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The Fate of the Furious / Fast and Furious 8 *SPOILER THREAD*

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I think I just don't really like F. Gary Gray as a director. Aside from SOC he hasn't don't anything I've enjoyed since 1995...


Gold Member
there was a scene where letty knocked one of the russians into the sub propeller and they show the blood splatter on the wall shortly after the rock comes over and says something like thats messy.

this scene felt a bit out of place seemed strangely gruesome where other scenes didn't, even though the body count on this film is really high. noticed during that scene the audience were silent on that scene while the smallest jokes caused eruptions of laughter.
I liked it, but Dom renaming the baby was kind of a dick move. Honor the mother by keeping the name she picked.
She literally told him to name the kid. She picked his second name, and asked Dom to pick his first name after he freed him.

There is like a whole scene dedicated to this where she explains that.


I liked it, but Dom renaming the baby was kind of a dick move. Honor the mother by keeping the name she picked.
She explicitly said that the name she gave him was his middle name and that she wanted his dad to give him a first name.

Speaking of very explicit lines, it was funny how often they had a character stop to explain exactly what was going on and why. The best one was when they the baby mama explain how she got pregnant during the time Dom thought Letty was dead, just to prevent anyone from thinking that Dom was a bad guy who would cheat on his wife.
Dom and Letty are boring as fuck. Michelle Rodriguez is an especially shitty actor. Focus should've been more on Hobbs and Shaw.

Also, Fast Five still has the best fight choreography in the series. The films since have relied way too much on shaky cam.


I love me some Hobbs, but with way subsequent film he becomes more Dwayne Johnson than the actual character. Fast Five he actually seemed like a badass cop


is there any mention of bryan on this movie? like he's doing fine or something like that? or bryan and mia characters are just flat out ignored?

Spider from Mars

tap that thorax
is there any mention of bryan on this movie? like he's doing fine or something like that? or bryan and mia characters are just flat out ignored?
Letty said that they all agreed to leave Bryan and Mia out of it when someone suggested that Bryan would know what to do about Dom.
Also, Fast Five still has the best fight choreography in the series. The films since have relied way too much on shaky cam.

Nah, man. Fast 6 had some great fights, especially Roman/Han vs Shaw's goons in the subway. One of the bad guys performs this awesome horizontal takedown that I always marvel at.
Shaw and Hobbs should get a spin off movie, or at least Rock and Statham need to get a project together. Loved Shaw's antics in the plane.

Theron was pretty bad though, just never had a good scene in the movie.


So wait a minute, I just got done watching it. Have only watched the first 3 or so, so I'm out of the loop but how come Dom fucked this blonde chick?
I mean wasn't he and Michelle Rodriguez a thing since the first one? How come 7 movies later they are still together even though Dom fucked this other chick and she knows he fucked her since he introduces his child to the family and she's all cool with that? what?

Otherwise entertaining movie, have to watch the other ones as well now.


So wait a minute, I just got done watching it. Have only watched the first 3 or so, so I'm out of the loop but how come Dom fucked this blonde chick?
I mean wasn't he and Michelle Rodriguez a thing since the first one? How come 7 movies later they are still together even though Dom fucked this other chick and she knows he fucked her since he introduces his child to the family and she's all cool with that? what?

Otherwise entertaining movie, have to watch the other ones as well now.
Letty was presumed dead following 4 to 5 and then 6 was her return. Between the end of 5 and beginning of 6 he is with Elena.
So wait a minute, I just got done watching it. Have only watched the first 3 or so, so I'm out of the loop but how come Dom fucked this blonde chick?
I mean wasn't he and Michelle Rodriguez a thing since the first one? How come 7 movies later they are still together even though Dom fucked this other chick and she knows he fucked her since he introduces his child to the family and she's all cool with that? what?
She's from Fast Five. You're missing a bunch of stuff from 4 through 7.


I just saw it again tonight and somehow missed this little bit when I first saw it.

Hobbs is breaking out of prison, an inmate comes up to him and says he's been waiting for this moment for awhile or something to that effect. Hobbs twists the dudes shank immediately and stabs him in the chest and says "Keep waitin', bitch" and then throws the guy to the side. Literally a few seconds long scene.

Holy fuck it was amazing. I love this movie.


So wait a minute, I just got done watching it. Have only watched the first 3 or so, so I'm out of the loop but how come Dom fucked this blonde chick?
I mean wasn't he and Michelle Rodriguez a thing since the first one? How come 7 movies later they are still together even though Dom fucked this other chick and she knows he fucked her since he introduces his child to the family and she's all cool with that? what?

Otherwise entertaining movie, have to watch the other ones as well now.

Yeah, Dom thought Letty was dead. Nothing to do there but move on. Then, OOPS she's alive.


I really wish they made Hobbs acknowledge Elena. Her last scene in the previous films was her assisting Hobbs and they've been partners for quite awhile plus it almost seemed like they were going to setup a relationship between the two. They should really address his reaction in Fast 9.
So wait a minute, I just got done watching it. Have only watched the first 3 or so, so I'm out of the loop but how come Dom fucked this blonde chick?
I mean wasn't he and Michelle Rodriguez a thing since the first one? How come 7 movies later they are still together even though Dom fucked this other chick and she knows he fucked her since he introduces his child to the family and she's all cool with that? what?

Otherwise entertaining movie, have to watch the other ones as well now.
Dom and Elena connect in Fast Five over both their SO's being dead. By the end of the film they hook up over it but it's made clear Elena loves her late husband and Dom loves Letty. When Furious 6 happens, he finds out Letty survived and Elena lets go of the relationship basically saying she would leave if it were her husband found alive.
I really wish they made Hobbs acknowledge Elena. Her last scene in the previous films was her assisting Hobbs and they've been partners for quite awhile plus it almost seemed like they were going to setup a relationship between the two. They should really address his reaction in Fast 9.

So Wazz, I have been thinking about potential future storyline possibilities. I think they should weave the wonky writing in 8 into 9 and beyond. What if Cypher located a burned and bruised Han, recovering in a Japanese hospital somewhere in Tokyo. In a flashback, Han was able to escape the burning car before it exploded but is scarred severely. Gisele, tragically, is still dead.

It is here that Han is told by Cypher, not just with words but video about the flimsy nature of Dom's sense of "family". "They left you to die in Tokyo. They didn't memorialize Gisele, the love of your life and top things off, Dom put avenge your death behind his own selfish needs and enlisted the guy that tried to kill you to save his son. He could have chosen anyone but he chose him--Deckard Shaw." All of this rings true as Cypher has curated videos that prove all of this to Han. He is having noticeable trouble absorbing all of this but his anger and hurt are driving his rage.

"Dom never truly saw you or Gisele as family...I mean, look at his actions." Now, with Cypher's funding and re-enlisting his underground Yakuza connections (including old DK), Han adds Sean and Bow Wow and explains his mission of vengeance to them. They join him on this new quest to bring the family to their knees. Essentially, turn Han into the Winter Soldier with his own crew (along with Cypher) taking on Dom's. We get our own FF Civil War, and Han gets to return as a bad ass.



She is someone for Luda and Tyrese to play off of, but outside of that, she doesn't have a point on the team since Tej does everything she does. I think she has good chemistry with the team, but she doesn't have a point. So it's a wash.

Fast 5 cemented the team and their roles. Losing Paul, Sung, and Gal hurt and they haven't been able to replace them.

Paul was always the emotional anchor and what kept Vin and the group together. Basically family. I didn't give a shit about Letty and Vin, but Paul and Mia. It worked in 1,4,5, and 7. Having him always as Vin's rival/equal added a lot too. Now, they don't even have that since you know Vin isn't going to play equals with The Rock. Notice how the Rock jobbed to Statham in the beginning of 7? Vin ain't ever going to let that happen to him. The closest was always Brian in racing. He grounded Dom.

Sung's and Gal worked extremely well in the group. He was the laid back member with a quick witt. As they said, someone who knew how to maneuver. It helped a lot the cool and smooth member of the group was Asian, since it's such a drastic departure from basically every other series where they are either Kung fu experts or the basically in Luda's role where they are the hacker.

Gal was the female muscle for the group. Could work the scenes boys can't with her sex appeal and also beat the majority of the guys asses too.

The newest members, don't quite have it. Ramsey, just fits in the same spot as Tej. I feel like they should have made her more of a Q or something for the group. Not just another hacker.

Eastwood, I didn't mind. He's the new group busta. And guess, supposed to be the newbie. It works a bit, but he'll need to add something to the group next time.

I like Statham and Russell, I feel like they fit in fine. With Russell solely being there as the G man, but I do think Statham shouldn't be a direct member, but more like the ace they call in at times.
Interesting thoughts, but your hopping between actor names and character names made it really hard to follow at times


So Wazz, I have been thinking about potential future storyline possibilities. I think they should weave the wonky writing in 8 into 9 and beyond. What if Cypher located a burned and bruised Han, recovering in a Japanese hospital somewhere in Tokyo. In a flashback, Han was able to escape the burning car before it exploded but is scarred severely. Gisele, tragically, is still dead.

It is here that Han is told by Cypher, not just with words but video about the flimsy nature of Dom's sense of "family". "They left you to die in Tokyo. They didn't memorialize Gisele, the love of your life and top things off, Dom put avenge your death behind his own selfish needs and enlisted the guy that tried to kill you to save his son. He could have chosen anyone but he chose him--Deckard Shaw." All of this rings true as Cypher has curated videos that prove all of this to Han. He is having noticeable trouble absorbing all of this but his anger and hurt are driving his rage.

"Dom never truly saw you or Gisele as family...I mean, look at his actions." Now, with Cypher's funding and re-enlisting his underground Yakuza connections (including old DK), Han adds Sean and Bow Wow and explains his mission of vengeance to them. They join him on this new quest to bring the family to their knees. Essentially, turn Han into the Winter Soldier with his own crew (along with Cypher) taking on Dom's. We get our own FF Civil War, and Han gets to return as a bad ass.

I'm actually expecting this plot line now though I still really want Gisele back too. They could always end the revenge plot with her actually being alive thus reuniting the fam. :D but with Gal being occupied with WW it does seem unlikely she'll be coming back.

But yeah the lack of acknowledgements must be to setup future stories. It would really help the writing in 8 where it felt a little weak.
I'm actually expecting this plot line now though I still really want Gisele back too. They could always end the revenge plot with her actually being alive thus reuniting the fam. :D but with Gal being occupied with WW it does seem unlikely she'll be coming back.

But yeah the lack of acknowledgements must be to setup future stories. It would really help the writing in 8 where it felt a little weak.

I thought about a scenario where they both return but i think it really helps a Punished Han persona if he is dealt massive loss and betrayal.

I also think Han would have to be put over by killing a crew mainstay. Since Ramsay and Tej are redundant, it would make the most sense to kill Tej.


What I didn't like was the handling of Deckard Shaw. Sure, the guy is badass and actually quite lovable as he showed in this movie. But this dude still killed Han. How am I supposed to accept that Dom suddenly forgives Deckard after he murdered one of his family and his brother indirectly causing the death of Gisele too. I would have accepted a mutual respect separation after Deckard saved the life of Dom's baby, but not a complete forgiveness, "hey you have a seat at the family table now", ending. That's crazy.

He killed HAN!

Was about to come into this thread kicking and screaming about this. Glad I'm not alone.

Deckard, you wanker. I know what you're up to. This isn't over.
Han ain't dead, and if Poor man's Orlando Bloom can survive being thrown out a plane onto the tarmac...Gisele can survive falling off a car roof. They're just having a holiday like Bryan and Mia.
Even though Deckard was a badass in this film, I couldn't help but think, "dude, what are you doing?!" whenever he'd start shit with Hobbs in the prison. Hobbs is like freaking Goliath.


This movie was great.

Chris Morgan has got some sort of talent to put together a solid and sensible story given the nonsense we've been conditioned to expect from the series and the wild premise of this one.

Elena's death scene was upsetting though, I really liked her in Fast Five and I was pleasantly surprised to see her back only for them to off her in the cruelest way possible.


Great movie. Unexpectedly sentimental for a movie about being chased by a nuclear sub. I loved Theron's acting in some spots and also Vin Diesel wasn't horrible. The explosions were loud and the cars fast. Also furious. 10/10


Man, I can't believe that movie actually worked! Really was expecting a pretty but unnecessary mess Rogue One style but they put some actual thought into the plot and the characters all played well off each other. Charlize was pretty f'in solid as a villain and Elena's death was actually kind of sad.

I also vote for the return of Han and Giselle. Then maybe spin half into Dom's crew and half into The Rock's/Statham's crew.

The Fast (traditional car/gangs/druglord action):

Scott Eastwood

The Furious (globetrotting spy action):

The Rock

Kurt is their Fury
Hector as Coulson

Daffy Duck

I enjoyed it for the most part to be honest, the bit that really doesn't sit with me is Shaw being in the group...especially after how much Dom hates him previously.

You know, I wish they had simply broken the fourth wall and had Dom name his son Paul.

Brian is alive and well in the movie lore, so it makes less sense to name him Brian.

Even though it makes no sense to name him Paul as far as the movies story is concerned, I would have loved it. In the same way that doms goodbye to brian at the end of F7 was really a goodbye for Paul.

When Alena said about he didn't have a first name I was waiting for him to call him Paul, I was kind of gutted he called him Brian.

So Brian is out of the life because hes a dad.....so lets make Dom a dad too so he can stay in the life? So now they are making it look like Brian is....my family is more important then you guys, but Dom will be fighting aliens in space with a baby seat in his car talking about how everyone is his family.

Just weak all around. The cast is bloated as hell, time to cut some of these people out. The 2 brothers that show up every movie for 4 seconds trying to get fanfair, drop them completely, Ramsey as much as shes cute and smart, shes useless to the core group when you have luda running around being the tech guy, don't need two. Now with Shaw joining the family, because why not....time to cut out some of the cast permanently.

I'm waiting for the Shyamalan twist that the pacifier is Fast and Furios canon.


I knew it. Statham's laugh in that scene was so genuine, it had to be unscripted

You could tell that was genuine laughter.


I think I just don't really like F. Gary Gray as a director. Aside from SOC he hasn't don't anything I've enjoyed since 1995...

Going through his filmography, I liked: Law Abiding Citizen, Be Cool, Italian Job, A Man Apart, The Negotiator, Set It Off, Friday (of course) and Murder Was The Case minimovie.

So I've pretty much liked everything he's done.

Fun fact- He worked with Vin in A Man Apart, Charlize and Statham in Italian Job, and The Rock in Be Cool.
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