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Super Smash Bros. for 3DS |OT| It's out in Japan

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JC Lately

Wait, no online for Smash Run?

That pretty much means the only time I’ll play it will be at PAX South. Maybe.

Lame. Hype for 3ds version falling…falling…


I don't have friends nearby so unless there are special things only unlockable by Smash Run...I might have to skip out on it
Mmm, just watched some Ganondorf footage and he's looking like he'll be pretty fun to play as. :D

He was my favorite in Melee, but something about how he played in Brawl turned me off using him in that game (might have just been Brawl in general, didn't play much of that game).


I don't have friends nearby so unless there are special things only unlockable by Smash Run...I might have to skip out on it

There's probably 2-3 Smash Run challenges, but other than that I don't think there will be any reason to play Smash Run.


Any word on what the songs in Magicant are?

Also, is there a list of what the variations of each move for the characters are yet?

The custom moves are going to take ages to unlock so we won't have a comprehensive list of them, I'm going to be spending as much time as possible to unlock them after I have all the characters tomorrow, unless someone else has done it by then but most people don't seem to be bothered about them and they'll probably be playing the online a lot tomorrow as the servers will be up.
The custom moves are going to take ages to unlock so we won't have a comprehensive list of them, I'm going to be spending as much time as possible to unlock them after I have all the characters tomorrow, unless someone else has done it by then but most people don't seem to be bothered about them and they'll probably be playing the online a lot tomorrow as the servers will be up.

Oh, I didn't know you had to unlock them. Damn.

One is a Smiles and Tears remix. I don't remember what the other one was.

Awesome, though there are a lot better battle themes to use for an Earthbound/Mother stage :(
Hey guys! Here's the link to the document if you just want to see the list:


If you're wanting to add your info, quote this post to get a link to a questionnaire that will automatically add your info to it. Friend lists are limited as well, so don't go in thinking you'll add everyone in SmashGAF. Keep in mind that the 3DS is super silly and doesn't alert others when you friend them, so don't be afraid to let other know you've added them.



Michelangelo painted the Sistine Chapel. Yabuki turned off voice chat in Mario Kart races. True artists of their time.
Hey guys! Here's the link to the document if you just want to see the list:


If you're wanting to add your info, quote this post to get a link to a questionnaire that will automatically add your info to it. Friend lists are limited as well, so don't go in thinking you'll add everyone in SmashGAF. Keep in mind that the 3DS is super silly and doesn't alert others when you friend them, so don't be afraid to let other know you've added them.

Just added myself. If anyone else is playing the Japanese ver. please add me.


Junior Member
Crainy said:
Dear Sakurai,

**** you. Not only is this the most lackluster smash roster ever, but also treating us Ridley fans like this was ****ed up.

R0Y said:
Guys calm down. He was always unlikely with Dark Sakurai at the helm. Wait until next time, when he's hopefully retired and not making poor choices. :)

Also don't cry because the basement-dwelling troll at NeoGAF are lurking.=

D-idara said:
Sakurai confirmed to be a disgusting, power-hungry, expectation playing dictator-developer who doesn't care about what the fans want. This game's officially confirmed to be the worst game on the Smash series, no Ridley, no K. Rool, no Mewtwo, not even Dixie or Chorus Men to throw us off, no Sakurai, NO! I'm THIS close to not buying the game, this IS ABSOLUTE BULL****!

You can't do that, those can't be all the characters we get...I guess I'll enjoy Bayonetta and Wonderful 101 (Two franchises that ACTUALLY DESERVED REPS) because I won't be playing this piece of crap game anytime soon, and I won't buy the Wii U version either.

Yeah, tomorrow's the Smash Stream, there's much fun to be had and streamed with such a sucky, lackluster game. Go back to making Kid Icarus 2, Sakurai, a game you're actually good at making, because you've shown that you have no idea of how to make a Smash game anymore...

Xenorange said:
Sakurai's a dip****, Dr Mario but no Mewtwo. It's time to pass the torch you daft ****.

Ridley22 said:
I'm seriously annoyed with this roster. Sakurai managed to avoid pretty much all major villains and be as biased as possible.

Whelp at least there is PM. The PMBR seems to actually listen to fans.

TitanTeaTime said:
To the people saying "see you in 7 years":
No, we ****ing WON'T EVER see playable Ridley now. Not in a million years. If Sakurai is blind to the fan demand that even MEWTWO gathers, and simply DOESN'T give a conclusive statement about the fate of THE SINGLE most controversial Smash character, then I've given up on him. Same goes for K Rool. Mewtwo is gone for good as far as I'm concerned. Same goes for Snake. And every 3rd party candidate. Isaac doesn't even look to be an assist trophy this time around. 2 franchises lost characters, 2 franchises are NO LONGER REPRESENTED BY CHARACTERS AT ALL, and Metroid has Samus and Samus again for it's character"s". But we can expect Sakurai to add 2 more characters from his own franchise to the next set of games. I wouldn't put it past him. So, who's ready for him to "cut down on the clones" again? Don't be, he'll add another 3 and take a unique character away from you. 100% expecting Robin and Shulk to be cut now because **** the fans right?

Tkraix said:
in my opinion it does make no sense to not include Ridley or even Mewtwo ( Dr.Mario over Mewtwo.. WHAT THE ***) If this is the final roster i am highly disappointed.. 3 Kid Icarus reps but only 2 Metroid reps?! Even the Donkey Kong series didn't get Dixie Kong who would only be a clone like Dr.Mario (maybe a bit different). Really... this whole stuff makes no sense.

Boomuki said:
I really had faith in Sakurai. But no Mewtwo, no Ridley, no DK rep, no Ice Climbers and Lucas, but 3 goddamn ****ing clones, ********ing WiiFitTrainer and ****ING 3 KID ICARUS CHARACTERS. I lost faith

TitanTeaTime said:
It's obvious at this point that Nintendo wants to forget about Metroid in general. Watch, in 4 years it'll be a deserted franchise like poor F-Zero is.

D-idara said:
Haha, all these people saying we'll still get an 'awesome game' regardless, well let me tell you, WE'RE NOT GETTING ANY AWESOME GAME WITH THIS ****TY ROSTER. Everything that was good about the game was hanging on there being 5 more characters, now we can actually confirm that the game sucks and we should only buy it to make a public burning of Smash 3DS and Wii U and retweet it to Sakurai, we can throw in some older Kirbys, Air Ride, Melee, Kid Icarus: Uprising and Brawl boxes there too, oh, and don't forget Smash64 boxes.


And no, don't try to make it better with your 'We can have Project M Ridley' IT'S OVER, SMASH4 SUCKS, that's all that mattered, and now it's gone, I can't even bring myself to cry...I'm just, deeply dissapointed and furious.

Marthmario said:
Literally F*** Sakurai. I try to respect him and I've loved almost everything he's done... but this is outrageous. He ignored all the fan demand for Mewtwo, K. Rool AND RIDLEY. LIKE SERIOUSLY?!??! EVEN FRIGGING REGGIE KNOWS HOW MUCH PEOPLE WANT REGGIE!!! THIS IS RIDICULOUS....

Xenorange said:
I really don't want Sakurai making the next game, i'm sick of his favoritism. Ignores the fans and does whatever he wants. At least i have Sonic though.

Boomuki said:
wow i always thought these kind of people are *******es, but im considering to not buy the game, not just because of my of saltyness right now, but also because of not accepting to keep buying this series when sakurai does nothing than trolling the fans more and more. his arm pains in the ***. his ****ty kid icarus overrepresentation in the ***. him being the director in the ***.

Ridley22 said:
I guess instead of campaigning for Ridley we should hope for a new director for Smash. I find it hard to believe anyone else would make this many illogical decisions.




Hey guys! Here's the link to the document if you just want to see the list:


If you're wanting to add your info, quote this post to get a link to a questionnaire that will automatically add your info to it. Friend lists are limited as well, so don't go in thinking you'll add everyone in SmashGAF. Keep in mind that the 3DS is super silly and doesn't alert others when you friend them, so don't be afraid to let other know you've added them.

Added myself

So for those that know of the full roster, what do you think of it? Put spoilers in appropriate tags, please.
I'm excited


Somehow between 64 and Smash 4 Wii U/3DS all of a sudden Sakurai doesn't know how to make smash bros.????


You guys!



This is the guy who gave us Pichu and Dr. Mario...the same guy who made your other favorite games.

You've made this about you. And it was never about you, I'm sorry. :'(

What's worse is everyone trying to mask their irrational emotionally invested jargon as some kind of justified logical thing.

You really are just "salty"


Is there any info on controls customization? Can we map any button to anything? Can we use the d-pad instead of the analog?

So for those that know of the full roster, what do you think of it? Put spoilers in appropriate tags, please.
Easily the best Smash roster. Unless someone you really liked is gone.


Hey guys! Here's the link to the document if you just want to see the list:


If you're wanting to add your info, quote this post to get a link to a questionnaire that will automatically add your info to it. Friend lists are limited as well, so don't go in thinking you'll add everyone in SmashGAF. Keep in mind that the 3DS is super silly and doesn't alert others when you friend them, so don't be afraid to let other know you've added them.

This link should be in the OP somewhere, really useful for those who don't want to go scouring through many pages looking for friend codes


Hey guys! Here's the link to the document if you just want to see the list:


If you're wanting to add your info, quote this post to get a link to a questionnaire that will automatically add your info to it. Friend lists are limited as well, so don't go in thinking you'll add everyone in SmashGAF. Keep in mind that the 3DS is super silly and doesn't alert others when you friend them, so don't be afraid to let other know you've added them.

Added myself.


So for those that know of the full roster, what do you think of it? Put spoilers in appropriate tags, please.

I don't like it. None of my favorites made it in, and the only newcomers that haven't been announced yet are

Dark Pit (A clone)
Bowser Jr.

the 6 cuts from Brawl weren't worth it IMO.


So for those that know of the full roster, what do you think of it? Put spoilers in appropriate tags, please.

Best roster yet. Sad to see some cuts, I didnt get some chars I was hoping for, but its packed to the brim, and has amazing variety. Amazing.


I'm waiting for some competitive players to get their hands on the game so we can get some gameplay analysis to distract us from the people upset about the roster.


I don't really see how people can say Sakurai ignores the fans when you see characters like Little Mac and some of the changes made to the game to fix issues people had with Brawl.

Also, I don't see how Sakurai showing favoritism by adding Palutena and Dark Pit. Clones don't take away spots from other characters. Ridley fans need to stop being so salty.

I'm waiting for some competitive players to get their hands on the game so we can get some gameplay analysis to distract us from the people upset about the roster.

Everything we've heard so far sounds pretty good.

So for those that know of the full roster, what do you think of it? Put spoilers in appropriate tags, please.

Best Smash roster yet.


Neo Member
Any word on if there is any form of voice or text chat in the game while playing online? Maybe in between matches like for Mario Kart 8?
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