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Super Smash Bros. for 3DS & Wii U Thread 7: How Can My Smash Brother Be This Cut


From that little press release we don't actually know anything about how they're going to share the tournament. Could be live streamed, or it could just be recorded and then edited as they fit.

It says it's going to be live streamed

Super Smash Bros. Invitational
2014 will see the arrival of not one, but two new Super Smash Bros. games: Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS and Super Smash Bros. for Wii U. To commemorate this occasion, Nintendo is inviting 16 highly skilled Super Smash Bros. players to the NOKIA Theatre L.A. LIVE in Los Angeles to compete in a Super Smash Bros. for Wii U tournament. Thousands of fans in the audience and countless more watching a live stream online will see new Super Smash Bros. characters clash with existing favorites in action for the first time. More important than declaring a winner, however, this event is a celebration of all things Super Smash Bros., and a great way for new and veteran fans to take part in a tribute to this legendary franchise. More information about the 16 invited participants in the tournament, the identity of the announcers, and how fans of the franchise can view the tournament in person and via webcast, will be communicated shortly.
Well, they already have Naruto in the game. They decided to gave him a new outfit to wear.




I thought that was what the treehouse stuff was going to be?
Ohh, it is. I didn't see the "with game creators" part. And they're live streaming that so that means more people will watch it as well. That's good.

I'm really liking the look of things at this E3 for Nintendo and especially Smash.

We'll also be able to see if wireless interference would be something to worry about for the Wii U Pro Controllers.

Interesting how they explicitly say Smash Bros for Wii U. Nintendo is acknowledging that the Wii U version would be preferred for competitive play and it would be easier to live stream the matches as well.

Though they didn't need to think about that for the Best Buy demos


...so what are the chances 2 of the invitees decide to skip fighting for most of the match, and instead test out mechanics?

Will this be their first time playing the game, a la the Wizard?

Will they be randomly assigned characters, or will they all get to choose Little Mac?

So many questions!
I am so jealous of anyone who lives near a Best Buy.
Hopefully NoE decide to release a demo (even a timed demo, that seems more realistic).

Fat chance of that though


Wonder when we'll find out who was invited. Sounds like they're taking the right first step, by acknowledging that they want this game to be for tournament players, and not for casuals, like brawl. I think that will make SO MUCH of a difference. Even if they fail at making it melee levels again (I honestly think melee was a happy accident on their part), it won't matter, because the effort is there. I hope this means that they plan on balance patches, as well. Can't wait to see how they handle all of this, or if this is just some publicity stunt and nothing more (of course it's a publicity stunt, but so far, it's the RIGHT KIND of publicity stunt, which shows that they want this one to be competitive, and I hope that's correct).


Maturity, bitches.
I will laugh if items are on because they want to advertise all features.

Though my policy is to test all features before forming an opinion of them so actually playing with items is the correct course of action as one will assume this will be their first time playing.


It begins:

I will laugh if items are on because they want to advertise all features.

Though my policy is to test all features before forming an opinion of them so actually playing with items is the correct course of action as one will assume this will be their first time playing.
I imagine the invitees would get some time before hand to get adjusted to the controls and the game before hand and obviously be placed on an NDA.

Sakurai has already outlined what "For Glory" mode is which is FD Only and No Items. I think it is clear that is what he thinks competitive play is and that is probably how it is going to be.
Europe doesnt exist for them, thats a given. (so i dont exist)
E3 is an event in the US and not really an international focused event though they do talk about some things for international viewers. Japan is ignored even more than Europe.

I live in Canada so we're somewhat lucky that they have some events here too for E3.


Well to avoid last year's terrible Best Buy event, I'm going there several hours early.

So last year was super crowded, and it was just... what, mario kart and donkey kong?

Smash will be 10x bigger, with even more vocal (and possibly annoying) fans. I think this is the kind of thing you go before they open. Heck, go the day before and ask them about their policy about lining up and waiting.
So last year was super crowded, and it was just... what, mario kart and donkey kong?

Smash will be 10x bigger, with even more vocal (and possibly annoying) fans. I think this is the kind of thing you go before they open. Heck, go the day before and ask them about their policy about lining up and waiting.

Mario Kart, as well.

Last year was cool, I met people that became good friends over the last year. It was a very chill crowd.


haha... the tournament should/will (prediction time :p) be in "for fun mode". It should be with items/random stages. This tournament is not supposed to be "evo" and most people playing/watching the stream are not going to be mew2king, they are going to be casual players that want to see the "whole" game in action. I think that doing a "serious" tournament would be really bad for promoting the game in comparation with doing a "for fun" tournament. No!?


Mario Kart, as well.

Last year was cool, I met people that became good friends over the last year. It was a very chill crowd.

I said mario kart! :p What were they, mario kart, donkey kong, and 3d world? Is that right? Either way, none of those have the same fanbase as smash, in size and in willingness to go out and camp to play the game.

I didn't go last year *BECAUSE* smash wasn't playable, which means there are tons of people like me who probably did the same. If it was bad last year, it'll be worse this year. They need to quadruple the number of best buys, and quadruple the number of demo stations per best buy for it to even be tolerable. It won't be. I might just stay at home and watch the live stream tournament.

I wonder if the invitational players will get to practice before going on stage. I also wonder what roster they'll be able to use.


Will there be Smash Gaf meet-ups at the Best Buys that have the demo?

haha... the tournament should/will (prediction time :p) be in "for fun mode". It should be with items/random stages. This tournament is not supposed to be "evo" and most people playing/watching the stream are not going to be mew2king, they are going to be casual players that want to see the "whole" game in action. I think that doing a "serious" tournament would be really bad for promoting the game in comparation with doing a "for fun" tournament. No!?

I agree. While I would love to see a serious tournament, I think a "for fun" tournament would be better marketing.


Junior Member
Will there be Smash Gaf meet-ups at the Best Buys that have the demo?

I agree. While I would love to see a serious tournament, I think a "for fun" tournament would be better marketing.
I'll put one together for Houston GAF-Smashers.


haha... the tournament should/will (prediction time :p) be in "for fun mode". It should be with items/random stages. This tournament is not supposed to be "evo" and most people playing/watching the stream are not going to be mew2king, they are going to be casual players that want to see the "whole" game in action. I think that doing a "serious" tournament would be really bad for promoting the game in comparation with doing a "for fun" tournament. No!?

Nintendo is inviting 16 highly skilled Super Smash Bros. players
More important than declaring a winner, however, this event is a celebration of all things Super Smash Bros., and a great way for new and veteran fans to take part in a tribute to this legendary franchise.

I think it's going to be somewhere in between that from the description.

Items/random stages to keep things fun and the 16 'highly skilled' players will be composed of previous melee/brawl tournament players.


So, in order to play smash at best buy, I will have to do the following:

  • Get up early
  • Miss a day of work
  • Camp out at a best buy roughly 1-2 hours away from my home
  • Miss E3 livestreams (unless i can get good signal and watch on my phone)
  • Wait in line all day
  • Pray that other smash players know what a shower is
  • Play 1 round, if i'm lucky
  • Drive 1-2 hours home.

Debating if it's worth it.

A Pretty Panda

fuckin' called it, man
haha... the tournament should/will (prediction time :p) be in "for fun mode". It should be with items/random stages. This tournament is not supposed to be "evo" and most people playing/watching the stream arenot going to be mew2king, they are going to be casual players that want to see the "whole" game in action. I think that doing a "serious" tournament would be really bad for promoting the game in comparation with doing a "for fun" tournament. No!?
Oh, who do you think those "16 highly skilled Smash Bros. players" will be then?


Was the commentary during the Sakurai match last E3 considered 'good' or just weird?

Anyone who says 'boom goes the dynamite' should not be commenting. It's like he saw 1-2 evo commenters, added some memes, and then tried to sound like an ESPN person. Man has clearly never commented in his life. It was embarrassing.


Doesn't read OPs, especially not his own
...so what are the chances 2 of the invitees decide to skip fighting for most of the match, and instead test out mechanics?

Will this be their first time playing the game, a la the Wizard?

Will they be randomly assigned characters, or will they all get to choose Little Mac?

So many questions!

So many questions indeed.


It was awful and I'll have to mute the stream if that guy does the commentary again :S

Anyone who says 'boom goes the dynamite' should not be commenting. It's like he saw 1-2 evo commenters, added some memes, and then tried to sound like an ESPN person. Man has clearly never commented in his life. It was embarrassing.

hope they get some good commentators

wait what if they are just filming The Wizard 2
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