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Terminator: Dark Fate - Official Trailer


I feel it's time they went back to man vs machine violence instead of the mainly machine on machine like all the movies after the 1st one. =(
Yeah, when I saw that girl do the flip into the back of the truck and throw that spike I knew she was going to be a machine. Then it was confirmed and an overwhelming feeling of meh came over me. It's just an obvious excuse to have impossible fight scenes.

I was already not impressed with the lame excuse to have Arnie in the movie and this trailer really didn't sell me on the rest.


Gold Member
Those actors looks like a bunch of people from Disney XD or Nick series.

The only things that catchs my attention are the cast from previous films and the director.


T2 makes Terminator sequels really hard to do. But I appreciate that the trailer picks up on T2's ending. Maybe they finally cracked it.
T3 sucked. Salvation was pretty good. Genisys was terrible. I have little to no hope this movie will be good - especially with what we've seen in this trailer so far.
the girl power thing is fine, but hollywood needs to learn to show not tell when it comes to that stuff

john wick 3 did it right, terminator 2 did it right, it's kinda pathetic that almost 20 years on no valuable lessons have been learned

and while i'm glad this seems to be a direct and proper sequel to terminator 2, how many times have they told us this shit

and we keep lapping it up

fuck it day 1


Damn....now you make me want a John Wick vs Terminator now! XD

Is Arnie the Baddie again?
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Gavin Stevens

Formerly 'o'dium'
You know I just remembered...

We are now, with this film, SIX movies in...

And they still haven’t fucking done the whole dark/blue future war.

How hard is it to just do some god damn blue night time laser pew pew action scenes god damn it? Give me some classic t-800 robots, with actual sets, and minimal cgi. The first was excusable for its time. The second still holds up. STILL.

How the hell can they get it so wrong each time? It’s a film about a god damn metal bloke with skin on him either killing or protecting another bloke/lass. That’s it. That’s your god damn plot.

Make with the fucking pew pew pews already and stop shoving this cgi bollocks down our throats...
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You know I just remembered...

We are now, with this film, SIX movies in...

And they still haven’t fucking done the whole dark/blue future war.

How hard is it to just do some god damn blue night time laser pew pew action scenes god damn it? Give me some classic t-800 robots, with actual sets, and minimal cgi. The first was excusable for its time. The second still holds up. STILL.

How the hell can they get it so wrong each time? It’s a film about a god damn metal bloke with skin on him either killing or protecting another bloke/lass. That’s it. That’s your god damn plot.

Make with the fucking pew pew pews already and stop shoving this cgi bollocks down our throats...
Fucking tell me about it lol

If I were in charge I'd hand over the franchise to Alfonso Cuaron (Children of Men) and then back the fuck away.

But I guess the truth is that it's now a garbage ranked franchise that you put in the hands of discount grade directors so that it somehow shells out some cash. They really don't give a fuck.
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wants to fuck an Asian grill.
From Reddit:

The dark haired little girl is all but confirmed as the "new" Sarah Connor. James confirmed a terminator is sent back in time to kill her because she is of great significance in the future. Before that, she's just a normal woman, unaware and involved.

They chose the dark haired girl as a Mexican in Mexico City because they wanted to make the movie relevant by mixing it in with all the immigration stuff going on with US/Mexico

Sarah is a terminator hunter. She's figured out a way to know when they show up, and she's there waiting.

It's R rated!

Arnold is a T-800
Arnold maybe/probably
won't say "I'll be back"

Arnold is the most interesting T-800 you've seen yet, and he has a few funny lines.

The new terminator is named "Rev9"

The whole story takes place in 36 hours

It's not complex, it's Grim, it's Gritty, it's Fast, it's intense, it's very linear.

Cameron describes it as "a white knuckle ride", recapturing the feeling from the first movie
Judgement Day is inevitable. In T2, they kicked the can down the road.

Elaboration I would like to add to the summary:

The tagline "the day after judgment day" is all about that moment the next day in 1997 when it didn't happen, and the realization of being responsible for whatever may now happen as a result of this new future they created.

That new future being the world of today. Cameron stresses that he wants this movie to be relatable to the world we live in. It takes place in the now. And a big reason he came back to the franchise after almost 30 years was because he wanted to tackle the idea that what was science fantasy in 1984 is not as farfetched anymore. AI is coming.

What Sarah stopped is just around the corner again.

He was heavily involved in the story of this one (unlike 3-5) and has also mapped out a whole trilogy roadmap working with Miller, but he values directorial voice and so after handing off the script he let him do his job. He wants the movie to be Tim Miller's.

Most importantly he stressed that their goal is to match the tone of the first two movies, with simplicity, fear, and frantic pace. No complicated timeline shenanigans, and less cheese.

This movie serves to pass the baton to new characters.


Gold Member
T1 = Good for it's time. Some shitty effects and acting, but considering the budget and people involved at that time, pretty good. 7/10

T2 = This is like comparing Streets of Rage 2 to 1. Everything awesome and on steroids. 9.5/10

T3 = Not great. Some cool scenes. The comedy bit with him entering the cougar bar was stupid. Not worth watching more than once. 5-6/10

T: Salvation = I liked it. Not sure why people trashed it. Gritty and dark. Ending was stupid though. 8/10

T: Genysis = Never watched it. Everyone was saying it was so dumb, so I passed

T: Dark Fate: = Based on trailers....... yuck.
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Fucking tell me about it lol

If I were in charge I'd hand over the franchise to Alfonso Cuaron (Children of Men) and then back the fuck away.

But I guess the truth is that it's now a garbage ranked franchise that you put in the hands of discount grade directors so that it somehow shells out some cash. They really don't give a fuck.
You didn't think the original Deadpool was a good movie?

I don't know why people are so harsh on the trailer. I've watched the original Terminator and Judgment Day so many times I've lost count. But I have no problem with the main characters being female, Arnie returning despite the contradiction to T2's ending, the special effects or song choice. I enjoyed the first Deadpool movie so I'm not concerned with Tim Miller directing this officially canonical Terminator 3.

I think people would hate on a new Terminator movie regardless of whether or not James Cameron had the rights to it again. Reading comments like, "LOL girl power" and "it's too bright and happy" just makes me roll my eyes. A character's gender shouldn't affect your enjoyment of a movie, television show, video game etc. And it looks no less dark and gritty than The Sarah Connor Chronicles.
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Gold Member
You know I just remembered...

We are now, with this film, SIX movies in...

And they still haven’t fucking done the whole dark/blue future war.

How hard is it to just do some god damn blue night time laser pew pew action scenes god damn it? Give me some classic t-800 robots, with actual sets, and minimal cgi. The first was excusable for its time. The second still holds up. STILL.

How the hell can they get it so wrong each time? It’s a film about a god damn metal bloke with skin on him either killing or protecting another bloke/lass. That’s it. That’s your god damn plot.

Make with the fucking pew pew pews already and stop shoving this cgi bollocks down our throats...
Those were awesome scenes.

I'm thinking they will never do a movie based on those future battle scenes because the writers and directors think it would over-saturation. The reason why those scenes stick out is because they are 2 minute doses, not a 120 minute dose.
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They really needed to make this more horrific, as stated above, more machine on man violence. More carnage.

Machines beating each other up is cool in small doses. Not the entire film. Not dark enough.
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Lady Bird

Matsuno's Goebbels
I like the look of the female protagonist. And I have faith in the director.

But the trailer didn't convince me. It felt somewhat bland and cheesy. And we see the main villain getting beaten up already? So much for making him a terrifying presence.
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Gold Member
Seeing Linda Hamilton back gives me hope. I hope she's a big part of the story and not a cameo. They haven't made a good one since 2, so I'm not holding my breath.
They really needed to make this more horrific, as stated above, more machine on man violence. More carnage.

Machines beating each other up is cool in small doses. Not the entire film. Not dark enough.
Yeah good luck. I can almost promise you there will be Avengers grade humor added in. That's the bar for this type of movie in these times.

All this is going to do if you take the movie seriously is it's going to deflate everything great about Sarah Connor and any other recurring/mentioned characters.
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Gold Member
From Reddit:

The dark haired little girl is all but confirmed as the "new" Sarah Connor. James confirmed a terminator is sent back in time to kill her because she is of great significance in the future. Before that, she's just a normal woman, unaware and involved.

They chose the dark haired girl as a Mexican in Mexico City because they wanted to make the movie relevant by mixing it in with all the immigration stuff going on with US/Mexico

Sarah is a terminator hunter. She's figured out a way to know when they show up, and she's there waiting.

It's R rated!

Arnold is a T-800
Arnold maybe/probably
won't say "I'll be back"

Arnold is the most interesting T-800 you've seen yet, and he has a few funny lines.

The new terminator is named "Rev9"

The whole story takes place in 36 hours

It's not complex, it's Grim, it's Gritty, it's Fast, it's intense, it's very linear.

Cameron describes it as "a white knuckle ride", recapturing the feeling from the first movie
Judgement Day is inevitable. In T2, they kicked the can down the road.

Elaboration I would like to add to the summary:

The tagline "the day after judgment day" is all about that moment the next day in 1997 when it didn't happen, and the realization of being responsible for whatever may now happen as a result of this new future they created.

That new future being the world of today. Cameron stresses that he wants this movie to be relatable to the world we live in. It takes place in the now. And a big reason he came back to the franchise after almost 30 years was because he wanted to tackle the idea that what was science fantasy in 1984 is not as farfetched anymore. AI is coming.

What Sarah stopped is just around the corner again.

He was heavily involved in the story of this one (unlike 3-5) and has also mapped out a whole trilogy roadmap working with Miller, but he values directorial voice and so after handing off the script he let him do his job. He wants the movie to be Tim Miller's.

Most importantly he stressed that their goal is to match the tone of the first two movies, with simplicity, fear, and frantic pace. No complicated timeline shenanigans, and less cheese.

This movie serves to pass the baton to new characters.

But where is John?...


So i made my research and there is a kid playing as John, but with a CGI likeness of Furlong, but Sarah just came out of a retirement home, so John should be an adult... My head hurts 😩
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yes i used the literal reading. how are you taking "wish this was down to Earth"? are you reading it ironically, as if he is asking for more crazy robot CGI? or is this a meta joke about something i don't have context for?

maybe provide your own reading instead of just questioning mine. then i can compare my reading to yours. as is, you are just attacking me for having the wrong opinion without providing anything to counter it.

in an era when CGI is used in every movie made, why is it gratuitous to use it in a series about time travelling killer robots? idgi

He means a little less Michael Bay
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Do these producers know that the majority of fans are male? I cant imagine that now suddenly females will watch terminator because they added "badass womans"...

Its ugh.. i had to roll my eyes after seeing this trailer.


Gold Member
So rewatched the trailer like 5 times.

Evident that the shift is away from John - some new continuity where he isn't the worlds savior anymore?

Sarah's entrance was really good. This is how i would see her after all those years of guerilla training and battling terminators. She enters the trailer just like a machine.

Bad terminator dude is a male version of TX from the third one with extra copying skills? Meeeh...

Back to the terminator hybrid? Can't wait to see that this is how humans won the Future War, by mixing with Skynet. Rememer kids, we win by not fighting!

Where is my god damn Future War Cameron?!


Unconfirmed Member
That dull, generic feel. Yep, it's another unnecessary Hollywood movie.


Wonder why arnold isn't the main villan.

1) white
2) male
3) toxic masculinity
4) negger in his name

Movie seems like a chick flick.
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Looks mediocre. That CGI looks horrific. Emphasis on girl power cast also obvious.

Agreed with the CGI but your last line...

This has ALWAYS been the case in Terminator films and in fact a lot of James Cameron movies.
What about the early Alien movies even? You'd probably think it was some agenda if you were around.

Wonder why arnold isn't the main villan.

1) white
2) male
3) toxic masculinity
4) negger in his name

Movie seems like a chick flick.

Or because he's way too old for the part?

Some of you are seeing conspiracies in your cornflakes.

What I saw was a dodgy overly CGI movie with a weird plane crash which put me off. I think the movie will be crap but I DID NOT see a film trying to push females... or whatever ye're saying.
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Terminator really can't escape this same formula, can it.

Kinda looks on the cheap side, which is most likely due to the lame-duck director. Wasn't instantly repellent like the Genisys trailer was but I don't know about this series at this point...As of right now I'm willing to give it a chance though.
Yeh I don't even know why, but it just looks too.......I dunno how to put my finger on it, it's James Cameron but it looks worlds away from T2.

The series is definitely very formulaic by now. I suppose knowing that Judgement Day is coming means that anything that happens in these movies has no bearing on the course of history might be one of the reasons it's hard to get into for me, no matter what happens in these films, it just doesn't matter.

Don't understand the girl power comments, the series and much of James Camerons work has always been that way, whats wrong with it?
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Watched it myself.

Eh, it doesn't look too bad, looks way better than Genesys, maybe it will turn out to be decent.

It feels like cheating to me for Hollywood to just ignore other sequels, but you can't blame them in the case of Terminator, ignoring everything after 2 is a wise move.
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It looks like complete shit. From the crappy colors they used (looks like a TV movie), the far-too-old Schwarzenegger & Hamilton, the botched timeline & continuity in the series (who the hell even knows what's happening with Skynet & Judgement Day anymore), the fact this series' core themes are no longer relevant in 2019 (fear of machines outsmarting man & killing us all) & a whole bunch of other mediocre visual elements/rehashed scenes from earlier movies means this was a very, very bad idea.

Also, with regards to girl power: if we're told super-duper powerful women characters are needed for female audiences to connect with the events on screen & narrative (identity politics), why are male audiences told to get f***** & not care about gender at all? Add the fact all the characters on screen looked dorky & didn't belong in a Terminator movie & we've got a shit on a stick failure.

Hissing Sid

That erm, that looks very 2019.

For a while there I was hoping that wheeling out Linda Hamilton might make a bit of a difference... but then the ghosts of Ford, Hamill and Fisher tapped on my shoulder and asked me if I had a minute or two to spare.


Gold Member
I think it looks intriguing. People complaining in this thread are definitely going to see the movie. I'm not saying they'll like it, but I get the sense they're going to pay up to find out how good or bad it really is.
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