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[TGA 2020] Returnal Gameplay Trailer (4K - PS5). March 19, 2021 Release

HUD, with what appears to be an Alien weapon:



Looks like Neil Druckman designed the non-binary main character.

She just looks like a typical scientist /astronaut lol not every chick in a game has to be super hot, I don’t see any agenda here. Think of it like casting the right look for a movie . If anything it’s more realistic usually the hottest women aren’t the ones pursuing the highest levels of education.
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looks really cool. it's a new ip so it should get a lot of spotlight.

im not expecting this game to be that good, but it looks cool enough for me. i think sony charging 70 is iffy on this one


This game looks awesome!! Can't Wait. This also means RatchetnClank is not coming in the Launch Window, thus delayed.

Alternate theory for Special Attack is that the alien forehand-device is the special attack discharge vehicle (since she pounds the ground) and the hexagon device on the back is the charger?
Or the hexagon device charges the jet pack; with the player having a jet pack bar that depletes upon uses (limited).

Shotgun has spread shot and slow charged shot firing modes. Also continuous beam firing mode for close rage?
Assault rifle has red laser alternate firing mode?
Alien sword (lightsaber like) for upclose combat.
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Golgo 13

The Man With The Golden Dong
The game looks pretty good to me. That $69.99 price tag pisses me off though, can’t exactly put my finger on it; maybe it didn’t bother me as much with Demons Souls because I knew I’d end up playing it for 50 hours minimum.


doesnt look next gen to me.

Playing the video in a small window was looking ok, made it full screen at 1440P and it started looking a bit PS4.

Seems funs and dont mind all the crazy monster design and particle effects but would be one to wait for reviews.
This looks flippin brilliant. Really hope it does well for Housemarque, they deserve to blow up big after all these years of knocking out bangers.


Gold Member
I love how quick and responsive everything is, wondered if they'd be able to take that from alienation and machina into a proper TPS. Looks like they have done and kept the gun mechanics really simple and effective.

Mr Hyde

Gold Member
This looks incredible. The gameplay loop in particular is gonna be interesting to see how it holds up. And it drops in March already. 2021 is gonna be a hell of a year for gaming.
I am really looking forward to the release of Returnal. I can't wait to explore the planet, discover its lore and triumph against the environment :pie_starstruck:
Looks great, but do we more trans friendly crap, its pissing me off, wont be buying, we have vote with our wallets thats the only way they will listen.


Gold Member
Looks cool and sounds cool. For some reason I'm not all in though. Definitely on my radar regardless and I'm hoping for the best!
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