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Super Smash Bros. for 3DS and Wii U Thread 5: Yarning for Yoshi


I should really play Golden Sun one of these days.

You really should! Those two games are really good on all fronts (story, gameplay, graphics, music), one of my favorite RPG series.

I just watched that Smash Brothers documentary on Youtube about the competitive Melee scene and now I'm super hyped for this game. Hope we get a direct soon.

I did the same a few weeks ago, I hope the scene is live years later so that a Part 2 can happen.
Welcome to SmashGAF and I hope that you would enjoy your staying here. Yes, I would be happy to see Isaac become playable character, but he have very extremely low chance to be playable character. There is a rumor that Isaac is one of five planned characters for PMBR.




As in "Heathcliff"
Thanks! Will try to lurk less from now on.

Regarding Isaac I know his chances aren't high, while Golden Sun is one of my favorite franchises I myself haven't played Dark Dawn because of the reception it got and the opinions around here (afraid to taint my memories / love for the games). And there is no know golden sun game coming to either console.

I would be very happy with his inclusion in PM though, but we would have to see how faithfully they can recreate him, since they are limited by what they can do and I doubt psynergy attacks are easy at all to implement... I still would main the fuck out of him though!

Still heartbroken by his inclusion as an AT in brawl, so I half-know what walugi fans feel ;)

I know many people would main him in Project M, including myself as well.


See, I'm not that big on Hades as a playable character. He's never appealed to me much as a fighter... it's more the dialogue, and he wouldn't have much room to talk on the battlefield. I'd rather he show up to interact with Pit whenever he shows up on a certain stage.

Really, my ideal situation would be Pit and Medusa as playable with Hades, Palutena, and Viridi all as talking heads that can be taunt-triggered by Pit on Kid Icarus stages.


s there an archive of the previous gifs of the day? Love them!

Also hi Smash GAF! I don't post much but the hype is real! Got back into Smash with Project M (which I loooove) and stocked to see what 4 has in store :D

Please Sakurai or PMBR, give me Isaac.

See, I'm not that big on Hades as a playable character. He's never appealed to me much as a fighter... it's more the dialogue, and he wouldn't have much room to talk on the battlefield. I'd rather he show up to interact with Pit whenever he shows up on a certain stage.

Really, my ideal situation would be Pit and Medusa as playable with Hades, Palutena, and Viridi all as talking heads that can be taunt-triggered by Pit on Kid Icarus stages.

Captain Falcon/Fox weren't fighters either! ALSO just look at Hades. He could definitely kick ass.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Did Termina Bay in SSBM always really look that awful? Granted, I never cared for that level much to begin with (thought it was fairly boring), but are the backgrounds directly ripped from the N64 game?

Also, it just occurred to me that the only Zelda levels in Melee were from Zelda 2 and Majora's Mask. Mind blown. :eek:
Krystal is an awful character, and I really don't know why people keep requesting her, if so many also think that we've already got more than enough characters for the Star Fox franchise, and already were complaining about it getting 3 in Brawl.
You say this like these two parties have huge overlap.

Honestly, I was expecting Krystal back in Brawl, and was disappointed we got Wolf instead. A little less so retroactively when I heard Wolf was planned for both 64 and Melee but held back due to time constraints, but I still expect Krystal would've brought more to the table than a character who plays too similarly to Fox for comfort when Fox already has a character that plays extremely similar to him (Falco).

I'm not expecting Krystal to make it in at this point, but I'm firmly on the "wouldn't mind" side of this one.
You say this like these two parties have huge overlap.

Honestly, I was expecting Krystal back in Brawl, and was disappointed we got Wolf instead. A little less so retroactively when I heard Wolf was planned for both 64 and Melee but held back due to time constraints, but I still expect Krystal would've brought more to the table than a character who plays too similarly to Fox for comfort when Fox already has a character that plays extremely similar to him (Falco).

I'm not expecting Krystal to make it in at this point, but I'm firmly on the "wouldn't mind" side of this one.

really, we're going with the clone thing again?
Wolf doesn't play like Fox at all


I always thought an "Evolve-in-Battle" Pokemon would be an interesting mechanic. Every kill you earn (or percentage degree you deal) racks up EXP, leading to evolution, which would be permanent for that match.

I'm not sure if there are any Pokemon that A) are iconic, B) evolve via experience, and C) aren't starters. Maybe Zorua -> Zoroark.


Um exCUSE me Sakurai but CLEARLY the best choice for Smash Bros would be my fav niche character HOWEVER you are clearly INCOMPETENT and
Wolf desperately needs a manicure.


It's a pretty big leap to assume that if Krystal were to be playable she'd be "unique." The staff appears in one Star Fox game, and Fox uses it more than Krystal does. Star Fox Adventures just doesn't strike me as the type of game that would be represented through a character's move set.


Wolf desperately needs a manicure.

He gets the best ones, that's why them nails so sharp son.

He be goin in the salon like

" get my the homicide special, we gon have fun with this thang "

He knows all the patrons in the salon by first name

And also gets mean facials

I like what I imagined up, and wish this to be canon.


Krystal would be a more interesting addition than Ridley.
You could start off by saying why instead of just stating stuff.
I said plays similar to, not "exact clone of". Luigi, Lucas and Lucario have enough superficial similarities to Mario, Ness and Mewtwo that people were calling foul there, too, as I recall.
One of these is not like the other.

Those are just said by angry Mewtwo fans who have clouded their judgement.
I said plays similar to, not "exact clone of". Luigi, Lucas and Lucario have enough superficial similarities to Mario, Ness and Mewtwo that people were calling foul there, too, as I recall.

Superficial? Superficial? Are you kidding me. Especially with Lucario/Mewtwo? Those share one (1) move, which is a charge shot. That's where their similarities end. Does that make Mewtwo and Lucario clones of Samus, then? Because if I recall correctly, all 3 characters are floaty and they all have a charge shot, and Samus was first.

And no. Fox and Wolf do not play similarly at all. They aren't sharing a single A-move (I've made the move-by-move comparison in one of the earlier threads, I can go dig it up for you if you want), and their specials, while similar in their VERY basics are different enough to not make them "clones". The same goes for Lucas and Ness. The only moves both of these pairs share that is identical in how it works is their respective final smash.

Mario and Luigi share significantly more moves than Fox and Wolf, Lucas and Ness and especially Mewtwo and Lucario do.

If you only take the very basics of Wolf's and Fox's moves, then Samus and Link are more similar to each other than Fox and Wolf are. And yes, I'm dead serious with that statement.
You could start off by saying why instead of just stating stuff.

First, Ridley is, in my opinion, a far less interesting and developed character than Krystal, but I recognize with characters like R.O.B., Ice-Climbers, and Mr. Game & Watch, this is not a critique that will go far.
In my opinion, between the staff and the more traditional Star Fox weapons, she'd also have more potential for an interesting move-set compared to Ridley. Maybe I've just not read many creative ideas, but most involve Ridley punching or kicking for its moveset. I'm sure Sakurai could come up with something, if he really felt like it, though, but I'm doubtful the reality of actually playing as him would be more interesting or fun than Kyrstal, or a myriad of other Nintendo characters.

Additionally, it frustrates me that, commonly, but not always the biggest argument against Krystal's inclusion is that she originates from an unpopular game in the SF franchise (as if that meant anything) and/or she would appeal to "furries" as if that had any bearing on her viability as a playable character. Especially because I've seen many say her inclusion would be 'pandering' or 'fan service', as opposed to Ridley.
But Krystal doesn't even have any development, or is interesting in the slightest.
In Adventures, you play her in the tutorial, the rest of the game she's trapped as typical damsel in distress, and the only reason why Fox bothers saving Sauria is cause he got a look up her skirt. In Assault, she... uh... well... doesn't really do anything. She's a member of Fox's team, and a rather incompetent one at that (I mostly remember having to rescue her in that game). And in Command, she flipflops between Star Fox and Star Wolf and is overall pretty insignificant to the plot, at least from what I remember (I don't remember much).
Calling Star Fox characters, who have about as much character development and personality as a common rock to be "more developed and interesting" than anything is pretty insulting. And I say that as someone who really enjoys most Star Fox games, and like most of the characters.

Ridley, on the other hand, has been Samus' arch enemy since the very first game, has been in every Metroid except for like 2 games, is considered an iconic character of the franchise, has a lot of personality and backstory going on, especially with all the different forms he takes during the plots of these games. While he doesn't talk in the games, he has been central to any Metroid story he has been involved in.

To top it off, Metroid is one of the biggest franchises Nintendo has, and it still has only 1.5 characters, whereas Star Fox, a series that has not seen a new game for 8 years (beyond a 3DS remake), has twice as many already.

Finally, I don't believe that, if Krystal EVER were included in Smash, that she should use the staff. It would not be representative of her because she held the staff for a total of 5 minutes during the tutorial of Adventure. In Assault and Command, she did not use the staff, it wasn't even shown to exist anymore at that point. If anyone should use the staff from Adventure, it would be Fox, and that's not gonna happen either.
Dat Lord Capt Falcon game is too strong!

So semi-related to the Krystarl talk, been playing some soul calibur and fire emblem this weekend and once again, I really would love a lance or staff user in smash super bad! Having a melee character that is even more about spacing and distance that Marth would be awesome. Problem is, other than Palutena (who I imagine would be more magic based with her staff than using the staff for melee damage but I haven't played uprising so I honestly don't know how her staff play would be.... Anyone like to fill me in that would be great) I don't know who they would put in that would use a staff or lance. Were there any stand out characters in the new fire emblem that were lance users? Krystal is the only other staff user I can even think of. Any other suggestions for that play style?


Doesn't read OPs, especially not his own
But Krystal doesn't even have any development, or is interesting in the slightest.
In Adventures, you play her in the tutorial, the rest of the game she's trapped as typical damsel in distress, and the only reason why Fox bothers saving Sauria is cause he got a look up her skirt. In Assault, she... uh... well... doesn't really do anything. She's a member of Fox's team, and a rather incompetent one at that (I mostly remember having to rescue her in that game). And in Command, she flipflops between Star Fox and Star Wolf and is overall pretty insignificant to the plot, at least from what I remember (I don't remember much).
Calling Star Fox characters, who have about as much character development and personality as a common rock to be "more developed and interesting" than anything is pretty insulting. And I say that as someone who really enjoys most Star Fox games, and like most of the characters.

Ridley, on the other hand, has been Samus' arch enemy since the very first game, has been in every Metroid except for like 2 games, is considered an iconic character of the franchise, has a lot of personality and backstory going on, especially with all the different forms he takes during the plots of these games. While he doesn't talk in the games, he has been central to any Metroid story he has been involved in.

To top it off, Metroid is one of the biggest franchises Nintendo has, and it still has only 1.5 characters, whereas Star Fox, a series that has not seen a new game for 8 years (beyond a 3DS remake), has twice as many already.

Finally, I don't believe that, if Krystal EVER were included in Smash, that she should use the staff. It would not be representative of her because she held the staff for a total of 5 minutes during the tutorial of Adventure. In Assault and Command, she did not use the staff, it wasn't even shown to exist anymore at that point. If anyone should use the staff from Adventure, it would be Fox, and that's not gonna happen either.

Fox saved sauria because he was paid to, krystal was a bonus, its the reason he was on the planet in the first place.
Welcome to SmashGAF and I hope that you would enjoy your staying here. Yes, I would be happy to see Isaac become playable character, but he have very extremely low chance to be playable character. There is a rumor that Isaac is one of five planned characters for PMBR.


Isaac master race.

I will seriously lose my shit is Isaac is added,
although probably not as much as I did when my team beat OSU and 'Cuse in the NCAA tournament this year
Were there any stand out characters in the new fire emblem that were lance users?


Ephraim, the lord from Sacred Stones.
Edit: Oh, in the new Fire Emblem. Well he's DLC in that so...


Jenna, from Golden Sun.

Fox saved sauria because he was paid to, krystal was a bonus, its the reason he was on the planet in the first place.

By the time he gets a good look at that blue crotch, accompanied by bawdy 70s saxophone music, you know he doesn't care about the money anymore.
Fuck Krystal.

If she was in the game I'd avoid unlocking her if possible.

And we're already getting a staff user with Palutena which was Krystal's only unique aspect apart from furry-bait.
But Krystal doesn't even have any development, or is interesting in the slightest.
In Adventures, you play her in the tutorial, the rest of the game she's trapped as typical damsel in distress, and the only reason why Fox bothers saving Sauria is cause he got a look up her skirt. In Assault, she... uh... well... doesn't really do anything. She's a member of Fox's team, and a rather incompetent one at that (I mostly remember having to rescue her in that game). And in Command, she flipflops between Star Fox and Star Wolf and is overall pretty insignificant to the plot, at least from what I remember (I don't remember much).
Calling Star Fox characters, who have about as much character development and personality as a common rock to be "more developed and interesting" than anything is pretty insulting. And I say that as someone who really enjoys most Star Fox games, and like most of the characters.

Ridley, on the other hand, has been Samus' arch enemy since the very first game, has been in every Metroid except for like 2 games, is considered an iconic character of the franchise, has a lot of personality and backstory going on, especially with all the different forms he takes during the plots of these games. While he doesn't talk in the games, he has been central to any Metroid story he has been involved in.

So, Krystal has no development or interest because of reasons but Ridley is awesome because its been in almost every Metroid game and has some backstory? Ridley's complete lack of character is why Krystal or any of the SF crew is more interesting than it, not because they are inherently well developed characters. I love that you talk through Krystal's alleged non-development/characterisation, but gloss over Ridley by saying, "has a lot of personality and backstory going on" and expecting it to be taken at face value.


Why is Krystal 'furry bait' and why are Fox, Wolf, or Falco not?


First, Ridley is, in my opinion, a far less interesting and developed character than Krystal, but I recognize with characters like R.O.B., Ice-Climbers, and Mr. Game & Watch, this is not a critique that will go far.
In my opinion, between the staff and the more traditional Star Fox weapons, she'd also have more potential for an interesting move-set compared to Ridley. Maybe I've just not read many creative ideas, but most involve Ridley punching or kicking for its moveset. I'm sure Sakurai could come up with something, if he really felt like it, though, but I'm doubtful the reality of actually playing as him would be more interesting or fun than Kyrstal, or a myriad of other Nintendo characters.

Additionally, it frustrates me that, commonly, but not always the biggest argument against Krystal's inclusion is that she originates from an unpopular game in the SF franchise (as if that meant anything) and/or she would appeal to "furries" as if that had any bearing on her viability as a playable character. Especially because I've seen many say her inclusion would be 'pandering' or 'fan service', as opposed to Ridley.

I've never imagined Ridley punching or kicking once. I don't think I've ever seen that suggested at all until now and I am a big promotor of Ridley, the one true lord of death.

Basic claw swipes, bites and tail swings are a given. Lumbering fool on the ground but a menace to society in the air! I mean come on wouldn't you love to see that pogo tail thing he does in Super Metroid fully realized in the Smash world? You know he just might even be able to camouflage like a chameleon, not entirely sure how to interpret that in Super Metroid, maybe just the lights turned on. Any way he swings that tail like whip and we could see some similar zero suit Samus action with that thing. He can fly and drill spin like Metaknight or Sonic. He jumps high and slams down like Dedede or Bowser with a shockwave to boot.

Now all that is just the basic stuff from the Metroid games themselves, if you look at Smash it's self and his Dynablade inspiration then there is so much to draw from. A dash attack that flies across the entire stage like Ike, air blast that works like Water Gun or Fludd, Shuttle Loop like Metaknight, etc.

All that's not even counting his obvious grab game where he might be similar to DK in which he can grab and move around while holding the enemy.

Krystal would definitely be unique with the staff but I wouldn't be surprised if her specials acted exactly like Fox's.


Fuck Krystal.

If she was in the game I'd avoid unlocking her if possible.

And we're already getting a staff user with Palutena which was Krystal's only unique aspect apart from furry-bait.

Part of the long list of terms that gets whatever argument you have thrown out
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