted that preset and just left the 5 on. It works so well. Still keeping the dock wired via LAN just in case things go wrong just to spite me. :p

This will be dangerous when it comes out. Splatoon in bed, omg.


Walruses, camels, bears, rabbits, tigers and badgers.
Took me about 3 games to get used to split joy-con motion config. After that performed normally. Tried using the grip as well. It becomes a bit harder. Split joy-con really is the way to go. Can't wait to play MK8D online

I'm gonna try the split joy-cons next session, looking froward to see how it compares to the pro. Glad to hear it works well.


Got ok with the splatroller yesterday but began dominating today with splat duallies. Loving all unique aspects of this game. Haven't been so into an online shooter since Halo: Reach and will definately be purchasing this day 1 :)


It's going to be a longggggg wait till August.

I think that was the last testfire I could do. The rest are odd times for me. I'm going to miss this game. The experience was good, I had absolutely no lag. I did have one game disconnect, but that was one out of about 30 matches I played.

Split joy cons were great for me. This will be how I play. If I play with the joycons on he system then I have to take off motion. Moving the screen and having motion is really distracting. Great game. Can't wait for release.


Of the 2 stages the gym is the worst. Too much of the map is hard to reach for the other team. The result is all the action happening in pretty much one shared area only. I know all maps are more or less like that, but this map in particular is very centralized in terms of where all the action is guided.
Welp, that was awesome. Give me a roller with beacons and splashdown and a bucket as well and I'm set. Won't be awake for the last test fires so I deleted the demo. Bring on the full game.


You guys playing split joycons must have small ass hands. I tried doing that and it's super uncomfortable.

Pro Controller all day.


The game is gonna be great but something still doesn't feel right to me. The controls feel restricted compared to the wii u gamepad (which feels dumb to say) and I've used Procon, Joycon, and handheld mode and fiddled with the sensitivities so much...

Hoping it's just cuz I don't have any of my usual power ups. The gamepad, tho so phat, feels is the perfect grip for my big hands.

Also sad that burst bombs got re-nerfed after their spread got bumped up in one of Splatoon's final updates.


some captures I took. not the most exciting shots but fuck taking my thumb off the left stick during tense moments. also as a splattershot those were the spots on each respective map that I found myself hanging out around. both maps really grew on me once I learned where I wanted to post up most of the time. the outdoor one is more meh to good and I actually really like the gym one.







Whelp I actually performed pretty badly that time and even got some negative KDs, much to my shame. Still fun as always though :3

I'm starting to think squid assignment isn't random but is based, first off what weapon you selected but if multiple people choose the same weapon then it'll pick an 'unused' squid for you. I noticed it gave me the same guy with a hat twice in a row when I was the only roller and the same girl twice in a row when I was the only set of dualies (which surprised me :p )
Then again, random is random so it might just be complete coincidence :3


So does anyone else actually suck at this game because my impression from the screencaps here is that everyone is a 1337 pro gamer that wins 15-0 every time.

I think people need to move past the idea that victory is solely determined by painting or simply killing a bunch of things.

In Turf Wars, an extra thing to consider is WHEN you die: I could go like 10-0 or whatever, but if I choke during the last 20-30 seconds and the team gets wiped, the enemy can easily take over the whole map.

If I wanted to just kill things or get a high paint point, that's like whatever.

(high paint score in particular is kind of funny... I see people complain about losing despite having a high paint score, but it's like... did you actually control the map or were you just painting a bunch of shit that wasn't helping push your team to where it needed to go?)

When I hold the center, I'm more than willing to just hang back and keep the area painted than I am of getting my points or kills up since the only thing that really matters in the end is that we win and our chances of winning shoot up if I have the center secured and allow people just spawn on me comfortably without getting ambushed.

(you can reach key areas from the center... ideally, when you secure the first 75% of the map, your team can just push into enemy territory for spawn camp and then reliably get back into the action quickly since they have a man in the middle to jump to whenever they get splatted)


Why are people speculating August?

Splatoon 1 came out before June of its release year.

Because the current rumor is that ARMS is in June and also usually when a game is given a seasonal timeframe, more often than not it comes out near the end of the season.


Also, these servers were amazing. Smooth as butter and I didn't notice any lag whatsoever.

I'll gladly pay for Nintendo online if these are how their servers will be.


Of the 2 stages the gym is the worst. Too much of the map is hard to reach for the other team. The result is all the action happening in pretty much one shared area only. I know all maps are more or less like that, but this map in particular is very centralized in terms of where all the action is guided.

It's true that the map chokepoints across the bridge if you want to break into the enemy camp, but that middle zone is pretty big and there's at least three ingress points available. battles there can get nasty.

I'm very excited to see the Tower and Rainmaker versions of those maps, assuming those modes are returning of course.


Neo Member
Probably the last test for me as well, but wow, that was fun! Even though I really suck-- I played the first game a bit but never got into multiplayer much and haven't played in a loooong time. So sorry for anyone who's game I totally stunk up. ;) Didn't see too many Japanese names in any of the tests, but I definitely saw some players who were far and above better than the rest of us suckers. ;)

But a really good experience overall-- I played in portable mode with no real issues although the joycons did start to get my hands a bit. Hopefully by release I'll have a Pro... no significant networking issues-- seemed like at the beginning of each hour it was a bit dicey getting a room but the actual games were good. I never got disconnected and only noticed a few times that other players didn't finish. (I did have one game turn into 4v1 against me, but hey, I just went as crazy as possible flailing my way to a horrible loss)

I think I'll have to go back to the original just to get a bit better at the game overall...


So does anyone else actually suck at this game because my impression from the screencaps here is that everyone is a 1337 pro gamer that wins 15-0 every time.

I sucked ass for the first two testfires and I think I finally got my groove back with the third one

I was pretty middle-of-the-road in Splatoon 1 and I kinda feel the same way in Splatoon 2. I will say the Splat Dualies are extremely my jam and I think I do way better with them than any other weapon.

(also people want to show off, no harm in it)


Walruses, camels, bears, rabbits, tigers and badgers.
Why are people speculating August?

Splatoon 1 came out before June of its release year.


It would be a big miss to release Splatoon 2 after this year's summer vacation. I'm sure Nintendo is aware of that, and is aiming for a June-July release date.
To capitalize on paid online.

Eh, I figure they'll want to get the games out before they start charging to get people hooked and to make sure there's stuff to play... but we shall see. I'm turning in for now. We'll see if I drag my ass out of bed for the 7AM EST time. Or at least wake myself up I guess.

Playing in handheld, I've had to use the roller because stick aiming is not something I'm used to in this game, and gyroing with the screen and joycons attached was a nightmare (at least in bad).

I've played split, (which I greatly prefer in Zelda), attached and pro con. I think for splatoon I like pro con the best, whereas with Zelda it's the opposite. No idea why. Perhaps just what I'm used to from Skywards Sword and Twilight Princess, and Splatoon 1.


yeah me posting the one or two matches where i get 10-0 or 12-2 is also me not posting the matches where I go 5-2 or 4-3. lmao.


Three rounds down, personally, and at this point I feel like my impressions are about set for how things feel so far, nothing in this last go-around really changed my mind on anything.

- Splattershot is definitely still my overall favorite, most comfortable, and most successful kit, which I suppose doesn't surprise me much. Tenta Missiles are really nice for setups and forcing out encamped enemies, and has a lot of utility as a poor man's echolocator on people that are targeted by missiles.

- I'm sure it's still just a matter of practice but the new and improved roller still feels like total garbage to me. Weird inconsistent-feeling hitboxes, no real options if someone's on to you and with these two demo maps having somewhat open sight-lines it feels really easy to get chased down by splattershot burst bombs or dashing dualies. Splashdown is cool, but highly situational, moreso than any of the other specials I think.

- I haven't personally disconnected from a game once over my 3 hours and connections overall in terms of weird latency shenanigans definitely feel better than Splatoon 1. My connection is usually very stable but not the fastest in terms of raw upload/download speed so I feel pretty encouraged by this so far.

- If they ever make a gear kit that's like....Splattershot with curling bomb and Stingray, or a blaster with splat bomb and Tenta Missile, I'll be a happy camper.
Also, these servers were amazing. Smooth as butter and I didn't notice any lag whatsoever.

I'll gladly pay for Nintendo online if these are how their servers will be.

Splatoon has always had pretty amazing net code, given that it's tracking all the ink too. Glad to see they haven't goofed it up somehow.

I still feel pretty competent. Was generally getting the most inking done (and minusing 1000 from the winning team, generally placing first).

Not good enough to tip the balance to a win with any regularity though, so I guess I'm a bit rusty. The duallies are great. I'm loving the curling stone. Zig zagging that and then squiding behind it to get out of (or into) trouble is hella fun.
So are there going to be character customization options or how does that work in Splatoon?

You buy gear. Gear has so many slots. One slot is usually pre filled with a buff (movement speed, more stealth, faster ink refill stuff like that). The other slots get filled up with buffs, which unlock randomly. You can buy more slots with shells (earned playing splatfest, if I remember right).

Basically, there's a lot of luck involved in getting something which fits your play style (or that you really like the look of), but once you do, you can hold on to it.
So are there going to be character customization options or how does that work in Splatoon?


In the previous game, you could set gender, eye color, and skin tone. Now you can set hairstyle, too.

You could also equip different clothes w/ different stats. That's back + new cosmetic clothing options.

After three rounds of testfire, I'm starting to warm up to this game. I went from thinking this game is novel looking (but maybe not for me) to it's slowly pulling me toward purchase.

I had good connection, no drops and most matches was quick to start.

Edit: mobile posting of photo didn't work. 😒
Edit2: trying imgur image.
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