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Swery apologizes about trans 'offenses' in Deadly Premonition 2


Eh, he does what he has to do. I think there was an earlier tweet about working on the performance too.

Based on the plot of his recent games, I'd say that no offense was meant, and on the contrary he aimed to include diverse characters.

But, of course, the insane people got offended. He is forced to explicitly notice them and cater to their insignificant pronoun and nonsensical complaints.

And with any luck they will leave him the fuck alone.

Apparently, this is the world now for many people in the industry and outside it.


Gold Member
The key difference of course is that Naughty Dog unapologetically stuck to their vision and aren't patching the game to remove the deadnaming.

Tlou2 has zero deadnaming.

The scars don't know the male name of lev so they call him with the only name they know, whoever think the opposite simply haven't played the game or he is completely retarded.
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ZOMG! You called me Christopher instead of Christina! I am offend. More often then not their female name is a close approximation to their male name. Can't be that triggering if so.
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Ivory Blood

The key difference of course is that Naughty Dog unapologetically stuck to their vision and aren't patching the game to remove the deadnaming.

You know what - yeah. I've been shitting on TLoU2 since the first leaks came out, but they actively stuck to their vision, and did not apologise to anyone. That's pretty based.


Good, I'm actually surprised they didn't have trans-issues consultants like they had on D4.

It's so weird to use deadnaming as a gotcha, and should be patched out np.
EDIT: and good on Swery for addressing this himself, instead of just leaving it to the localisation team
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The best thing to do these days is to not include any trans characters at all, as that only leads to whining. They want regular people to accept transgenders how they are, but they're not getting there the way they act now.


Swery has been tweeting (and replying) about the performance issues, directing people towards who they should complain to (mainly RSG), and there's also been tweets from Rising Star Games that say that it's being worked on.



Can't we just play games anymore. I hope the game industry crashes and and crashes very soon. Only then can we rebuild.

I don't understand why devs cave or even listen to people that don't play games at all.
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Don’t add LGBTQ to games, they cry too damn much, and the SJW makes it 10X. Fuck representations, it’s a damn game not a movie. Suppose to be about F.U.N.

If LGBT folks cry too damn much then why is it that every time a game comes out with a female lead and/or prominent LGBT characters there’s a flood of troll reviews about the game on Metacritic and butthurt threads all over 4chan and NeoGAF? Put a lesbian or a trans character in your game and you don’t even need a marketing budget because a flood of angry heterosexual men will spam hate towards your game all over the Internet and give you all the free advertising you could ever want.
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If LGBT folks cry too damn much then why is it that every time a game comes out with a female lead and/or prominent LGBT characters there’s a flood of troll reviews about the game on Metacritic and butthurt threads all over 4chan and NeoGAF?

The TLOU2 hate stems mostly from the treatment of a beloved character and poor story choices. Not because of LGBT characters.

Sure, people make fun of Abby's size (Which is funny). But it's not the reason most people were upset.
a beloved character
I'd like to amend that to "beloved characters", because I really don't like that they turned Ellie into a stereotypical 2020 teenager ("bigot sandwiches reee"), in a world that was completely untouched by such nonsense.
Swery has been tweeting (and replying) about the performance issues, directing people towards who they should complain to (mainly RSG), and there's also been tweets from Rising Star Games that say that it's being worked on.

That's good that they're not completely ignoring the valid complaints, but the game really shouldn't have been released in this state. Performance issues aside, it is EXTREMELY buggy. I've had bugs where the UI completely disappears (in the middle of a boss battle, no less), bugs where my character gets stuck, complete game crashes (which I've never seen in a Switch game before), bugs that delete collectible progress, bugs that delete upgrades, etc.
It's a frustrating game to play, to say the least. But I'm trudging through for the quirky story.
But, of course, as with all matters SJW - context doesn't matter. All that matters are feelings.
Feelings matter, made up outrage and self censorship (because everybody knows what the current social conditions are, they just won't come out and say, hey maybe it's alright after all) are the problems.

His friend probably brought this up as a joke, thinking it would not be taken seriously, but the guy took it seriously and excused preemptively.


I wonder if people in Mogadishu worry about dead-naming and micro aggressions.

The ability to get angry about stuff like this demonstrates how comfortable westerners have become.
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Here are the horrendously offensive scenes in question...
Of course the pathological liar known as Laura Kate Dale has these at the ready and presents them without context.
As I said in the OP, the "deadnaming" is solely to provide context that the individual in question is a member of the family being investigated.


Gold Member
Here are the horrendously offensive scenes in question...

This is such a joke. If people want to get up in arms about something, there are plenty of other things in the world to be upset about instead of something so trivial and stupid as this.

Thank god they called him out and pressured him into changing it. :pie_eyeroll: :pie_eyeroll: :pie_eyeroll:

Also, I just recently discovered what dead-naming was. Man, I swear with every micro aggression I learn about some new term or word that I have never heard of before and wished I hadn't.

Astral Dog

I'd like to amend that to "beloved characters", because I really don't like that they turned Ellie into a stereotypical 2020 teenager ("bigot sandwiches reee"), in a world that was completely untouched by such nonsense.

That's good that they're not completely ignoring the valid complaints, but the game really shouldn't have been released in this state. Performance issues aside, it is EXTREMELY buggy. I've had bugs where the UI completely disappears (in the middle of a boss battle, no less), bugs where my character gets stuck, complete game crashes (which I've never seen in a Switch game before), bugs that delete collectible progress, bugs that delete upgrades, etc.
It's a frustrating game to play, to say the least. But I'm trudging through for the quirky story.
Huh, weird im on episode 2 and haven't noticed a single bug 🤭 still happy to see the ffamerate and load times are going to be patched

Silver Wattle

Gold Member
"Deadnaming"? So people can't accept their past selves, seems very intolerant of who they were, pretending the past didn't happen is delusional.


Its classy that he apologised and owned the mistake. Heartwarming thread. How could you have any other opinion.


If LGBT folks cry too damn much then why is it that every time a game comes out with a female lead and/or prominent LGBT characters there’s a flood of troll reviews about the game on Metacritic and butthurt threads all over 4chan and NeoGAF? Put a lesbian or a trans character in your game and you don’t even need a marketing budget because a flood of angry heterosexual men will spam hate towards your game all over the Internet and give you all the free advertising you could ever want.
Oh I agree, he’ll if you put a White or even Black lead people will Bitch on either side, the problem is the main topic of the game shouldn’t be that this person is LGBTQ, black, Latina, etc. It really should be is it good and fun , but nowadays it’s about crossing off check marks.


This is such a joke. If people want to get up in arms about something, there are plenty of other things in the world to be upset about instead of something so trivial and stupid as this.

Thank god they called him out and pressured him into changing it. :pie_eyeroll: :pie_eyeroll: :pie_eyeroll:

Also, I just recently discovered what dead-naming was. Man, I swear with every micro aggression I learn about some new term or word that I have never heard of before and wished I hadn't.
The whole concept of micro aggressions is something I wish wouldn’t exist because it only leads to conflict and misery over shit that doesn’t matter. Something we should move away from, not embrace.


The whole idea that, if you "become transgender", you get to completely erase the past, like your old name never existed, and you were never "not trans", is so absurd and nihilistic, a real 1984 power trip you get to play out in your little world. And you get to force everyone to play along because "if you don't I'll kill myself and it'll be your fault".


Gold Member
I think we should respect what others wish to be called and/or how they want to be identified. That's just common courtesy across the board.

However, I wish the world at large would come to a place where it accepts that sometimes things are going to be offensive, intentional or not, and that's ok - that's just part of life. Everyone's toes are going to get stepped on sometimes.

If it's intentional, you are free to distance yourself from anyone who disrespects you / is cruel, and if it's not - and we ought to give each other the benefit of the doubt first - then we clear up any misunderstandings and move on.

tldr/ everyone settle down. :p (Including those getting offended by the offended!)
Honestly, I really like this. Swery tried to be genuine and respectful with how to portray the character and ended up doing something hurtful instead. So he got a diverse group and is working to fix it and other things to make his game feel better and be better for everyone


I think we should respect what others wish to be called and/or how they want to be identified. That's just common courtesy across the board.

However, I wish the world at large would come to a place where it accepts that sometimes things are going to be offensive, intentional or not, and that's ok - that's just part of life. Everyone's toes are going to get stepped on sometimes.

If it's intentional, you are free to distance yourself from anyone who disrespects you / is cruel, and if it's not - and we ought to give each other the benefit of the doubt first - then we clear up any misunderstandings and move on.

tldr/ everyone settle down. :p (Including those getting offended by the offended!)

I won't lie or say something I believe to be false just to be nice to somebody -- especially when we're talking about an adult. Would an atheist tell an old dying lady that she's going to heaven? Probably not, and we'd understand that he has to stick to his principles, even when it would have been "courteous" to lie. In the same way I don't think it's possible to change sex, and I won't pretend to.


Since this thread is already about Swery, I just felt like asking, is this tattoo of his real, or was it just painted on for the photo? That might seem like a silly question, but man, that's a hardcore tattoo if that shit is real lol You don't see ANY tattoos often on Japanese people, let alone one so vast and detailed.



Gold Member
I won't lie or say something I believe to be false just to be nice to somebody -- especially when we're talking about an adult. Would an atheist tell an old dying lady that she's going to heaven? Probably not, and we'd understand that he has to stick to his principles, even when it would have been "courteous" to lie. In the same way I don't think it's possible to change sex, and I won't pretend to.

So tell the truth if you wish. However, sometimes it can be kinder to consider feelings over blunt, unfiltered honesty. Your (or my) beliefs are no more important than someone else's. We aren't obligated to utter every thought or belief we hold.


Swery has been tweeting (and replying) about the performance issues, directing people towards who they should complain to (mainly RSG), and there's also been tweets from Rising Star Games that say that it's being worked on.

So he addresses the fundamentally broken technical issues like an asshole, condecendingly joking about a small minority of people spamming him 100x each. Yet he sets up a diversity panel and gives this heartfelt apology for these inconsequential deadnaming scenes even though 99% of his customers couldn't give a fuck.
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Gold Member
The whole concept of micro aggressions is something I wish wouldn’t exist because it only leads to conflict and misery over shit that doesn’t matter. Something we should move away from, not embrace.
It’s about control. Always has been


You know what I might actually start buying into Trans are real women because there is no way men could be such little bitch pussy's over the dumbest shit.


So, the game is an utter piece of shit, but he's being called for a different kind of shit? I'm fine with that.


I haven’t played the game yet (slowly playing through the first one) but isn’t it about a murder investigation? Isn’t the fact that someone used to go by a different name and appearance kind of important information during such an investigation?

I dunno, fuck this anyway

Here are the horrendously offensive scenes in question...

Ah, so this is what LKD has been up to since getting shitcanned from Kotaku.


So he addresses the fundamentally broken technical issues like an asshole, condecendingly joking about a small minority of people spamming him 100x each. Yet he sets up a diversity panel and gives this heartfelt apology for these inconsequential deadnaming scenes even though 99% of his customers couldn't give a fuck.
Eh, he is not an asshole, based on what I have seen him tweet normally.

Point is, he addressed both, and the trans related issue is arguably more his responsibilty directly, and also quicker to fix.

The game should not have shipped with so severe performance issues, but I doubt it was only up to Swery.

I also kind of found his answer witty.


Eh, he is not an asshole, based on what I have seen him tweet normally.

Point is, he addressed both, and the trans related issue is arguably more his responsibilty directly, and also quicker to fix.

The game should not have shipped with so severe performance issues, but I doubt it was only up to Swery.

I also kind of found his answer witty.

The problem has nothing to do with who's technically responsible or how easy the fix is. It's that he chose to flippantly handwave and minimize a genuine issue affecting 100% of his customers, but put on pomp and circumstance for a non-issue that's genuinely affecting virtually noone. He is the face of the game, you don't get to pass the buck when it's convenient.
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