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The Callisto Protocol - The DF Tech Review + PS5 vs Xbox Series X/ S + PC #StutterStruggle Analysis




I was watching today a stream of a guy with a 3060 and a ryzen 5600 or 5900, it was a stutter and a constant crash fest, don't bother until they fix it.

Ps.- "- Alex likens the PC version to Gotham Knights and says he won't cover the PC version because of its poor state."

What kind of freaking journalism is that?.
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LittleNigtmares 2 was exactly the same case and with the later patch RT was included in XSX and kept performance and resolution (resolución kept higher than PS5).

We'll see if the same thing happens here or not.

APis differences may well have had something to do with it, but also it looks more like differences in optimization time. PS5 has clearly been the base platform for development.

PS. XSX prepatch day one was running at 20fps in Quality mode..... It says a lot about the level (and time) of optimization in that version.

PS2. PC versión..... Is horrible
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Also it's not "sacrificing everything", it's literally the same game at the same resolution just with no ray tracing.

I can imagine a dark survival horror game where ray tracing adds so much more than resolution. DF John says as much. I would have loved for them to lower resolution even further in quality mode to claw back performance, if possible. Even 40fps quality would have been great for me. Sadly, I simply can't do 30fps with an OLED and my awful motion sensitivity.


The game already dips very heavily on XSX without the RT reflections, its inclusion will have significant impact on top of that. Besides, the lack of RT reflections seems too big of a difference to be a simple bug/oversight to me. It is very possible that they are having problems with its implementation due to API etc. and need more time in order to run it at acceptable performance. It happened before like in Little Nightmares 2.

I'm not sure that will be the case, TBH.

Maybe the API leaves a lot to be desired when it comes to RT but we've seen Series X doing ray traced effects just fine before despite the older tools (sometimes even performing better than PS5, by the way). Of course this studio in particular might be having trouble with their RT implementation on Series X and that may be the reason for the performance issues we see in the quality mode. Perhaps you're right when you said it's not a bug and devs decided to skip RT reflections on purpose until they can fix the issue, who knows, but the game uses UE4 after all, and even though there are still some dips performance has improved A LOT with the latest patch, as John pointed out. I'm sure devs will keep optimizing the game in the future and will enable RT reflections on Series X as soon as they can guarantee a decent level of performance, which hopefully will be soon.

Oh, and I forgot to mention I feel a little disappointed that we didn't get a 40 fps mode with all the RT features enabled, maybe with a more aggressive DRS. I would be more than willing to take a hit to resolution. Since that seems highly unlikely I would choose the 60 fps mode, which seems to run pretty well on both PS5 and Series X, especially if you play the game on a VRR compatible display.


Technical specifications of the console. Even accounting for differences, none of the PS5 advantages would be responsible for this game not performing as well on XSX:

CPU: Pretty much the same, and the game is CPU limited
RAM: Same amount, more bandwidth on XSX
GPU: Faster on XSX
SSD: Not responsible for performance issues
Your knowledge about the specifications is both faulty and shallow.


Technical specifications of the console. Even accounting for differences, none of the PS5 advantages would be responsible for this game not performing as well on XSX:

CPU: Pretty much the same, and the game is CPU limited
RAM: Same amount, more bandwidth on XSX
GPU: Faster on XSX
SSD: Not responsible for performance issues

It's not.
Series X CPU has a baseline 10.8% performance advantage over PS5, rising higher if/when Smartshift kicks in on PS5.

I don't know anything about this game, and I'm not getting involved in a discussion about it. I just wanted to correct this one point.


So Sony sending devs over to help optimize the game paid off. Another case of water is wet. If the Xbox version is already running poorly I'm not sure adding effects is going to help that situation unless they spend a lot more time optimizing the game. Also people always state that some games run better on the series X, ok some games run better on the ps5. This is the one generation where there really isn't a gap between the machines, buy what you like and play the games.


CliffyB's Cock Holster
It's not.
Series X CPU has a baseline 10.8% performance advantage over PS5, rising higher if/when Smartshift kicks in on PS5.

I don't know anything about this game, and I'm not getting involved in a discussion about it. I just wanted to correct this one point.

Misleading comparison as workloads aren't 1:1, especially given the differences in I/O stack and low-level system API's.


advanced basic bitch
PC struggling as usual. No wonder these guys constantly lurk around console threads and try to brag.
I just beat plague tail and got 100 plus fps the whole time. What kind of franerate did you get? We doing just fine in PC land. No need for the concern.
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It's not.
Series X CPU has a baseline 10.8% performance advantage over PS5, rising higher if/when Smartshift kicks in on PS5.
What? Based on which source/specs? There is a mere ~ 3% of frequency difference between them with SMT before accounting for 10% of one core reserved for I/O operations on XSX CPU and lower interconnect latencies of PS5 CPU. They should be virtually identical in capability overall or ever so slightly better or worse depending on workflow specifics.
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It's not.
Series X CPU has a baseline 10.8% performance advantage over PS5, rising higher if/when Smartshift kicks in on PS5.

I don't know anything about this game, and I'm not getting involved in a discussion about it. I just wanted to correct this one point.
didnt cerny say before that the APU can run max on both at the same time?


What? Based on which source/specs? There is a mere ~ 3% of frequency difference between them with SMT before accounting for 10% of one core reserved for I/O operations on XSX CPU and lower interconnect latencies of PS5 CPU. They should be virtually identical in capability overall or ever so slightly better or worse depending on workflow specifics.
7 cores at 3600mhz
6.5 cores at 3500mhz


Watched the video just now, yeah wtf is up with that tint on Xbox? I really hope they just fix it all because come on now. It's likely a case of the gaming needing more time in the oven. But nothing is guaranteed, there are examples of games that never got fixed for Xbox. Such as Ghostrunner.


It's not.
Series X CPU has a baseline 10.8% performance advantage over PS5, rising higher if/when Smartshift kicks in on PS5.

I don't know anything about this game, and I'm not getting involved in a discussion about it. I just wanted to correct this one point.
They perform pretty much the same. The consoles have been out for 2 years already, 10%+ in CPU performance would have been noticeable in CPU limited scenarios, but it hasn't been the case.

This game is also highly single-threaded, with terrible performance on Ryzen 3000 with RT on. No way the XSX CPU could make a massive difference even if that hypothetical performance advantage was taken into account.


Moderated wildly
Holy fu k this game is coming in hot. That keyboard tab thing is funny on ps5.

Probably needed another few months in the oven.


They perform pretty much the same. The consoles have been out for 2 years already, 10%+ in CPU performance would have been noticeable in CPU limited scenarios, but it hasn't been the case.

This game is also highly single-threaded, with terrible performance on Ryzen 3000 with RT on. No way the XSX CPU could make a massive difference even if that hypothetical performance advantage was taken into account.
Of course they do.
But you said the CPUs were the same. I merely wanted to point out that they were not.


lol ya'll are embarrassing. Why do you have to console war everything? I own a PS5 and and XSX and I love both. But there's clearly no reason the performance gap that exists in this game between the systems should exist. And Digital Foundry themselves attests to that.
Because their console choice has become a part of their identity, the same way sports fans are with their favorite teams. When a game performs worse on the other console it is a “win” for their team. My green rat avatar is mostly meant to be ironic, as im a pretty harsh critic of microsoft. But like you i have both, ive had both since the xbox 360 and ps3, i use both pretty much equally, maybe xbox a little more. But honestly these boxes are so on par at this point i dont think anyone can choose poorly. (Microsoft does need to get better at having a steady stream of releases every year though)


Exposing the sinister cartel of retailers who allow companies to pay for advertising space.
I'm sure they will. There's no reason why the XSX shouldn't offer at least the same level of performance.

Same. Really sad to see the state of the PC version. Makes you wonder what is the point of having $1600 GPU if developers don't bother making games smooth anyway.

There used to be a time when PC games could easily brute force their way to perfection, but those days seem to be over when games now struggle even on the highest of high end machines because of shader compilation issues and poor multithreading support.
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