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The Last of Us Part II and Part I sales are climbing the charts



he means multiple writers like a tv show, nothing else.
If you think the TV Adaptation hasn't factored into Naughty Dog's overall decision making, then you'll need to correct some the users in this thread, who believe the TLOUP1 remaster exists to tie into the release of the show.


If you think the TV Adaptation hasn't factored into Naughty Dog's overall decision making, then you'll need to correct some the users in this thread, who believe the TLOUP1 remaster exists to tie into the release of the show.

TLOU Part 1 was originally greenlit around 2019ish when VASG was looking for a project to work on as the initial stage of forming a brand new studio within SIE. They began work on it in collab with Naughty Dog, but as time moved on and TLOU 2 wrapped, Naughty Dogs involvement became much greater. It's a much longer story, but TLOU Part 1's primary goal was as a project for VASG.

Now that doesn't mean there couldn't have been multiple goals at play here. We dunno exactly when the project was greenlit, but in early 2019 Jim Ryan took over and a lot of new initiatives were started soon after like PlayStation Productions and their PC porting efforts. It is within the realm of possibility that they planned for all of these initiatives to achieve synergy together from the very start, or it could just be a happy coincidence that everything came together. TLOU Part 1 serves multiple purposes outside of its benefits to VASG and Naughty Dog - it's the definitive PS5 version of the game, it's the PC version of the game, it serves as modern entry point into the franchise for the new audience coming over from the HBO show and no doubt it'll have some synergy with the TLOU MP game too.

The timing with TLOU HBO might also be a happy coincidence, or planned, who knows. But saying it only exists to tie into the show would be incorrect.


... We dunno exactly when the project was greenlit, but in early 2019 Jim Ryan took over and a lot of new initiatives were started soon after like PlayStation Productions and their PC porting efforts...
The HBO TV Show came out of the failed movie adaptation, which was around since before 2016. The show properly began in 2020, just prior to TLOU2's release. The directors of the master have also stated that one of the reasons for the remaster was "... we also knew that we had a lot of audiences that might be playing the game for the first time, or as you said, people watching the TV show...". Given the length of development of both TLOUII and TLOUP1 remaster, the TV adaptation has clearly factored into Naughty Dog's decision making for quite a while - it's reasonable to think it will continue to do so, if not more-so because the show has been successful.
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I agree that the remake is a better version than the remastered version, but not so much that it justified the remake. The Last of us Remastered is still a very nice looking game, and it holds up pretty well in comparison.

It takes much more effort to develop an entire remake than it does to port the remastered version to PC. This Remake was developed instead of another hypothetical project that could have been a new game , or a remake of a game that would benefit a lot more from being remade. I would have preferred either of those and from what I've seen, the common consesus about TLOU remake is that it looks very nice but who asked for this?

Well its a great thing no one is asking you to buy it, right?

I for one am glad i didn’t have to replay the ps3 version with upscale resolution


The HBO TV Show came out of the failed movie adaptation, which was around since before 2016. The show properly began in 2020, just prior to TLOU2's release. The directors of the master have also stated that one of the reasons for the remaster was "... we also knew that we had a lot of audiences that might be playing the game for the first time, or as you said, people watching the TV show...". The TV adaptation has clearly factored into Naughty Dog's decision making for quite a while - it's reasonable to think it will continue to do so, if not more-so because the show has been successful.

Yeah the movie adaptation had been in the works for a while and Neil said he just wanted that project to die, lol. Glad it did, this game had to be a series, there's no way it would've had anywhere near the same impact in a movie.
I agree that the remake is a better version than the remastered version, but not so much that it justified the remake. The Last of us Remastered is still a very nice looking game, and it holds up pretty well in comparison.

It takes much more effort to develop an entire remake than it does to port the remastered version to PC. This Remake was developed instead of another hypothetical project that could have been a new game , or a remake of a game that would benefit a lot more from being remade. I would have preferred either of those and from what I've seen, the common consesus about TLOU remake is that it looks very nice but who asked for this?

I just don't know what justification you're looking for here. Redoing the models and textures isn't that much if you're going to do a port anyways. And this can keep the game selling for years. It just makes more sense.

They didn't develop an entire new game. You can see the gameplay remains the same.

Another project would have taken years, this did not take the resources you think it did.

People bought this which shows it was the right call


I got so many questions from friends. Never played TLOU how is it? Should I buy it? Is there TLOU 2? Didn't expect that so many people didn't play the game

I think this proves their strategy, if you make a good game and show it will sell!
It's kind of like a stealthy uncharted. The story and spectacle are the draw. The actual gameplay is kind of boring unless you play on the hardest difficulty. The PS4 remaster is cheap and good enough if you just want to poke around.
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The amount of cope and mental gymnastics surrounding TLOU 2 will never stop being funny. It was critically acclaimed, sold extremely well, and has one of the highest completion rates of any major game on PlayStation. And yet there’s this super weird contingent of Internet warriors fighting this imaginary battle against literally nobody, trying to convince everyone that the game actually bombed lmao. Weirdos.
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The amount of cope and mental gymnastics surrounding TLOU 2 will never stop being funny. It was critically acclaimed, sold extremely well, and has one of the highest completion rates of any major game on PlayStation. And yet there’s this super weird contingent of Internet warriors fighting this imaginary battle against literally nobody, trying to convince everyone that the game actually bombed lmao. Weirdos.

It sold barely more than Ghost of Tsushima despite so many more advantages over it in terms of name recognition and critical acclaim. If it wasn't for the show God fo War Ragnarok by now would have been already close to topping it.


It sold barely more than Ghost of Tsushima despite so many more advantages over it in terms of name recognition and critical acclaim. If it wasn't for the show God fo War Ragnarok by now would have been already close to topping it.

It “barely” sold more than another critically acclaimed title from a storied developer lol. GOT was a smash hit and did incredibly well for a new IP. More of a testament to Sucker Punch than it is an insult to ND.
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NaughtyDog Defense Force
It sold barely more than Ghost of Tsushima despite so many more advantages over it in terms of name recognition and critical acclaim. If it wasn't for the show God fo War Ragnarok by now would have been already close to topping it.
That's like saying God of War barely sold more than Horizon Zero Dawn. lol Both game sales are close.

We know Ghost of Tsushima received a boost due in sales due to the Director's Cut release.


I just don't know what justification you're looking for here. Redoing the models and textures isn't that much if you're going to do a port anyways. And this can keep the game selling for years. It just makes more sense.

They didn't develop an entire new game. You can see the gameplay remains the same.

Another project would have taken years, this did not take the resources you think it did.

People bought this which shows it was the right call
You're very much oversimplifying how much effort it takes to redo a game in the way that TLOU Remade takes. Brushing it off as simply "redoing the models and textures" is a huge oversimplification: Every aspect of the presentation in TLOU remake has been overhauled and replaced. You seem to think that this was a project they put together in a weekend instead of the years of development it actually took.

You grossly underestimate how much effort this project took.

I'm not saying it was or wasn't the right call. What I am saying is that it sucks that video game development is now chained to TV shows. I want TV and movies to influence game development less, not more.
You're very much oversimplifying how much effort it takes to redo a game in the way that TLOU Remade takes. Brushing it off as simply "redoing the models and textures" is a huge oversimplification: Every aspect of the presentation in TLOU remake has been overhauled and replaced. You seem to think that this was a project they put together in a weekend instead of the years of development it actually took.

You grossly underestimate how much effort this project took.

I'm not saying it was or wasn't the right call. What I am saying is that it sucks that video game development is now chained to TV shows. I want TV and movies to influence game development less, not more.

That's a strawman. Please do better.

I didn't say it was a weekend job. I said the costs involved and resources involved in doing this compared to porting it wasn't tremendous and it made more sense to remake a game that was 8 years old rather than port it to PC and price it at 30 dollars.


That's a strawman. Please do better.

I didn't say it was a weekend job. I said the costs involved and resources involved in doing this compared to porting it wasn't tremendous and it made more sense to remake a game that was 8 years old rather than port it to PC and price it at 30 dollars.
A hyperbolic statement isn't a strawman.

Saying that the costs and resources involved weren't tremendous compared to porting it is flatout wrong. It's not even remotely close to being accurate. Every single aspect of TLOU's presentation has been replaced, which is quite literally the most expensive aspect of game development. Saying that it would be only slightly more expensive than developing a PC port, which is basically just requires a team of coders of which a lot of the work has already been done due to the Uncharted PC games existing, is completely inaccurate.
A hyperbolic statement isn't a strawman.

Saying that the costs and resources involved weren't tremendous compared to porting it is flatout wrong. It's not even remotely close to being accurate. Every single aspect of TLOU's presentation has been replaced, which is quite literally the most expensive aspect of game development. Saying that it would be only slightly more expensive than developing a PC port, which is basically just requires a team of coders of which a lot of the work has already been done due to the Uncharted PC games existing, is completely inaccurate.

More straw man...

I didn't say it was slightly more expensive. I just said it wasn't a tremendous cost financially or resource-wise. That isn't to say there isn't any cost involved.

Imagine porting the game costs 5 million but remastering and porting it costs 15 million, hell let's even say 20.

Port of the game likely costs 20 dollars, 30 tops.

The remaster on steam costs 60.

At even 1 million copies sold, the remake makes more sense financially, and let's be real you get significantly better sales of a remaster than a port.

Your logic just doesn't add up. The only time a port would make sense is if the game was modern enough to sell on both PS5 and PC and that definitely wasn't the case. This was a no-brainer. I bet TLOUP1 between PS5 and PC sells more than 1 million units.


More straw man...

I didn't say it was slightly more expensive. I just said it wasn't a tremendous cost financially or resource-wise. That isn't to say there isn't any cost involved.

Imagine porting the game costs 5 million but remastering and porting it costs 15 million, hell let's even say 20.

Port of the game likely costs 20 dollars, 30 tops.

The remaster on steam costs 60.

At even 1 million copies sold, the remake makes more sense financially, and let's be real you get significantly better sales of a remaster than a port.

Your logic just doesn't add up. The only time a port would make sense is if the game was modern enough to sell on both PS5 and PC and that definitely wasn't the case. This was a no-brainer. I bet TLOUP1 between PS5 and PC sells more than 1 million units.
You keep accusing me of pulling a strawman when your entire argument is one big strawman, because your arguing against a position I never took.

At no point have I argued that the remake didn't make financially sense. In fact, not only have I not argued this, My entire point from the very beginning is that I expressed my dislike that the strategy Sony used (Remaking the game to coincide with the TV show) has paid off and became successful. My argument has never been about the financial side of things, something which I've made abundantly clear from my very first post in this thread.

Saying that the costs compared to porting were not tremendous and "slightly more" have the exact same meaning. You're just nitpicking terminology because you're looking to pull a "Gotcha!" argument. Labeling this as strawman shows that you have absolutely no idea what the term strawman even means. I suggest you educate yourself on this term before you proceed to use it again.
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Surely.nobody took those people seriously man. This is the most captain obvious thing to happen.
I guess even unloved adaptations boosted the sales of their source material to some extend. But I guess the boost TloU might achieve should be on another level than anything before if good reviews and initial hype is really reaching the potential audience.

Currently only TloU Remaster is on PS Plus, selling a specific TloU Part I+II PS5 PS Plus stream only bundle deal, with a discount for HBO customers, for a 3 months access, maybe add, Spiderman, Until Dawn and Uncharted to it, or something like that should be an easy sell/rental. If they even have enough PS5's for streaming. But some of the viewers possibly are now interested in playing it while not necessarily wanting to buy the console for it.
Sony could crossmarket it back and forth. Are Pedro and Bella etc skins available in the game yet?
You keep accusing me of pulling a strawman when your entire argument is one big strawman, because your arguing against a position I never took.

At no point have I argued that the remake didn't make financially sense. In fact, not only have I not argued this, My entire point from the very beginning is that I expressed my dislike that the strategy Sony used (Remaking the game to coincide with the TV show) has paid off and became successful. My argument has never been about the financial side of things, something which I've made abundantly clear from my very first post in this thread.

"Not tremendously" and "slightly more" have the exact same meaning. Labeling this as strawman shows that you have absolutely no idea what the term strawman even means. I suggest you educate yourself on this term before you proceed to use it again.

Not tremendous vs slightly more do not have the same meaning.

10,000 dollars is tremendously more money than 100 dollars

1000 dollars isn't a tremendous amount of money, but it isn't slightly more than 100 dollars either...

Also claiming my thesis was a hyperbolic statement which I never made IS in fact a strawman...


Not tremendous vs slightly more do not have the same meaning.

10,000 dollars is tremendously more money than 100 dollars

1000 dollars isn't a tremendous amount of money, but it isn't slightly more than 100 dollars either...

Also claiming my thesis was a hyperbolic statement which I never made IS in fact a strawman...
Again,. this is what you've actually said.
That's a strawman. Please do better.

I didn't say it was a weekend job. I said the costs involved and resources involved in doing this compared to porting it wasn't tremendous and it made more sense to remake a game that was 8 years old rather than port it to PC and price it at 30 dollars.
Saying the costs involved compared to porting it are not tremendous and saying that it would cost slightly have the same meaning. I also didn't claim your thesis was hyperbolic, I've said my statement about you thinking the remake took a weekend to develop was hyperbolic. Seriously, stop using the term Strawman. You don't know what it means.

Just for the record, I have absolutely zero interest in this absurd nitpicking about terminology. Either come up with a proper argument or topic to discuss or I'm done here.
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Again,. this is what you've actually said.

Saying the costs involved compared to porting it are not tremendous and saying that it would cost slightly have the same meaning. I also didn't claim your thesis was hyperbolic, I've said my statement about you thinking the remake took a weekend to develop was hyperbolic. Seriously, stop using the term Strawman. You don't know what it means.

Just for the record, I have absolutely zero interest in this absurd nitpicking about terminology. Either come up with a proper argument or topic to discuss or I'm done here.

I'm already done with you man... you aren't debating in good faith and it's moot point as they proved it was the right decision.


I'm already done with you man... you aren't debating in good faith and it's moot point as they proved it was the right decision.
This is just you projecting. You're the one trying to start nitpick arguments about terminology and make false accusations of strawman arguments, all while arguing against a position I never took in the first place, which is unironically an actual strawman.
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That's like saying God of War barely sold more than Horizon Zero Dawn. lol Both game sales are close.

We know Ghost of Tsushima received a boost due in sales due to the Director's Cut release.

God of War sold significantly more and as of now twice as much as around twice last of us part 2


NaughtyDog Defense Force
God of War sold significantly more and as of now twice as much as around twice last of us part 2

God of War sold 23 million copies in November.
Horizon Zero Dawn sold 20 million copies in February.

The sales were very close.
God of War sold 23 million copies in November.
Horizon Zero Dawn sold 20 million copies in February.

The sales were very close.

Also one thing people have to remember when comparing game sales is some games have multiple SKUs and or are released on PC as well.

Some where bundled with consoles as well.

God Of War was a very popular PS4 Pro Bundle for instance. How much sales that got it I don't know but it would be a big help for sure.

Not every game is comparable 1 to 1 for these reasons.
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Gold Member
Yeah, this is definitely to be expected, and smart of them. I'd just assume that TLOU2 remake/PC port will be announced/dropped by the time season 2 drops. Cause at the pace they're moving, the second season would be the second game.

Very nice :)
Now give us factions, and make it PS5 only
At least we know it's coming, but I look forward to knowing more about it. Personally I don't see a multiplayer-only game being a PS5 exclusive. Especially with how they've been porting games to PC. If anything, I figured it'd be a PC + PS5/PS4 experience, and potentially F2P as some of the biggest multiplayer games these day have been. But it all depends on the type of game they're making. Really curious to see how it pans out.


God of War sold 23 million copies in November.
Horizon Zero Dawn sold 20 million copies in February.

The sales were very close.

God of war was coming from a franchise with less than 5 million in sales average per game. It sold far far more than previous.

Part 2 coming from a game that sold 20 mill plus and sold significantly less.

Ragnarok for example don’t be surprised if it sells 30 mill plus

Part 2 obviously made a huge profit but also obviously tracks notably below expectations. Those two facts aren’t mutually exclusive its defense force should realize that.
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NaughtyDog Defense Force
Also one thing people have to remember when comparing game sales is some games have multiple SKUs and or are released on PC as well.

Some where bundled with consoles as well.

God Of War was a very popular PS4 Pro Bundle for instance. How much sales that got it I don't know but it would be a big help for sure.

Not every game is comparable 1 to 1 for these reasons.

Yeah, many people don't factor in multiple SKUs and bundles

God of war was coming from a franchise with arguably 5 million in sales. It sold far more than previous.

Part 2 coming from a game that sold 20 mill plus and sold significantly less.

Ragnarok for example don’t be surprised if it sells 30 mill plus

Last of Us was bundled for more than 6 years.

This is why The Last of Us Part II surpassed The Last of Us Remastered in less than 3 weeks on the NPD charts. Last of Us Remastered sold over 12 million copies and the fact that it surpassed it in that short of a time goes to show you how much of an impact bundle has made.
God of war was coming from a franchise with less than 5 million in sales average per game. It sold far far more than previous.

Part 2 coming from a game that sold 20 mill plus and sold significantly less.

Ragnarok for example don’t be surprised if it sells 30 mill plus

Part 2 obviously made a huge profit but also obviously tracks notably below expectations. Those two facts aren’t mutually exclusive its defense force should realize that.

Part 2 made the Most sold PS4 games for 2022 on PSN. It bet out the PS4 SKUs of Elden Ring and God Of War Ragnarok in the EU! It's clearly still selling very well. It was also the only Sony game that was over two years old to make the list.

And that's without the show boost that we are seeing now.


Gold Member
God of war was coming from a franchise with less than 5 million in sales average per game. It sold far far more than previous.

Part 2 coming from a game that sold 20 mill plus and sold significantly less.

Ragnarok for example don’t be surprised if it sells 30 mill plus

Part 2 obviously made a huge profit but also obviously tracks notably below expectations. Those two facts aren’t mutually exclusive its defense force should realize that.

God of War: R being a megahit doesn't mean TLOU 2 sold poorly. It didn't. It sold 10 million in two years. TLOU sold 20 million in 6 years. In any case, how is it that selling 10 million copies is somehow bad?


Dj Khaled Mtv Emas GIF by 2020 MTV EMA
Not surprised. It got a good amount of chatter about it after the 1st episode. Episode 2 was also pretty damn good... so there's a chance it might go up again for episode 3, but a lost less than a 22% jump.


God of war was coming from a franchise with less than 5 million in sales average per game. It sold far far more than previous.

Part 2 coming from a game that sold 20 mill plus and sold significantly less.

Ragnarok for example don’t be surprised if it sells 30 mill plus

Part 2 obviously made a huge profit but also obviously tracks notably below expectations. Those two facts aren’t mutually exclusive its defense force should realize that.

The Last of Us on PS3 sold 8 million lifetime.

The remaster has inflated sales because PS4 can't play PS3 games, Millions bought the game twice (like me.)
Millions more were sold as part of cheap PS4 bundles late in the console's lifecycle.

Part 2 didn't benefit from this. Its "remaster" was a free patch.
And we know its already sold 12+ million by now.


Per HBO, the jump from the initial premiere viewership to Episode 2’s debut audience is the “largest week 2 audience growth for an HBO Original drama series in the history of the network.”

The only comparable HBO series in recent memory is “House of the Dragon,” the “Game of Thrones” sequel series that debuted in August of 2022. Both series have significantly outperformed the launch of both seasons of “Euphoria,” which became HBO’s second biggest series of all time after “Game of Thrones” during its second season in early 2022.



Didnt Foreapoken trended in Amazon sales charts? Seems to be a correlation between sales trend and product quality
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