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SSB for 3DS & U - Tourney Mode, Youtube Replay DLC Stages and Mii Costumes (K. Rool)



"Is that all there is? No challenge... no resistance?"


So it's just the 2 64 stages and a bunch of costumes, then? That's not bad, but that was just a surprisingly large update for a couple of 15 year old stages and 9 costumes.

... They left character/stage data in there again, didn't they?


I haven't followed closely but I think Mii sword fighter received a few buffs las patch. Not many though

It's a good question but I don't know the answer. I suspect if there was then there'd be notes on the respective sections of smashboards though :3

Ah, okay. I love playing as the Mii Gunner (my Mii wearing a wizard costume & has a 3132 build), but I can't lay the smack down against the Shiek's & Falco's online.


Fantastic. My internet just had to crap out on me today out of all days, huh?

Really looking forward to hearing that Bob-omb Battlefield remix!
Character Bundle 1 is now a thing, has Mewtwo, Lucas, Roy and Ryu

So...4 DLC characters more are probably coming.
Sakurai said it would just be Wolf, Chorus Kids, and maybe Splatoon Inklings and K Rool. This is likely when the Doctor Mario and Rhythm Heaven stages will release as well. Probably a new Splatoon stage too because every new series gets a stage, and Sakurai said each character gets a stage.
So to top it off, the remix ends with the Mario 64 credits music

Oh my god

Based on the way the stage screen resized and Miiverse's placement, the doc stage is very fake


Sakurai said it would just be Wolf, Chorus Kids, and maybe Splatoon Inklings and K Rool. This is likely when the Doctor Mario and Rhythm Heaven stages will release as well. Probably a new Splatoon stage too because every new series gets a stage, and Sakurai said each character gets a stage.

Uh...no, no he didn't. Stop lying.


Junior Member
Sakurai said it would just be Wolf, Chorus Kids, and maybe Splatoon Inklings and K Rool. This is likely when the Doctor Mario and Rhythm Heaven stages will release as well. Probably a new Splatoon stage too because every new series gets a stage, and Sakurai said each character gets a stage.


Sakurai said it would just be Wolf, Chorus Kids, and maybe Splatoon Inklings and K Rool. This is likely when the Doctor Mario and Rhythm Heaven stages will release as well. Probably a new Splatoon stage too because every new series gets a stage, and Sakurai said each character gets a stage.




DK got one of the best buffs ever last time around. If it should be gone I will be ever so pissed.
Luigi got buffed, back air and dtilt better. Fox got his two jab infinite/jab lock nerfed completely.

Edit: Never mind looks like Luigi got also fucked because maybe you can DI out of his down b attack now? Or not, who knows. Placebo hype.
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