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Tell me why Xbox not just making 1st party equivalent to Sony/ Nintendo IPs not work in their favor?

I mean this is in the loosest sense (obviously not referring to blatant clones)

Everyone has/had a mascot character.
Everyone has a RPG
Everyone has a racing game.
Everyone has a multiplayer games?
Everyone had a horror game

And 2nd and 3rd party games fill in the gaps.

Why did this become so taboo?

Just seems like the industry is just fighting over AAA 3rd party games, [excluding Nintendo]
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Snake Oil Salesman
I mean this is in the loosest sense (obviously not referring to blatant clones)

Everyone has/had a mascot character.
Everyone has a RPG
Everyone has a racing game.
Everyone has a multiplayer games?
Everyone had a horror game

And 2nd and 3rd party games fill in the gaps.

Why did this become so taboo?

Just seems like the industry is just fighting over AAA 3rd party games, [excluding Nintendo]
sorry. I don't understand your question.


It could work on their favor, but they don’t want to improve! They prefer to screw everyone up! If you watch the videos about how they made the original Xbox and the Xbox 360, they just want to hurt the industry.

With the original Xbox, they wanted to remove the competition (Nintendo) and tried to buy them in order to f*k Sony! Of course we know that they laughed their asses off. The , they bought Bungie to not let Apple get into gaming with an original an cool game (Halo).

With the 360, their only purpose was to beat Sony by any means. The RROD was the consequence of launching before the PS3, but they wanted that no matter what, and they approved the release of the console knowing 100% it was faulty. Then, they started paying companies like Square Enix and Rockstar so that they make the games for Xbox. Their only goal again was to beat Sony, not building a great console coming from a good first experience.

What’s the problem with Xbox? It’s that it was conceived with the only goal to screw the competition. Not WIN.

Nintendo started making video games as a way to expand their market because computers were becoming popular. Sony got screwed by Nintendo and they began by demonstrating (BY THEMSELVES) that they could also make great games. Both of their success have come NATURALLY!

Xbox wanted in on the gaming industry, but it wanted to do it as the rich kid that wanted to buy everything so that NO ONE ELSE COULD HAVE IT!

70 billion dollars is a huge amount of money that if Nintendo or Sony had it, they made such amazing games and expand their development teams monumentally! (Heck, even Sega would be able to reborn from the ashes and become successful)

Microsoft’s mind is just about hurt, remove, etc! They have wanted to hurt Apple in the software and computer space, then the music and then the phone spaces, with no success!

They can’t be successful as long as they don’t focus on THEMSELVES! On what they can do to improve for them and the consumers! 70 billion dollars would allow them to build so many studios from the ground up! But no! They want to screw everyone!
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Because of Gamepass and the fact that they don't care about their franchises. People want to pretend that Xbox didn't have franchise that were heavy hitters. Halo and Gears were HUGE. Fable was very good. They simply just don't care about their franchises like Sony and Nintendo does.

Iced Arcade


- They go from being too strict to too free with dev teams.
- When they start getting good at something, they jump to the next thing before perfecting instead of focusing.
- At times the don't listen to the gaming community and other times they listen to much. They don't usually have a middle ground.
- hardcore gamers want single player games, businesses wants cash cow MP games.
- executive that have no "ear to the ground" thinking they know what people want.

This is coming from an Xbox fan that doesn't think they are doing terrible and thinks they have/are doing a lot of good things (along with the bad).


Xbox should be focusing on things they are good at instead try to copy what Sony and Nintendo does.
Zelda world besides creativity, almost has no effort on making it, generally speaking, that's how Nintendo stepped onto this industry, being creative with minimum effort/cost etc..., not every Xbox exclusive works the way Nintendo makes their games, that's just how it is, making real and believable world is definitely the other side of the coin, there's no third option for creating video games.


Gold Member
I think the industry has changed and what once made Xbox stand out has taken a back seat to big time exclusives and games from other publishers. Halo has seen better days and so has Gears. Gears was great for Xbox 360, same with Halo. Neither Epic or Bungie are in the same spot they were when Xbox was dominating. They’re relying on Bethesda to be their flagship studio because Halo Infinite, Gears 5, and many others aren’t doing what they use to. I played those games on Xbox One and I haven’t had a need for another Xbox.

The rise in Fortnite and Halo not dominating as it use to hurt them pretty bad. I think all their resources are being put into this Activision deal because Blizzard and Activision would help them tremendously. That’s probably another reason to why they’re not heavily focused on making 1st party stuff. Can you imagine how many AAA games you could make with 69 billion dollars?


NaughtyDog Defense Force
They relied too much on Gears, Forza, and Halo and this was a result of mismanagement.

Guerrilla Games
Killzone to Horizon. Now they're working on Horizon 3

Naughty Dog
Uncharted to Last of Us. Now they're working on a new IP and likely another Last of Us game

Sucker Punch
Infamous to Ghost of Tsushima. Ghost of Tsushima 2 is next after a successful new IP

Insomniac Games
Ratchet and Clank to Spider-Man. Now we're getting Spider-Man 2.

Santa Monica Studio
God of War to God of War Reboot. Took a risk and change the entire formula of the game. Cory is rumored to be working on a new IP.

Microsoft is making changes now for the better but this has set them back for years.

Halo is a franchise on the decline and now they have to figure out how to make this one of the premiere shooters again.

The Coalition
Gears of War isn't what it used to be. A rumored Gears 6 is in development.

PlayGround games
Forza Horizon series is on the rise and they're finally working on a game that's not Forza.

Sea of Thieves is a success after a slow start. Sadly, this studio should've had more success over the years.

As I said, Microsoft is doing better now, but what you see now is a result of bad management during last gen. Microsoft should've dropped bigger games throughout the past 6-7 years.

Nintendo created many successful IPs throughout the past 30+ years that many in the game industry cannot match. They were able to create successful games based on these IPs such as Smash Bros and Mario Party.


Because they don’t have enough mindshare. Most of their efforts are purely western centric.

Where I live, there are still ads for Nintendo and Playstation. The only ads I get that aren’t from them are purely about Microsoft’s other products like their office suite, teams or surface.

Second hand market? Dominated by Playstation and Nintendo. Even the shelf space for Xbox products is like just one shelf while the others have multiple.
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With the 360, their only purpose was to beat Sony by any means. The RROD was the consequence of launching before the PS3, but they wanted that no matter what, and they approved the release of the console knowing 100% it was faulty.
The formulation used in the underfill of the die package was an industry wide problem. Remember the 8xxxm nvidia gpu failures in Mac’s? The YLOD in the ps3? All those gpu failures were due to the same thing, the underfill formulation softening under normal operating temps would eventually cause the solder balls connecting the die to the substrate to crack leading to gpu failures.
They did not “know” it was faulty on launch, it was that by the point they knew the root cause, they had no choice but to eat the cost and replace consoles until the problem could be fixed upstream with a new formulation for the underfill.
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I’m good with them keeping CoD and other games of that nature multi platform. I’d use those and some other games as bartering power to tell Sony to F off next time they want to make Final Fantasy exclusive.

If that doesn’t work, keep all other A/B games exclusive, make Sony bend over backwards for days and date CoD, and let them see Crash Bandicoot when he stops by their offices with a megaphone to trash talk like he did with Nintendo in the 90s.


MS/Xbox have the largest amount of studios in the industry and over the years have had many potential mascots but they just don't develop enough games/sequels from the IP they own to promote those potential mascots.

It's like they give up and move on to something else if they don't score a super hit on first attempt instead of making a sequel that rights the wrongs and to push themselves to make that big hit that everyone talks about for years to come, They'd rather quit and make something else.

Look at how many IP they have that are laying dormant even after a successful previous release that have a character that could be a brand mascot that they could market and that people would know are synonymous with Xbox when they see them around.

The Xbox management are so shit at reading and listening to the players and the market.

Perfect example... They own a big fighting game IP that everyone knows... Killer Instinct, The Fighting Genre is going through a real resurgence almost a renaissance compared to the past 15 years, A new Street Fighter, Mortal Kombat and Tekken 8 incoming but where's Xbox's competing flagship fighting game???? Absolutely fucking tone deaf.

I wish SEGA was still a platform manufacturer and MS never entered gaming as they're a disgrace to the industry and are single handed trying to kill the competition through infinite resources rather than grow organically with sound investment with what they already have.

They are so bad at managing and promoting their existing IP that it puzzles me how they have such a zealously loyal fanbase it's bizarre.

The only mascots Xbox currently have are:



You know instead of Joanna Dark, Master Chief and Cortana, Marcus Fenix and Co, Banjo, Kameo, Glacius/Cinder and Co, Pinata's, Fable guy!! and now they also have Doom Guy...


Sony: Buy this box at RRP to play our games at RRP

Nintendo: Buy this box at RRP to play our games at RRP

MS: Buy this box or play on your existing PC, or tablet or whever, pay RRP or dont and just subscribe at a low monthly cost to GP.

MS could have the exact same number of quality AAA titles as Sony/Nintendo and they would still sell far less consoles because they dont force you to buy it like their competitors.

The company that has the lowest cost of entry, the most ways to play their games is losing bad. The icing on the cake is the CMA screwing consumers and rubber stamping the high cost, high profits models of Sony/Nintendo.
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But MS with all that new studios will become/is already leading wrpg developer/publisher, they have the best arcade racer (forza horizon), the best flight sim (and one of the most technically advanced games), they have got games like hi-fi rush, rts’es Age of empires, age of mythology, halo wars, they now own loy]ts of FPS IP‘s like halo, doom, wolfenstein, preys dishonoured etc. not sure sure how classify Minecraft and its spin-offs, they also got one of the best racing sims. They do a lot across various genres, just not focusing on what competitors are doing. Nothing bad with that approach.

edit. and I forgot psychonauts and gears of war
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Lord of Edge.
Sony and Nintendo are creative companies. Sony have a whole cinema and entertainment business that know how to attract people and knows what successful media requires.

Microsoft/Xbox are not creative. The bulk of their business is services that require no creativity and is reliant on proprietary needs. XBOX needs to attract creative minds and enable them to realize their vision with the latest technology.

Instead, MS is letting studios like Arkane have their main talent leave and ask the remaining uninspired staff churn out shit like Redfall.

Creativity is not all of it, though. Sony is realizing that this creativity is expensive and that's why we're seeing the GaaS push. Whether it will pay off, we'll have to see.
The Xbox is like the sonichu of the videogame industry. It wants to be cool so bad and wants to be loved but all it does is not follow how things work.

You'd have to rebrand the whole system and find the Chinese miyamoto or Indian miyamoto or Indian yu Suzuki because they got billions of peeps. Like start finding dudes who make magical shit and make dumb little cute mascot games and crazy wild rpgs. Don't make anything photo realistic or super expensive looking either. Make it memorable. It needs to have soul

We don't need pictures of dudes looking like Alex Jones making an X shape with green light as your average Xbox fan. Get zuck on board and make the xstagram box

Start hiring white people who are those lame coding engineers with tucked in shirts and rolled up sleeves who look like nerds and get them plastic surgery to make them look Japanese with the family katana and everything so you can establish a Japanese base. Cover all bases.

Send Dennis rodman to best Korea with a stock of the new Xbox systems so when refugees flee to the south they can bring those Xbox systems out as the only source of where these damn things are coming from. It would be like a ufo invasion. Start putting new Xbox systems on UAPs and Roswell that shit.

Order the new Xbox systems only sent to the front line air drop them near the conflict zones. War historians and scavengers will pry prototype systems from the fingers of the ghost of kyiv. Send those systems to the titanic the only way to play the damn thing is to find it somewhere.
Because they are fucking idiots, that's why

Since OG XBOX they have rare, the fucking second half of Nintendo, have 10 games on Nintendo 64 in 4 years, and they trow that studio to trash, because an XBOX suit who never make a successful game on console Believes he knows better

I say this time and time again

If XBOX want to suceed, they own alot of ips, they should licencee for free and pay studios who wanted to work on them

Everyone has/had a mascot character.

They own banjo for fuck sake, smash told us there still a market, if crash returned, banjo can too

Fighting game? A new KI with actual budget
Adventure? It could be an amazing idea to return ti the original dinosaur planet
EDGY game? Conker

They have the money, they need to let devs work


Exclusives are no panacea for the "COD consoles".

People keep saying Xbox One got destroyed, because PS4 had so many exclusives. But did it really? From launch to middle 2016 both had nothing that even comes close to deserve the name system seller. That changed with Uncharted 4 and many more like Horizon, God of War, TLOU2, Spider-Man, Ghost of Tsushima + PSVR exclusives followed.

You would expect that the ratio increased drastically from 2016-2020.

But it didn't. In 2016 we were already at ~42 million PS4 and ~21 million Xbox One which is ~2:1 and it ended with ~117 million to ~58 million which also also ~2:1
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Exclusives are no panacea for the "COD consoles".

People keep saying Xbox One got destroyed, because PS4 had so many exclusives. But did it really? From launch to middle 2016 both had nothing that even comes close to deserve the name system seller. That changed with Uncharted 4 and many more like Horizon, God of War, TLOU2, Spider-Man, Ghost of Tsushima + PSVR exclusives followed.

You would expect that the ratio increased drastically from 2016-2020.

But it didn't. In 2016 we were already at ~42 million PS4 and ~21 million Xbox One which is ~2:1 and it ended with ~117 million to ~58 million which also also ~2:1
Yes it was destroyed, here are 3 facts on why that happe, and the most important is 3

1-They start selling games on PC because they need to recover money on AAA games FAST, no matter if in the end could Hurt the brand (people started question why buy an xbox)

2-Gamepass, this stupid idea in the Long run Hurt xbox alot, it started like EA VAULT, people pay to play games who sell declined, so xbox can have sub income every month, now people dont buy games day 1 and wait for gamepass

If you use gamepass you notice games dont have DLC, that's because gamepass was supposed to be the hook, and games pay the DLC, like a suscrpition MMO

3-the whole console buisiness work like this, you sell console at loss, you make AAA games to hook people to your ecosystem, all the publisher pay you a royalty of 30% on all their games and the DLC

Thats why Sony was against cross play, they lose the royalty of DLC if it was buyed in another ecosystem

And xbox fucked the royalty like no other

PC games =Steam get the royalty
Gamepass =People dont buy games, they hope recover money vía microtransactions

If xbox one sold 85 millions and xbox one 52, without counting the other factors i mention, its alredy a flop

Each console generation you need to hire more people, and Each year you need to give a raise and a bonus to your staff

And Im not counting all the money they trow OK stupid shit compared to Sony, Im sure many on this forum still play gamepass by 1 dollar


The Xbox is like the sonichu of the videogame industry. It wants to be cool so bad and wants to be loved but all it does is not follow how things work.

You'd have to rebrand the whole system and find the Chinese miyamoto or Indian miyamoto or Indian yu Suzuki because they got billions of peeps. Like start finding dudes who make magical shit and make dumb little cute mascot games and crazy wild rpgs. Don't make anything photo realistic or super expensive looking either. Make it memorable. It needs to have soul

We don't need pictures of dudes looking like Alex Jones making an X shape with green light as your average Xbox fan. Get zuck on board and make the xstagram box

Start hiring white people who are those lame coding engineers with tucked in shirts and rolled up sleeves who look like nerds and get them plastic surgery to make them look Japanese with the family katana and everything so you can establish a Japanese base. Cover all bases.

Send Dennis rodman to best Korea with a stock of the new Xbox systems so when refugees flee to the south they can bring those Xbox systems out as the only source of where these damn things are coming from. It would be like a ufo invasion. Start putting new Xbox systems on UAPs and Roswell that shit.

Order the new Xbox systems only sent to the front line air drop them near the conflict zones. War historians and scavengers will pry prototype systems from the fingers of the ghost of kyiv. Send those systems to the titanic the only way to play the damn thing is to find it somewhere.
Fuck you man that bit about Best Korea had me rolling


Yes it was destroyed, here are 3 facts on why that happe, and the most important is 3

1-They start selling games on PC because they need to recover money on AAA games FAST, no matter if in the end could Hurt the brand (people started question why buy an xbox)

2-Gamepass, this stupid idea in the Long run Hurt xbox alot, it started like EA VAULT, people pay to play games who sell declined, so xbox can have sub income every month, now people dont buy games day 1 and wait for gamepass

If you use gamepass you notice games dont have DLC, that's because gamepass was supposed to be the hook, and games pay the DLC, like a suscrpition MMO

3-the whole console buisiness work like this, you sell console at loss, you make AAA games to hook people to your ecosystem, all the publisher pay you a royalty of 30% on all their games and the DLC

Thats why Sony was against cross play, they lose the royalty of DLC if it was buyed in another ecosystem

And xbox fucked the royalty like no other

PC games =Steam get the royalty
Gamepass =People dont buy games, they hope recover money vía microtransactions

If xbox one sold 85 millions and xbox one 52, without counting the other factors i mention, its alredy a flop

Each console generation you need to hire more people, and Each year you need to give a raise and a bonus to your staff

And Im not counting all the money they trow OK stupid shit compared to Sony, Im sure many on this forum still play gamepass by 1 dollar
Xbox One got destroyed, because they fucked up the launch (499 + Kinect + awful promos). It was a disaster from start to finish.

I think Microsoft came up with the Pc + Game Pass strategy, because they knew they fucked up badly and Sony won't make another PS3 mistake with the PS5.

So they knew that can't beat Sony in console sales so they wanted to become the number 1 in sub and streaming services, but nobody knows how this works out long term. High risc, high reward.

I think they stopped the 1 Dollar trials.
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I've never been an Xbox fan, but it's funny to read this thread and see people talk as if 360 didn't exist and how Microsoft have essentially been nothing but evil, incompetent fuck ups destined to ruin everything they touch. They don't even have the underdog thing going for them anymore, at least not in this thread. I get why, but it's funny to see.

It's a shame that Series X is let down by MS as a company, because it is a decent enough bit of hardware and the multi-game resume is a great feature. Backwards Compatibility is great (if niche). Hell, the console is the only one that still plays CDs. The people actually making it clearly put the effort in, but it's seemingly wasted on a company struggling to manipulate a market away from what people are happy with into GamePass/streaming only. You can't be the villain when you're in last place, it doesn't work like that.
I've never been an Xbox fan, but it's funny to read this thread and see people talk as if 360 didn't exist and how Microsoft have essentially been nothing but evil, incompetent fuck ups destined to ruin everything they touch. They don't even have the underdog thing going for them anymore, at least not in this thread. I get why, but it's funny to see.

It's a shame that Series X is let down by MS as a company, because it is a decent enough bit of hardware and the multi-game resume is a great feature. Backwards Compatibility is great (if niche). Hell, the console is the only one that still plays CDs. The people actually making it clearly put the effort in, but it's seemingly wasted on a company struggling to manipulate a market away from what people are happy with into GamePass/streaming only. You can't be the villain when you're in last place, it doesn't work like that.
Because the XBOX 360 4 years was amazing, the next 3 terrible, and Part of the sucess is Sony fucked up so bad, and everything was against them

Online Multiplayer was mainstream
The entire Japan industry go to hell
Ps3 was a pain to develop

360 really got lucky, If Sony was good at the time, and release on 2005 like xbox 360, RROD would kill xbox for good

And i say this as someone who buy a spare 360, and sometimes both go to repair at the same time,
I and dont play alot of ps3 until 2010 and wii broke my Nintendo fanboy heart with casual games and forget about the loyal fans


Making 1st party games is not enough.
You have to make 1st party GOOD games that justify having a system instead of another.
Unfortunately there is no equivalent Zelda or Mario or God of War or The Last of Us or Horizon at the xbox side.
Thats why they opt to buy everything and everyone, but that is still not the solution cause of monopoly problems etc.
When a company decides to release their biggest IP in that state after a year of delays or Redfall (ffs) then something is very wrong.
I want to clarify that i would LOVE if everyone from the big 3 all had perfect high metascored big value AAA exclusives or excellent indies and everything between as the only real winners would be us.
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Nintendo is the only console maker with a mascot, or several, Sony doesn't, the only thing close to Mario is Sonic, and well we all know what happened to SEGA.

Sony and Microsoft are playing in the same league, while at Nintendo they keep playing their own game: a family console system, they started in the business this way and they are still following the same path, and it really pays off.

From my point of view Microsoft needs to settle down their studios, stop acquiring and let the studios do their work, actually by doing that is how they got the best results e.g. Forza Horizon series. Microsoft is a beast to manage, and if the people in upper management are not into gaming but into business then it will be harder for them to succeed, no matter how many studios they acquire, no matter how many money you pump into projects. That's why they need more people like Spencer and Sarah Bond in the upper management of the XBOX BU, leaders who love gaming and who know how to drive business in this industry.

Microsoft have released many successful titles over the last years, and if you think otherwise just take a look at their releases over the last 5 years and you will notice most of them are +80 Metacritic titles, the problem is they still don't have a TLOU or Uncharted counterpart, they lost the power of Halo and Gears of Wars and it's hard to find the new unicorn, so the more pressure on teams the worst outcome.
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I think the industry has changed and what once made Xbox stand out has taken a back seat to big time exclusives and games from other publishers. Halo has seen better days and so has Gears. Gears was great for Xbox 360, same with Halo. Neither Epic or Bungie are in the same spot they were when Xbox was dominating. They’re relying on Bethesda to be their flagship studio because Halo Infinite, Gears 5, and many others aren’t doing what they use to. I played those games on Xbox One and I haven’t had a need for another Xbox.

The rise in Fortnite and Halo not dominating as it use to hurt them pretty bad. I think all their resources are being put into this Activision deal because Blizzard and Activision would help them tremendously. That’s probably another reason to why they’re not heavily focused on making 1st party stuff. Can you imagine how many AAA games you could make with 69 billion dollars?
Yeah, it's definitely not just for cod , ow , d or wow, 69b is a lot more than that.


Yeah, I totally don't understand the question. Maybe you can edit it so that my brain doesn't break.

If you want for xbox to make 1st party stuff like Nintendo or Sony, then I wish they don't. I don't really care all that much for Nintendo stuff (some great stuff there, though) and I dislike more Sony games that I actually like (some great stuff there, though) so I just want xbox to do what they do and do best. Do more stuff like Sea of Thieves, Grounded, Pentiment, FH, etc. Surprise me.
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