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The Last of Us Part 2 Multiplayer Will Become An Stand-alone Game


Basically the same people that were bitching yesterday that there was no MP included are now bitching that they are going to get it. Must be hard to be in your skin.
Exactly. What a bunch of whiners.

The MP was part of the package in the first game and now they're almost certainly gonna charge extra for it the sequil. I think I speak on behalf of everyone who wanted the MP, beit on its own or with the SP campaign, when I say we're glad it's still happening, but being charged extra for it when we weren't before is a legitimate gripe. Not only does it make whole game more expensive to buy for the equivalent package, but it will also reduce the player base for the MP. So you see, people have every right to little pissed about this.


The MP was part of the package in the first game and now they're almost certainly gonna charge extra for it the sequil. I think I speak on behalf of everyone who wanted the MP, beit on its own or with the SP campaign, when I say we're glad it's still happening, but being charged extra for it when we weren't before is a legitimate gripe. Not only does it make whole game more expensive to buy for the equivalent package, but it will also reduce the player base for the MP. So you see, people have every right to little pissed about this.

You sound like entitled, whining children to me. No one is forcing you to buy anything so stop complaining.


This is great news for the people that were sobbing in the other thread over MP. I hope this becomes a thing that catches on. Too long single player experiences have been gimped by dedicating time and money to MP part of the game. Conversely too much focus is spent on sp part of the game for others.

As I see it, we're paying the same but receiving more and better. The only ones that are going to be affected negatively are the bargain hunters. The 2 for the price of 1 lovers. The gobblers.

Based Naughty Gods.
But it's still the two game modes being developed at the same time by the same developer. I could understand your angle if they used the full team to develop the SP game then when finished moved the whole team to then develop the MP. Or even if the SP was being developed by one studio and the MP developed by another. That's not the case here.

Both SP and MP being developed by the same developer at the same time, what is stopping them from putting both into the same package? That is the question you should be asking and the answer is "money"!

Either they charge separately for each game mode.


They charge for the SP and then make the MP F2P and cram it with MTs.


You sound like entitled, whining children to me. No one is forcing you to buy anything so stop complaining.

An ironic reply given that statement is actually quite childish. All I offered was an explanation as to why people may not like this, you need but take it or leave it.

But, no...


To the folks complaining that it's going to be sold separately instead of bundled: Would you be happy receiving a compromised version of the SP game for the sake of bundling MP?

These things ain't free.
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This isn't great news for people interested in multiplayer, because they'll be paying more than 60$ for the complete experience. Good news for me personally, no MP related trophies and downloads.


To the folks complaining that it's going to be sold separately instead of bundled: Would you be happy receiving a compromised version of the SP game for the sake of bundling MP?

These things ain't free.

It's perfectly normal practice for SP and MP to be bundled, people are comparing what ND are doing to what 99.9% of other games with multiplayer have done in the past. What you're implying is that any game with MP has compromised the SP which is not a stance that is easy to argue. ND are supposed to be some of the best n the business yet they can't deliver a complete product?


I knew it! Ppl claiming it took away resources when we should know diff teams and individuals work on different things as the game progresses. So thy have had the mp team working on it in some capacity. If TLOU is two disc's and turns out to be a beast of a game and lengthy I don't mind this move at all. They'll probably sell the mp standalone at $40. What I don't like is the precedence it sets seperating the sp from the mp and double charging 🤔


But it's still the two game modes being developed at the same time by the same developer. I could understand your angle if they used the full team to develop the SP game then when finished moved the whole team to then develop the MP. Or even if the SP was being developed by one studio and the MP developed by another. That's not the case here.

Both SP and MP being developed by the same developer at the same time, what is stopping them from putting both into the same package? That is the question you should be asking and the answer is "money"!

Either they charge separately for each game mode.


They charge for the SP and then make the MP F2P and cram it with MTs.

Same developer, different teams with different individuals tht have different expertise. They don't all always work in unison although it is a cohesive project generally. Either way I agree I don't like the precedence it sets of now making sp/mp seperate purchases unless the scope of both are more grand than we usually come to expect.


I'm going to be honest, I don't care if we do have to pay for it separately. I'm just happy that it appears to be happening, eventually. But that is based purely on the sheer quality of last game's multiplayer.

Someone mentioned they were trying to pull a Capcom and have their own multiplayer game like Umbrella Corps/Project REsistance... RE wishes it had MP this good!

In fact it will probably work out better because I could uninstall the main game when I'm done with the story and not have that huge amount of space taken up, yet still have access to the multiplayer.


MP will definitely be bigger than an option mode like the OG.

Anyway, I think this would also be a case where the multiplayer game will be available on pc since the main game won't.
MP will definitely be bigger than an option mode like the OG.

Anyway, I think this would also be a case where the multiplayer game will be available on pc since the main game won't.
Good luck with that mythical PC first party Sony game. The rest of Naughty Dogs first party games will show up any day now.🤨

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Honesty first of all... if you are not interested in the multiplayer you don't have to buy it... BUT if you want to play you'll pratically spend double for the same title.
Says who? That voice in your head that tells you any and everything is some nefarious conspiracy?

Don't get upset, it's just a hypotesis, it could even be released completely for free... take a pill in the meantime. ;)
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Don't get upset, it's just a hypotesis, it could even be released completely for free... take a pill in the meantime. ;)
You're right, I should take a pill for not coming up with unfounded hypothesis. I seem more sane and not upset when I weave a completely imaginary scenario based on nothing more than what others don't know.

I can't wait for the moment when it gets released for free for anyone who bought the base game and "gamers" say it was them pressured ND to do that.
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Good luck with that mythical PC first party Sony game. The rest of Naughty Dogs first party games will show up any day now.🤨

Sony already talked about the possibility to bring multiplayer games to pc to gather a bigger pool of players. It is just a possibility cause we know the big first party games are essential to be really exclusive.


Gold Member
Naughty dog's track record for multiplayer is iffy is you ask me. Riddled with unbalance, pay to win and micro transactions. Color me not interested.
Sony already talked about the possibility to bring multiplayer games to pc to gather a bigger pool of players. It is just a possibility cause we know the big first party games are essential to be really exclusive.
Do you really in your hearts of hearts think this is the game they're talking about? Get ready for Predator and whatever other random MP game released in the future. I see a new Warhawk on PC before TLOU.


To the folks complaining that it's going to be sold separately instead of bundled: Would you be happy receiving a compromised version of the SP game for the sake of bundling MP?

These things ain't free.
Ive got no complaints about my PS4, and am 95% likely to get a PS5. But that don’t mean I’m gonna pretend this excuse has validity. This was straight up let’s charge them twice it seems. If the dev announces it will come for free to owners of game cool. But if not let’s not kid ourselves. People who are mad are mad cause the first one had it, and after years of waiting they find out no mp at launch, so that it can be sold separately from what they can tell. If cost was such a big deal they should have said that a long time ago. That excuse at this juncture comes across as pr to cover up we want to charge you twice.
Ive got no complaints about my PS4, and am 95% likely to get a PS5. But that don’t mean I’m gonna pretend this excuse has validity. This was straight up let’s charge them twice it seems. If the dev announces it will come for free to owners of game cool. But if not let’s not kid ourselves. People who are mad are mad cause the first one had it, and after years of waiting they find out no mp at launch, so that it can be sold separately from what they can tell. If cost was such a big deal they should have said that a long time ago. That excuse at this juncture comes across as pr to cover up we want to charge you twice.
How much have they said they're charging for the MP? If the answer is I don't know or I didn't read it all, your feigned concerned post is irrelevant. Why not see how this whole thing plays out before acting like they shit on your birthday cake.


How much have they said they're charging for the MP? If the answer is I don't know or I didn't read it all, your feigned concerned post is irrelevant. Why not see how this whole thing plays out before acting like they shit on your birthday cake.
There’s no feigned concern in my post. Im straight up called the excuse that these things cost money bullshit.


Multiplayer was a surprise with TLOU 1 and lots of people were bitching and moaning about both it's inclusion as well as it's execution.

Now they've decided to focus solely on the singleplayer and release their concept for multiplayer later on and it might not even be related to TLOU2.

I'd rather have two seperate games that are fully fleshed-out than half of both cramped into one release, because 'muh entitlement'.


So are you saying that developing an MP mode is free?
No. My post says what I’m saying. Not some weasel trying to make me feel bad for recognizing people’s legit expectations.

And honestly this doesn’t really another me. Means I’ll get sp cheaper now. Never even played first ones mp. But people who did and expected it to come back have legit gripes, and anyone chastising them for it with bullshit excuses are wrong.
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Naughty dog's track record for multiplayer is iffy is you ask me. Riddled with unbalance, pay to win and micro transactions. Color me not interested.

And to me their record is great, with fun, innovative mp's, which have tons of things to do and not marred in generic mediocrity where you can't even climb walls, no traversal and it's just running, hiding behind a ledge you may or may not be able to vault over. That static shit is lame asf and not fun imo. Tired of this generic bs that hasnt evolved in what? 20 years.

Thank God there's devs like ND tht bring a new take and actually have good controlling characters.
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No. My post says what I’m saying. Not some weasel trying to make me feel bad for recognizing people’s legit expectations.

And honestly this doesn’t really another me. Means I’ll get sp cheaper now. Never even played first ones mp. But people who did and expected it to come back have legit gripes, and anyone chastising them for it with bullshit excuses are wrong.
So what you're telling me is you really have no dog in this fight but decided to bring it anyway?
Guess what the people who expected it to come back should shut the fuck because guess what???? It is!!!! What is the "legit" gripe they can levey at it with the lack of any information other than it exists at the moment?


So what you're telling me is you really have no dog in this fight but decided to bring it anyway?
Guess what the people who expected it to come back should shut the fuck because guess what???? It is!!!! What is the "legit" gripe they can levey at it with the lack of any information other than it exists at the moment?
The lack of it will be free in public statements is a pretty big tell.
The lack of it will be free in public statements is a pretty big tell.
To who? The same group of people that waited for GTAO or the ones that put up with the RDO beta? Maybe it the folks that played any competitive online mode tacked on last gen. Hold on, it just might be all the 10 mil that didn't give a shit when God of War dropped.
I'm still waiting on that price point for the MP though.


To who? The same group of people that waited for GTAO or the ones that put up with the RDO beta? Maybe it the folks that played any competitive online mode tacked on last gen. Hold on, it just might be all the 10 mil that didn't give a shit when God of War dropped.
I'm still waiting on that price point for the MP though.
Did rockstar come out and say we will have multiplayer but it will not be part of this game?
Proof please. Where they said they are releasing their multiplayer mode, and it will not be part of the game specifically. Which was then followed by a free game.
Before I go out and do the research for something you should have already known since you're making this argument, are you really oblivious to this?


Before I go out and do the research for something you should have already known since you're making this argument, are you really oblivious to this?
Apparently so. No recollection of rockstar every saying we decided not to have multiplayer to make a bigger sp experience, and we will not bring multiplayer to one of our games, followed by them giving everyone who bought the game a free mp experience anyway.


CliffyB's Cock Holster
The MP was part of the package in the first game and now they're almost certainly gonna charge extra for it the sequil. I think I speak on behalf of everyone who wanted the MP, beit on its own or with the SP campaign, when I say we're glad it's still happening, but being charged extra for it when we weren't before is a legitimate gripe. Not only does it make whole game more expensive to buy for the equivalent package, but it will also reduce the player base for the MP. So you see, people have every right to little pissed about this.

Its not a remaster, its a new game. So why pray tell would you expect the exact same amount of content for both single and multiplayer?


Game is announced as SP + MP
During development they says dozen of times MP is part of the package
Near release they remove MP and say they will release it in a new package (paid or F2P that is even worst)

Some gamers unbelievable praise the company lol

Now I see why we are living that abused gaming generation... games accept however shit and predatory pratics companies create to milk money.
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Its not a remaster, its a new game. So why pray tell would you expect the exact same amount of content for both single and multiplayer?

I think you're a little mixed up. I was referring to the original PS3 game. That included the MP in the standerd package. The remaster on PS4 added the Left Behind DLC and (I think) some MP skins added to the standerd package that still included the MP. The main SP campaign and MP mode were never separate.
Game is announced as SP + MP
During development they says dozen of times MP is part of the package
Near release they remove MP and say they will release it in a new package (paid or F2P that is even worst)

Some gamers unbelievable praise the company lol

Now I see why we are living that abused gaming generation... games accept however shit prática companies create to milk money.
Was it announced sp+mp or was it a trailer hinting at the story?
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The single player portion is at least twice as big as the first game... probably much larger. So from the perspective of value, you are getting much more for your 60 bucks than in the first game.

Some people have no interest in MP and for them, it frees them to get the platinum without doing something they do not like.

The multiplayer for the first game has been going nearly 7 years and I am sure they want this one to be much bigger, as they say in the announcement... 'it's gone beyond
The MP was part of the package in the first game and now they're almost certainly gonna charge extra for it the sequil. I think I speak on behalf of everyone who wanted the MP, beit on its own or with the SP campaign, when I say we're glad it's still happening, but being charged extra for it when we weren't before is a legitimate gripe. Not only does it make whole game more expensive to buy for the equivalent package, but it will also reduce the player base for the MP. So you see, people have every right to little pissed about this.

Not really, TLOU2 is several times bigger than the first game.... so you're getting more for the same money.

Nothing has been revealed about Factions, it could be FTP, 20 dollars, free..... we should not jump to conclusions!
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