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The Needle Drop pioneered music reviews. His other channel was for the alt-rights


It ain't like the man's content with TND was good to begin with, like this just made me dislike him more when I found out about his channel
claim you're not stanning for homeboy but write entire thesises defending them, brehs

Isn't the middle a wonderful place to be?

Yup, it's pretty common for people to attract a bunch of terrible people to be their audience and then create content that exists only to mock those terrible people.

This makes no sense. If you think the majority of the fanbase for his reviews is alt-right assholes, maybe that should be your first clue that something is wrong.

Yeah ... at best he's an amoral actor that's playing multiple sides (one aweful one) to his benefit. Sort of like Facebook. Which, I mean, isn't really something worth defending.
Fantano is another troll who wants to normalize fascism and bigotry.

That's what I'm getting at, but keep being a Stan for this dude. I'm not you so I don't have to live with the fact that you are defending a nazi.
I agree that some of the people he's associated with are bad news and have expressed so in the past, I just don't believe his views/content are as this thread and article described, nor have I taken his association with said folks all the way to the same extent that you,though I have labeled it as harmful.
Calling him a Nazi just doesn't line up for me.
Just because you say it's satire, doesn't make it automatically satire. There's intelligence and nuance in satire that a lot of Internet personalities lack. This is my problem with Dick Masterson of the Dick Show/Biggest Problem podcast. He says outrageous shit that he truly believes and passes it off as intelligent satire.

I'm sure he was just being ironic, nothing suspect here.

Ugh, I don't understand the internets obsession with Sam Hyde. He is a vile, ugly, unfunny man.


LOL what?

Thatistheplan is mostly a satirical channel. He's playing a character much like Cal on The Needle Drop.

Just because you personally don't find it to be funny doesn't make it a legitimate case of bigotry or vitriol.


I agree that some of the people he's associated with are and news and have expressed so in the past, I just don't believe how views/content are as this thread and article described, nor have I taken his association with said folks all the way to the same extent that you,though I have labeled it as harmful.
Calling him a Nazi just doesn't line up for me.

This is where I am at currently.

I am curious to see his response though, because it’s crazy to reconcile his (in my experience) pretty socially conscious music criticism with this entirely different set of content. Him deleting his other channel is SUPER sus.
I never really kept up with thatistheplan but it always struck me as very tongue in cheek, a la something like The Colbert Report. Some of the stuff identified in that article is definitely problematic but putting him on the same level as pewdiepie or the alt-right seems to me to be a massive exaggeration and a total misread of his second channel.


Not Wario
Satire is perfectly valid and many comedians- even far left comedians- still pull it off regularly. Colbert could do it, John Oliver does it from time to time, and I'm sure there are plenty more out there that do it as well. Clamping down on that in response to modern events is not a good approach and is effectively giving in to terror.

That said, there's also something to be said for being able to gauge the real position someone holds and believes and, based on the material in some of the linked articles, I think this guy has moved beyond acceptable satire, if he's even doing satire anymore, into straight up accommodating/holding the viewpoint. When there's no punchline or bite to your satire and your content is made week after week for the same people the content supposedly mocks, it's a little hard to see the satire in it at all.


The fact that anyone ever took this dumbass seriously is pretty hilarious. Dude is pretty much 100% wrong in every review.
I haven't seen his other channel so I'm not going to jump to conclusions whether it is satrical or not. But, I'll say that interviewing Sam Hyde is not a good look.


LOL what?

Thatistheplan is mostly a satirical channel. He's playing a character much like Cal on The Needle Drop.

Just because you personally don't find it to be funny doesn't make it a legitimate case of bigotry or vitriol.
What's the satire?
LOL what?

Thatistheplan is mostly a satirical channel. He's playing a character much like Cal on The Needle Drop.

Just because you personally don't find it to be funny doesn't make it a legitimate case of bigotry or vitriol.

Yeah and being friends with white supremacists is just satire too
LOL what?

Thatistheplan is mostly a satirical channel. He's playing a character much like Cal on The Needle Drop.

Just because you personally don't find it to be funny doesn't make it a legitimate case of bigotry or vitriol.

Let's just say you're right (I'm not saying it but let's say)

When satirical bigotry is loved and adored by bigots and you keep it up... when you go hang out and film videos with literal bigots... the difference between sincere or satire is irrelevant.


Anything spouted by the alt-right is pretty much the inverse of what he says on his main channel - at least from what I've heard.

So is the secondary channel a satire/meme channel, like shadow fantano? Or what
Anything spouted by the alt-right is pretty much the inverse of what he says on his main channel - at least from what I've heard.

So is the secondary channel a satire/meme channel, like shadow fantano? Or what
He has two separate channels, none of them are far off from what he expresses on his main channel.


Weird how the article doesn't mention his 20 minute takedown of Joseph Paul Watson that he did last year
The article also discusses his convincing, sober comments on the use of the n-word after PewDiePie's live slur. The argument posed by the article is that Fantano plays the center-left on Needle Drop, while using his second channel to squeeze views and Patreon dollars out of YouTube's right-wing audience. The Joseph Paul Watson video doesn't really counter that argument. The question is simply "What does Fantano actually believe?"


Not Wario
Let's just say you're right (I'm not saying it but let's say)

When satirical bigotry is loved and adored by bigots and you keep it up... when you go hang out and film videos with literal bigots... the difference between sincere or satire is irrelevant.

I knew conservatives that were fans of the Colbert Show because they didn't "get it." Does that make Steven liable for holding those opinions?
I knew conservatives that were fans of the Colbert Show because they didn't "get it." Does that make Steven liable for holding those opinions?

Did Colbert go be chummy chummy with the worst of the worst?

Did Colbert interview a bigotand laugh at his rape and assault and murder fantasy of a feminist?

Also this dude ain't fucking Colbert
I never really kept up with his other Youtube channel, but I unsubbed from The Needle Drop a while ago once I saw how cool he was with Sargon. He's been pandering to his 4chan base pretty hard for a while now, and that always rubbed me the wrong way, this doesn't really surprise me at all.
The article also discusses his convincing, sober comments on the use of the n-word after PewDiePie's live slur. The argument posed by the article is that Fantano plays the center-left on Needle Drop, while using his second channel to squeeze views and Patreon dollars out of YouTube's right-wing audience. The Joseph Paul Watson video doesn't really counter that argument. The question is simply "What does Fantano actually believe?"
He's a Soc-Dem, with a laissez-faire "free speech" stance (meaning he's anti-Nazi punching), and generally "conscious" views on social issues.
It's all consistent even if I don't agree with all he says/find some associations unsavory.
He also backed Spotify removing white supremacist artists, amongst other things, so laissez-faire probably isn't accurate.
I heard something about Colbert and Sean Spicer recently

literally invited spicer

Colbert is no longer playing a character...

So that just makes him an idiot not a failed satire gimmick.

Point is Colbert while being his gimmick didn't go do a video with actual (again assuming it's all a gimmick which is not very clear) bigots and sexists to decry feminism as part of his "gimmick".
Alt-right pandering “actors” on youtube are no different than alt-right pandering “actors” on Fox news. Dunno why you give these people a pass.


Let's just say you're right (I'm not saying it but let's say)

When satirical bigotry is loved and adored by bigots and you keep it up... when you go hang out and film videos with literal bigots... the difference between sincere or satire is irrelevant.

If you voted for Trump but had your fingers crossed while you did it, that's just good ass satire.

Take that racists!


Colbert is no longer playing a character...

So that just makes him an idiot not a failed satire gimmick.

Point is Colbert while being his gimmick didn't go do a video with actual (again assuming it's all a gimmick which is not very clear) bigots and sexists to decry feminism as part of his "gimmick".
Not trying to defend Fantano by any means but Colbert did interview terrible people like O'Reilly all the time. Sure the joke was on them but a lot of idiots, including O'Reilly himself, thought he was being sincere.
Not trying to defend Fantano by any means but Colbert did interview terrible people like O'Reilly all the time. Sure the joke was on them but a lot of idiots, including O'Reilly himself, thought he was being sincere.

I'm really not interested in splitting hairs here but O'Reilly didn't believe Colbert was sincere come on. Colbert;s viewership was in fact not conservatives who were watching because they hed the non satirical views of Colbert's character. Anyone entertaining the idea that this is like Colbert is just lying to themselves.

Fox News's Bill O'Reilly is often the target of Stephen Colbert's humor–and lately, Colbert's jabs have begun to sting.

Mr. O'Reilly, clearly angry at Colbert, seems to have become somewhat consumed by him as well. For example, on a recent program O'Reilly referred to Colbert as a ”deceiver," an ”ideological fanatic" who is ”misguided in the extreme" and ”clueless" but ”the guy does damage." He ”gives cover to powerful people who are selling Americans a big lie."


But it didn't stop there. When it was announced that Colbert will replace David Letterman next year, O'Reilly weighed in against his nemesis again, saying, ”Colbert has built an entire career on pleasing the left." O'Reilly said Colbert will have difficulty going up against ”high energy guys who want to have a good time on their shows" (NBC's Jimmy Fallon and ABC's Jimmy Kimmel).


nel e nel

I knew conservatives that were fans of the Colbert Show because they didn't "get it." Does that make Steven liable for holding those opinions?

Making fun of rich white guys who run government is what we call "punching up". Bigotry is punching down.
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