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This is sweet. Capcom and SNK used to steal staff back and forth way back when. I know Capcom doesn't own Dimps, but still they worked on a Capcom property.

Dimps was founded by a bunch of SNK guys actually, like a year or so before they went bankrupt so that was a bit different than stealing (though a bunch of other dudes did go to Capcom, and a bunch went and founded Playmore).


Tried Luong and she's as hot as expected, both in terms of looks (them long limbs) and gameplay.

Great hit-confirms and really nice damage, even for meterless and low meter. The last hit of her EX ranbu super does an un-scaled 100 damage so her EX super combos do sweet damage.

Just got KoFXIV!!!



I love this game. The roster is awesome. SNK is fixing the online issues. KOF-Lyfe is good. But man, the final Boss is LAME.

Antonov is cool beans. But Verse is the most boring cliche boss ever. I miss Rugal. I was hoping Ron would be in this.

Big Brett

So should I run through and get all endings for any reason? I'm enjoying all the characters but not particularly the story, aha

qcf x2

The premium edition is pretty huge. I'm tempted to not open it since I bought digitally on Tuesday but I wanna see dat art.


I know there aren't mixed team endings, but none of those illustrations are locked behind finishing story mode with mixed teams, right?
ah, what a day with a new kof! only did a bit of training so far and finished a few trials. what's the best way to finish vice trial 5? i don't know when to cancel the last super.

also did a quick story mode run. gonna take a while to finish story with every team.

not sure when i want to hop online. gonna play a bit of versus on saturday i think. curious when they want to drop the next patch.

Watch Da Birdie

I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet
The South Town ending has Andy point out how there's three characters known as Tigers (Joe, Ramon, and someone else forgot who), and three characters known as Dragons (Ryo, Mui Mui, and Kensou), I wonder if those might be Special Edit Teams?


ah, what a day with a new kof! only did a bit of training so far and finished a few trials. what's the best way to finish vice trial 5? i don't know when to cancel the last super.

also did a quick story mode run. gonna take a while to finish story with every team.

not sure when i want to hop online. gonna play a bit of versus on saturday i think. curious when they want to drop the next patch.

The issue with Vice Trial 5 is you have to do the motions from the right side despite you starting the combo on the left. I guess technically her flipping puts her to the right of her opponent.


Just got this today. Really liked the game, with the exception of the netcode in Online Ranked. Still trying to decide my team. Yuri is in (she basically defeated almost everyone in story mode) and probably Terry. Still deciding who will get the third spot.

But man, I seriously need an arcade stick. My fingers are left in pain after always playing a fighting game. Anybody knows a good arcade stick below $100 that works with PS4 and PC?
I love this game. The roster is awesome. SNK is fixing the online issues. KOF-Lyfe is good. But man, the final Boss is LAME.

Antonov is cool beans. But Verse is the most boring cliche boss ever. I miss Rugal. I was hoping Ron would be in this.

Verse is fucking garbage. I do want him to show up at a tourney though. I hope he's still viable.
Party mode is better in the sense that it runs at the correct framerate but there's still heavy delay :/

edit: try to do hop C get stand far C GREAT


The South Town ending has Andy point out how there's three characters known as Tigers (Joe, Ramon, and someone else forgot who), and three characters known as Dragons (Ryo, Mui Mui, and Kensou), I wonder if those might be Special Edit Teams?
Tigers are, Dragons I'm not sure.
I'm done with this shit until they fix the netcode. Can get on Accent Core online and bust out some one frame FRCs no prob but can't even reliably do move>special move on this mess without it chugging at 30 fps and eating the inputs.


Has there been any word on if there's going to be a netcode patch (or patches)? I tried the demo earlier and absolutely loved it (This would be my first KoF) but I don't have anyone locally to play with so I'd mostly be playing online after finishing the story mode. I can't really justify the purchase if the netcode doesn't get fixed.

Watch Da Birdie

I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet
I really like Leona, but without going into it too much not really a fan of how much jiggle she has going on here when she was always one of the more serious characters.
Premium Edition arrived today. Picked the Team Women Fighters and went all the way through Story Mode. Love the gameplay - quick, snappy, and as accurate as 2D KOF titles before it.

Just starting to learn all the new characters' moves: Alice is better-than-expected and has a lot of personality in her stumbling animations. Also, Hein has great range and an offbeat stun move that can convert to a dash.

You can just tell that a lot of heart was put into the game, from the humor in the cinematics to making all the new characters feel distinct. The Team Women Fighters ending has a lot of fan service and takes it all the way back to KOF '94 references. SNK is definitely back.
Yeah the slow Mo netcode is a real letdown. I like the game from what I've played. It seems very much more beginner friendly and I actually like the look of it. The music is kind of dull but that's ok.


So in a weird string of luck I somehow got PSN to refund me for some shitty space game and they credited me immediately. So gave that money to SNK instead. So far KoF 14 has been a treat.


It feels so damn good to be able to advanced cancel an Haoh Sho Ko Ken.

Robert can:

standing CD> fireball> Haoh Sho Ko Ken> EX ranbu

So you basically see him flying through two fireballs across the screen to nail them with all of everything in one go.


So I just did story mode on this, and who the heck is Verse? They gave him zero setup in the first play through. Does he have more going for him I didn't unlock?


Sketchbook Picasso
I really like Leona, but without going into it too much not really a fan of how much jiggle she has going on here when she was always one of the more serious characters.

Breast move in real life too, I guess no women are serious... ;-) It's... not a big a deal as many make it out to be. If this was a 2D game, that's one thing, but it's 3D... physics are part of the package. Every girl in the game has some bounce, and it fits their motions or the support of their clothes.

If anything, I'm more offput by Athena not-panty flashing, lol. Also a casualty of 3D (no magic angles that conveniently show nothing), but something like shorts or something could have been an option...

You can just tell that a lot of heart was put into the game, from the humor in the cinematics to making all the new characters feel distinct. The Team Women Fighters ending has a lot of fan service and takes it all the way back to KOF '94 references. SNK is definitely back.

Yeah, I think they did great being SNK within this game. It's got exactly the kinda personality and characterization that fits them as a company.

The music is kind of dull but that's ok.
I can't agree with this at all, lol. Some of the music isn't crazily over-produced with multiple deep layers (some of the unofficial remixed by fan pack more Oomph), but the mix of genres, the real instruments used in the compositions, and the mix of throwback and new tunes is really quite nice. And the way matches fade into "fated duel" music between certain pairs, and then goes back to the main stage theme, not from the beginning, but basically picking up where it left off, is a nice touch.

So you basically see him flying through two fireballs across the screen to nail them with all of everything in one go.

I like doing a Haou Sho Kou Ken into CDM with Ryo, lol. It's like he's punching through the energy and opponent simultaneously to solidify the win. Looks like a trailer-ending screen transition...

So I just did story mode on this, and who the heck is Verse? They gave him zero setup in the first play through. Does he have more going for him I didn't unlock?

Hey, Nakoruru did see the well of souls that collected to form him! And other chara stories also drop hints and pieces through their endings. The real meat of his tale is told from actual combat. Look at his win quotes when he winds VS certain characters too.

He's honestly more of a set-up for things to come than a personal big deal, however.
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