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The Mass Effect Community Thread

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The royalty fee is at 25%, unless you have another percentage to reference with UE3 then...
I doubt it that's the regular UDK license agreement mainly designed for indie devs who want to use the UDK for free and then sell what they make. Besides Bioware started making Mass Effect before the UDK was even a thing so I would imagine they're under a different license agreement.


I doubt it that's the regular UDK license agreement mainly designed for indie devs who want to use the UDK for free and then sell what they make. Besides Bioware started making Mass Effect before the UDK was even a thing so I would imagine they're under a different license agreement.
Unless there's another number, the cost we know of for using UDK is 25%.


Unless there's another number, the cost we know of for using UDK is 25%.

They're completely different licensing agreements.

Q: How does this differ from an Unreal Engine 3 license?

A: The primary difference is that UDK does not include Unreal Engine 3 C++ source code access. UDK ships with all the UnrealScript code and Unreal Engine tool integrations as the commercial version of Unreal Engine 3, offering all the same features the pros use.

The tools and technology are the same however a "full" license includes the underlying C++ source code to the engine and tools, which allows licensees to make virtually any change they want and potentially ship their game on consoles provided they're licensed by the console manufacturer.

Both UDK users and traditional Unreal Engine 3 commercial licensees have access to all UnrealScript source code. UnrealScript is comparable to a programming language like Java in terms of features and performance (byte-compiled), with features designed to simplify game development, e.g., state scoping of functions, automatic serialization, simple system for defining networking replication of properties and remote functions, etc.

There are tons of great materials and support avenues for UDK users, including the two new "Mastering Unreal Technology" books from Sams, hundreds of pages of support items on our Unreal Developer Network , UDK Community Forums, and hundreds of hours of free video tutorials from the folks at 3D Buzz with a whole bunch more tailored specifically to getting started with UDK in the works right now.

Full UE3 licensees also get direct support from Epic's engineers who write UE3 code.


Again the UDK licensing fee is mainly for indie devs or really small studios who can't pay upfront for a license. Big publishers like Microsoft or EA aren't going to be paying 25%.


I know there's different agreements but thus far I'm not seeing anything that says they're not paying that much.
Do you honestly believe EA would have okayed a sequel if they were writing off 25% of the revenue off the bat? They signed a licensing agreement with Epic for multiple UE3 titles like Mirror's Edge and Army of Two.


What is the point of arguing over this? EA isn't doing a remaster. Their reasons are their own, but there's nothing to be gained by arguing about this. It's not going to magically make a remaster happen.

People threw out some theories on why it's not happening. However, none of us are in a position to say why it's not happening, so going this deep into engine licensing minutia serves little purpose.


GerAlt-Right. Ciriously.
Man, you don't know that. I'd like to think so too, but it's not like we've got actual data.

Considering that the Metro Redux remasters sold around 1.5 million as of April 2015, it's not at all a stretch to think that the ME trilogy could sell similar numbers.


While I think some of us here slightly overestimate the popularity of the Mass Effect trilogy, I dare anyone to try and argue that it's less popular than the Metro series. Not to mention that Metro Redux underwent a LOT more work than would be required for the Mass Effect trilogy as Metro 2033 was more or less rebuilt to incorporate the UI and game mechanics of the second game. No easy task, but one I very much appreciated.

In short, if Metro 2033 and Metro Last Light can undergo a remaster effort that is much greater than what the Mass Effect series would require AND sell around 1.5 million copies, the argument that there is not enough money to be made off of re-releasing the trilogy on X1/PS4 is a puzzling one and not very believable.

However, diaspora is correct in that we don't know what is going on behind the scenes and there may be some hold ups.

Or...EA simply just doesn't want to do it.

Ivory Samoan

Gold Member
I know in my heart of many Krogan hearts that a remaster isn't coming, yet I still hold out hope that at E3 we will be hit by a remaster to start generating Mass Effect buzz and a remastered ME3 MP to play in the holiday period.

I know it isn't happening, but what I'll do to help is kick off a new playthrough on X360 just before E3, and knowing my luck with this type of thing, we will get the announcement of ME Remastered just as I am finishing my trilogy run (this has happened to me a couple of times with games, lol).

Let's hope my bad luck with remasters can somehow clinch this for us
this is some serious reaching now, Bioware....pls


The hi101 April 1st episode on the Rachni Wars/ Krogan Rebellions are great. I honestly would love to have more material on this time period whether it's a game or even a radio drama. The entire conflict has shades of grey in it.


GerAlt-Right. Ciriously.
Isn't Andromeda a 2017 game???? Or will E3 claim its coming as a holiday 2016 game?

I think it was mentioned to be for EA's fiscal Q4 putting it at the end of March at the latest. It still could come this year but I doubt it at this point.

It's a 2017 game. It was specifically placed in a sales quarter that runs Q1 2017 on the calendar year.
Yeah, it's a 2017 game which is a surprise to exactly no one.

If only there was something like Mass Effect on PS4 to tide me over and remind me why I loved the series so much....


I'm hoping to survive off of Mirror's Edge Catalyst now that it's tone has gone more sci-fi and The Division.


division don't scratch no itches on me

Sucks for you.

Incidentally, I got flycam to work.



I feel incredibly dumb. I can't seem to get ME explorer for the high res textures working. I don't wanna use Texmod anymore :( any helpful videos? I also get lost with instructions.


Alright, Mass Effect squad!

What are your hopes for the villain in Andromeda? How can we get a well written yet powerful Cillian?


I haven't touched it in a month so I forgot what I installed. I remember doing something with ME explorer but I'm completely lost. Haven't built the texture tree.

If you're using the METPF version of ALOT for ME2:
METPF Installation
1. Download. See the Download section for instructions.
2. Follow the Getting Started guide from the ME3Explorer wiki. The instructions are for ME3, but change the 3 to a 2 and you have instructions for ME2. Please read the FAQ for a ME2 DLC Patch. Then use the Texplorer article to build your tree. I wouldn't recommend skipping parts of the articles, you will miss information you may need later, which would cost you way more time than you just saved.
Once the process is finished, you can start installing ALOT in TPF/DDS Tools.
3. Open TPF/DDS Tools. Load the METPFs you wish to install. Click "Analyse with Texplorer". Make sure the top right button displays 'Modding ME2'. If it doesn't, click it until it does.
DO NOT CLICK AUTOFIX, EVEN IF THERE ARE INVALID TEXTURES. This is a bug in rev748 that will be fixed later ! Autofixing WILL break the textures !!!
4. Click "Install Valid". It is recommended to install the METPFs one at a time.
5. Wait for it to finish. It can take a long time to process everything. Check the Debug window (green font on black background), to see if it stalls. If the text keeps moving, you're fine.
6. Launch ME2. You should see the message "A Lot Of Textures (ALOT) by CreeperLava" in the middle of the main menu, if you installed BackgroundReplacer.metpf.
7. Congratulations, you have modded your game ! Now enjoy it, dammit ! You're welcome to post screenshots of your adventures in a HR world, I'll add them to the post.

I'm not at my gaming PC so it's harder for me to give more specific instructions but basically if you're using ME2/ME3 explorer make sure you build the texture tree by running Texplorer so that the modding tools actually know where the game textures are. From there you can use the TPF tools to load and install new textures.

BUT REMEMBER: these texture mods are over 15GB+ in size often doubling at least the size of the games on textures alone so if you do go down the route of texture modding ME2 and 3 make sure you set aside a whole day for each game to do it.

Ivory Samoan

Gold Member
Since humanity sounds like refugees in the new galaxy, my hope for the new villain is for them to be a space-Trump.

I can actually see this coming to fruition in a way.... I will laugh if there are some easter egg jokes dropped in the game referring to the Trumpenator.


I can actually see this coming to fruition in a way.... I will laugh if there are some easter egg jokes dropped in the game referring to the Trumpenator.
Ugh. Keep that shit out. Dates games horribly.

I am slightly hypocritical because I do like Working Designs.


Has anyone else played around with freecam/flycam in ME2? It's fine for in game stuff but it doesn't execute during cutscenes.I might be able to effectively freeze the game with a slomo command but I still won't have maneuverability.
the other night I
smoked a little bit and
really wanted to start another playthrough of Me2. And I would have to start completely from scratch coz I had to delete damn near every fucking thing on my Ps3 to make room for Yakuza 5. Nonsense.


the other night I
smoked a little bit and
really wanted to start another playthrough of Me2. And I would have to start completely from scratch coz I had to delete damn near every fucking thing on my Ps3 to make room for Yakuza 5. Nonsense.

save files take like no space so that was not smart
you don't understand. i had to delete like everything. i have the OG 60GB and for some reason even 44GB of space was not enough. i had to get rid of more.
I don't think you understand. The files are so small you could've just zipped them and emailed them to yourself for safe keeping :p
If at the NX reveal they announce a Nintendo funded remaster/remake to coincide with Andromeda, would you be excited about a remaster or upset it's Nintendo?
now that's how you somehow make a AAA blockbuster remaster unprofitable
yep. Unfortunately I'm quite certain that a lot of high profile 3rd party games, exclusive or not, flopped on the Wii u. Actually now that I think about it I don't see how that's relevant coz we're talking about the nx not the Wii u.

I don't think it would happen anyway


If at the NX reveal they announce a Nintendo funded remaster/remake to coincide with Andromeda, would you be excited about a remaster or upset it's Nintendo?

As someone who owns a PS4 and wants to buy a NX.... I would NOT be upset.

But still... Nintendo needs to teach their super loyal userbase to get used to buying 3rd party games (and they/we do on 3DS).


After two all-nighters back to back, I am sufficiently feeling like a husk.

On the plus side I'll be able to get more ME screengrabs.
As someone who owns a PS4 and wants to buy a NX.... I would NOT be upset.

But still... Nintendo needs to teach their super loyal userbase to get used to buying 3rd party games (and they/we do on 3DS).
Agreed, but then Nintendo also needs to get things on day and date and with the same content as their competition. Mass Effect 3 launching on Wii U opposite the full Trilogy for the same price everywhere else was laughable.


GerAlt-Right. Ciriously.
If at the NX reveal they announce a Nintendo funded remaster/remake to coincide with Andromeda, would you be excited about a remaster or upset it's Nintendo?
You know it's funny,

Both Bioshock and now (most of)the Batman Arkham series are coming to current generation systems. Clearly the unreal licenses are holding those back....

You're move EA...


If at the NX reveal they announce a Nintendo funded remaster/remake to coincide with Andromeda, would you be excited about a remaster or upset it's Nintendo?

Nintendo doesn't give a shit about 3rd parties for the most part. I don't foresee a scenario where they'd bother to fund a remaster.

Even if they did, I suspect they'd rather fund new 3rd party games than bring older ones to their new platform.
Nintendo doesn't give a shit about 3rd parties for the most part. I don't foresee a scenario where they'd bother to fund a remaster.

Even if they did, I suspect they'd rather fund new 3rd party games than bring older ones to their new platform.
They funded a Bayonetta port/side-grade and sequel. I don't know what they are willing to do at this point. Besides, I was asking what your reaction would be, not if you thought it would happen. I don't think there's a chance in hell of Nintendo actually doing it, but was curious about how it would be received if they did.


They funded a Bayonetta port/side-grade and sequel. I don't know what they are willing to do at this point. Besides, I was asking what your reaction would be, not if you thought it would happen. I don't think there's a chance in hell of Nintendo actually doing it, but was curious about how it would be received if they did.

My response was supposed to indicate that I find the scenario so far fetched that I can't accurately gauge my response.

But honestly, I don't really care if it's Nintendo or whomever. I've owned literally every Nintendo system since the NES other than the Gamecube, DSi and New 3DS.

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