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The Mass Effect Community Thread

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I finally caved to get ME Trilogy on PC.

... I don't know why I assumed ME1 was the only one without controller support, but I guess I was under the misconception that the last two games had controller pad support. *sigh* Of COURSE they don't...

Sure, indies can do it, other companies can do it, but Bioware is just too small a company to do that, I guess...

Venting mostly. Going to try and track down some mods to fix this. This is why I got the PC versions; after this E3, I'm making my peace that EA is allergic to money and the love of fans, so I'll just make my OWN Mass Effect Trilogy remaster. With blackjack and Fornax.


Probably a stupid question but do we know what the original BioWare team that did the Trilogy are doing now? Didn't they move to a new IP?

And this current ME team was the Multiplayer team? Sorry if I am misremembering this all ..


Probably a stupid question but do we know what the original BioWare team that did the Trilogy are doing now? Didn't they move to a new IP?

And this current ME team was the Multiplayer team? Sorry if I am misremembering this all ..

Bioware Edmonton was the team that led the original trilogy. The team leading Andromeda is Bioware Montreal. Montreal also took lead duties for Arrival and Omega.

However, Bioware has moved to an Ubi model where while one studio takes the lead on a title, all the studios now work on the active title, so Edmonton is now working on Andromeda along with Montreal and Austin.

However, there is a core team in Edmonton apparently working on the new IP.

This is not to mention the various people that have left or changed teams, such as Casey Hudson (left Bioware) or Patrick Weekes (now head writer for Dragon Age).
I finally caved to get ME Trilogy on PC.

... I don't know why I assumed ME1 was the only one without controller support, but I guess I was under the misconception that the last two games had controller pad support. *sigh* Of COURSE they don't...

Sure, indies can do it, other companies can do it, but Bioware is just too small a company to do that, I guess...

Venting mostly. Going to try and track down some mods to fix this. This is why I got the PC versions; after this E3, I'm making my peace that EA is allergic to money and the love of fans, so I'll just make my OWN Mass Effect Trilogy remaster. With blackjack and Fornax.

You could do mods, or you could do Pinnacle Game Profiler. I use PGP and it's great. There are some gaps, like navigating ME3's galaxy map is just better with a mouse, but it gives you more flexiibility.


Bioware Edmonton was the team that led the original trilogy. The team leading Andromeda is Bioware Montreal. Montreal also took lead duties for Arrival and Omega.
It's interesting that both of them had unique sequences (Stealth - Dark) but aside from that I wasn't too big of a fan of those two pieces of DLC.

I'm betting on N7 Day for the big reveal. Are Mondays typically good days for news?
That falls between Call of Duty and Dishonored maybe.


I 100% don't believe a certain person in all these ME threads played ME1 before ME2 was announced lmao

craps on ME1 and its 'synth crap' music every chance he gets as if it has nothing to do with his beloved ME2. Please. The iconography, music, and characters from the first game have been carried on repeatedly in the sequels and to the new game more than the others because the first game is magnificent on the creative scale. Posts like that one about the music in the Andromeda thread are laughable and intentional when they are in the middle of people saying they liked the original music and it's reappearance in the sequels.


I 100% don't believe a certain person in all these ME threads played ME1 before ME2 was announced lmao

craps on ME1 and its 'synth crap' music every chance he gets as if it has nothing to do with his beloved ME2. Please. The iconography, music, and characters from the first game have been carried on repeatedly in the sequels and to the new game more than the others because the first game is magnificent on the creative scale. Posts like that one about the music in the Andromeda thread are laughable and intentional when they are in the middle of people saying they liked the original music and it's reappearance in the sequels.

I've played ME1 first, and have played the trilogy more times than you know. Like I said, part of what makes that possible is the slomo keybindings which doesn't play nice with music.

edit: A good point was made in that thread where it was mentioned that the synth worked fine for general background ambience but wasn't nearly as good as ME2 and 3's standalone pieces. The difference I suppose is that I'm capable of separating the game we actually got from the image and ideals of it presented before it actually came out.


not me
ME1 has some fantastic tracks, but I really don't like some of the synth stuff they have. Virmire Ride is a good example of background music I actively hated while it was playing. Compare that to a synth track like Rannoch from ME3, and the latter is just so much better to me.


not me
Nothing beats ME3 Mars as the perfect hybrid of synth & epic music. Relaxing synth music when exploring, epic music when doing combat. Hoping to see that kind of stuff often in Andromeda.


Heh, I just played this mission last night on my new ME3 playthrough.

Oh, side note, I'm playing Sentinel again, and realizing I played it so fucking wrong my first time through. I mainly focused on Warp and Overload to take care of barriers/shields.

This time, I upgraded Lift Grenade and took Flare as my bonus power....uh holy shit. With Liara's Singularity it is just Biotic explosion madness. I threw a Singularity, then a Lift grenade, which propelled enemies into Singularity's orbit, then detonated everything with Flare. That explosion bass gets me all hot and bothered every time.


What if the asari that we saw in the trailer is our half sister?

Could take care of a lot of story elements. What happens when a family is ripped apart like a human mother/father is taken away from her asari commando bondmate like we saw in ME3? The maturation process (or rather, her body developing but not her mind) of a new asari. An asari that's left too early by her human mother/father, because of human's short lifespans?

I'm probably going way off script here, but I'm just trying to imagine everything I can.


What if the asari that we saw in the trailer is our half sister?

Could take care of a lot of story elements. What happens when a family is ripped apart like a human mother/father is taken away from her asari commando bondmate like we saw in ME3? The maturation process (or rather, her body developing but not her mind) of a new asari. An asari that's left too early by her human mother/father, because of human's short lifespans?

I'm probably going way off script here, but I'm just trying to imagine everything I can.

I... don't know how that would work at all. Asari only give birth to Asari so a sister- half or otherwise is impossible.

Sou Da

What if the asari that we saw in the trailer is our half sister?

Could take care of a lot of story elements. What happens when a family is ripped apart like a human mother/father is taken away from her asari commando bondmate like we saw in ME3? The maturation process (or rather, her body developing but not her mind) of a new asari. An asari that's left too early by her human mother/father, because of human's short lifespans?

I'm probably going way off script here, but I'm just trying to imagine everything I can.

Even if she wasn't Ryder's sister, that would be a really interesting family dynamic to see in the game.


I guess? I mean, it'snever really come up as an issue before afaik.
One of the main Asari characters on your squad talks about it at some point. Either Liara explains when you ask about a father in ME1 I think or maybe Samara said she mates with a human? One of them


One of the main Asari characters on your squad talks about it at some point. Either Liara in ME1 I think or maybe Samara said she mates with a human? One of them
I mean an Asari not having a family due to it. I mean, I assumed it was generally taken care of by the Asari republics.


I mean an Asari not having a family due to it. I mean, I assumed it was generally taken care of by the Asari republics.
I think it's considered negative for Asari to pair long term with humans, but considering Ryder is going on a hundreds of years trip it could be that the Asari and Ryder had the same human parent since Asari mature slow

Actually no, I think that theory doesn't hold at all tbh


I hope Ryder sibling isn't evil or part of some obviously evil organization. I hope maybe they are part of a parallel expedition or one of a few squads that were sent to Andromeda and that Ryder's sibling is struggling off exploring but it's complicated and sometimes Ryder's sibling fighting off enemies in the new galaxy, sometimes you meet up and they are just on the road trip of a lifetime lol. Maybe something like Drake and Sam from Uncharted but a bit less interaction. Something where there's a sort of emotion present in Ryder over the admiration they have for each other but at the same time there's distance and conflict. A sort of calm 'it's good to see you' and sad to see them go thing. The de-romanticized Bonnie and John Marston

But knowing BioWare, the sibling is gonna be a misguided SPECTRE who is fucking up alien culture and argues a lot


not me
My guess is that you will create both female and male Ryder siblings at character creation (BioWare has said there's a trick to character creation this time and been largely coy about default faces and such). You pick one to be the PC, and the other becomes the N7 armor character who BW has said "isn't the player, but more on that later." Both are Pathfinders, and go about trying to find a planet with different methods. It'd be easier for BW to make the N7 sibling the more Renegade of the pair, but I think it'd be more interesting if the N7 sibling's morality developed in opposition to your own. Since BW has said P/R is either gone or heavily modified in this game, it could be reframed in other terms (diplomatic/confrontational, etc).


My guess is that you will create both female and male Ryder siblings at character creation (BioWare has said there's a trick to character creation this time and been largely coy about default faces and such). You pick one to be the PC, and the other becomes the N7 armor character who BW has said "isn't the player, but more on that later." Both are Pathfinders, and go about trying to find a planet with different methods. It'd be easier for BW to make the N7 sibling the more Renegade of the pair, but I think it'd be more interesting if the N7 sibling's morality developed in opposition to your own. Since BW has said P/R is either gone or heavily modified in this game, it could be reframed in other terms (diplomatic/confrontational, etc).
We Dragon Age now.


Hopefully! The Dragon Age team ate the ME team's lunch when it came to the dialogue wheel.
That's fair and true imo. And for the deserved flak that the Friendship/Rivalry system got in DA2 I thought it was promising and an interesting take on character relationships and how it affects the story.

Edit: the way Inquisition modified dialogue options depending on the class, race, and knowledge perks you got was imo underappreciated.


not me
New Mass Effect novel called Andromeda Initiative out in August by N.K. Jemisin. Haven't read any of her stuff but it seems she's the real deal, with Hugo award nominations and all. Three more novels planned after that, not by her I don't think.

Likely this explains a lot of the backstory behind the project.


Even if she wasn't Ryder's sister, that would be a really interesting family dynamic to see in the game.

Well, the idea just popped into my head after seeing so many pics of Liara's and Shepard's baby on FB. Then I thought about it, hey... Yah, I could totally see this happening.
That's fair and true imo. And for the deserved flak that the Friendship/Rivalry system got in DA2 I thought it was promising and an interesting take on character relationships and how it affects the story.

Edit: the way Inquisition modified dialogue options depending on the class, race, and knowledge perks you got was imo underappreciated.

I recently replayed DA2 and it wasnt as shit as i remembered it. Its clearly really rushed, but it does some things right. The friendship/rivalry aspect is quite inventive and something that i would love to see Bioware try again. I also liked how it focussed on a single city and how your actions impacted things over a longer time period.


I recently replayed DA2 and it wasnt as shit as i remembered it. Its clearly really rushed, but it does some things right. The friendship/rivalry aspect is quite inventive and something that i would love to see Bioware try again. I also liked how it focussed on a single city and how your actions impacted things over a longer time period.
DA2 is like when someone is trying to write "Happy Birthday" on a sign but you can see how the writer only realised they were running out of space halfway through and had to cram in the second half of the letters.

Like they had good ideas but didn't have enough time to finish the game. I think EA knows they fucked up too considering the time both Inquisition and Andromeda have received.


I recently replayed DA2 and it wasnt as shit as i remembered it. Its clearly really rushed, but it does some things right. The friendship/rivalry aspect is quite inventive and something that i would love to see Bioware try again. I also liked how it focussed on a single city and how your actions impacted things over a longer time period.

The friendship /rivalry aspect was black and white, focusing on a single city could have been good, if every single room I went into didn't look exactly the same and feature the same enemies dropping from the same ceiling, and your actions have no impact on anything outside of some altered dialogue. The game was terrible.

Yes I'm still incredibly salty since Origins was one of my favorite games ever.


DA2 is like when someone is trying to write "Happy Birthday" on a sign but you can see how the writer only realised they were running out of space halfway through and had to cram in the second half of the letters.

Like they had good ideas but didn't have enough time to finish the game. I think EA knows they fucked up too considering the time both Inquisition and Andromeda have received.
Wasn't it developed in like 18 months? Yikes


The friendship /rivalry aspect was black and white, focusing on a single city could have been good, if every single room I went into didn't look exactly the same and feature the same enemies dropping from the same ceiling, and your actions have no impact on anything outside of some altered dialogue. The game was terrible.

Yes I'm still incredibly salty since Origins was one of my favorite games ever.
You're reiterating what they're saying- it was a promising set of systems with far too little time in the oven.

Edit: your actions and dialogue choices did affect more than altered dialogue iirc like Merril's willingness to destroy the eluvian, whether you kill you sibling in at least two instances, whether companions betray you.

Sou Da

The friendship /rivalry aspect was black and white, focusing on a single city could have been good, if every single room I went into didn't look exactly the same and feature the same enemies dropping from the same ceiling, and your actions have no impact on anything outside of some altered dialogue. The game was terrible.

Yes I'm still incredibly salty since Origins was one of my favorite games ever.

I firmly disagree with this, the presentation made it look like paragade but the actual implementation was the approve/disapprove system with room made so that a relationship in which the character disapproves of your actions can still be as fulfilling as one where they approve.

Case in point, Merril. Rivalry is actually the healthier path for her, you don't enable her shitty actions and you try to teach her to let go of her pride and stop lying to herself. Shit doesn't go well in the end but she does come around to being more responsible than if you just coddled her. Also there is a decent of reactivity but not enough branching paths, there are some branches but the problem is a lot of people don't care about those.

For branching paths, depending on what Hawke says in the walk home from Merrill's last quest, you can completely avoid having to kill the rest of her clan. Reactivity wise there's shit like going alone to the Chantry to warn the mother about Anders (which is frustating as hell because they obviously could have had that been a moment where player forward thinking could have saved her) and stuff like Hawke beginning to actually talk to himself/herself if you go too far in the game solo.
Is there a ME1 equivalent of this?


Didn't really find anything through google, would bring me to similar images but those had 2 and 3 squadmates

Big Nikus

I can't take screenshots in Mass Effect 1, I don't know what's wrong. The assigned key in the game for this is F11, but it takes broken images, "invalid format". I've tried Greenshot and Fraps, and I get either a black screen, or nothing. Impr.Screen worked at one point but now it's back to black screen. I've tried to play through Steam, adding it as a non-Steam game, but no luck.

edit: alright, I fixed it.
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