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Star Citizen Alpha 2.0 | The 'Verse Awakens

This one blows my mind though.



since I absolutely adore this artwork with the holographic skulls on the helmets(https://www.artstation.com/artwork/frontier-buccaneers) and I see it posted constantly here I've made a quick shader as a tribute



I think it would be awesome to see a full fledged implementation of stuff like this in the game :) Chris Roberts pls
Great job. As a matter of fact, one of the artists was annoyed so hard about this very thing that she brought it up to the lead character artist. I haven't heard anything new, but I believe CIG is aware.

As you can tell, I'm pretty invested in the idea.


Great job. As a matter of fact, one of the artists was annoyed so hard about this very thing that she brought it up to the lead character artist. I haven't heard anything new, but I believe CIG is aware.

As you can tell, I'm pretty invested in the idea.

seeing your profile pic actually reminded me of the concept, which is when I looked at it again and decided to try make something simillar


Yoo, that's amazing. Paging Derek Smart.

Ohh.. So he already says it's a shill, it's fake information and completely wrong, because a German mag would never get the info. Do people still even bother with this guy?
So we can now add being a xenophobic to the list of his problems.



Can he just be put in charge of all of the "Meet the [Insert Starship Here]" videos that CIG does? This is monumentally better than the Meet the Starfarer video and something like this for the Caterpillar instead of what they've been showing in the previews during AtV 100 would have been fucking amazing..


Can someone summarise the state of the game at the moment? I tried a few months ago and it was crashing a lot, so I gave up. I was OK with that of course (I didn't expect anything polished at that point) but I'm wondering how things are now? Is there any sort of tutorial mode that I can try that will just let me fly around and maybe try a bit of combat?

How is performance? I have an old i7-920 (overclocked to 4ghz though) and a 970.


Can someone summarise the state of the game at the moment? I tried a few months ago and it was crashing a lot, so I gave up. I was OK with that of course (I didn't expect anything polished at that point) but I'm wondering how things are now? Is there any sort of tutorial mode that I can try that will just let me fly around and maybe try a bit of combat?

How is performance? I have an old i7-920 (overclocked to 4ghz though) and a 970.
Well, the hard truth is that despite a lot of progress and cool improvements in the last few patches, the PU is kind of unplayable due to the netcode issues. If you try to enter Crusader, expect crashing, bugs, and low performance. The Tutorial itself has been disabled, but Arena Commander has free flight and vanduul swarm, so you can try out the ships and shoot at AI. And since AC doesn't have the same netcode issues the PU has, you'll get much better performance and have a much better indication of how well you're computer can run. Those specs should be fine.


Seek victory, not fairness
since I absolutely adore this artwork with the holographic skulls on the helmets(https://www.artstation.com/artwork/frontier-buccaneers) and I see it posted constantly here I've made a quick shader as a tribute



I think it would be awesome to see a full fledged implementation of stuff like this in the game :) Chris Roberts pls

Great stuff! I submitted it to reddit here: https://www.reddit.com/r/starcitize...graphic_skull_helmets_in_action_shader_built/

What engine was this in?
Well, the hard truth is that despite a lot of progress and cool improvements in the last few patches, the PU is kind of unplayable due to the netcode issues. If you try to enter Crusader, expect crashing, bugs, and low performance. The Tutorial itself has been disabled, but Arena Commander has free flight and vanduul swarm, so you can try out the ships and shoot at AI. And since AC doesn't have the same netcode issues the PU has, you'll get much better performance and have a much better indication of how well you're computer can run. Those specs should be fine.

Is that recent? I played about a week and a half ago (been to busy with other things), but the PU was very playable for me. My only issue was every now and then I might spawn invisible. When that happens you can't put on your suit. So you might as well respawn or space yourself.... which is a bit comical.

But I agree with AC though that is the best performer. But only in PU can you use FPS weapons and possibly get stranded in space. Another player blew up my ship while I was investigating a beacon and jumped out. Luckily pirates were scouting the area and I had just purchased a new laser assault rifle. I somehow killed the pirate through the shields/glass of Khartu-al. Took the ship and made back to station with it. I don't own the ship but wow was that a unique experience. Even the Quantum jump has a different animation in that ship.

Thanks Geist. I'll hold off trying the PU for now, but might give the Arena Commander a try at some point :)

Some issues may be due to the public folder. I will def try later on tonight and post my experiences. Some times things do break in these alpha's.

Patrick S.

Gonna reinstall this later today or tomorrow, because I just cleaned my CPU-, case- and GPU fans and my PC runs much much better now.

My CPU cooler was totally full of dust and grime, and luckily while overclocking with Intel Extreme Tuning I noticed that the CPU temp under load was as high as 100-102°C, and my CPU was throttling heavily because of that :O

Now the stutter is gone from GTA V, Assetto Corsa and Arma 3, and CPU temps under load are now at about 80° while running that 4690k at 4.2 ghz and undervolting to 1.180v. This is on the stock intel cooler. I think those temps are fine, but I might get one of those Cooler Master 212 coolers to further improve temps.

I'm really curious to see how this performs on my PC now.


Is that recent? I played about a week and a half ago (been to busy with other things), but the PU was very playable for me. My only issue was every now and then I might spawn invisible. When that happens you can't put on your suit. So you might as well respawn or space yourself.... which is a bit comical.

It really depends on what server you spawn into. If it's empty or there are only a few people in the server, performance is actually pretty close to AC. If the server is near full, it's almost unplayable for me.

Depends too much on luck for me to recommend it to people. If you like testing games though, roll the dice.


Gonna reinstall this later today or tomorrow, because I just cleaned my CPU-, case- and GPU fans and my PC runs much much better now.

My CPU cooler was totally full of dust and grime, and luckily while overclocking with Intel Extreme Tuning I noticed that the CPU temp under load was as high as 100-102°C, and my CPU was throttling heavily because of that :O

Now the stutter is gone from GTA V, Assetto Corsa and Arma 3, and CPU temps under load are now at about 80° while running that 4690k at 4.2 ghz and undervolting to 1.180v. This is on the stock intel cooler. I think those temps are fine, but I might get one of those Cooler Master 212 coolers to further improve temps.

I'm really curious to see how this performs on my PC now.

I assume you're talking individual core temps and not the (estimated) Tcase value when you say 80 degrees? Because if that's Tcase, you're still too hot.

Either way, you should replace the stock cooler. Even when it manages to keep temps under control, the noise it makes doing so is far more than a good tower cooler with large fans. Stock coolers suck, and have no business being in a gaming rig.

Patrick S.

I assume you're talking individual core temps and not the (estimated) Tcase value when you say 80 degrees? Because if that's Tcase, you're still too hot.

Either way, you should replace the stock cooler. Even when it manages to keep temps under control, the noise it makes doing so is far more than a good tower cooler with large fans. Stock coolers suck, and have no business being in a gaming rig.

I'm refering to the "Package Temperature"-reading the Intel util displays. I do think I'll replace this cooler, not because of noise, because there isn't too much, but I noticed I still got closer to 90° C after a long Arma 3 session earlier today at 4.2 ghz. At 4 ghz it's not too bad, but Arma is very CPU-hungry, and I got a bit addicted to it again :)
I'm finally ready to jump back in!


Rural internet has been holding me away from this for ages due to having to redownload the entire game each time but it's almost a non issue to me now by comparison. Hopefully I'll run into some of the GAF org in the PU. Crossing my fingers that my Reliant is ready but I'll not be surprised if it isn't since it was a lot more recent than some other ships.


I'm finally ready to jump back in!


Rural internet has been holding me away from this for ages due to having to redownload the entire game each time but it's almost a non issue to me now by comparison. Hopefully I'll run into some of the GAF org in the PU. Crossing my fingers that my Reliant is ready but I'll not be surprised if it isn't since it was a lot more recent than some other ships.
You'll be happy to hear that it's going to be Flight Ready next patch.


since I absolutely adore this artwork with the holographic skulls on the helmets(https://www.artstation.com/artwork/frontier-buccaneers) and I see it posted constantly here I've made a quick shader as a tribute



I think it would be awesome to see a full fledged implementation of stuff like this in the game :) Chris Roberts pls

Love the idea of being able to project different faces on the visor. Are there any games that already have this feature?
You'll be happy to hear that it's going to be Flight Ready next patch.

Oh awesome, that will be both ships I own flight ready then, other being the Connie. Just curious, did they fix the server framerate yet? Last time I played it was crashtastic and the server caused bad framerates unless it was practically empty. I enjoyed it regardless so I'm not TOO bothered if the FPS is still in the works being pre-alpha and all but hopefully it's more stable in general now.


Oh awesome, that will be both ships I own flight ready then, other being the Connie. Just curious, did they fix the server framerate yet? Last time I played it was crashtastic and the server caused bad framerates unless it was practically empty. I enjoyed it regardless so I'm not too bothered if the FPS is still in the works but hopefully it's more stable in general now.
Not yet sadly. Everyone's looking forward to the new Netcode patch, whenever that happens to come.
Not yet sadly. Everyone's looking forward to the new Netcode patch, whenever that happens to come.

Ah well, it's not going to ruin it for me. I may wait on that next patch though so I have the Reliant hype to get me into it. I like the Connie and all but at the time at least it felt purposeless since I was just flying solo to see what's out there. I'm sure there's some new stuff to be found since my last visit must have been P.U 1.2 or something around there.


Looks great.

Although the best thing about new SC updates is Smart and his mouth breather followers tying themselves in knots trying to convince themselves it's all a fake and impossible to do.


I'm refering to the "Package Temperature"-reading the Intel util displays. I do think I'll replace this cooler, not because of noise, because there isn't too much, but I noticed I still got closer to 90° C after a long Arma 3 session earlier today at 4.2 ghz. At 4 ghz it's not too bad, but Arma is very CPU-hungry, and I got a bit addicted to it again :)

Ah, the value that I don't have on my processor, and don't fully understand either. I know what the CPU temp is and how it's derived, and I know how the core temps are obtained, but I'm not totally sure what exactly that package temp value is reading. Unlike the CPU temp, it seems to reflect the core temps as some highest average of sorts.

Anyhow, if a game is pushing 90 core temps (which I assume it is if that package temp is that high), you're far too close to Tj max to be comfortable IMO. 90 core temps while overclocked and fully loading the CPU with linpack? Fine, if not necessarily ideal, because you'll never see those temps in every day use, let alone push above them. That high with just a game? Too much of a chance of it thermal throttling on something. (This is the only thing I care about myself. CPU degradation from heat alone is something I don't really buy into as being worth worrying about.)
I bought the PCgames mag and there are some tiny cool little tidbits, like the fact that the new personal weapon models are about 60.000 triangles and now take advantage of POM as well.

Thought that was cool ^_^

Patrick S.

Ah, the value that I don't have on my processor, and don't fully understand either. I know what the CPU temp is and how it's derived, and I know how the core temps are obtained, but I'm not totally sure what exactly that package temp value is reading. Unlike the CPU temp, it seems to reflect the core temps as some highest average of sorts.

Anyhow, if a game is pushing 90 core temps (which I assume it is if that package temp is that high), you're far too close to Tj max to be comfortable IMO. 90 core temps while overclocked and fully loading the CPU with linpack? Fine, if not necessarily ideal, because you'll never see those temps in every day use, let alone push above them. That high with just a game? Too much of a chance of it thermal throttling on something. (This is the only thing I care about myself. CPU degradation from heat alone is something I don't really buy into as being worth worrying about.)

Today I was playing more Arma 3 with the CPU at 4.2 ghz and 1.170 mv, and the highest measured temperature was now 84 °C. I don't know why it got to 90°C yesterday, somehow between google chrome and other stuff I had running, CPU use was at 100% - something wasn't right. After a reboot, everything was good, though. There is no throttling whatsoever now, and now I'm not sure if I'm going for that Cooler Master cooler or not; I don't really feel like taking my PC apart right now and I think 84°C is probably safe.

(And to be honest, I'm a bit scared I might screw up and damage my CPU or mobo while changing the cooler... it's something that has always made me nervous after that one time I slipped and slashed across and killed a brand new motherboard with a huge screwdriver while loosening the clamps on a cpu cooler...)


Today I was playing more Arma 3 with the CPU at 4.2 ghz and 1.170 mv, and the highest measured temperature was now 84 °C. I don't know why it got to 90°C yesterday, somehow between google chrome and other stuff I had running, CPU use was at 100% - something wasn't right. After a reboot, everything was good, though. There is no throttling whatsoever now, and now I'm not sure if I'm going for that Cooler Master cooler or not; I don't really feel like taking my PC apart right now and I think 84°C is probably safe.

(And to be honest, I'm a bit scared I might screw up and damage my CPU or mobo while changing the cooler... it's something that has always made me nervous after that one time I slipped and slashed across and killed a brand new motherboard with a huge screwdriver while loosening the clamps on a cpu cooler...)

That's kind of what I meant with too much of a chance. Get the right combination of real world tasks going on, and you can inch into the danger zone. I prefer to base my max temps on stress tests like linpack which are known quantities and will serve as a worst case basis. If they're good there, they'll be good everywhere. Helps that the tests also serve to validate an OC as being stable (with the understanding that nothing can guarantee that 100%). 12+ hours of linpack followed by 12+ hours of Prime95 small & large datasets (or OCCT equiv). Anything less I consider a wildcard of an OC. (I've had errors and even outright crashes occur 6+ hours into these tests in what otherwise seemed "stable".)

As for the fear, removing the stock cooler is tool-less and easy as pie. You'd have to be trying pretty hard to mess something up there. Installing a new one, however, varies from painless to highly annoying. Depends in part on the design of the heatsink, part on the design of the retention bracket, and whether the motherboard's tray has an access window to the back of the CPU. If it's a solid tray with no window, and the cooler requires a backing bracket (as most towers do), you're immediately stuck with having to remove the entire mobo. If the tray has an access window to the CPU area, then it's only as difficult as the retention bracket makes it. I love my Megahalems in that respect. The final mounting is done with one crossbar that locks into place on the heatsink and two screws that are easy to access. If only the fan clips were so easy while in the case.

That said, I can understand not wanting to dismantle the PC if that's required. I mean, I did small solder bridges to my mobo while it was inside the case and everything else still installed (but off obviously) because I couldn't be bothered with taking the whole damn thing apart. Rerouting the cabling is a nightmare.

The soldering hassle was worth it though. I no longer have to care about what I'm doing before starting up resource heavy games like SC. Two more cores to soak up background tasks, and 48GB of memory so I don't ever have to close down any active program (such as my hundred+ tab browser sessions). Should hold till 2017 well enough.

Edit: And looking at that picture that I just took, I just realized a stupid on my end on reassembling the HSF at night... I put one of the damn fans on backwards! Both are blowing into the heatsink instead of a push pull. Due to the design that wouldn't stop airflow, but it certainly wouldn't have helped. Time to correct that...

Edit 2: Actually, even worse, they were both pulling from the heatsink. Which means the airflow was barely ever reaching anything aside from the edges. I guess it's a testament to the heatsink that it managed to keep an overclocked hexacore at safe temps when running with such crap airflow. Seeing a 10 degree dip in load temps now, and that's with the fans running slower. (Fan speeds handled by an external controller based on curves derived from thermal probe readings. Heatsink is cooler, so they're not spinning up to full.) Guess I have more thermal headroom to play with now if I want to up the voltages some more and push the BCLK higher. Not sure it's worth the hassle at this point, but good to know it's possible.

So yeah, thanks Patrick! Your reporting of high temps have inadvertently managed to make mine lower! ;)


Seek victory, not fairness
Just finished a build myself. Noctua D15 tower cooler, lol:


The clips on the bottom actually brush against the graphics card so I put a little silicone rubber mat under it just in case.

The case is a Corsair Obsidian 750D (airflow version). Really nice cable management features and lots of room in the back to route things.

Fortunately my fans all point the right way but I see now that the writing on the cooler is upside down, heh. Oh well, it's barely visible anyway.

Edit: switched to a Kraken X61. Much better:


Just finished a build myself. Noctua D15 tower cooler, lol:


The clips on the bottom actually brush against the graphics card so I put a little silicone rubber mat under it just in case.

The case is a Corsair Obsidian 750D (airflow version). Really nice cable management features and lots of room in the back to route things.

Fortunately my fans all point the right way but I see now that the writing on the cooler is upside down, heh. Oh well, it's barely visible anyway.

I see the D15, but where's the rest of the computer? ;) Tower coolers built around 140mm fans are comically large, and you're certainly cutting it close when using one of those with a motherboard that places the first x16 PCie slot at the top. I prefer mobos to throw an x1 up there so the GPU doesn't sit so close to the CPU. Much easier to have a blank slot or a tiny AIC up there instead of a big, hot GPU.

I do like the way the EVGA power cables daisy chain on the 8 pins though. Keeps you from having to run two legs from the PSU to each card.

Also, lol @ the text being upside down on the heatsink. My cases have been solid aluminum with no windows for ages now. I don't care in the least what it looks like inside. So long as it works and runs well, all is good. All the superfluous LEDs and crap these days bugs me.


Seek victory, not fairness
Oh thanks!

actually my own quickly made deferred renderer - i wrote some stuff about the skull here https://kosmonautblog.wordpress.com/2016/07/25/deferred-engine-progress-part2/

Ah cool, I'll add that link to my comment there too.

I see the D15, but where's the rest of the computer? ;) Tower coolers built around 140mm fans are comically large, and you're certainly cutting it close when using one of those with a motherboard that places the first x16 PCie slot at the top. I prefer mobos to throw an x1 up there so the GPU doesn't sit so close to the CPU. Much easier to have a blank slot or a tiny AIC up there instead of a big, hot GPU.

I do like the way the EVGA power cables daisy chain on the 8 pins though. Keeps you from having to run two legs from the PSU to each card.

Also, lol @ the text being upside down on the heatsink. My cases have been solid aluminum with no windows for ages now. I don't care in the least what it looks like inside. So long as it works and runs well, all is good. All the superfluous LEDs and crap these days bugs me.

Yeah, I would have been more conservative about it if I had known the slots weren't all x16.


Wow, Zalusithix. That's a serious PC right there!

Needs more hard drives, though :D
9 HDDs, 8 of which are in a hardware RAID 6 for storage. 3 SSDs for programs. 1 external HDD permanently connected, and 1 external dock for swapping out other bare drives. Could consolidate significantly if I migrated all the low capacity drives up to modern 8TB ones, but that's not going to happen until I move all that storage potential to a separate machine. As it stands it's more of a relic from when having part of that RAID 6 as RAID 0 made sense due to SSD costs. These days that many local drives is more of a detriment than a boon.
These new updates are great to see. I was getting very nervous, but its great to see measurable progress.

In saying that, I cant help but be disappointed by the lack of VR. Elite was completely mind blowing in VR. My excitement will be tempered until I see plans for Vive/OR. Any updates on that front?


I will buy two 1080s for this game.

I am not trying to be negative or snarky in saying that you will probably be able to buy 1180s by the time release 2.7 is available to download on the stable channel. If the "Volta in 2017" rumors are true.


These new updates are great to see. I was getting very nervous, but its great to see measurable progress.

In saying that, I cant help but be disappointed by the lack of VR. Elite was completely mind blowing in VR. My excitement will be tempered until I see plans for Vive/OR. Any updates on that front?
I doubt there will be anything until after SQ42 is released. Elite is easy since you're basically stuck in a cockpit sitting down, but VR for FPSes still has a number of problems (mainly motion sickness) that make implementation extremely hard. It's why many VR FPS games use cheats to make it work, like simply not moving (all gameplay comes to you), teleportation, or physically walking around a room.

For what Star Citizen is trying to do, those solutions just don't work. A few ideas that might work are that you have VR when you're in the cockpit, but it switches to your monitor when you exit. Not ideal. Another idea is that the VR switches perspective when you exit the cockpit, like you're suddenly in a virtual room with a screen showing Star Citizen. But that comes with it's own problems (namely that people's computers would suddenly need to run both Star Citizen and a simulated room to play Star Citizen).

So ya, CIG many more problems they need to solve over other games, so don't expect it anytime soon.
I doubt there will be anything until after SQ42 is released. Elite is easy since you're basically stuck in a cockpit sitting down, but VR for FPSes still has a number of problems (mainly motion sickness) that make implementation extremely hard. It's why many VR FPS games use cheats to make it work, like simply not moving (all gameplay comes to you), teleportation, or physically walking around a room.

For what Star Citizen is trying to do, those solutions just don't work. A few ideas that might work are that you have VR when you're in the cockpit, but it switches to your monitor when you exit. Not ideal. Another idea is that the VR switches perspective when you exit the cockpit, like you're suddenly in a virtual room with a screen showing Star Citizen. But that comes with it's own problems (namely that people's computers would suddenly need to run both Star Citizen and a simulated room to play Star Citizen).

So ya, CIG many more problems they need to solve over other games, so don't expect it anytime soon.

Interesting viewpoint, thanks. I never even considered implementing this in the FPS sections. Frankly, although far from ideal, I could live with the idea of VR only in cockpit mode. Flying in VR is so immersive, I would hate to lose that feeling.
These new updates are great to see. I was getting very nervous, but its great to see measurable progress.

In saying that, I cant help but be disappointed by the lack of VR. Elite was completely mind blowing in VR. My excitement will be tempered until I see plans for Vive/OR. Any updates on that front?

You want vr before we have customizable avatars (skin tone/gender/hair)?


Seek victory, not fairness
Yes. VR is completely game changing.

Yeah, from a dogfighting perspective it's worth it for the spatial awareness alone. It's even more important for this game vs Elite since the ships are more agile. Sim racers consistently post better lap times in VR vs flat panel gaming because it's fundamentally better at conveying that kind of information.

If we're lumping dev effort together as a generic resource, I'd give optimization of multiplayer scaling priority over anything else though.


But that comes with it's own problems (namely that people's computers would suddenly need to run both Star Citizen and a simulated room to play Star Citizen).
Technically you could get away with something as basic as projecting onto a flat floating 2D screen in a simple skybox. Then again, this is CIG... I don't know if they know how to do anything in a simple understated manner. They'd probably want to have you playing in an environment as elaborate as the ones in game. ;)
Yeah, from a dogfighting perspective it's worth it for the spatial awareness alone. It's even more important for this game vs Elite since the ships are more agile. Sim racers consistently post better lap times in VR vs flat panel gaming because it's fundamentally better at conveying that kind of information.

If we're lumping dev effort together as a generic resource, I'd give optimization of multiplayer scaling priority over anything else though.

It's not even dogfighting alone. Just plain awareness inside the cockpit is game changing. After I got TrackIR I simply cannot go back to playing flight games without it. Being to track where you want your ship to go independent of where the nose is pointed makes a world of difference. Like in DCS I can lean to the side and look around the nose of the plane to visually spot the the ground on approach. In IL-2 I can lean out of the cockpit while taxiing to see where I am lining up, even looking into the gunsights to get a better sight lines. Or even in Elite leaning and looking to gauge clearance leaving docks. It just makes so much practical sense.

The Elite menu system with TrackIR is so damn intuitive too, just look over to bring up your ship menus.
... just look over to bring up your ship menus.

This is one of the best "wow" factors that I had with the Vive so far. The first time I looked over in Elite and the menu popped up, I literally gasped. Little touches like this are well worth it.

The idea of a 2D screen projected in front of you for FPS is certainly not ideal, but it may be an interesting compromise.
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