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The Final Bosman Show


The GT player just keeps getting worse and worse. It's just a stuttery mess.
Enjoy watching WORLD EXCLUSIVES on it in a month.
Do you have the settings on progressive HD? Although I'm not sure if that will only be saved if you are logged in.
Microsoft: 4/5 I think MS is stepping up their game now so excited to see what they have in store. Unfortunately they've not managed to sell me on their 'vision' or any of their announced games yet (except maybe Sunset Overdrive). It's a shame because I want them to convince me! I miss the early 360 days. I'm actually a bit bored of the usual IPs - Halo, Gears, Forza. Need something new.

EA: 2/5 Pretty pumped for Dragon Age, that alone will get me going during EA's event. And any glimpse of Mass Effect. Sims can fuck right off though.

Ubisoft: 2/5 The Division. That's it. That's all I need.

Sony: 4/5 I hope they go all out and reveal some more of their first party stuff. Show either Project Beast or TLG and they will steal the show for me. If it's just lots of Destiny, Morpheus, PSNow & DriveClub that would be damn disappointing.

Nintendo: 1/5 All I'd be interested in is a 3DS refresh / new handheld.


bish gets all the credit :)
Enjoy watching WORLD EXCLUSIVES on it in a month.
Do you have the settings on progressive HD? Although I'm not sure if that will only be saved if you are logged in.

I've tried every setting. It's been noticeably worse in the past few months. I usually just download the videos.


Microsoft 3/5 All for One

I expect a lot of games at E3 just because they have just one focus the Xbox One. They spend the last 2 years getting games ready and leaving the 360 high and dry. They will show indies and kinect games as well. They only have a billion to spend on this generation and half is nearly gone on Titanfall and buying Gears. I am concerned that they will just announce games and show a brief trailer and then hear nothing until next E3. I hated that last year. I want more games annoucments that will be out this year not 2015 or 2016.

EA 4/5 Mass Dragon Battlefront

Dragon Age I am looking forward to seeing again. I hope to see a trailer for the new Mass Effect game and I hope the original trilogy for PS4. It will be interesting to see if they continue to to lean towards the Xbox or moved towards the PS4 with exclusive content etc. Plus Star Wars.

Ubi 4/5 Raymans

Looking forward to the next Assassin's Creed and the possibility of a new Rayman. Rumours of a Prince of Persia using the Rayman engine sounds interesting.

Sony 4/5 Be vewy vewy quiet I'm hunting for exclusives
Sony has been very quiet over the last few months about games. I don't know if it is a good thing or a bad thing. They announced 12 new indies recently and a expect a few more at E3. Sony needs to come out swinging but if The Last Guardian is there and an amazing Uncharted showing will do wonders like it did when they showed Uncharted 2 and the collasping building.
I hope we don't see Project Morpheus as Sony doesn't have enough time to show PS3, Vita, indies etc but showing new technology this early after PS4 launch where they should be focus on games. Next E3 maybe but not this year.

Xbox will come out on top with 90 minutes of Xbox One games Sony are dividing 120 minutes over 3 or 4 platforms and won't have the same impact the Xbox one will have.
Your hair is just fine Kyle. Just fine. Though it does frighten me a little. But only because you mentioned it. So now its all about the implication, and shadowy hairsay.

My hype levels:

5 out of 5 I-do-say-sir-but-you-have-my-full-unbundled-attention's. I guess they didn't like being straight up brutally fucking murdered on stage last year, so am expecting the empire to strike back this time.
Keeping my eyes/ears out for: Any mention of Kinect, especially any past tenses. Mostly though: Forza Horizon 2. Bring it. Bring it. Bring it.

2 out of 5 forget-about-the-rolling-fiasco-that-is-and-was-Battlefied 4's. I expect explosions and awesome ideas that all have ticking online-only or microtransactional time bombs hidden deep in their innards.
Keeping my eyes/ears out for: Mirror's Edge, and any cinematic combat set-pieces therein.

4 out of 5 that-was-the-PC-version-we-showed's. Honestly I have no idea what to expect. These are the people that put out Rayman, Child of Light, a bizarrely recursively-meta AC4, some Xbox TV/TV/TV stuff and have the Division on the way. So, fuck if I know.
Keeping my eyes/ears out for: The hard sell on The Crew after its online-only microtransactional reveal was flubbed in just about every way possible.

3 out of 5 where-the-fuck-is-suspend-resume-already-goddamn's. I have low expectations here, even though I expect DriveClub and The Order to eventually impress. I have next to zero interest in Playstation Now and Morpheus and will consider their conference a success if I don't fall asleep halfway through it.
Keeping my eyes/ears out for: Any end-of-year surprises, and elusive Unicorn-like firmware updates or news or anything because god damn.

7 out of 5 I-don't-have-any-of-their-consoles'.
Keeping my eyes/ears out for: Will probably be eating lunch, or taking a walk, or cursing a GAF Server Error. Or maybe meditating. Yeah, maybe I should get back into meditating.


Really surprised that everyone seems to be predicting that Sony will do better this E3. I think MS is going to wipe the floor with them.


Really surprised that everyone seems to be predicting that Sony will do better this E3. I think MS is going to wipe the floor with them.

I am expecting it as well. But it depends on what they announce. Phil said games, games, games. It could be a lot of indies, Kinect games,COD and Halo. They will show a lot of games but it might not be the revival of the brand people expect it to be.

Microsoft has 90 minutes of Xbox One games while Sony with PS4,PS3,Vita and Project Morpheus in 120 minutes.
Microsoft 1/5
Don't have an Xbox, probably won't get one, but I like seeing good games wherever so it's not a straight 0

EA 4/5
I actually like EA games (I don't even hate the company), so I'm pretty positive on this one. Mass Effect, Dragon Age, and BATTLEFRONT are all hot properties that I'm excited for.

Ubisoft 3/5
I also like Ubisoft games, but most of this score comes from their inevitable "one more thing" crazy game announcement. I really don't even care that the final product won't look like the trailer

Sony 4/5
The rumors have been flying, I want to see if they can convince me to buy a PS4 before I was planning on it (Black Friday). Also waiting for that incredible "You can play PS2 discs on your PS4!" (Please Sony... Please....)

Nintendo 5/5
It's Nintendo, c'mon. They pump out some of the best games, and this will be no exception. The surprise announcements I expect will knock me on my ass


Gold Member
MS - 4/5 games games games, phil spencer
EA - 4/5 star wars and mass effect hype, also dragon age
Ubisoft - 2/5 watch dogs wore me out... want to see assassins creed
Sony - 4/5 beast souls or last guardian imminent, believe
Nintendo - 3/5 probable zelda trailer, tiny hope for metroid, 2d, for 3ds


bish gets all the credit :)

All I want is the Last Guardian and Beasts Souls.
I'll never understand why Nintendo's bad conferences seem to be permanent stains on their "E3 track record", but MS and SONY get clean slates every year. The other two have just as many bad conferences sandwiched in between spectacular ones as Nintendo does.


Really surprised that everyone seems to be predicting that Sony will do better this E3. I think MS is going to wipe the floor with them.

That seems highly unlikely.

Given the claims both parties made last E3 about the number of first party exclusive titles in development, we know Sony has more, and they've announced less. With the exception of MS having obtained an inordinate number of third party games over the last year, and Sony having made no efforts to expand their portfolio, there is really no chance MS have more games to ship over the next year.

The question of what Sony will show is the real issue. I think it could well end up something of a draw, more likely Sony will have the edge, but it won't be the kind of curb-stomp Sony's upcoming year or two could provide, because they'll probably do the minimum so they can reveal things at GamesCon and TGS.
Microsoft-Eh I don't really play most of those games. Can't judge.

Sony 3/5. Not enough Japanese games to keep me interested. Beast Souls seems cwel enough though.

EA 2/5. Battlefront 3 is all I want to see.

Ubisoft-Same with Microsoft.

Nintendo 4/5. Show me X and Show me Zelda but most of all I know you're gonna show us something we have no clue about which drives up the mystery factor.


Membero Americo
I'll never understand why Nintendo's bad conferences seem to be permanent stains on their "E3 track record", but MS and SONY get clean slates every year. The other two have just as many bad conferences sandwiched in between spectacular ones as Nintendo does.

Seriously. And about E3 2010, sure the Zelda demo was bad, but everything else was pretty fantastic. DKC, Kirby, Kid Icarus, the 3DS hype. E3 2006 was also excellent. It certainly hasn't been 10 years since Nintendo's last good conference. And MS and Sony both have crappers, too. Especially Microsoft.


That said, he still gave Nintendo his highest Hype score, so...


MS - 4 out of 5 Phil Spencers: I believe in Phil, and the Xbox One needs to convince people to get Xbox Ones, and now that the Kinect is not mandatory, they need to convince people with games.
Sony - 4.5 out of 5 Last Guardians: Sony has the lead, now they need to keep it. My only fear is that they sit on it thinking they already won the whole generation. TLG is happening.
Nintendo - 5 out of 5 Fire Iwatas: No matter what I do, no matter what I say, I'm always the hypest for Nintendo at E3. Can't help it. And while I say Nintendo does have its share of good press conferences, they are few and far between. But when they deliver, they deliver hard. Zelda, Metroid, all that good stuff. They need to sell some Wii Us.
EA - 3 out of 5 Star Wars: It's EA. But they have Battlefront, Mirror's Edge 2 and possibly one cool surprise up their sleeve.
Ubisoft - 3.5 out of 5 Girl Woods: Once again, they'll probably end their show with a looker that nobody saw coming. More The Division is also welcomed. Maybe Far Cry 4. And Prince of Persia would be cool.


I'm equally excited about all conferences this year, normally EA is pretty boring, but this year they have some interesting games to show. I'm glad Kyle appreciates Ubisofts conferences - they've been really entertaining the last few years, sometimes they even "won" E3, and they're the best hope for those funny cringeworthy moments that other companies successfully try to eliminate.
Edit: Nintendo's Direct thing doesn't qualify as a conference for me, so I'm less excited on that level although I'm still looking forward to what they have in store.


I'll never understand why Nintendo's bad conferences seem to be permanent stains on their "E3 track record", but MS and SONY get clean slates every year. The other two have just as many bad conferences sandwiched in between spectacular ones as Nintendo does.
because it's Nintendo.
the 2010 conference was awesome, with the announcement of 3DS, lots of unexpected Wii games and even Kid fuckin Icarus; but hey, they botched the SS stage demo, so... bad conference confirmed.

Mikey Jr.

MS- 3/5. Not super interested in the console itself, but many of the games will be multiplat, so I'm interested in those.

EA- 3.5/5. Looking forward to that Battlefront game. And as much as I don't like the company, I do like their games.

Ubisoft- 2.5/5. Like their games, but their conferences are usually quite dreadful.

Sony- 4/5. I have a PS4, so I'm most interested. But like Kyle says, it doesn't seem like they have a lot for fall. Lots of mystery.

Nintendo- 1.5/5. Don't have a WiiU, don't plan on getting one any time soon. Nintendo games just aren't for me anymore. Won't watch, I'll just read any relevant threads that pop up on gaf.


Microsoft - 4 out of 5 unbundled kinects.
Phil Spencer, the title "Game on" and clearing out the console stuff like they did yesterday beforehand is probably leading up to something really good.

EA - 2 out of 5 PEGGLE 2S!
As time goes on, fewer and fewer EA games interest me, but eh, we'll see.

Ubisoft - 3 out of 5 girlwood
As Kyle pointed out, they have put forth interesting new IPs two year in a row now. Hopefully they can follow through this year.

Sony - 3 out of 5
I fear that they will talk about pretty unexotic games at this point, like Driveclub and TLoU PS4 edition. I don't know what they can make a splash with at this point.

Nintendo - 4 out of 5 total Wii Us sold
Nintendo is a fucking mystery. They are the joker and they can pull out something mindboggling. Or disappoint.


Microsoft: 2/5. Not really interested in their franchises, Sunset Overdrive looks cool, but i'm not 100% sold on it and they have everything to prove, basically (to me anyway).

EA: 1/5. Yeah Star Wars and all that, but i don't like competitive games online, so Battlefront without bots and local multi (i assume as much) won't be that interesting and their other Star Wars games... i mean i can't even remember the last EA game i've bought.

Ubisoft: 3/5. I think AC Unity looked fantastic from that teaser, and Revolutionary France? They have a good chance of getting me back into the series, after hating 3 and skipping 4.
Kind of curious regarding The Division, whatever secret bomb they have to close the show and... why not, to see if maybe Ancel has been working on something on the side? Nah...

Sony: 4/5
. Prior to Project Beast it would've been a (very) stretched 3, but you know... i am also expecting a graphically impressive Uncharted (although i'm not really hyped for another Uncharted, unless it's very different) and possibly something new on FFXV, on this i'm basing my 4.
Now, if a certain game were to make an appearance, i'd bump it to 5 or even 6 without a doubt.

Nintendo: 2/5
. They had their Mario WiiU already, which was my most anticipated thing from them, so i don't know, not much they could do, but i remain curious.


Was this new video made before or after Microsoft dropped the Kinect? I would imagine Kyle has quite a bit to say about that.


Microsoft - 2 fist bumps out of 5 : Microsoft press conferences too me are fun to watch when everything goes wrong. I can't get excited about it seriously, because I'm not their target audience, I don't really like the types of games they go for to. So, with Phil Spencer in the lead, I don't think I'll be enjoying much of it.

EA - 1 Mirror's Edge out of 5: Mirror's Edge 2. Maybe Battlefront. This is it. I hate you EA.

Ubisoft - 2 #girlwood out of 5: I hope Mr. Caffeine comes back.

Sony - 4 The Last Guardians out of 5: I don't know what to expect
except that they're going to be late
. I'm hoping for lots of Japanese games.

Nintendo - 4.9 Bananas out of 5: Really excited, but trying to contain my hype. IWATA PLEASE DROP THE BOMBS.

Anyway, I too feel weird about your hair Kyle. But Battle of the Bands making a return? OH YEAH.


I'll join:

Microsoft: 2/5. Their IPs don't interest me, the hardware doesn't interest me, but they have money and talented studios, so maybe they'll have an interesting exclusive to reveal. The stuff we know about is stuff I don't care for.

EA: 0/5. No interest whatsoever. Haven't bought an EA game in ages, I think Burnout Paradise was the last one. They could shut down tomorrow and I wouldn't notice.

Ubisoft: 3/5. Not a fan of their main IPs, but their shows are usually at least entertaining. They often have a "one more thing" thing at the end, which usually turns out to be a Aliens like fake gameplay render or vertical slice that overpromises and underdelivers, but at least they're interesting. And as long as Ancel is with the company, I'll pay attention.

Sony: 3/5. Hard to predict. I don't like their shows, too much chest pounding and shit, but they produce unconventional new IPs that turn out to be awesome every now and then, so I'm rarely hyped but always interested.

Nintendo: ?/5. I just don't know. On one hand, it's Nintendo, and they produced some of my favorite games - I especially love their second tier games. On the other hand, it's Nintendo, and they're really good at botching presentations.


I'm trying to watch this week's episode through the GT App for Android since that's the only way I can right now and every time I try to load it, it just takes me to a black screen.
Microsoft: 4/5. It's still the start of a console gen so MS will still be trying. I'm expecting good showings from their exclusives

EA: 2/5. Only for Star Wars games. Don't let me down EA

Ubisoft: 2/5. I fear the downgrades and hope we see something great like BG&E2

Sony: 4/5. Bring on the montages! I really don't know what they have. I hope we see a game explosion but could see them getting fragmented with all their different bits

Nintendo: 3/5. Hate the delivery method but even at their worst Nintendo can do a trainwreck in a fascinating way.


microsoft - 2/5. i really don't care much about microsoft's first party offerings, but i expect them to nail at least a few things that interest me, especially if that supposed platinum/kamiya game is ready to show.

ea - 2/5. i'm in it for mirror's edge 2 i guess. these guys haven't really been on my radar since 2008. maybe mass effect 4 can wow too.

ubisoft - 3/5. all i want is beyond good & evil 2. that's it, and every year i get this sneaking suspicion they'll show something. if they show that then i will be really happy, as it is probably going to happen within the next year or two.

sony - 3/5. i'm looking forward to the last guardian making a reappearance and that's about it. sony's first-party stuff really doesn't do it for me across the board (they lean too heavy on presentation for my tastes). i also don't have a ps4, so maybe they can sway me? this is higher than it would be because i will also be in attendance. so it will be exciting just to be there.

nintendo - 4/5. yeah i'm sort of expecting a blowout of things that i care about- namely bayonetta 2, x, and zelda, among some other things that should interest me. i think i'm keeping my expectations realistic by only expecting things we're aware about.

Deleted member 80556

Unconfirmed Member
I swear, if there's TLG, Project Beast, Zelda, Quantum Break, BG&E2 and Battlefron all in one day, I'm gonna die of emotion.


Microsoft: 4/5- I look forward to seeing what they're bringing to the table, and showing the goods. But at the end of the day, this will still not be my second console purchase due to price. And more like something I'd be looking at holiday '15 at the earliest. But maybe they can still surprise me? Price drop Xbox 360 skus? Gears of War Remastered Definitive Edition 1080/60?

EA: 3.5 /5- Star Wars games. Mass Effect 4 and hopefully Mass Effect trilogy Remastered Definitive Edition 1080/60.
Maybe Titanfall's future on the PS4?
Maybe a Battlefield with a campaign that actually works?
New Madden.

Ubisoft: 3/5- Assassin's Creed next gen, new Prince of Persia and the Division with no downgradeation?
Splinter Cell: Blacklist Remastered Definitive Edition 1080/60?

Sony: 5/5- I own the PS4, this is the show I'm waiting on. The Last Guardian, Project Beast, Guerilla's new game. The Order gameplay. TLOU DE footage and More. Basically everything I will be buying asap!. And games flexing the system's muscle.

Nintendo: 4.5/5- This is the next console I plan on buying and I expect E3 to firmly hammer that point home to me.

Endo Punk

Good episode. Im getting that E3 fever too.

MS: 5/5. Phil Spencer & Platinum Exclusive. MS played smart by getting the tv and kinectless stuff out the way. I expect them to have the most consistent conference.
EA: 1/5. Never watch their conference and hardly play their games. They get a 1 in the off chance a new SSX is shown that actually delivers on the fun of the original trilogy with splitscreen play.
Ubisoft: 1/5. I find their games largly consist of repetition, hand holding, and tutorials and they never deliver on the initial promise. But if a new Deus Ex is shown...
Sony: 4/5. They lose a point because Im sure time will be wasted on sales talk, PS3 and VR. And god help them if Project Beast is not shown or was a lie.
Nintendo: 3/5 Shame they don't feel its important to have presence at E3 but Im sure ND will have some cool things to show. Hopefully new Fatal Frame footage.
Fun idea. My current hype levels I guess.

Microsoft 3/5
First party is nothing to me but I expect a lot of crazy 3rd party exclusive land grabs here. MS knows when they need to open the checkbook and now is the time. I expect a megaton "get" or two

Nintendo 1/5.
I really, REALLY dont care. A new Metroid / Zelda? Whoopty fucking doo.

Somy 3/5.
They could go anywhere with their 1th party as well as their renewed 3rd party relations team but I expect them to big the show down with way to much PS3 and VR talk and demos of games we saw demos for last year like The Order, Destiny and DriveClub and who knows how long on TLOU HD. Project Beast will be nice but I expect another year of "Sony is just holding back" BS.

EA 4/5
Mass Effect, Dragon Age, Star Wars. It will be a good showing but as always with EA who knows how badly they mess up the final games with microtransactions. It makes me super sceptical when it comes to getting excited after the show.

Ubisoft 2/5
Ubi have a E3 formula and they are sticking with it! Far Cry is a shoe in. Probably a new IP again as well. Still I know better then to trust what they show now. I bet more people do as well.


MS: 1/5 Not going to buy an Xbox and I suck at console shooter.
EA: 2/5 Not a Star war fans and did I mention suck at console shooter? Want to see true next gen FIFA.
Ubi: 2/5 Never believe their lies! Will watch just for meme sake.
Sony: 3/5 too much unknown, Want to see new first party game and I fear they will under deliver. Keep my expectation low.
Nintendo:4/5 Nintendo direct always fun to watch and I like the tone.
Microsoft- 3/5

Phil Spencer should have been in charge of Xbox years ago.


Haven't bought an EA game in years and i dont think that will change anytime soon.


The last two years they've shown some really good looking new IPs, but anti-consumer policies and fake trailers keep me from getting hyped up as much as i should.


Should be lots of 1st party games announced (Last Guardian believe!), Also want FF15 release date desperately. Morpheus news would be cool too.

Nintendo- 4/5

X release date, Fire Emblem x SMT??, ZELDA!!!!



Microsoft: 3.5/5: Expecting them to go all out with the third-party reveals.
EA: 1/5. I can't remember the last time I cared for an EA press conference. I always forget they have such a big presence at E3.
Ubisoft: 2/5: I'm not generally a big fan of anything Ubisoft puts out other than Rayman, but they still know how to pull off a press conference.
Sony: 3/5: I'm expecting them to play it safe but still have some nice reveals nonetheless.
Nintendo: 4/5: The big one. Not super hyped like I was in like, 2012 before the Wii U was going to supposedly have a big reveal, but I'm expecting a lot of great games.


Let's see....

Microsoft: 2 out of 5
I can see they are trying to turn it around but I just can't seem to get excited about it.

EA: 1 out of 5
The only thing I'm excited about is Mirror's Edge and right now I'm afraid they will even mess that up

Ubisoft: 3 out of 5
Honestly just hearing something solid about Beyond Good and Evil 2 would make the whole conference for me. This could be a crushing disappointment.

Sony: 3 out of 5
I hope Sony has some games. Don't leave me hanging Sony.

Nintendo: 4 out of 5
Bayonetta 2

Surprise Virtua Fighter 6 announcement at one of these conferences: 10 out of 5


if sony is smart, they will blow their wad at e3.

no point holding back, MS are reeling and now is the time to curb stomp xbone before it can build some momentum with the new price. underline the PS4's current dominante state with an overwhelming amount of exclusives .. and snuff out MS now, at a time where trends are formed. they have the lead, now use it.

so yeh, i expect a huge blow out from sony, nothing less
I'm expecting (i.e hoping) big things from Nintendo. The rest I couldn't care less for except maybe The Last Guardian on Sony's side, and whatever Platinum may have to show (if at all).

Nintendo: 5/5
Sony: 1/5
Microsoft: 0/5
EA: 0/5
Ubi: 0/5
Microsoft : 3/5
I'm anticipating a big focus on "reveals" of games we already know exist. Halo 5, Halo Anniversary, Crackdown 3, and Forza Horizon 2. The biggest thing to watch out for is third party reveals - I'd easily see Fallout 4, Deus Ex : Human-er Revolution, or even Mortal Kombat 10 appearing on Microsoft's stage.

EA : 2.5/5
EA's never been great at E3. Too much focus on sports, bad celebrity cameos, and interesting projects are relegated to vague teases. But they've got Mirror's Edge 2 to come back to this year, which immediately throws a bonus point of hype their way.

Ubisoft : 3.5/5
The annual disappointment. Ubisoft is a really weird experience, every year. The host is always a talented comedian - forced to read canned dialogue that shines the worst on gaming culture. The show is always loaded with music, casual, and F2P content that could not be more irrelevant. I heavily anticipate another 10 minutes of footage from The Crew. But I'll be honest - I want more info on The Division. And with Far Cry 4 a real possibility - they might have some stunning moments. Which will look significantly worse when we approach release.

Sony : 3.5/5
If anybody has something to prove this year, it's Sony. Their Fall 2014 lineup is downright barren - and with Uncharted 4 & SSM's new thing seemingly out for the count, they need to have some serious firepower hidden under the table to compete with MS. An overreliance on the promise of Morpheus, Super-HD PS3 ports, and third party partnerships is a real risk.

Nintendo : 5/5
Desperate Nintendo is always going to be the best Nintendo. There are no more secrets - they've got issues, and the answer has to come sooner rather than later. Whatever they announce, it's at least going to be interesting. Will they bet everything on figurines? Aim for the hardcore with Zelda, Metroid, and X? Become more casual than the world ever feared with Quality of Life platforms? It will be a defining moment for the oldest name in gaming. Oh, also Smash Bros. Like, a shitton of it.


MS: 4/5 un-bundled kinects

After the huge drop of news earlier this week, which would typically be stuff you announce at e3, I am quite confident that they will have some stuff to show. And I don't own an XBONE.

EA: 2/5 forced out Hennings

I love star wars, and I am interested to see what they do with the IP. However, they will have sports and stuff I don't care about

Ubisoft: 4/5 100 page downgrade threads.

I enjoy ubisofts games, and to be honest I don't care for graphics, framerate and resolution as much as other people. Looking forward to AC unity, and their end of show games all ways win me over based on their premises. And ubi was teasing that e3 2014 will be better than their last 2. So yeah hyped.

Sony: 2/5 "Where was the Last Guardian"

Too much unknown with Sony. Asides from order, which looks uninspiring, not else is known about the conference. Uncharted and GOW need to do something fresh rather than better graphics, or else I won't care. I am more critical since PS is my place to play now.

Nintendo: 2/5 tired pickachu's

After playing nintendo games for 20 years, and after nintendo losing me after the wii, I just don't care as much. A new Zelda isn't going to do anything for me, Smash isn't hyping me up as much as Brawl did. I really have low expectations. Everything changes if a new metroid is announced though, but I am not holding my breath.
Microsoft: 180 out of 360
They announced the price drop well in time, so they must be confident in their lineup - though the date of the price drop seems like it was planned as a "and you can go buy one right now" announcement for E3 but they had to do it now to avoid leaks. I guess they'll show more Quantum Break? MS is the one I expect to bring in a big third party premiere.

EA: 1d4
EA can show amazing stuff. SW: Battlefront, Mirror's Edge 2, new Mass Effect. EA will probably show Battlefield, sports and something from PopCap.

Ubi: count(new game ideas)/count(straight up sequels)
Uh, I guess they'll have new AC and new FC and new SC and uh yeah. New game from Dean Evans' team is the only thing that could get me pumped.

Sony: 3 soul beasts
Project Beast, I guess. That's a game with potential to make me buy a PS4. I hope they show something for Vita during the show, though I guess indies have that covered.

Nintendo: 2 realistic hypes out of 4.5 hopeful hypes.
Expecting "live" gameplay (not a straight up trailer cut) and worldwide release date for Bayonetta 2. Same for Smash, both Wii U and 3DS. Expecting Zelda U gameplay (can be in trailer form). Expecting a new big game announcement (like Metroid). Expecting disappointment.
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