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Star Citizen Alpha 2.0 | The 'Verse Awakens

My rather awkward AtV debut \o/

It was awesome to be able to show some of the levels in early development - hope I get to do more of this stuff in the future.

Definitely was not awkward. It was nice seeing dev into that process.

Some screencap porn:


The seats in the one section don't appear in the info sheets. I'm assuming the info sheets are more up to date on their idea of what it should be than a render that could have come from any point during the process.

As for the Phoenix, I'm once again falling back to my position that details from years ago are meaningless in light of the many changes made to the game's mechanics. The game is in constant flux, and even ships that were defined and flying have gone through adjustments. The Constellation wasn't even close to flying back when those stats were defined, and the Phoenix was kind of a mess even among the Constellations.

Also, back when the Phoenix was the most expensive ship a player could buy, the expectations of many were extremely high on what it should be. There was a lot of pressure on CIG by the community to "make it worth the price". These days the Phoenix is less expensive than a fancy drop ship, a space 747, and a space 18 wheeler among other things. I think expectations of what you should get for a given price have tempered over the years. Assuming VIP transport turns out to be lucrative, that alone would make the Phoenix would be a good value. The next cheapest option would be an $890 Jump after all.

Was that render from the vault?

And as for the Phoenix, I am not so much pointing out the details but intent. Even with the Freelancer, Cat, and Cutlass the one thing they have in common is intent. So according to Ben and without delving into specifics the Phoenix he specifically states two things of note.

The Phoenix would be the most heavily armored, the Aquila and Andromeda are roughly equivalent and the Taurus is the least armored.


the overall intent is that the Phoenix is a beefier ship (more armor, more defensive potential with the higher rated powerplant and the defensive turret) at a cost of some maneuverability and a significant decrease in cargo.

I wouldn't imagine the intent would change along with the redesign hence that would defeat expectations of those who purchased ship in first place. I don't think they aim to have any ship that is functionally useless.

My rather awkward AtV debut \o/

It was awesome to be able to show some of the levels in early development - hope I get to do more of this stuff in the future.

Nothing awkward about it! just one question out of curiosity. When you design, is it taking into account specific FOV or are you generally more concerned about overall layout, and other team/individual worries about specific HUD view?


Was that render from the vault?

The first picture I posted was from the vault, which is why I treated it as outdated. The render you posted is from the main ship page and shows a glimpse of a seat where there shouldn't be going by the info sheet, so I assume it's from before they decided to cut back. I imagine that area is going to be tied up with the ladder to the second floor, access to ship components, possible extra weapon storage, etc.
The first picture I posted was from the vault, which is why I treated it as outdated. The render you posted is from the main ship page and shows a glimpse of a seat where there shouldn't be going by the info sheet, so I assume it's from before they decided to cut back. I imagine that area is going to be tied up with the ladder to the second floor, access to ship components, possible extra weapon storage, etc.

In the video there is also a ramp coming from that section, If it is large enough to hold 3 seated people I wonder what is there now. There really isn't much of a description in the brochure.

Are you the only one in the org that has one? Or will everyone need to update after the sales are over?


In the video there is also a ramp coming from that section, If it is large enough to hold 3 seated people I wonder what is there now. There really isn't much of a description in the brochure.

Are you the only one in the org that has one? Or will everyone need to update after the sales are over?

I'm the only one that's said anything about getting one here or on the discord chat. Likewise I'm the only one having updated the roster sheet as owning one. Contrast this to the 890 Jump where we had multiple people come forward about getting one right away. That said, there could be somebody else in the org that picked one up who isn't as social and hasn't bothered logging anything in the roster sheet. RK9039 seemed to express interest in it earlier, but I don't know if they're even part of the org, or if they'll follow through with the desire in the first place. I wouldn't count on the org having many of them either way.

The Prowler is an expensive ship that's pretty much laser focused on doing one thing well. Being a dropship, it's reliant on having a bunch of humans to optimally fulfill its role, and because of that, it isn't going to make money for the owner directly. It's a ship that I can see having lots of use for org operations, but next to useless from a personal standpoint. I already have a bunch of ships that are good for personal use though, so much like the Idris, a lot of my focus at this point is on ships that'll benefit the org instead.


Likely going to pick up an Endeavor tomorrow. I held off earlier in the week since it appears that the modules will be available tomorrow. Will definitely get the hangar module and then perhaps the science and telescope modules. Also tempted to get the hospital module as it seems a Hope class endeavor will be crucial for our Org combat operations. Not sure how many Hope Endeavors we have...


Likely going to pick up an Endeavor tomorrow. I held off earlier in the week since it appears that the modules will be available tomorrow. Will definitely get the hangar module and then perhaps the science and telescope modules. Also tempted to get the hospital module as it seems a Hope class endeavor will be crucial for our Org combat operations. Not sure how many Hope Endeavors we have...

At least two going by the roster. Starbuck has one, and Raticus effectively has one by virtue of having the master set.


At least two going by the roster. Starbuck has one, and Raticus effectively has one by virtue of having the master set.

I have a base for now. If they have Pods up tomorrow I might get Science / Research / Bio. Still trying to deiced if I will keep the Endeavor or CCU to a Reclaimer. Either way I will get the pods and melt them to have in buy back.

Need more info on how playing the Orion/Reclaimer/Prospector/Endeavor all work before setting anything into stone. (I have not applied my Cat to Orion CCU yet)

Those Tevarin look great!
Pulled the trigger, got rid of Phoenix and Cat to regain Polaris. It is not as flexible as the other two but what the heck, it is big and aggressive and now the only ship in my fleet I can describe as such.

And yes the tevarin look awesome. Didn't expect that was their look under the armor.


Pulled the trigger, got rid of Phoenix and Cat to regain Polaris. It is not as flexible as the other two but what the heck, it is big and aggressive and now the only ship in my fleet I can describe as such.

And yes the tevarin look awesome. Didn't expect that was their look under the armor.

Nice! You still have time to turn it into a Idris, the other 3 owners were looking for a 4th to join the jousting team ;)


Nice! You still have time to turn it into a Idris, the other 3 owners were looking for a 4th to join the jousting team ;)
He's more than welcome to take the Polaris jousting with the Idrises, I just don't expect much after a first clash with the bridge located on the bow of the ship...
Nice! You still have time to turn it into a Idris, the other 3 owners were looking for a 4th to join the jousting team ;)

Iirc that won't be able to happen until sunday during the last limited batch. And i would probably have to melt my Jump as well.

He's more than welcome to take the Polaris jousting with the Idrises, I just don't expect much after a first clash with the bridge located on the bow of the ship...

Meh, All I need is one win anyway. No one would ever bully me at the lunch table again.


He's more than welcome to take the Polaris jousting with the Idrises, I just don't expect much after a first clash with the bridge located on the bow of the ship...
Just think of how cinematic the last seconds would be though. The oncoming hull of the Idris looming larger and larger as it approaches. Then the sight of 1600 metric tons of metal ripping through the bridge as the Idris barely slows on impact. What a glorious way to go!

Meh, All I need is one win anyway. No one would ever bully me at the lunch table again.

Don't worry, even if when you lose, you wont be bullied at the lunch table.
Seeing as how you'll be in one of those Hope class Endeavor beds, you wont be at the lunch table in the first place. ;)

Actually it'd probably be a mutual loss. There's no way the Idris would lose from an armor/shield/mass perspective, but if all the torpedoes in the Polaris blow up as the Idris is pancaking it, then the Idris will be adding to the resultant fireball.
Just think of how cinematic the last seconds would be though. The oncoming hull of the Idris looming larger and larger as it approaches. Then the sight of 1600 metric tons of metal ripping through the bridge as the Idris barely slows on impact. What a glorious way to go!

Don't worry, even if when you lose, you wont be bullied at the lunch table.
Seeing as how you'll be in one of those Hope class Endeavor beds, you wont be at the lunch table in the first place. ;)

Actually it'd probably be a mutual loss. There's no way the Idris would lose from an armor/shield/mass perspective, but if all the torpedoes in the Polaris blow up as the Idris is pancaking it, then the Idris will be adding to the resultant fireball.

Indeed but that bring up a really interesting question. The purpose of a Retaliator. So the Tali's need a fleet to take down Capital ships while in the brochure, the Polaris helmed by Commander Hester Polaris took down 3 Capital Teverin ships. So how many Tali's does it take to match offensive power of a Polaris? how many tali's can a Polaris survive against?

I find this interesting in terms of balance.

Edit: it seems we only have one hope class so far, so if Starbuck2907 would be so kind to be on notice while I take on the fools errand of jousting an Idris.


Indeed but that bring up a really interesting question. The purpose of a Retaliator. So the Tali's need a fleet to take down Capital ships while in the brochure, the Polaris helmed by Commander Hester Polaris took down 3 Capital Teverin ships. So how many Tali's does it take to match offensive power of a Polaris? how many tali's can a Polaris survive against?

I find this interesting in terms of balance.

Polaris vs Retaliators is a bit of an apples and oranges comparison. You'd only need two people tops to run a Retaliator, and could get by with one. Turret positions can be handled by AI easy enough. Combined with the far cheaper cost, you could logistically run multiple Retaliators for every properly manned Polaris. Beyond that, multiple Retaliators afford mission redundancy. Rely on one Polaris and lose it? You're sunk. Rely on multiple Retaliators and lose one? Not as big of a deal. Of course, it's not really an A vs B issue in the first place. You use everything at your disposal in the quantities that make the most sense. Tactics will likely dictate that you have a mix of Polaris and Retaliator in the fleet for any sizable engagement.

As to the question of how many Retaliators a Polaris can survive against, that'll likely depend on what ship is stowed in the hangar, but I don't think it'll take many. Without capital class shields, the Polaris isn't designed to soak damage. It's designed to get in, deliver a heavy payload and get the hell out of dodge. It'll hold its own against ships with light weaponry well enough, but ships that can deliver heavy firepower to it that it can't outrun or take down quickly are going to be its Achilles heel. Multiple Retaliators or Vanguards doing high speed strafing runs are probably its worst nightmare.

Also, Hester Polaris wasn't in a Polaris. The Polaris is named in honor of her, but she was using some other corvette class ship.
Thinking of pairing an Endeavor w/ a Merchantman. Creating products like overclocked components/weapons, plants/vegetables, legal and illegal drugs, etc, and then putting them in the MM to sell around the 'verse. From safe systems to more dangerous systems, the MM goes into deep space and acts as your storefront, also bringing back rare seeds/compounds/materials from distant space while your Endeavor continues making things for the next trip, and then analyzing what you bring back potentially. Of course you'll need two teams, but it sounds fun.
Great Breakdown Zalusithix! I understand.

Thinking of pairing an Endeavor w/ a Merchantman. Creating products like overclocked components/weapons, plants/vegetables, legal and illegal drugs, etc, and then putting them in the MM to sell around the 'verse. From safe systems to more dangerous systems, the MM goes into deep space and acts as your storefront, also bringing back rare seeds/compounds/materials from distant space while your Endeavor continues making things for the next trip, and then analyzing what you bring back potentially. Of course you'll need two teams, but it sounds fun.

That sounds like a fantastic idea.


Nothing awkward about it! just one question out of curiosity. When you design, is it taking into account specific FOV or are you generally more concerned about overall layout, and other team/individual worries about specific HUD view?
I usually run my perspective view at a locked 16:9 ratio with a minimum FOV of 60. I know some of the artists widen their FOVs when working on wider areas, so that they can stress test vis areas, but my focus is to start at the minimum view and make sure sight lines work from there.


When are they showing more actual gameplay? So little on trading, exploring, on how the economy is going to work... They are still meddling with the flight model.

Is the netcode getting better?

All those ships being released just complicate everything from a balance point of view...
When are they showing more actual gameplay? So little on trading, exploring, on how the economy is going to work... They are still meddling with the flight model.

Is the netcode getting better?

All those ships being released just complicate everything from a balance point of view...

Reminds me, we have heard absolutely zero on ship to ship docking. A bunch of ships have docking collars, yet we've seen nothing about it.
I usually run my perspective view at a locked 16:9 ratio with a minimum FOV of 60. I know some of the artists widen their FOVs when working on wider areas, so that they can stress test vis areas, but my focus is to start at the minimum view and make sure sight lines work from there.

Thanks for the reply. Sounds awesome! Can't wait to enjoy SM in 2.6!


When are they showing more actual gameplay? So little on trading, exploring, on how the economy is going to work... They are still meddling with the flight model.

Is the netcode getting better?

All those ships being released just complicate everything from a balance point of view...

Maybe they're still meddling with the flight model because it's due in 2.6? =P The initial basic cargo/trade mechanics don't hit till 3.0 (along with the netcode refactor). Exploration and multiple star systems are scheduled for 4.0, and we probably wont be seeing that until early 2018. Economy would be something progressively worked on as the different roles come online.

No idea what you mean by the balance. The recent concept ships fall under existing categories. I mean, the upcoming ships that'll be moving to flight ready status over the next year will have an effect on the game, but not as much as the systems being introduced. It's alpha for a reason; balance issues are to be expected.


Is there any way to upgrade a package ship to LTI without loosing all of the other contents of the package? My first pledge was an Aquila package, which comes with a very crappy 6 months insurance, but a lot of cool stuff like a Greycat buggy and hangar flair that I'd lke to keep. I'd really hate to give all of that stuff up by melting it. I know I could CCU upgrade the Aquila to another ship, but then that more expensive ship will only have 6 months insurance, which is not ideal. And I assume if I try to melt the upgraded ship for credit to buy back the Aquila, I'll loose all of the contents of the upgraded package as I would if I melted the Aquila package in the first instance.

Any way around this that I'm not seeing?
Is there any way to upgrade a package ship to LTI without loosing all of the other contents of the package? My first pledge was an Aquila package, which comes with a very crappy 6 months insurance, but a lot of cool stuff like a Greycat buggy and hangar flair that I'd lke to keep. I'd really hate to give all of that stuff up by melting it. I know I could CCU upgrade the Aquila to another ship, but then that more expensive ship will only have 6 months insurance, which is not ideal. And I assume if I try to melt the upgraded ship for credit to buy back the Aquila, I'll loose all of the contents of the upgraded package as I would if I melted the Aquila package in the first instance.

Any way around this that I'm not seeing?

Unfortunately no. There really is no way around that. The best is to look for a package that you find has better content if they offer one on sale.


Is there any way to upgrade a package ship to LTI without loosing all of the other contents of the package? My first pledge was an Aquila package, which comes with a very crappy 6 months insurance, but a lot of cool stuff like a Greycat buggy and hangar flair that I'd lke to keep. I'd really hate to give all of that stuff up by melting it. I know I could CCU upgrade the Aquila to another ship, but then that more expensive ship will only have 6 months insurance, which is not ideal. And I assume if I try to melt the upgraded ship for credit to buy back the Aquila, I'll loose all of the contents of the upgraded package as I would if I melted the Aquila package in the first instance.

Any way around this that I'm not seeing?
Nope, you're screwed. Any CCU will be stuck with the 6 months, and there's no way to downgrade the ship to regain partial credit. It's the same problem I faced with my Phoenix physical package. In the end I just melted it. Sucks to lose everything that came with it, but at the same time I feel liberated by no longer having that "untouchable" package.


Unfortunately no. There really is no way around that. The best is to look for a package that you find has better content if they offer one on sale.

Nope, you're screwed. Any CCU will be stuck with the 6 months, and there's no way to downgrade the ship to regain partial credit. It's the same problem I faced with my Phoenix physical package. In the end I just melted it. Sucks to lose everything that came with it, but at the same time I feel liberated by no longer having that "untouchable" package.

That's what I thought. Thanks guys. I suppose if every other ship is LTI (save for my shiny new 890J) , it's not so bad that the Aquila has only 6 months.


It is an addiction I swear. Did some swapping around and tossed the terrapin in favor of the reclaimer.

Updated spreadsheet.

Once you have enough money in the game, the anniversary sale is a week long questioning of everything you have. Melting this for that, calculating possible savings on bundle packs vs existing stand-alones. Grabbing CCUs and LTI tokens for future use. Potentially melting things just to
use the buyback system later. Gets worse every year as more and more ships are added to the fray.

While I always look forward to its coming, I equally look forward to it ending.


Once you have enough money in the game, the anniversary sale is a week long questioning of everything you have. Melting this for that, calculating possible savings on bundle packs vs existing stand-alones. Grabbing CCUs and LTI tokens for future use. Potentially melting things just to
use the buyback system later. Gets worse every year as more and more ships are added to the fray.

While I always look forward to its coming, I equally look forward to it ending.

This man speaks the truth.
Bird design is damned cool--pretty inspired, although I assume these are all bipedal aliens? Any chance the Vanduil or some other race will be unconventional? This isn't a SC-specific gripe, more of a general sci-fi world gripe :)


Bird design is damned cool--pretty inspired, although I assume these are all bipedal aliens? Any chance the Vanduil or some other race will be unconventional? This isn't a SC-specific gripe, more of a general sci-fi world gripe :)
Yeah they're bipedal (as are the vanduul), a few pages back is a full body sketch with Armour. As for non-bipedal sapient races, probably not, due to all the usual game related reasons.


Bird design is damned cool--pretty inspired, although I assume these are all bipedal aliens? Any chance the Vanduil or some other race will be unconventional? This isn't a SC-specific gripe, more of a general sci-fi world gripe :)

Nope Vanduul are also your prototypical anthropomorphised alien race. Very rare is the alien race that isn't bipedal, two armed, and sporting binocular vision. The chances of sentient alien life looking even remotely human is so unlikely, and yet 99% of the fictitious alien races we create are nothing more than variations of the human form. Kind of sad really.
Nope Vanduul are also your prototypical anthropomorphised alien race. Very rare is the alien race that isn't bipedal, two armed, and sporting binocular vision. The chances of sentient alien life looking even remotely human is so unlikely, and yet 99% of the fictitious alien races we create are nothing more than variations of the human form. Kind of sad really.

Star Citizen has some specific limitations in that it needs bipedal, vaguely humanoid aliens in order to fit in Ship cockpits and other parts of the game world. I think you're right that generally, alien designs should be a lot weirder but in SC's specific case I can understand it. They are going to have alien creatures, so hopefully that is where some weirder designs come through,
Nope Vanduul are also your prototypical anthropomorphised alien race. Very rare is the alien race that isn't bipedal, two armed, and sporting binocular vision. The chances of sentient alien life looking even remotely human is so unlikely, and yet 99% of the fictitious alien races we create are nothing more than variations of the human form. Kind of sad really.

Hopefully the Kr'Thak have four legs, or giant jellyfish or are similar to Jabba.





I'm really not feeling the alien designs in this game. The Xi'An in particular. They just fucking pasted a turtle's head onto a humanoid body.


Nope Vanduul are also your prototypical anthropomorphised alien race. Very rare is the alien race that isn't bipedal, two armed, and sporting binocular vision. The chances of sentient alien life looking even remotely human is so unlikely, and yet 99% of the fictitious alien races we create are nothing more than variations of the human form. Kind of sad really.

From a scientific point of view many would disagree. Of course we don't know, but since the principles and laws are the same for the whole Universe, including natural selection, forces of natures and chemical elements, other highly evolved lifeforms could in principle at least look a lot like us.

I guess one day we will know. ;)


From a scientific point of view many would disagree. Of course we don't know, but since the principles and laws are the same for the whole Universe, including natural selection, forces of natures and chemical elements, other highly evolved lifeforms could in principle at least look a lot like us.

I guess one day we will know. ;)

They could, but the chances are remote. The environment and evolutionary pressures aren't going to be the same on every planet. Even on Earth, you need only change a few strokes of luck to end up with a completely different result. Evolution is one part selection and one part random mutation. Add or change a favorable mutation here or there, and the number of digits on our hands, or the number of limbs/joints/whatever could change.
Thanks for the details. Just realized I spelled Vanduul "Vanduil"...I blame it on recently rewatching LOTR.

They could, but the chances are remote. The environment and evolutionary pressures aren't going to be the same on every planet. Even on Earth, you need only change a few strokes of luck to end up with a completely different result. Evolution is one part selection and one part random mutation. Add or change a favorable mutation here or there, and the number of digits on our hands, or the number of limbs/joints/whatever could change.

That was one of my biggest disappointments with Destiny, too. The alien designs could have just been replaced by bipedal humans (other than the occasional floating shape) and nothing really would have changed. The Fallen having extra arms was only ever a functional attribute in the first mission when they crawled on the walls :-|


They could, but the chances are remote. The environment and evolutionary pressures aren't going to be the same on every planet. Even on Earth, you need only change a few strokes of luck to end up with a completely different result. Evolution is one part selection and one part random mutation. Add or change a favorable mutation here or there, and the number of digits on our hands, or the number of limbs/joints/whatever could change.

In fact change just one little variable and life in the Universe would not exist. :)

I don't remember the exact number, but no wonder why they are going with theories like the multiverse. Because our Universe being the only one, and ALSO having stars and stability and life from a random quantum fluctuation is like winning the lottery every day for the rest of your life... If you live to a million years old.


Junior Member
Upgraded my Freelancer to an Orion and a Gladius War-Bond to a Genesis. Debating upgrading my Vanguard to a Hull-E and going full merchant.


Upgraded my Freelancer to an Orion and a Gladius War-Bond to a Genesis. Debating upgrading my Vanguard to a Hull-E and going full merchant.

You're aware the Hull E is basically an org level transport right? It's totally impractical from a standard "merchant" standpoint. Beyond that, be careful with the mentality of moving to larger and larger ships at the expense of the smaller ones. You still want something that'll be cost effective to use and turn a profit on your own.
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