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The Needle Drop pioneered music reviews. His other channel was for the alt-rights

There was no mention of rape in Sam Hydes rant, it's an unfunny ramble about what he'd hypothetically do in self-defense if attacked by Lena Dunham, and if we're talking in context, it's probably meant to be show something that's the opposite of self-defense and taken to the extreme to be ironic, considering that's what his comedy is based around (the joke was most likely tinged with real resentment though considering who he is).

The podcast was also like a little over a year prior to when Hyde went off the deep end, and donated to The Daily Stormer.

It wasn't a good look, but other than Saragon who I wouldn't say is as bad as Hyde, there's really nothing else, and he's had leftists on his cast as well.

It was an offensive joke, but I'm not going to lie and say I haven't either laughed or made worse jokes in the past, most people I know have, and it's not the end of the world.


Well personally I think it reads as pretty fucking disturbing. But I would like to hear the actual conversation to decide for myself how I feel about it. So if anyone has a link to the moment referenced, that would be great.
There was no mention of rape in Sam Hydes rant, it's an unfunny ramble about what he'd hypothetically do in self-defense if attacked by Lena Dunham, and if we're talking in context, it's probably meant to be show something that's the opposite of self-defense and taken to the extreme to be ironic, considering that's what his comedy is based around (the joke was most likely tinged with real resentment though considering who he is).

The podcast was also like a little over a year prior to when Hyde went off the deep end, and donated to The Daily Stormer.

It wasn't a good look, but other than Saragon who I wouldn't say is as bad as Hyde, there's really nothing else, and he's had leftists on his cast as well.

It was an offensive joke, but I'm not going to lie and say I haven't either laughed or made worse jokes in the past, most people I know have, and it's not the end of the world.

You've made worse jokes than describing in detail how you want to rape, torture, beat, assault, disfigure, mutilate and murder Lena Dunham?

You probably shouldn't admit that if you want to remain credible in this conversation.

”I'll be nailing her, I'll be punching her in the back of the neck, I'll be boxing her eyes in. I'll break both her orbital bones. I'm gonna destroy Lena Dunham so badly that the people that come to clean her up, they're gonna be puking when they see what I did to her. I want them to know how I feel about her, so I'm gonna fuck her up so bad that they're gonna puke when they see her bruised mangled body."

Pretty sure nailing means sex.
Agreed haven't we all made the mistake of repeatedly making anti-feminist videos, collaborating with Sargon, laughing along with a man describing how he wants to rape, torture, assault, batter, mutilate,disfigure and murder Lena Dunham? Nobody's perfect, still totally an ally right?

Being an ally is more than just voting the right way.
Because that single clip in that video linked above, and what you listed is enough to sum up and entire person and channel.

I know that on virtuous Gaf there's no spectrum, but you can't go around labeling everyone who does a single controversial thing or expresses a view on what they see "SJW's" or whatever as, to be alt-right, or the word just loses meaning and you end up pushing people away.

Fantano is far from the worst offender on that front, barely badgers on it, and has made plenty of videos and expressed plenty of views that reveal a mind generally on the left that's sensitive towards the opinions of others.
His views aren't controversial, so trying to place his view on free speech/censorship related issues in some sort of fringe box and demonize him as some sort of great corruoter, is doing any favours, when anyone can look at Fantano and see he's a liberal.

And once again, considering that he supports platforms removing white supremacist music amongst many other things that run contrary to alt-right warriors on the free speech front (such as when he went after Paul Joseph Watson), maybe he's not one of them.

Maybe he just likes edgy memeing and maybe he saw a different approach to conversing with controversial figures that while we may see it as wrong, isn't the most grievous offense.

His views are all consistent, there's no duplicity present.
Because that single clip in that video linked above, and what you listed is enough to sum up and entire person and channel.

I know that on virtuous Gaf there's no spectrum, but you can't go around labeling everyone who does a single controversial thing or expresses a view on what they see "SJW's" or whatever as, to be alt-right, or the word just loses meaning and you end up pushing people away.

Fantano is far from the worst offender on that front, barely badgers on it, and has made plenty of videos and expressed plenty of views that reveal a mind generally on the left that's sensitive towards the opinions of others.
His views aren't controversial, so trying to place his view on free speech/censorship related issues in some sort of fringe box and demonize him as some sort of great corruoter, is doing any favours, when anyone can look at Fantano and see he's a liberal.

And once again, considering that he supports platforms removing white supremacist music amongst many other things that run contrary to alt-right warriors on the free speech front (such as when he went after Paul Joseph Watson), maybe he's not one of them.

Maybe he just likes edgy memeing and maybe he saw a different approach to conversing with controversial figures that while we may see it as wrong, isn't the most grievous offense.

His views are all consistent, there's no duplicity present.

Yes? You actually can be defined by the worst things you do. I;m not realy concerned if he's actually alt-right, or if he puts on a show for them to make money from them... but his worst characteristics largely invalidate whatever you claim are his better ones.

So call him a liberal if you want I really don't care, I'll just call him useless.
You've made worse jokes than describing in detail how you want to rape, torture, beat, assault, disfigure, mutilate and murder Lena Dunham?

You probably shouldn't admit that if you want to remain credible in this conversation.

"Lena Dunham: I'm not gonna attack you. I wouldn't come out openly and attack you, or do anything illegal. What I will do is this: Alright bitch, you've made threats against me; so now if I see you in person I'm gonna be afraid for my safety, and I'm gonna have to make the first move--physically attack you--first, Lena Dunham, okay, I'm gonna have to protect my life, alright. And if the police come, cool. If they don't, I'm--I'll take it to the end. You're gonna sign a contract, essentially your death papers; you're going to sign away the rights to your life in a fight in the ring to the death. I'm practicing, okay. Lena Dunham, I studied your tapes; you're a fat pig. That means specifically I'm gonna go for your midsection, okay, I'm gonna try to knock your fuckin' head off. In public when I see you, Lena Dunham, I'm gonna knock your fuckin' head off. punches and kicks punching bag Like that. Okay, Lena? Lena Dunham I'm comin' for you. It's gonna look just like this: Oh, walkin' around LA; that's a nice coffee shop. What's that? Is that the sound of pebbles? cuts to clips of retard strength kicks Right in the crotch. Gonna clinch up. Clinch up with Lena Dunham. devastating barrage of punches and knees Just like that bitch. Comin' for you." - Sam Hyde, "Dead In One Hit"
You've made worse jokes than describing in detail how you want to rape, torture, beat, assault, disfigure, mutilate and murder Lena Dunham?

You probably shouldn't admit that if you want to remain credible in this conversation.

Pretty sure nailing means sex.

I assumed nailing meant punching, that fits more in the context.

And yes, i'm not going to pretend to be holier than thou.

I've made offensive jokes in the past, about topics ranging rape to race, in fact I can say almost every person I grew up around from the kids in my neighborhood to the people at school made offensive jokes along these lines all throughout up into HS, or either laughed at them at some point.

Whether that meant actual jokes you made up, or whether it was googling an offensive joke site and just rattling off those bad one liner jokes or yo mama ones.

I know that my sister and I used to play games on that blacksheep site, or watch those videos with the stick figures killing each other or doing controversial things, those are offensive.

I grew up around adults making offensive jokes like that.

I grew up around casual slur usage or racial humor, even from adults, it just wasn't my thing.

But I know this stuff, and I know people can grow from this stuff, and I know that a single offensive joke along those lines doesn't define how they'll react in a situation when faced with actual mistreatment of women (though behavior like that in the video is antiethical to positive treatment of women, hence why it's a flaw, but based on everything else Fantano has said about treatment of women he clearly saw a separation between that and a joke he thought was meant to push buttons).

"Lena Dunham: I'm not gonna attack you. I wouldn't come out openly and attack you, or do anything illegal. What I will do is this: Alright bitch, you've made threats against me; so now if I see you in person I'm gonna be afraid for my safety, and I'm gonna have to make the first move--physically attack you--first, Lena Dunham, okay, I'm gonna have to protect my life, alright. And if the police come, cool. If they don't, I'm--I'll take it to the end. You're gonna sign a contract, essentially your death papers; you're going to sign away the rights to your life in a fight in the ring to the death. I'm practicing, okay. Lena Dunham, I studied your tapes; you're a fat pig. That means specifically I'm gonna go for your midsection, okay, I'm gonna try to knock your fuckin' head off. In public when I see you, Lena Dunham, I'm gonna knock your fuckin' head off. punches and kicks punching bag Like that. Okay, Lena? Lena Dunham I'm comin' for you. It's gonna look just like this: Oh, walkin' around LA; that's a nice coffee shop. What's that? Is that the sound of pebbles? cuts to clips of retard strength kicks Right in the crotch. Gonna clinch up. Clinch up with Lena Dunham. devastating barrage of punches and knees Just like that bitch. Comin' for you." - Sam Hyde, "Dead In One Hit"
Okay, not like that.
I've made jokes that were brutal, but they were clearly facetious and without that sort of force, nor were they driven by politics, thats far beyond my pale even when I was younger.
I'm more speaking towards jokes that have offensive language.

I only read a truncated quote of his rant.


Neo Member
If we support shitty people just because they occasionally piss off some of the people we dislike, that makes us no better than the shitheads who like Milo just because he makes people on the left angry. If Fantano is fine with GamerGate supporters like Sargon, he's not worth it. We don't need people like him by any stretch of the imagination, they just poison the well.
I assumed nailing meant punching, that fits more in the context.

And yes, i'm not going to pretend to be holier than thou.

I've made offensive jokes in the past, about topics ranging rape to race, in fact I can say almost every person I grew up around from the kids in my neighborhood to the people at school made offensive jokes along these lines all throughout up into HS, or either laughed at them at some point.

Whether that meant actual jokes you made up, or whether it was googling an offensive joke site and just rattling off those bad one liner jokes or yo mama ones.

I know that my sister and I used to play games on that blacksheep site, or watch those videos with the stick figures killing each other or doing controversial things, those are offensive.

I grew up around adults making offensive jokes like that.

I grew up around casual slur usage or racial humor, even from adults, it just wasn't my thing.

But I know this stuff, and I know people can grow from this stuff, and I know that a single offensive joke along those lines doesn't define how they'll react in a situation when faced with actual mistreatment of women (though behavior like that in the video is antiethical to positive treatment of women, hence why it's a flaw, but based on everything else Fantano has said about treatment of women he clearly saw a separation between that and a joke he thought was meant to push buttons).

Okay, not like that.
I've made jokes that were brutal, but they were clearly facetious and without that sort of force, nor were they driven by politics, thats far beyond my pale even when I was younger.
I'm more speaking towards jokes that have offensive language.

I only read a truncated quote of his rant.

But the quote in the article is equal in detail:
”I'll be nailing her, I'll be punching her in the back of the neck, I'll be boxing her eyes in. I'll break both her orbital bones. I'm gonna destroy Lena Dunham so badly that the people that come to clean her up, they're gonna be puking when they see what I did to her. I want them to know how I feel about her, so I'm gonna fuck her up so bad that they're gonna puke when they see her bruised mangled body."

And you defended this as just a bad joke....

And please remember this wasn't even among friends in private, this was laughed at in a public video which he chose to share with the world.
Labeling it as a joke is also rather inaccurate. There's no punchline, no humor, just malice. It's a threat.

Still, it was not Fantano that said it so it would be helpful to actually hear the fragment to get a sense of his reaction for ourselves.


I assumed nailing meant punching, that fits more in the context.

And yes, i'm not going to pretend to be holier than thou.

I've made offensive jokes in the past, about topics ranging rape to race, in fact I can say almost every person I grew up around from the kids in my neighborhood to the people at school made offensive jokes along these lines all throughout up into HS, or either laughed at them at some point.

Whether that meant actual jokes you made up, or whether it was googling an offensive joke site and just rattling off those bad one liner jokes or yo mama ones.

I know that my sister and I used to play games on that blacksheep site, or watch those videos with the stick figures killing each other or doing controversial things, those are offensive.

I grew up around adults making offensive jokes like that.

I grew up around casual slur usage or racial humor, even from adults, it just wasn't my thing.

But I know this stuff, and I know people can grow from this stuff, and I know that a single offensive joke along those lines doesn't define how they'll react in a situation when faced with actual mistreatment of women (though behavior like that in the video is antiethical to positive treatment of women, hence why it's a flaw, but based on everything else Fantano has said about treatment of women he clearly saw a separation between that and a joke he thought was meant to push buttons).

Okay, not like that.
I've made jokes that were brutal, but they were clearly facetious and without that sort of force, nor were they driven by politics, thats far beyond my pale even when I was younger.
I'm more speaking towards jokes that have offensive language.

I only read a truncated quote of his rant.

You making dumb jokes among friends isn't an equivalent of a public figure with a platform having an entire channel dedicated to making tons of shitty jokes. How is this not obvious?

For some dude you keep claiming you don't care that much about, you're really going out of your way to defend him. I'm on mobile, so I can't do the "how many times did anyone post in this thread" this, but I wonder how many times you've posted in this thread.


You making dumb jokes among friends isn't an equivalent of a public figure with a platform having an entire channel dedicated to making tons of shitty jokes. How is this not obvious?

For some dude you keep claiming you don't care that much about, you're really going out of your way to defend him. I'm on mobile, so I can't do the "how many times did anyone post in this thread" this, but I wonder how many times you've posted in this thread.
Hes the top poster in this thread, with 50 total replies .
But the quote in the article is equal in detail:

And you defended this as just a bad joke....

And please remember this wasn't even among friends in private, this was laughed at in a public video which he chose to share with the world.
That doesn't read as bad as the the full quote above to me.

The full quote feels like a belligerent rage filled manifesto, that's an innapropriate attack on a public figure, and driven by an extreme hate of women.

The truncated one feels like an angry, too detailed description of beating someone, but it's short and while innapropriate, can easily be seen as a joke meant to be the opposite of what self-defense would actually be in that situation, gone too far.

I can understand the latter as offensive button pushing comedy, the full quote feels compulsive.

You're definitely right about this.
You making dumb jokes among friends isn't an equivalent of a public figure with a platform having an entire channel dedicated to making tons of shitty jokes. How is this not obvious?

For some dude you keep claiming you don't care that much about, you're really going out of your way to defend him. I'm on mobile, so I can't do the "how many times did anyone post in this thread" this, but I wonder how many times you've posted in this thread.
I'm a fan, I'm not a super fan.
The only full review I've seen of his this year has been his Jay Z review, I was never invested in his meme channel other than the day this year I found it and watched about ten of them, and I only watched about four of the videos on his Fantano channel.
Anything else I've just skimmed or watched a minute of.

I'm posting out of disagreement more than fandom.
Labeling it as a joke is also rather inaccurate. There's no punchline, no humor, just malice. It's a threat.

Still, it was not Fantano that said it so it would be helpful to actually hear the fragment to get a sense of his reaction for ourselves.

He uh published it.... and didn't condemn it... so yeah.

That doesn't read as bad as the the full quote above to me.

The full quote feels like a belligerent rage filled manifesto, that's an innapropriate attack on a public figure, and driven by an extreme hate of women.

The truncated one feels like an angry, too detailed description of beating someone, but it's short and while innapropriate, can easily be seen as a joke meant to be the opposite of what self-defense would actually be in that situation, gone too far.

I can understand the latter as offensive button pushing comedy, the full quote feels compulsive.

You're definitely right about this.

I mean he's literally describing beating a woman until shew's so disfigured the medics who come to collect her corpse would throw up... but sure it's easily just a "joke"

Like you shouldn't have needed just a re--phrasing to not be revolted... It's not a fucking joke.
He uh published it.... and didn't condemn it... so yeah.

I mean he's literally describing beating a woman until shew's so disfigured the medics who come to collect her corpse would throw up... but sure it's easily just a "joke"

Like you shouldn't have needed just a re--phrasing to not be revolted... It's not a fucking joke.
I can't control my reaction to it.

They're both offputting and wrong, hence why I always grouped that in with examples of negative Fantano behavior, and never listened to his Hyde/Saragon casts.

But the truncated quote really just feels like an incredibly bad an innapropriate attempt at humor to me, it's wrong and eveything, but it doesn't feel like a psychopathic torture manifesto personally.

I mean how else can I break my separate reactions to them down when I always thought the smaller quote was bad?
I can't control my reaction to it.

They're both offputting and wrong, hence why I always grouped that in with examples of negative Fantano behavior, and never listened to his Hyde/Saragon casts.

But the truncated quote really just feels like incredibly bad an innapropriate attempt at humor to me, it's wrong and eveything, but it doesn't feel like a psychopathic torture manifesto personally.

I mean how else can I break my separate reactions to them down when I always thought the smaller quote was bad?

Sure you can, you can reflect on why you have different reactions and work to change them... we aren't slaves to our reactions. Both of those comments are literally the same.

Even if it was an attempt at humour... so fucking what?
It's weird that you need to read an article to figure youtuber who's videos you watched (for a while?) is alt-right.
Because he's a liberal.
I'm with you. But can we actually hear the fragment anywhere?
I don't know the timestamp.
But at 1:20 he says the views of Hyde we not necessarily representative of his, and specifically mentions the Lena Dunham section.
But it's a weak protection and not actually a condemnation.
Look Fantano chose to laugh and share the video of him laughing alongside Hyde with the world.... This is what he's comfortable putting out to the world. The anti-feminism, the collaborations with Sargon, this bad shit he puts out, outweighs any good... because at the end of the day he's a music reviewer on YouTube... so what good he puts out amounts to not much to begin with.

So yes Fantano get to be defined by his worst qualities... because his worst qualities are far worse than his best qualities are good.

I call this the Bill Maher principle.


Should probably not trust the 7-11 security cameras quite so much
Not sure what to think about this. Don’t want to believe it. The guy champions and promotes a shit ton of Black musicians. Many of whom aren’t mainstream. Fucking bizarre.

It's not bizarre at all. Just because he makes a living off promoting black music doesn't mean he can't be a racist dick. See also: Donald Sterling, countless movie and record execs etc.


He tweeted in support of the Kekistan meme, and it’s really fucking hard to believe he didn’t know its alt-right origins.


Yo if Fantano is alt-right then my 4 year-old cousin is alt-right lol I've been watching his content for years and never has he come across like that.

The author seems to have a personal problem with Fantano.
It's not bizarre at all. Just because he makes a living off promoting black music doesn't mean he can't be a racist dick. See also: Donald Sterling, countless movie and record execs etc.
First his videos would actually have to portray any racism.
Sure you can, you can reflect on why you have different reactions and work to change them... we aren't slaves to our reactions. Both of those comments are literally the same.

Even if it was an attempt at humour... so fucking what?
I'm not saying it being an attempt at "humor" makes it okay.
I'm saying that I see a difference between what is in my mind a failed offensive "joke" that goes far past the line and is laced with the known poisonus views of Sam Hyde, and what I see as a detailed torture manifesto.
They're both bad, the full quote just turns it up to 11.
Maybe it's improper sensitivity to female issues or gender bias on my part, but I think its just how I react to things in general.


Yo if Fantano is alt-right then my 4 year-old cousin is alt-right lol I've been watching his content for years and never has he come across like that.

The author seems to have a personal problem with Fantano.
I think at this point it's obvious he isn't altright. You only really have to look at his views on Twitter to see that. I think he thought being edgy was funny but being edgy is only okay if you are actually a funny person. Otherwise you come off looking like Fantano did and you look like an absolute wanker.


I think at this point it's obvious he isn't altright. You only really have to look at his views on Twitter to see that. I think he thought being edgy was funny but being edgy is only okay if you are actually a funny person. Otherwise you come off looking like Fantano did and you look like an absolute wanker.
I mean, he had 400k subscribers to that channel. So someone must have found it funny.
That doesn't read as bad as the the full quote above to me.

The full quote feels like a belligerent rage filled manifesto, that's an innapropriate attack on a public figure, and driven by an extreme hate of women.

The truncated one feels like an angry, too detailed description of beating someone, but it's short and while innapropriate, can easily be seen as a joke meant to be the opposite of what self-defense would actually be in that situation, gone too far.

I can understand the latter as offensive button pushing comedy, the full quote feels compulsive.

You're definitely right about this.

I'm a fan, I'm not a super fan.
The only full review I've seen of his this year has been his Jay Z review, I was never invested in his meme channel other than the day this year I found it and watched about ten of them, and I only watched about four of the videos on his Fantano channel.
Anything else I've just skimmed or watched a minute of.

I'm posting out of disagreement more than fandom.

You have to be shitting us. That's an incredibly highly detailed description of how he'd like to rape and mutilate someone. Nevermind a bad fucking joke the guy actually needs therapy. Those are not normal thoughts.
Fix those biases then...
I dont think theyre gender biases, so there's nothing to fix.

I think I'm just numb to anything regarding offensive "jokes" regardless of the topic.
You can claim its gender bias, and I've found gender bias in my reactions to certain things over the past month as I always try to be introspective and stamp out thought trains that could lead towards unsavory views even if it's just an inclination that's born out of the gap in experience/perception, but this is simple desensitization, which I feel with anything.

There's nothing that says I should react to all bad things with the same emotional fervor, I can logically see that they're both the same thing, but that won't make it so that they both read/feel the same to me, and they don't need to feel the same to me as long as my response to them both is consistent and firm.
I dont think theyre gender biases, so there's nothing to fix.

I think I'm just numb to anything regarding offensive "jokes" regardless of the topic.
You can claim its gender bias, and I've found gender bias in my reactions to certain things over the past month as I always try to be introspective and stamp out thought trains that could lead towards unsavory views even if it's just an inclination that's born out of the gap in experience/perception, but this is simple desensitization, which I feel with anything.

There's nothing that says I should react to all bad things with the same emotional fervor, I can logically see that they're both the same thing, but that won't make it so that they both read/feel the same to me, and they don't need to feel the same to me as long as my response to them both is consistent and firn.

Then fix the desensitization... you're the one who said it might be gender bias not me.


Tbh I am just waiting for his reaction video to all this controversy before properly make up my mind. Surprised it hasn't happened sooner.
The fix the desensitization... you're the one ho said it might be gender bias not me.
I was saying "might" in that I considered it as I do with any topics so I don't turn reactionary, but seeing that's how I've reacted towards racial slander towards me/offensive images and the such for years now, along with other non-race or me related offensive stuff, there's an arbitrary line in my mind between what I saw as an incredibly bad joke that crossed multiple lines, but was meant to be ironic to an extent in context/could be seen as having a point and was limited in description, but still was clearly a result of Sam's poison views.
Too what I saw in the other one as a belligerent, full, torture manifesto that goes beyond disturbed, even if I described the original as bad.

I was just trying to describe my difference in perspective between the two quotes to illustrate that you were ultimately right about that point from the get go.
Maybe he is really putting a lot of effort into it to make sure people understand that he isn't alt-right. As a fan, I hope that's the case.
Someone asked him if he was responding in the comments of his latest video, he said yes once again.
That's all we know so far, no new info since be first said he'd respond.
Alright, found it: https://youtu.be/CfNj2E4RpDQ?t=25m20s

Fantano does warn Hyde briefly that what he's about to say will be heard by many, but then does nothing other than laughing along lamely at something that's obviously not funny. At one point he starts to say "The way that you said all that..." but then never finishes the sentence.

Also, not that it matters, but I don't think there's a rape threat in there. "Nailing" does appear to mean, in this context, punching or hitting.

Whatever though. At that point Fantano should have stopped the podcast and distanced himself from the whole thing. The fact that he went ahead and chose to publish it with that meaningless little disclaimer up front is highly, highly questionable. Hyde is obviously insane. And the explanation for the association needs to be pretty good because why he would do this willingly is a total mystery to me - that is if he, you know, isn't secretly or not so secretly harboring some pretty despicable views himself.


It's not bizarre at all. Just because he makes a living off promoting black music doesn't mean he can't be a racist dick. See also: Donald Sterling, countless movie and record execs etc.

Noted piece of shit Milo is married to a black guy, and is as racist and utterly vile as they come.

'He likes rap music' is no defense whatsoever.
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