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Super Mario Odyssey - 10/10 from Edge

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They gave BotW a 10, and I'd give it a 6.5 based on the 3 or so hours I played of it (I also have no desire to return to such a chore of a game).

So yeah, that doesn't mean anything to me.


Gold Member
How old are you :) ?

I am 32 and i cant wait. Colourfull creative games like this is the best.
I am so tired of brown/grey realism action games.

Older than that, but not older than Mike Gundy when he was a man.

Just was saying I don't know....I will be there day 1 for sure, but I can't say anything has me frothing at the mouth or anything. Just my opinion. Im sure Ill like it due to its gameplay.


They gave Metroid: Samus Returns a 6 in this very issue. Dat Nintendo bias.

If it was called Betroid: Seamus returns it would only get a 4 though so the bias is still there.

That score is a bit weird to me though, I feel like the faults of M:SR exist just because it's a remake of M2, but apart from that it's pretty good.


They gave BotW a 10, and I'd give it a 6.5 based on the 3 or so hours I played of it (I also have no desire to return to such a chore of a game).

So yeah, that doesn't mean anything to me.
That's a very hot take.


Amazing that Nintendo release this, BOTW and several other good games in the same year.

I don't remember anything like that ever happening before from a single company.
They gave BotW a 10, and I'd give it a 6.5 based on the 3 or so hours I played of it (I also have no desire to return to such a chore of a game).

So yeah, that doesn't mean anything to me.

This means as much as your odd comparison between:

-different games in different genres and series and approach
-different reviews focusing on different things due to the above
-different writers, though Edge tends to review as Edge, not one person's opinions
-judging the reviews solely on the score at the end

I mean, Edge gave Mario Kart: Double Dash a 5 back in the day. I loved that game, but I can totally see where they were coming from after reading the review and then seeing the score attached to the end.

Likewise, their Mario 64 DS review (an 8) actually opened my eyes to how that port watered down the original game's careful level designs and changed my mind about how I saw the game.

In both cases, the score wasn't enough for me to have come to those conclusions.


Anyone seen this cover of the Spanish version of Edge?


Edit: Apparently the English version is different. All of this is stolen off rllmuk by the way.

Amazing cover

I bet this takes Easy Allies' 3rd ever 5/5 stars.

Did they give any 5/5 at all this year?


How old are you :) ?

I am 32 and i cant wait. Colourfull creative games like this is the best.
I am so tired of brown/grey realism action games.

34 here. This game looks like pure happiness. And I can't wait to play this with my daughter.

P.S. is that your switch in your avatar? I've been looking everywhere for the double blue joycon pack lol

Anyone seen this cover of the Spanish version of Edge?


Edit: Apparently the English version is different. All of this is stolen off rllmuk by the way.

I didn't think I would pick up a Nintendo console this gen, have no interest in Zelda at all or Arms or Splatoon.

A new Mario in the mould of Galazy 1 or 2 though, that might be enough to get me to bite!
can't fathom claiming botw as busywork when it's pretty much the antithesis of every modern open world game filled with actual chores

Zelda was a U game ported to the Switch. Just sayin'...

it will only be remembered as a switch game, forever and always
Do we know an exact number of Kingdoms yet?

We've seen some Kingdoms have up to 50 moons in them if I'm remembering correctly so that means we could be looking at something like 15-20 Kingdoms possibly? Crazy.


The Year Nintendo Slayed.

They gave BotW a 10, and I'd give it a 6.5 based on the 3 or so hours I played of it (I also have no desire to return to such a chore of a game).

So yeah, that doesn't mean anything to me.

Sorry to hear this. If I can ask, how was the sense of exploration for you? What about the art style?


IMO, a perfect score doesn't mean a game is perfect (no such thing exists) but it means that for his time, his context, his hardware and his genre, it's pretty much the best (or one of the best) you can find.

Zelda: OoT is still pretty much a 10/10 considering everything the game delivered at the time (gameplay, story-driven, etc)... Even if it didn't age very well graphically. Same thing for GTA 3 or Super Mario 64.


If it was called Betroid: Seamus returns it would only get a 4 though so the bias is still there.

That score is a bit weird to me though, I feel like the faults of M:SR exist just because it's a remake of M2, but apart from that it's pretty good.
They could have made a cooler remake comparing it to AM2R


They gave BotW a 10, and I'd give it a 6.5 based on the 3 or so hours I played of it (I also have no desire to return to such a chore of a game).

So yeah, that doesn't mean anything to me.

3 or so hours. So you barely finished the tutorial area, haven't seen any villages, proper shrine puzzles, actual dungeon mechanics, or enemies besides bokoblins and slimes, nor actual weapon variety or anything that makes this open world so special really. Congratz on that profound opinion on BotW. Fucking lol.


I have high hopes for this game. None of Nintendo's offerings this year (besides MK8) spoke to me.

3D Mario has never disappointed.

boiled goose

good with gravy
If it was called Betroid: Seamus returns it would only get a 4 though so the bias is still there.

That score is a bit weird to me though, I feel like the faults of M:SR exist just because it's a remake of M2, but apart from that it's pretty good.

No way the game would ever get a 4. It's a polished and decent metroidvania at worst.
i think Mario odyssey will be an amazing game, i love that they finally brought back the real 3D Mario

but the scores for any nintendo game is nothing to me, they sympathize with Nintendo

i don't expect Mario odyssey to be lower than 93, my guess is 95

Are you saying all reviewers "sympathize" with Nintendo? First off, that's just not true, but secondly- "sympathize?" like, they feel bad for them so they take it easy on them?

Strange posts in this thread.


Clearly the Edge reviewer was starving for games on the Switch. Now I haven’t played the game but I bet you all if this game was released on the PS4 it would score not more than 6/10. I mean it’s not even 1080p for crying out loud! Plus it’s Mario, yes sure the game might be fun, but there will be no story in the game. There is no social commentary, no clear message, no depth of characters, hell I doubt there is even any character development in the game. These kinds of games may deserve high scores in the early 90s (no way 10 out of 10 though) because at the time games were primarily targeting kids. However, now as an adult I need something far more complex than Italian plumber riding dinosaurs (lol). I suppose the joke’s on me, expecting a publication who has such a crush for Nintendo to speak out and say the truth, but I really was hoping for a more objective review from EDGE, at least this time around.



They gave BotW a 10, and I'd give it a 6.5 based on the 3 or so hours I played of it (I also have no desire to return to such a chore of a game).

So yeah, that doesn't mean anything to me.

You played 3 hours of a game that most people got over 100 hours out of and your trying to act like your score means anything to anybody LOL
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