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C'mon man, just a regular dude trying to claw my way back into Gold from Super Urien. I need my points.



Guys I feel stupid for asking, but how do I deal with a scrubby Rashid spamming eagle spike (I'm guessing hk version) from far away? Nothing seems to reach him after a block. Playing Ryu btw. That guy kept running away spamming eagle spike and his projectle against fireballs, otherwise mashing panic buttons when I came close.

I won but I never want to feel that stupid again, damn.


Guys I feel stupid for asking, but how do I deal with a scrubby Rashid spamming eagle spike (I'm guessing hk version) from far away? Nothing seems to reach him after a block. Playing Ryu btw. That guy kept running away spamming eagle spike and his projectle against fireballs, otherwise mashing panic buttons when I came close.

I won but I never want to feel that stupid again, damn.

Walk up sweep

Or maybe tatsu


Junior Member
Guys I feel stupid for asking, but how do I deal with a scrubby Rashid spamming eagle spike (I'm guessing hk version) from far away? Nothing seems to reach him after a block. Playing Ryu btw. That guy kept running away spamming eagle spike and his projectle against fireballs, otherwise mashing panic buttons when I came close.

I won but I never want to feel that stupid again, damn.

You can actually punish him as soon as he hits you, you don't need to wait for him to land. That's what was tripping me up with him since it seemed unpunishable otherwise. Go in training mode and try some things out. With balrog I'm able to crouching mp/hp him.
You can actually punish him as soon as he hits you, you don't need to wait for him to land. That's what was tripping me up with him since it seemed unpunishable otherwise. Go in training mode and try some things out. With balrog I'm able to crouching mp/hp him.

This. I'm pretty sure at some distances I've managed to get an SPD on him before he lands so I don't think he's considered airborne despite being in the air. I'll need to go back in training and test that as well!


Junior Member
I still use my old ASUS monitor from the SF4 days. The one they used at Evo 2009, lol.

Too broke to make that g-sync upgrade, lmao.
Doesn't that have less input delay than most monitors today (9ms vs. the 10ms of most tournament-ready monitors)? I do recall that specific ASUS monitor no longer being sold.

Getting back into the game and have no idea whats going on with the DLC characters. Are any of them zone-y at all? I usually play a defensive zoner-ish character in fighters. E.G. my SFIV main was Rose.
Guile should be right up your alley.

Oh, duh, totally forgot about Guile. I'm shit with charge characters but I'll give him a go. What is Ibuki like?
Significantly different from how she was in either SFIII or SFIV. She has a ton of combo potential, but is pretty hard to master & can't take a hit to save her life.


Unconfirmed Member
The difference is that you are probably dead if ibuki lands a combo and a reset in this game. It took a bit more in 4.
Yeah, Mochalatte is damn good. I've played him IRL, as he's a Phoenix (or Tucson) cat that goes to the locals out here and is on my buddylist. We matched up in a tourney and he narrowly got me with a 2-1 set. He's better now than then for sure tho. I had slight sodium issues with him just edging out the W in that tourney.
Yup mocha nice...he doesn't play online ranked for a while cuz he plays locals, then when he comes back he'll shoot up the ranks. I would love to play him in person don't think we'll have a good connection I'm east coast

Also does anyone play Ibuki? I feel like I'm just gonna run into a diamond one and get bodied.


I am occasionally reminded that I have no matchup knowledge against FANG at all. Ran into Gold FANG today and felt really powerless. Any EU player here play FANG? lucebuce12 how is your connection with EU players?


Got revenge on one of the Birdies, that felt great. Only two more wins to platinum...

No it's not, we played already!

Oh yeah I did manage to snatch one game off of you in Casuals. But my Birdie needs some serious work considering my win/loss ratio with him.

I can help you practice with that matchup if you want. Can't really tell any Karin specific stuff since I don't play against her almost ever anymore. Seems like everyone has dropped her.


I'm over here hemorrhaging points because I'm too stubborn to not take Balrog on Ranked. Good thing I don't care about them.

Playing Balrog is so fucking tough, btw. It's either play perfectly or die.


Unconfirmed Member
Oh yeah I did manage to snatch one game off of you in Casuals. But my Birdie needs some serious work considering my win/loss ratio with him.

I can help you practice with that matchup if you want. Can't really tell any Karin specific stuff since I don't play against her almost ever anymore. Seems like everyone has dropped her.
Yeah, it's weird. I'm still having fun with her, but I barely play other Karins. But I'm seriously considering taking a break right now until some new content shows up or something.
Have you played USF4, too? And if so, which character? That nick sounds familiar.

Playing Balrog is so fucking tough, btw. It's either play perfectly or die.
I like this Balrog design less and less as time goes on. Feels like he's designed to mostly be a comeback character.

What's your cfn?
PM sent.


a nice change of pace from clapping all day

I've been playing Balrog since he came out, so it's not like I'm new to this feeling, but I still hate it. When I play Ryu, it's not like I have this feeling, either. Balrog's shortcomings are so tremendous that you need to be on point at all times or you'll get destroyed immediately. It's why he's probably one of the least played characters in the entire game, next to FANG.


Junior Member
The balrog struggle is real. Changed my main from Ken to him. I'm an idiot.

+1 on smug. He's the best balrog imo. Alucard is pretty good too and from some youtubes I've seen this guy called mkt-iwate (not familiar if he's a tourney player or not) that is a good japanese player. Pr Rog is pretty trash right now unfortunately.
I've been playing Balrog since he came out, so it's not like I'm new to this feeling, but I still hate it. When I play Ryu, it's not like I have this feeling, either. Balrog's shortcomings are so tremendous that you need to be on point at all times or you'll get destroyed immediately. It's why he's probably one of the least played characters in the entire game, next to FANG.

Solution: Try playing Alex for a while, and then marvel at how much better Balrog seems by comparison :p

For serious though, have you been watching any of Smug's Balrog matches? I feel like he has the best handle on Rog of any competitive player right now, and learning from his kind of nutty playstyle might help you overcome some of the character's hurdles.


Yeah, it's weird. I'm still having fun with her, but I barely play other Karins. But I'm seriously considering taking a break right now until some new content shows up or something.
Have you played USF4, too? And if so, which character? That nick sounds familiar.

USF4 very little I think I bought it like a year ago and played only couple of matches. I played AE alot though and I really didn't have a main and just tried to get all characters to C because of trophies. Only characters I ever used more were Honda and Balrog.


Solution: Try playing Alex for a while, and then marvel at how much better Balrog seems by comparison :p

For serious though, have you been watching any of Smug's Balrog matches? I feel like he has the best handle on Rog of any competitive player right now, and learning from his kind of nutty playstyle might help you overcome some of the character's hurdles.

Doubt it; pretty sure the consensus is that even Alex is better than Balrog. He's one of the worst characters in the game next to Ibuki, Zangief, FANG and Juri.

And sure, I've played Smug in an extended set last week. He has a fantastic Balrog.
Doubt it; pretty sure the consensus is that even Alex is better than Balrog. He's one of the worst characters in the game next to Ibuki, Zangief, FANG and Juri.

And sure, I've played Smug in an extended set last week. He has a fantastic Balrog.

Eh, Alex is one hell of a struggle. He's even more momentum-reliant than Mika because almost all of his pokes end his turn and his dash is too laggy for dash-in grab shenanigans. Rog and Alex share the same weakness of having godawful defense, but you're able to take more initiative as Rog which means there's less opportunity for the opponent to exploit that weakness.

Also, the consensus is that they're pretty close tier-wise from what I've seen (with both being lower-mid tier but not bottom tier), but in my humble opinion a great Balrog can go further than a great Alex cuz of the kind of playstyle he promotes.
Fn smug is crazy! I would like a rematch against him, his Dudley used to body me!

I would like a shot at all those players that I never get I had a chance against in 4.

Dr. Chaos
PR Smug

See me now I can probably take a round!!! Lol


Eh, Alex is one hell of a struggle. He's even more momentum-reliant than Mika because almost all of his pokes end his turn and his dash is too laggy for dash-in grab shenanigans. Rog and Alex share the same weakness of having godawful defense, but you're able to take more initiative as Rog which means there's less opportunity for the opponent to exploit that weakness.

I disagree that Alex has the same terrible defense that Balrog has. He has good AA options. His is one of the best AA jabs in the game. Balrog doesn't even have an AA jab; he has st.MP and cr.HP, both of which are garbage.

Alex's V-Reversal is quite good. Balrog's is one of the worst in the game, bringing him closer to the opponent in a -2 situation and it's so telegraphed. Alex has a wake-up EX command grab option that at least beats throws (and sometimes shimmies) if you have the right read. Balrog doesn't have that.
In case any of y'all haven't seen it, here's a great example of Smug making Balrog look godlike: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mSu19q32AdQ

Might wanna mute the volume though unless you relish the sound of a chav manbaby whining about lag.

I disagree that Alex has the same terrible defense that Balrog has. He has good AA options. His is one of the best AA jabs in the game. Balrog doesn't even have an AA jab; he has st.MP and cr.HP, both of which are garbage.

Alex's V-Reversal is quite good. Balrog's is one of the worst in the game, bringing him closer to the opponent in a -2 situation and it's so telegraphed. Alex has a wake-up EX command grab option that at least beats throws (and sometimes shimmies) if you have the right read. Balrog doesn't have that.

AA jab is the only thing Alex has going for him, cuz otherwise he dies super quickly to even the most mediocre pressure. Rog at least has a 3-frame button that can stuff some frame traps.

Alex's V-Reversal has a really dumb hitbox too so I wouldn't exactly call it "good;" it's serviceable at best and a complete waste of Alex's practically-mandatory V-Meter at worst. EX Power Bomb starts up in 6 frames btw so it'll still lose to throws (and since Alex has no wakeup options the opponent has nothing to fear) and its hitbox is actually much smaller that it seems so it gets blown up by shimmies that aren't just walking back a few steps.


AA jab is the only thing Alex has going for him, cuz otherwise he dies super quickly to even the most mediocre pressure. Rog at least has a 3-frame button that can stuff some frame traps.

Alex's V-Reversal has a really dumb hitbox too so I wouldn't exactly call it "good;" it's serviceable at best and a complete waste of Alex's practically-mandatory V-Meter at worst. EX Power Bomb starts up in 6 frames btw so it'll still lose to throws (and since Alex has no wakeup options the opponent has nothing to fear) and its hitbox is actually much smaller that it seems so it gets blown up by shimmies that aren't just walking back a few steps.

Wait, was me thinking Alex's EX command grab was throw invincible like Zangief's or Birdie's just another false assumption? If so, I guess he is put in a pretty bad situation versus throws in the corner as well.

But the thing is that Balrog's V-Trigger meter is crucial as well, perhaps even more so because, without it, Balrog doesn't have the same damage output.

I play Mika, so I know how it is to deal with crap defense. But that V-Reversal and the implied fear of a clap changes everything. Alex has his cr.MP (I think it is? the horizontal chop) which has good speed and range. Pretty much all of Balrog's normals are either very stubby or very slow.


I disagree that Alex has the same terrible defense that Balrog has. He has good AA options. His is one of the best AA jabs in the game. Balrog doesn't even have an AA jab; he has st.MP and cr.HP, both of which are garbage.

Alex's V-Reversal is quite good. Balrog's is one of the worst in the game, bringing him closer to the opponent in a -2 situation and it's so telegraphed. Alex has a wake-up EX command grab option that at least beats throws (and sometimes shimmies) if you have the right read. Balrog doesn't have that.

Ehhh, I don't think so. Alex has an AA jab, that's about it. Balrog's MP anti air is decent, you're one of the only people I've seen who thinks he's that bad.

And yeah, the wakeup throw is a terrible option, Alex is utterly free on wakeup.

Wait, was me thinking Alex's EX command grab was throw invincible like Zangief's or Birdie's just another false assumption? If so, I guess he is put in a pretty bad situation versus throws in the corner as well.

But the thing is that Balrog's V-Trigger meter is crucial as well, perhaps even more so because, without it, Balrog doesn't have the same damage output.

I play Mika, so I know how it is to deal with crap defense. But that V-Reversal and the implied fear of a clap changes everything. Alex has his cr.MP (I think it is? the horizontal chop) which has good speed and range. Pretty much all of Balrog's normals are either very stubby or very slow.

lol, Balrog has a 3 framer (that confirms into a TC that knocks down), that automatically takes his buttons above Alex.

Flux, you seem really susceptible to the "my character isn't great" syndrome, which is a shame considering how good you are at the game.


Ehhh, I don't think so. Alex has an AA jab, that's about it. Balrog's MP anti air is decent, you're one of the only people I've seen who thinks he's that bad.

Wait, I am? Isn't Balrog consistently at the bottom of tier lists, and weren't there a bunch of gifs of Balrog's st.MP being terrible a couple of months back? Not to mention PR Balrog consistently complaining about him when he first came out (and I think his complaints are legitimate).

Flux, you seem really susceptible to the "my character isn't great" syndrome, which is a shame considering how good you are at the game.

I have no idea what you're talking about. You're kidding yourself if you think I'm using Balrog's weaknesses as some sort of excuse for my losses. If I cared about them that much, I wouldn't be going on Ranked to lose thousands of points intentionally to improve. You're aware that I mess around with multiple characters, right? I'm not complaining for the sake of myself, I'm being objective in this discussion. Balrog has great options, but he also has very weak ones. I'm not an outlier here: this is what they were saying during commentary at Canada Cup as well, with Infiltration talking about how Balrog has "untapped potential" or something.

lol, Balrog has a 3 framer (that confirms into a TC that knocks down), that automatically takes his buttons above Alex.

This doesn't make any sense. Universally, all Balrog players agree that he has stubby as hell normals. Alex has good range on his (it's what makes him difficult to approach with Balrog or Mika).


I have 38k FM right now, should I continue to grind my way to 85k to get the main story colours or impulse buy a story costume or stage variation? Those two being 40k a pop?

I've grinded that 38k mainly from the missions and playing ranked/casual via wins and leveling up characters.

I'd like to complete the costume sets but I think completing a set of colours for many characters would be very satisfying.

That or Capcom drops the SF2 Bison Thailand stage for 70k just as I get closer to 85k. Lol

I still have 4 characters left in trials to finish and of course the hated Hard and Extreme survival modes. So the offline game still offers a lot of untapped FM for me.


Wait, I am? Isn't Balrog consistently at the bottom of tier lists, and weren't there a bunch of gifs of Balrog's st.MP being terrible a couple of months back? Not to mention PR Balrog consistently complaining about him when he first came out (and I think his complaints are legitimate).

I know what gif you're referring to, and I'm pretty sure that was just a case of bad timing on PR Balrogs part. The AA is decent, he was just mistiming it because the animation on the move combined with the weird properties of Ryu's j.HK made it misleading.

Pretty sure PR Rog has been whining about the game for a while now.
Wait, was me thinking Alex's EX command grab was throw invincible like Zangief's or Birdie's just another false assumption? If so, I guess he is put in a pretty bad situation versus throws in the corner as well.

But the thing is that Balrog's V-Trigger meter is crucial as well, perhaps even more so because, without it, Balrog doesn't have the same damage output.

I play Mika, so I know how it is to deal with crap defense. But that V-Reversal and the implied fear of a clap changes everything. Alex has his cr.MP (I think it is? the horizontal chop) which has good speed and range. Pretty much all of Balrog's normals are either very stubby or very slow.

Alex's crMP is a decent ranged poke, but he gets absolutely nothing on hit, it's not special cancellable plus it's -4 on block AND only +2 on hit (meaning that if he uses it, his turn is over immediately unless he lands a point-blank counterhit because his fastest button is 4 frames).

I'm not trying to say Alex is garbage-tier or w/e (like I mentioned before, I think the general consensus is that he and Rog are both mid-tier) but I definitely think he struggles in more scenarios than Rog does.


Junior Member
I know what gif you're referring to, and I'm pretty sure that was just a case of bad timing on PR Balrogs part. The AA is decent, he was just mistiming it because the animation on the move combined with the weird properties of Ryu's j.HK made it misleading.

Pretty sure PR Rog has been whining about the game for a while now.

yeah St. MP is pretty good. Rarely loses or trades in my experience and yeah PR Rog is just not good with the character. He does have valid complaints but he seems to whine a lot lately in general.


I'm not trying to say Alex is garbage-tier or w/e (like I mentioned before, I think the general consensus is that he and Rog are both mid-tier) but I definitely think he struggles in more scenarios than Rog does.

Hm, I still don't think I agree with this. The V-Reversal alone makes it a viable option when he's cornered due to the pushback. Balrog's actually pushes *him* into his opponent. The 3-frame jab is something Alex doesn't have, though, but it's still a wake-up button.

In that respect, at least Balrog can build V-Meter more quickly than Alex can.

yeah St. MP is pretty good. Rarely loses or trades in my experience

That is extremely surprising. Are you a Rog main? I'd like to see some of your replays to see what your timing is on them.


I really need to buy Balrog so i can take him to the lab. A bunch of situations i dont know how plus or minus he is. He does seem better than Alex but i dont really know enough about both to say.
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