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St. Louis Police Officer Shoots, Kills Teen During “Pedestrian Check”

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Well, that's unfortunate.

As I said before, I still have a very big problem with the idea of a pedestrian check. But if he had the gun and the evidence is consistent that he was the shooter, I can't defend his actions. The shooting wasn't unjustified.

I'd still love to know why the hell the guy confronted the group to begin with, but I guess we never will.

What a messed up story.

More or less. My concern is now that this will be touted as the rule and not the exception in these cases going forward.
Well, that's unfortunate.

As I said before, I still have a very big problem with the idea of a pedestrian check. But if he had the gun and the evidence is consistent that he was the shooter, I can't defend his actions. The shooting wasn't unjustified.

I'd still love to know why the hell the guy confronted the group to begin with, but I guess we never will.

What a messed up story.

Unfortunate that someone died or unfortunate that it turns out to be a justified shooting?


There is an update to this:


This article includes a picture of the deceased with what they say is the gun found at the scene.

A tragedy regardless.

Now that there is more information it appears this shooting was justified. Hopefully this restores some faith in the police to act appropriately in most situations. For me, this destroys the credibility of some journalists who covered this story as another Mike Brown.


More or less. My concern is now that this will be touted as the rule and not the exception in these cases going forward.

What exactly do you mean? That "police shooting was justified" will be touted as the rule? Whereas you think that, in general, a police shooting is not justified?

Because, while I don't have time to look up the numbers right now, I'm pretty sure this is the rule. Most of the time when the police shoot someone, it's because they have cause to (eg the other guy pulled a gun). Yes, we see a lot of news stories of cops making mistakes, and some of them are ridiculous and inexcusable errors.

But overall, I'm pretty sure most police shootings are legit.


What exactly do you mean? That "police shooting was justified" will be touted as the rule? Whereas you think that, in general, a police shooting is not justified?

Because, while I don't have time to look up the numbers right now, I'm pretty sure this is the rule. Most of the time when the police shoot someone, it's because they have cause to (eg the other guy pulled a gun). Yes, we see a lot of news stories of cops making mistakes, and some of them are ridiculous and inexcusable errors.

But overall, I'm pretty sure most police shootings are legit.

He's talking about stop and frisk or the "Pedestrian Check" as the thread calls it.

And it's always unfortunately when someone loses their life.
I just typed out two paragraphs responding to some of the shit on this page, but it's not even worth the energy I'm putting into this post.

Some of you guys must be a blast at parties.


Not much else to say here. The protests about this incident were premature, but that mostly speaks to the complete lack of trust many in the community has for their local law enforcement. I hope they don't reflect badly on the Ferguson protests as a whole, but that's unfortunately going to be up to whoever's spinning the narrative.


Not much else to say here. The protests about this incident were premature, but that mostly speaks to the complete lack of trust many in the community has for their local law enforcement. I hope they don't reflect badly on the Ferguson protests as a whole, but that's unfortunately going to be up to whoever's spinning the narrative.

The people that will spin that narrative are already blowing smoke up their audience's ass regarding these shootings. I don't think it'll make that much difference. It's nice that this story boiled down to a guy doing his job. But it's awful that it's so easy to believe that he could have been dirty that we can't give him the benefit of the doubt without people ascribing tendencies to us with no evidence except that we give the officer of the law the benefit of the doubt.

I'd like to think that stories like this would make posters think twice before villifying police and posters. But it won't because GAF is full of cynics and because a lot of cops are shitheads that perpetrate instituionalized racism against the community they're meant to protect.


It's nice that this story boiled down to a guy doing his job.

There are some many universes of things wrong with this sentiment.

"Just doing his job" is a classically and hilariously bad justification for anyone doing anything ever.

Why is it a relief that someone's job includes stopping and harassing people for "existing while black".

It's like this: there's two stories here. The one is this officer replied to a threat on his life in the way he felt appropriate and is empowered to reply. Fine. The more important story, the story that inspires the protests is the institutional story. It's why is that officer in that place at all, why do officers stop black kids just for existing, why is the police response in St Louis so frequently to kill rather than somehow disarm.

This is why the protests happen:

Teens like VonDerrit Myers live in an environment where police have been given carte-blanche as judge, jury and executioner.

The real tragedy lies in the fact that black teens have been given little reason to believe that even the simplest of interactions with police officers won’t result in their sanctioned murders.

And the residents of St. Louis have no reason to believe that the St. Louis Police Department can complete a fair & impartial investigation involving one of their own.

Whether or not Myers in some way "deserved" getting killed matters on the scale of "should that cop be punished". But it's immaterial to the broader issue of why do cops in this city (and country) kill as many (especially young, black, dude) people as they do.


There's sort of an update to this one.


An 18-year-old killed earlier this month by an off-duty St. Louis police officer was shot eight times, including six times from behind, said a forensic pathologist who performed an independent autopsy Thursday.

Dr. Cyril Wecht, who has investigated the deaths of John F. Kennedy, Elvis Presley and JonBenet Ramsey, conducted the autopsy at the request of Vonderrit Myers Jr.'s family and outlined the findings during a news conference at the funeral home that will handle Myers' burial. The family's attorneys said the autopsy suggests Myers was running away from the officer. Myers' parents attended the autopsy announcement but did not comment.

"The evidence shows that the story we've been given by the Police Department does not match up," one of the attorneys, Jerryl Christmas, said. "There's no evidence that there was a gun battle going on."

The officer's attorney, Brian Millikan, said the results from the independent autopsy support the police account as well.

"It's absolutely consistent with what the officer told the investigators from early on," said Millikan, a former St. Louis police officer. "There were no shots fired when (Myers) was running away. That's simply not true."

"He was propped up on his left elbow, and his legs were facing out at the policeman as he went down, but he was still holding the gun and pointing it at the policeman," the lawyer said.

I confess I can't really build a mental picture of this pose.


There's sort of an update to this one.


I confess I can't really build a mental picture of this pose.
Neither can I. The attorney from the police officer makes it sound like Jason Bourne was still shooting at the police officer contorting as he went down. I'd love to see a picture from this attorney for how he was positioned shooting at the officer.

Edit: surely the police have proof that this gun found on the scene was fired and the trajectory of the bullets. Along with tracing back how this kid got this gun. They should be releasing this information because it still seems fishy as fuck.
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