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Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order - Official Gameplay Reveal


Seems cool.
I’d like to see and know more.
Powers, story length etc...
Glad to see forest Whitaker.
Might be day one.
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Really? Graphically it looks compared to Battlefront or Uncharted very weak. The ropes for instance or the plants and facial animations... weak, very weak.
Compared to other games on UE4 it looks impressive to me (IMO only gears of war 4 can match it) and even compared to games like Shadow Of the Tomb Raider, however Uncharted 4 still looks better. Have you seen UE4 games made by smaller developers? These games looks bad, but not star wars fallen order.


Lord of Edge.
I have a rule with anything Star Was related. Its to not read what people on the internet are saying and form my own opinion after playing the game or watching the movie.

Stae Wars just has a special breed of fans who are passionate AF and can sometimes just get lost in a circle jerk. Add EA to the mix and you have a next level circle jerk.
I think it could be better, but for what it is it seems to be pretty good. I definitely have a lot more interest in this game than I did with the Battlefront titles, so take that for what it’s worth.


Looks better than what I expected. Considering it comes out the same day as Sword & Shield though it'll be 30 bucks on Christmas sales so I'll wait until February when it's 20. I do hate the slow deaths though, I wish games stopped that shit, it's cool the first few times, but gets annoying AF after seeing it 20+ times.


I cry about SonyGaf from my chair in Redmond, WA
The animation is kind of wonky. And this game is coming out in a few months....Disney should just give Sony a chance to make a Star Wars Single player game.

And compete with their own movies?

I also doubt that Disney wants the Star Wars franchise wants to be exclusive?


It looks a bit basic, but that's not always a bad thing. The main stumbling point for me is the theme of the game. Lightsaber combat has never been done well, generally you can just run rings around everything button mashing. There's no skill involved.
I hope at some point we have a game based around The Mandalorian, as that's about the only good thing to come out of Star Wars for the last decade (judging from the trailer)
It looks so blurry?

Only watched a few minutes and every part seems incredibly scripted. I really want to like this, because I played the hell out of the Jedi Knight games, but I don't know about this one. I really hope the story is at least 15-20 hours.


Do all Star Wars reveals always open with a ship flying by? I dunno, it looks good, but there are some really cringey areas, like fighting TrentReznorTrooper and most of the voice work. I like that it looks like you can’t just spam the attack button the whole time. I don’t like how the main character has some weird kind of two stage spasm every time he uses a force power. It also looks heavily influenced by Uncharted, but is that a bad thing?

I’ll still play it. I mean, it’s a single player Star Wars game. I’m good as long as I get to force throw shit around and it has a serviceable story.


Based on the info that has come about about the game following the gameplay reveal I can't help but feel like the showing would have benefitted from some footage of an extended fight with an enemy that was wielding a lightsaber. Show us the back and forth 'dance' that the final game will supposedly feature.

A more accessible Sekiro with a Star Wars skin could be awesome but this showing didn't demonstrate that at all.




Hopefully the footage they show at the Xbox conference helps some of the you more apprehensive people. Watching a streamer now who says he read an interview with the devs last night where they said yeah its a Souls/Sekiro style game, and although it wont be as hard as those games, it will be harder than what this footage shows.


The color palette is extremely ugly. It just seems to be lacking that "pop" graphically to really pull me in.
It seems okay, if a little generic to me. It seems like most of the textures are all standard Star Wars fare seen in other games and movies. The faces are pretty bad, though. I can't even place what's wrong with them, they're just off.


Hot damn, that looks awesome!

I've never really played any EA games coz they mostly make multiplayer stuff. I'll definitely be rewarding their effort into a single player melee game.

Do EA games release on Steam? Coz that's where I'd like to get it.
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Looking at this again.
I think for me the big thing I hope this games has and that would totally sell me on it is more interesting traversal. The footage showed that Uncharted style of "platforming" that involves no timing, skill, puzzle solving or any sort of challenge, it's basically going through the motions in nearly autopilot.

But they do introduce interesting elements: force pushing, pulling and stopping stuff and wall running. I hope this area was just introducing these elements which they will later use in more interesting ways. I'd love to see a scenario where it's like wall running, then jumping and mid jump pulling some rope towards you, then using it to propel you forward and right as you let you go you need to push something out of the way, and then finally mid air before you fall you need to calculate the timing and force stop a spinning object to land on it.

That's the sort of stuff I'd love to see in more modern games. Because walking into an empty hallway with a spinning wheel in the middle where I just have to walk up to it an press a button is boring as fuck
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Climbing looked like gow 3/uncharted and I highly doubt the force powers will be used on challenging platforming, just light obstacles that we have seen in this gameplay video.

I hope I am wrong, but this game looks to be generic triple a as it gets, good, but generic.


gotta say, i hate the company who publishes the game, i hate the company who owns the brand, but this game looks pretty cool. would play


If only my penis was as big as my GamerScore!
Respawn should stick to what they are good at. This clearly isn't it. It's sad that we are apparently getting another average SW game. With all the potential the franchise brings, it's just a shame. Maybe after this game gets it's inevitable 70's MC score, Disney will give SW over to Sony for that Spiderman-like treatment.


Would love to see japanese devs like platinum, from soft, Itsuno and team etc. tackle the gameplay for a star wars game with a big triple A budget. Story can be done by somebody else.
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Just for some comparison here some Sekiro animations.

Is this a Sunhilegend gif by any chance? It looks somewhat edited. I love his clips, but his editing tends to make noticeable improvements to the presentation of games compared to the average experience. That gameplay clip for example looks much more cinematic compared to the actual presentation in the game proper (which is already amazing on its own).

I only say this since you're using it asa point of reference. Even when discussing the animations, we should conisder the presentation.
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It looks... okay.

My thoughts exactly. I had really, really low expectations since it's EA, but I'm more than please with what I saw, reminds me of an old SW game from ~15 years ago. But it's nothing that i'm going to buy day one for 60$, maybe somewhere in the future foe like 20-30$, not more.Graphically stunning tho.



Is this a Shunilegend gif by any chance? It looks somewhat edited. I love his clips, but his editing tends to make noticeable improvements to the presentation of games compared to the average experience. That gameplay clip for example looks much more cinematic compared to the actual presentation in the game proper (which is already amazing on its own).

I only say this since you're using it asa point of reference. Even when discussing the animations, we should conisder the presentation.

Don't know the source but you are right, I should have used a simple gameplay gif that isn't slowed down etc. But I think the point stands that star wars has more jank in the animations.

To be honest that isn't even the biggest issue for me personally, it just seems like a typical third person action combat that probably won't even reach the depth of the new GoW.
What's weird is that this game wasn't even a Star Wars game,EA saw it and they said to transform it into one cause the mechanics of the game allowed that,meanwhile they cancel Star Wars games that they started as SW games from day 1,just fucking great.

Crew 511A

Finished game played by a skilled player vs unfinished alpha build played by a random dev for a game show

EA hate is real :/

But deserved. EA hasn't exactly shown much pride in their work the last 5 years or so. If this is such an early build that the final product will be light years better, they shouldn't have shown it at all. EA is under the spotlight right now. If they lack the self awareness to understand why, then EA deserves what's coming down the pipe.

Crew 511A

What's weird is that this game wasn't even a Star Wars game,EA saw it and they said to transform it into one cause the mechanics of the game allowed that,meanwhile they cancel Star Wars games that they started as SW games from day 1,just fucking great.

Source? That's incredible if true.


Don't know the source but you are right, I should have used a simple gameplay gif that isn't slowed down etc. But I think the point stands that star wars has more jank in the animations.

To be honest that isn't even the biggest issue for me personally, it just seems like a typical third person action combat that probably won't even reach the depth of the new GoW.
Ah no sweat, and I'd mostly agree with you, based on what we've seen. It remains to be seen if the level design will be as rewarding as those of Soulborne and Sekiro. It looks much more linear, like they're drawing from Uncharted. I liked some of the use of Force abilities in navigating, but how much of that will be a reward of player's own curiosity and agency versus a cinematic set piece?

I can see a potential audience with Star Wars fans, but making a more "accessible" Sekiro sounds so off the mark imo lol. Aside from the game's own merits, part of the reasons those games are so well regarded and FromSoftware are considering one of the premiere developers today is not thanks to making their games accessible to a wider audience. Skilled and competent gamers look spectacular while playing them because it's earned and learned. Based on actual effort and skill and failure. High risk, high reward sort of deal. That Fallen Order demo looked like it had some interesting ideas for mechanics but nothing to hook me in. Maybe I'm just jumping the gun, and they have more to reveal, as it's still in development. At the moment it's a pass for me.
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It doesn't really bother me, but I get what people are saying about the animations, or at least the walking/traversal animations. To be honest, they look like the kind of basic filler animations you get when you have a third-person view of a first-person shooter player via kill cam or replay. I'd be interested to see a comparison between the jedi's animations and those of Titanfall 2 players performing similar maneuvers.
But deserved. EA hasn't exactly shown much pride in their work the last 5 years or so. If this is such an early build that the final product will be light years better, they shouldn't have shown it at all. EA is under the spotlight right now. If they lack the self awareness to understand why, then EA deserves what's coming down the pipe.
No arguments there, I've hated what EA has done with Battlefront 2 and Battlefield V

That said, I think Respawn deserves a little more benefit of the doubt as they've been a stellar studio since Day 1 and I personally thought this gameplay demo looked really fun, mild animation issues aside.

Gavin Stevens

Formerly 'o'dium'

*reinvents wheel*



Seriously, I saw nothing that looked bad. It looked overly simple in regards to difficulty, but that’s likely because nobody wants to watch a guy demo a game dying every 10 steps.

I for one am excited, and I don’t care if it’s not the most original and fresh thing ever right now. Doom was just another FPS at one point, too.
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