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Star Wars Jedi: Survivor |OT| - Judge me by my file size, do you?


Gold Member
I was really excited about it. Expected it to be jank but not this much. And yes im mad, mainly because i wanted to play this. But all those tech issues and fucking screen tearing in a AAA game in 2023, fucking lol
Guess I've just dealt with MUCH worse, so what's here just isn't bugging me that much. I mean, while Arkham Knight and CP2077 were tolerable for me in my playthroughs, they were noticeably "worse." But all things considered, here's to hoping the patches multiple reviewers mentioned help by launch. 🤷‍♂️

Even more so, that this kind of stuff improves. It was nice when it was feeling pretty good for a bit, lol.
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I'm in the same boat. I don't know if it's because I always got lucky and happened to dodge the "AWFUL PC PERFORMANCE" bullets, or if I was still having fun and didn't really care for them. I never put a lot of thought into it.
Yup. And you shouldn't put any thought into it if it doing that is just going to ruin the experience.


Junior Member
Yeah, it's just a different strokes situation. I remember people freaking out about the PC performance on Arkham Knight, Cyberpunk 2077, hell even Hogwart's and while I noticed things here and there, they were extremely minimal in my experiences.
It's totally dependent on the person. I know people that are totally unaware of framerate fluctuations. Their eye/brain just filters them out. Same happens with screen-tearing or frame pacing. In my case I notice them very easily and take me out of the experience. I rather have a 30 fps locked experience than one fluctuating in a range of 40-60 fps. My comment is that a title having those issues shouldnt score a perfect score as 9. You are not being honest as a professional journalist.
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Gold Member
It's totally dependent on the person. I know people that are totally unaware of framerate fluctuations. Their eye/brain just filters them out. Same happens with screen-tearing or frame pacing. In my case I notice them very easily and take me out of the experience. I rather have a 30 fps locked experience than one fluctuating in a range of 40-60 fps. My comment is that a title having those issues shouldnt score a perfect score as 9. You are not being honest as a professional journalist.
Totally! It's wild to me when people DON'T notice things like that, haha. It's just everyone has their own bars, and those tolerances & thresholds fluctuate for everyone.

Honestly, it's why I never pay too much attention to reviews. I don't think it makes them dishonest per se, well, in some cases. I mean, you can definitely tell when some may be fattening their wallets, but that's why you go through a few I suppose. At least then you can have a better idea of what is a genuine issue, what isn't, etc. Those reviews are nothing more than a "professional opinion", so I tend to take everything with a grain of salt.

If I like what I'm seeing with my own eyes, then I'm happy. It's why I've preferred video reviews, livestreams, gameplay, etc. for so long.
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Mr Branding

I was really excited about it. Expected it to be jank but not this much. And yes im mad, mainly because i wanted to play this. But all those tech issues and fucking screen tearing in a AAA game in 2023, fucking lol
Game is fine.
Arguably the best SW game ever but let’s complain it tears or isn’t some 60fps 4k ray traced tech showpiece.
Day 1 here. Can’t wait.
To the people complaining about technical issues

"90% of the time, the performance was really good, I was getting 60 frames per second and there was no issues or anything like that."

"I did not come across a single bug in the game apart from one that was during a cutscene"

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It's totally dependent on the person. I know people that are totally unaware of framerate fluctuations. Their eye/brain just filters them out. Same happens with screen-tearing or frame pacing. In my case I notice them very easily and take me out of the experience. I rather have a 30 fps locked experience than one fluctuating in a range of 40-60 fps. My comment is that a title having those issues shouldnt score a perfect score as 9. You are not being honest as a professional journalist.

I prefer an unlocked framerate no mater what. the input lag in UE4 with 30fps vsync is DISGUSTING, and sadly in many games using other engines as well... God of War 2018 at 30fps was unplayable imo for example, and I was very happy that they had an unlocked mode on PS4 Pro, which reduced latency a lot.

and nowadays with 120hz vrr TV's, an unlocked mode should honestly be a default option in every game, using every graphics mode
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Im Not No Way GIF

Vader reveal was legit awesome and amazingly done in my opinion.
Yep. One of the best moments in the game. What I loved about it the most is that Vader was actually menacing and not this laughing stock that they made him into in Obi-Woke Kenobi.

It was a legit Rogue One moment.


Seriously though, this is basically Fallen Order with better graphics. The first one ran just fine, how can they mess up the performance of the second one?


Seriously though, this is basically Fallen Order with better graphics. The first one ran just fine, how can they mess up the performance of the second one?

I'm sorry what? where and when did you play the original... because it didn't run fine


60fps barely reachable in a lot of regions and framedrops to the low 30s in 1440p with a 1700€ RTX 4090, drops to the low 20s with a 3080, apparently a VRAM leak which requires restarts from time to time.......another broken pos AAA release.
If the day 1 patch doesn`t work literal miracles this is a reason to /skip for me and never look back.
I´m definitely not supporting stuff like that for 70 bucks.
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hide your water-based mammals
Amazon finally resolved my issue with the 7800X3D purchase and actually gave me credit for the $90 deluxe edition. I'm pretty sure the promo is for the standard Origin/EA Desktop app but I was able to get the Steam deluxe version lol

It was a hassle because one of the agents wasn't as informed but luckily the other one was.


Gold Member
Technical stuff and animations aside, I'm sorry but calling it the best SW of all time by some seems like a stretch. Fancy graphics and surprise cameos doesn't make it a superior game to Kotor 1 & 2 or Jedi Academy.
While I don't disagree, it's just their opinion. I'm sure there's much worse ones, haha.

That being said, good GOD I wish we'd get a new Jedi Knight. 😔

I'd love to see that style of multiplayer on a broader scale and with a better engine.


KOTOR sucks ass and Outcast > Academy
KOTOR may be old and the controls dated, but to call it like that is a bit disrespectful, I wouldn't call Suvivor or FO shit games because of the animations, or gameplay and level designs, I know there are opinions, but still.


While I don't disagree, it's just their opinion. I'm sure there's much worse ones, haha.

That being said, good GOD I wish we'd get a new Jedi Knight. 😔

I'd love to see that style of multiplayer on a broader scale and with a better engine.
Yeah, I know, everyone has their opinions, but still, greatest or the best should be reserved.

That saber play in Jedi Knight was so good, I thought they were on the right path with Battlefront 2 multiplayer, it reminded me in some parts and ways about those games.


Technical stuff and animations aside, I'm sorry but calling it the best SW of all time by some seems like a stretch. Fancy graphics and surprise cameos doesn't make it a superior game to Kotor 1 & 2 or Jedi Academy.
Many people (and also vg journalists) forget about older titles very fast. Everything new coming out has to called best and biggest or otherwise it's not worth playing.

Buggy Loop

60fps barely reachable in a lot of regions and framedrops to the low 30s in 1440p with a 1700€ RTX 4090, drops to the low 20s with a 3080, apparently a VRAM leak which requires restarts from time to time.......another broken pos AAA release.
If the day 1 patch doesn`t work literal miracles this is a reason to /skip for me and never look back.
I´m definitely not supporting stuff like that for 70 bucks.

Another AMD sponsored gem

Mr Branding

Technical stuff and animations aside, I'm sorry but calling it the best SW of all time by some seems like a stretch. Fancy graphics and surprise cameos doesn't make it a superior game to Kotor 1 & 2 or Jedi Academy.
“Seems like a stretch to me”.
It’s not about fancy graphics or cameos to me even if those help.

It’s about the game and the moment to moment gameplay.
The games you mentioned are super dated and simply don’t play well in my opinion. Neither does Jedi Outcast, Force Unleashed games, etc.

Fallen Order has great lightsaber combat (the best imo) and Survivor seems to improve upon it.
( I am saying this as someone who played the shit out of Jedi Academy’s multiplayer in it’s hey day. )

FO also has great platforming, puzzles, and the metroidvania nature of the map is something I enjoy immensely.

So, with all this said, I feel FO is the best playing SW game and since every review makes it seem that Survivor is a big evolution of this, it’s not so far fetched in saying that it might be/is the best SW game so far. It’s a forum afterall, opinions and all that…
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Played Fallen Order recently because it was very cheap on the Steam sale and it was not on my radar. I really enjoyed it - I loved the old Dark Forces and Jedi Knight. While there are definitely areas to complain about or things that could be further refined, I really enjoyed that game for what it is. The more I played, the better it got. Sadly I kind of felt the ending creeping up on me and would have really loved another couple of planets to explore.

I loved the ending scene with
suddenly hearing Lord Vader's breath - I didn't think he was going to show up in this one and suddenly to have him appear was pretty cool and good use of him without relying on him.

Definitely wasn't looking forward to this game, but I think I am now.
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if the Xbox version is on the level of the PS5 version it will be tolerable with the 120hz output of the system + VRR.

but it seems like reviewers almost exclusively got the PS5 version, with a rare few getting the PC version



if the Xbox version is on the level of the PS5 version it will be tolerable with the 120hz output of the system + VRR.

but it seems like reviewers almost exclusively got the PS5 version, with a rare few getting the PC version
From what I was able to gather from some reviews (didn't venture that much because of spoilers), PS5 version is playable.

Some ocasional drops and stutters, but nothing in comparision with the PC version of the game.

There was one particular reviewer that played both PC and Xbox, and said that the difference in performance is like night and day.
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From what I was able to gather from some reviews (didn't venture that much because of spoilers), PS5 version is playable.

Some ocasional drops and stutters, but nothing in comparision with the PC version of the game.

yeah but drops below 48fps with no 120hz mode is a no no.
and is why I played Elden Ring on Xbox

There was one particular reviewer that played both PC and Xbox, and said that the difference in performance is like night and day.

in what way? Xbox better than PC night and day? Xbox worse than PS5 night and day?
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yeah but drops below 48fps with no 120hz mode is a no no.
and is why I played Elden Ring on Xbox

in what way? Xbox better than PC night and day? Xbox worse than PS5 night and day?

Xbox performing better than PC.

Here you go, this is the reviewer I was talking about:

Jump into the performance section and you can hear him talk about it.
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Xbox performing better than PC.

Here you go, this is the reviewer I was talking about:

Jump into the performance section and you can hear him talk about it.

ok, so Xbox basically on par with PS5 then it seems?

if true then that will be the version to go I guess... I just hope Digital Foundry will have at least a console video out until tomorrow.
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Gold Member
Argh, audio sync issues too? I'll wait a bit then. And I was excited for this (still am somewhat).
He actually mentions it was confirmed this IS being patched for launch, for sure. Optimization and performance fixes are promised too. We just won't know how they'll be until launch.


The game is going to be great. The last one was fun. I am just going to wait until they patch it, and I play Zelda to play it.
Watching someone play the first level of the PS5 version. I guess it's the latest patch as no screen tearing but personally I couldn't play it with that level of performance as it drops heavily and often for no apparent reason.

I think if you were happy with Elden Ring on PS5 you'll be fine with this though as it looks similar.


Amazon finally resolved my issue with the 7800X3D purchase and actually gave me credit for the $90 deluxe edition. I'm pretty sure the promo is for the standard Origin/EA Desktop app but I was able to get the Steam deluxe version lol

It was a hassle because one of the agents wasn't as informed but luckily the other one was.
That's damn nice. Unfortunately I got the EA app version. Runs fine in the desktop, but not so much in the deck.


King of Gaslighting
So long as reviews are little more than advertisements, this will keep happening. Say what you want about your ANGRY JOEs but at least dude waits for the launch love fest to die down and hot patches deployed to put his reviews out.
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