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The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom is $70


2 years? more like 7

No, in 7 years they will re-release it for on their next console for $80
If this is true, blame us Playstation gamers for not standing up to Sony about this. Gran Turismo 7 sold well at $70. The Last Of us Part 1 which is a remake of a remake is selling like hot cakes at $70. God Of War Ragnarok, is selling like hot cakes at $70. If this trend continues both Microsoft and Nintendo will quietly go to $70 as well.


It sucks that they are going the $70 route. Granted, I remember being a teenager in the 90s and calculating how many damn lawns i was going to need to mow when I saw Phantasy Star IV was $80 or $90 at the store.


If this is true, blame us Playstation gamers for not standing up to Sony about this. Gran Turismo 7 sold well at $70. The Last Of us Part 1 which is a remake of a remake is selling like hot cakes at $70. God Of War Ragnarok, is selling like hot cakes at $70. If this trend continues both Microsoft and Nintendo will quietly go to $70 as well.
1 no don't blame playstation users. has nothing to do with it

2 many other game publishers charge $70 across various platforms. like activision and EA
call of duty, fifa, NBA2K, madden, hogwarts, etc and they all sell millions

3 the last of us part 1 is not a remake of a remake. its a remake of a PS3 game

4 microsoft have already announced they are charging $70 now

5 nintendo are too now, thats obvious


hmmm only if the cart size is 128Gigs or 256gigs. i mean its a big game. imagine if there was underwater plus the sky. hmmmmm


Gold Member
I’ll probably end up buying some special edition that’s even more expensive. Maybe a Zelda themed Switch OLED as well..

They know this is going to sell gangbusters.


Gross. I would have understood at least somewhat if this was their new hardware, but on Switch? What a joke.

Preordered on Amazon to lock in the $60 price because I loved the first, but moving forward I won't be buying many games day 1 if this is their new standard price. Of course, their games NEVER drop, so I'll be waiting a long time for my next Mario fix, that or buying those stupid vouchers.

Nintendo won't even feel the pinch of the few who bow out at buying $70 games, and they'll laugh all the way to the bank once Pokemon Half and Pokemon Assed do 30+ million at the elevated price point. That's life though.
Not to mention how low the budget and care they put into each game, the new pokemon's performance is horrible, they could only be greedy as much as people keep on buying them. Even many Indie studio now produce better looking game and even more innovative gameplay.
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They couldn't even wait for their next console to come out. I think Nintendo is ready for another console sales catastrophe so they can be put in their place.
Yeah based on trends to date they're definitely due a shitshow. They haven't gone two straight generations without fucking up since the SNES, right?

Then again they have completely new management (the old codger chairman dude has been gone for years and Iwata sadly passed a few years back), so maybe they will play it safe for once (ie not fuck up like with the Wii U) and just release a beefed up version of what the Switch already, which is what I think people actually want. They definitely "cracked the code" with the Switch but there's definitely more they can do with more modern tech inside a similar-sized chassis.

Then again it'll be a still different shape because otherwise how else are they going to sell us a bunch of peripherals all over again?

I can see them getting the device right but the pricing wrong, similar to the 3DS.
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Yeah, no. It's insane to even think of joking about this.

Related, it is a joke that this game will end up taking more than 6 years after BoTW to come out. Nintendo's development pipeline is clearly inefficient.

That mindset is why the other guys drop buggy unfinished games all the time though.

Id rather a company delivered a working product and took their time doing it than rushing to please shareholders at the players expense.
Dead? Won't even let me preorder. With the way their graphics are, Nintendo games aren't worth $70.
I pulled it up on the app. But it's possible it got taken down already. If the price is going to be $70 they may have pulled pre-orders to avoid losing money.


The nicest person on this forum
lol imagine paying 70$ for a game with weapons that break over time.
You are free not like the mechanics behind it but what exactly has to do anything with pricing of the game? Sometimes you guys post stuff that makes zero sense.

FROM games have lower their game price because it doesn't have difficulty setting?

With the way their graphics are, Nintendo games aren't worth $70.
The only people who care stuff like that are on gaming forums. In real world most people buy their games regardless if the graphics are high tech or not.
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Dick Jones

Gold Member
I thought it would happen when the Switch's successor was released but not now.

The worst part is their shit sales discounts mean it wouldn't be worth waiting if you really wanted the game at a lower price. 6 years in and no budget range is proof that the price increase won't be a risk to Nintendo.


€50, €60 or €70, I don't care. All the same to me.

Just announce a good €100-€120 Collectors Edition and not mess up like you did with the release like Xenoblade 3 CE's, you fucks.


No suprises here. I'm amazed Nintendo didn't do this a lot sooner.

But I can't believe that 10 dollars will make people (who's been waiting for this game forever) not buying this. I mean, it's 10 bucks! This is a game that will last for a long,long time. When enjoying a game for perhaps 40-60 hours, those 10 bucks is nothing.

Really looking forward to it, but I dread the frame rate.. hopefully it won't feel terrible.


I paid €60 back in 2003 for The Wind Waker, when I was making something like €6 an hour as a student. I really don't see why people are upset about the first price hike in 2 decades when everything else in that same time period has seen several increases, in most cases by a lot more.

"Gamers" truly are the worst group of people to cater your product too.


Same. I can’t justify a 30 fps, most likely ~720p game for $70.
I hate to say it, but you singled out the only two things that have absolutely nothing to do with why the (or any game) would cost $70.

This whole pricing thing is a slippery slope, one thing for certain is that game prices changing is justified. Everything is more expensive these days anyways. But the sad truth is that its also disingenuous because it's not reflective of what is really going on in the industry right now.

In a world where digital sales don't exist, then it would make perfect sense to have prices go up.

The practical thing would be that digital prices stayed the same or even drop in prices while physical prices goes up. The issue here is technically the retailers. They have an around 13%ish cut in the price of a $60 game. That meant that around $40 went to the publisher/dev and licensing(royalties) $9/$10 to the retailer,.The rest typically goes to packaging, distribution, and marketing.

Raising prices to $70, was designed to increase that pub + royalties part to around $50. doesn't seems bad when told that the pubs/devs only get like $50 does it?

So the real question is (or should be), why aren't games on the PS/Nintendo/Xbox stores $50? Or even $60 if pushing it, answer to that is... the retailers.

Then we factor in greed. Or just simply taking advantage of the situation. Sony/MS/Nintendo can see how much people are willing to pay at retail, so why should price their games digitally at a lower price in their stores? Even though they also make agreements with the retailers to price match at launch on their stores.

hemo memo

Gold Member
I love Zelda but not at that price when I already have a large backlog on Switch to play. I mean 60$ is fair. The foundation is already there from the first game so why raise the price? I mean it would have made more sense to try this with Pokemon first as you know fans pf that game will buy it at any price. Hopefully this is just an error.


Everyone thought they was going to wait for the Switch 2 to release Tears but looks like they will release it .... then release it again for Switch 2 for maximum £70 profits
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