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The Last of Us Demo (GoW:A Exclusive) Discussion Thread


I LOLed.


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
Turned everything off, played on hard... went straight up Splinter Cell. Never died or got injured. Kinda easy, actually. Though I did use the gun once when things went sideways on me.

Apparently you can't really sneak up on the runners who are moving around, I had perfect position on them a couple times and they spun on me, causing quite a surprise, I had to retreat and break line of site and hide again.

More detailed impression later...
No spoilers.

It's safe. He just talks about the opening (calling it the best opening he ever witnessed ), how poor the demo is in comparison with the full game, some little gameplay issues he has. But overall he was very, very impressed.

The segment is very short btw.

Cool thanks. I'll give it a listen.

A little OT but does anyone know if it's confirmed that the documentary is exclusive as a Preorder bonus for the season pass?
I was only really interested in how the game felt. The controls feel amazing. There's a weight and naturalness to how Joel moves throughout the environment. You can really see that uncharted tech coming into maturity.

I noticed that, at times, I couldn't pick up an item because joel was crouching, and if he was, he would reach up and over just enough to give the illusion that he actually was.

Cannot wait for the game to drop.
so anyone like me who loved uncharted 1 and 2 but just didnt feel uncharted 3? I mean technically it was great, looked stunning often but...I dont know just was kinda bored playing through whole thing.

it looks like last of us really changes things dramatically, so I'm interested in anyone feeling like I did about U3 but loving the demo. I'm tempted to preorder the CE since I'm a fan of the developer, and like these kind of settings (I loved enslaved for example) and melee games like condemned...


Any chance of this coming to PS+ early?

Thought about that. Would be absolutely bonkers if they put it on PS+ a week early like they did with Journey.

Watched a walkthrough of the demo and it looked great. The last game I bought was Bioshock Infinite. I could really get behind the idea of only buying the AAA releases throughout the year and having PS+ supply me with all of the "in-between gaming."


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
Tested some more(on hard), clickers are piss easy to avoid on their own. Super obvious grab animation and they're dumb as hell. When they try to grab you can easily run away and crouch and they'll give up and lose you. They are much more effective paired with runners as long as they don't run at you with them and blockade a path for you to run towards, as without a shiv it's instant death. You need a shiv to stealth kill them too.

And yeah, runners don't react to the flashlight at all. They aren't blind and see you out of cover.

He is the only one to neutralize with stealth I think...

There's one that walks into a secluded room you can also choke out. Sometimes he notices you randomly, though.


Lolol at the last part of the demo i went in gung-ho, punched a dude in the face and got mobbed by several guys and a clicker. It was amusing.


so anyone like me who loved uncharted 1 and 2 but just didnt feel uncharted 3? I mean technically it was great, looked stunning often but...I dont know just was kinda bored playing through whole thing.

it looks like last of us really changes things dramatically, so I'm interested in anyone feeling like I did about U3 but loving the demo. I'm tempted to preorder the CE since I'm a fan of the developer, and like these kind of settings (I loved enslaved for example) and melee games like condemned...
That's more or less the general consensus on Uncharted 3.


I wish the demo could be passed around, I still can't get it to download from the countdown screen and it's not in my download history either.

For people who have played through the demo: One of the things that I really disliked in the the Uncharted series was that you would have to stop and kill about fifty guys before moving on. It got tired fast for me, and that's why I have never been a big Uncharted fan. Does this game do this? Do you have an obvious "now you fight guys because it's the time to fight guys" moment that stops what you were doing?
There was only one section like this. You have to kill all the enemies to progress. But they don't respawn and there are only 4 enemies overall.

Ugh please tell me this is a one off. I hate the QTE in Witcher 2 when it came out of no where
There are a couple unfortunately, but not as bad as Uncharted.

Ugh, was worried they'd be using QTE's. I hope they are kept to a minimum as they really brought down Uncharted 3's combat.
Combat still feels a bit like QTEs, but more organic as well.


Flash light, flash light amigos! No one's talking about how amazing it is.

  • Love how there is a slight lag between rotating the camera and the character whom the light is attached to follows.
  • The change in size and shape of the light cast depending upon the angle and distance at which it hits the surface. I have yet to see it being replicated to this level of detail in any other game including Metro LL

Oh and I'm skipping the demo.


More than a member.
Played the demo. Nice. As I expected. Gdx are good but feel limited by the console.
Just one grip I have a contrast issue. The black are grey for this game ...


Can't it? Like the Ascension demo from before?

I dunno, I've never tried signing into someone else's account on my PS3, I've only had it for a few months. If I were to sign into someone's account that had it in their download history, would I be able to see it there?


I dunno, I've never tried signing into someone else's account on my PS3, I've only had it for a few months. If I were to sign into someone's account that had it in their download history, would I be able to see it there?
You should be able to. If someone who had the demo made a universal GAF account for people who didn't have Ascension, it should work. You'd have to deactivate the account after using it though
The sound design in this game is ridiculously good. It's actually interesting coming off Uncharted and how people have often criticized the gun sounds in that for sound weak, and then you hear what they've done with those sounds in TLoU. It's night and day.
I really hope this game comes to PS4 on launch day, it looks pretty bad on PS3 IMO

Aside from the 30fps, the game looks just about perfect to me. But that might have to do with the demo taking place in the dark, hiding imperfections. Once you get out into the light I expect to see more jaggies and iffy textures


You should be able to. If someone who had the demo made a universal GAF account for people who didn't have Ascension, it should work. You'd have to deactivate the account after using it though

Well I'm going to go out of the house for a bit. When I come back I'll try again, and if it still isn't working I'll take a picture of the error and then ask if someone is willing to make a dummy account for me.
Here are my impressions, I spoiler tag the spoilerish stuff:


Joel moves slower than Drake, both his walking and sprinting speeds are slower compared to Drake's. You can tell the game has a slower pace right from the start.

You can crouch but not jump unless it's to overcome obstacles.

Pressing square will allow you to use melee, either with your fists or the melee weapon you have equipped, you use your melee moves freely without the sinchronization required in Uncharted 3 where you had a certain timing for your moves.

Pressing select will bring up your inventory where you can combine scavenged items to create something useful and where you can store your weapons that aren't equipped. Equipping the weapons that are in Joel's backpack doesn't require you to access the inventory though.

You can throw bricks at enemies to briefly stun them or bottles to distract them.

Aiming seemed fine to me and the feedback from the guns seems more satisfying than in Uncharted.

At the end of the demo I threw a brick at the first runner I saw to see his reaction and was immediately attacked from all sides. I was surprised to have made it through that but a combination of melee and gunfire allowed me to survive, can't wait to play that part again to try different approaches, very interested in reading other people's experiences with this part.

Companion AI seems excellent.

I don't know how the exploration to combat ratio is in the full game but in the demo it's heavily in favor of exploration which leads me to:

Level design:

The game is obviously linear but there is room to stretch your legs and going out of my way to check out adjacent rooms was rewarded with bullets, an item to upgrade my gun and some materials.

The ruins of the city provided some interesting layouts with a nice mix of outdoor and indoor environments.


Expect the quality you saw in the Uncharted games in terms of texture quality, detail in the environments and character models, animation, etc.
AA seems to be the same post process solution used in Uncharted 3 so yes, there are jaggies, specially in scenes with effects that break the AA like the rain at the start of the demo. Nothing too serious though.
Frame-rate is rock solid and I didn't see any tearing.


Voice acting is top notch, Joel in particular stood out to me, Troy Baker really nailed the worn down tough guy voice, you can tell Joel has been through a lot from every word he says.
You can tell this is early in the game because Joel refers to Ellie as "the girl", they obviously aren't very close at this point.

Sound effects are excellent and navigating the interior of dark, destroyed buildings with the unsettling sound of the clickers echoing through the halls is very tense.

Not much to go on as far as music is concerned but I don't think anyone is worried there.

Some random notes:

I saw a medallion hanging from a tree branch, I thought it was a collectible but shooting it had no effect.
I'm a sucker for these post-apocalyptic environments with overgrown cities and they nailed it here.
I don't really have anything negative to point out after this first playthrough but like I said I need to try different approaches to combat though the clickers have a very basic attack pattern which is natural. They are feral creatures so they attack you straight on unlike what a human would do which should provide some interesting contrasts in the way fights play out with both types of enemies.
The sound design in this game is ridiculously good. It's actually interesting coming off Uncharted and how people have often criticized the gun sounds in that for sound weak, and then you hear what they've done with those sounds in TLoU. It's night and day.

are you using headphones? Damn I really need those PS3 headphones, but I am not dropping $150 something that won't work on PS4


world felt extremely flat at first. then i got into it inside the building. sound design is preety special. sweet through headphones. need the full game now
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