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The Order: 1886 |OT| Gears of Yore

Got it yesterday. I'm at Chapter 3, so very early but....

...I'm really liking this game.
After the absolute scorched earth left in the wake from last week, I honestly didn't have high expectations.

I'm having fun with the gunplay, even though the enemy AI is fairly dumb. It just feels satisfying overall and the weapons are a blast so far. The graphics, as everyone can agree, are just insane.


I'd be in the dick
I'm curious about that too. Isn't asset creation a big cost? And I guess engine creation if you have to roll out your own.

But man, dem assets. And dat engine. Glorious.
This is actually why I think Sony will greenlight a sequel. Lots of asset creation and engine work is already done. They will probably be able to get out a sequel with much lower cost than this game.


I feel like everyone who complains about the black bars needs to get a better TV and/or play in a darker room

I played both this and The Evil Within on a 42" Bravia, at nighttime, and the black bars were pretty much completely unnoticeable. Other than a dead pixel in the bottom right corner, the only resulting damage of a move from Hawaii to Colorado. :(
Hate to bring up TLOU comparison again but they got it right with the whole Ish storyline.

Fascinating way to build on the world through exploring and finding items/notes without putting anything crucial to the main plotline in it
I agree 100% with that comparison. If The Order 1886 had more meaningful discovery elements like actual letters/notes, the world would have came more to life for me. I hope in the TLOU sequel, Joel and Ellie befriend Ish


This is actually why I think Sony will greenlight a sequel. Lots of asset creation and engine work is already done. They will probably be able to get out a sequel with much lower cost than this game.

Truth, and it would be silly of them to not try at least. They could potentially kick start a franchise, or at the least, recover some of their cash.


I think it will pick up in london RIGHT where it left off. Galahad going straight batman mode. It almost felt like he was about to leap and start gliding haha

Second half may be in india or the americas

Ha, perhaps. Don't forget that
in the end credits scene, Tesla advises Galahad to leave the city.
I could see the game starting in India with Galahad and
uncovering more secrets and then coming back to London to kick some ass.


Just finished the game, and i really like it. Loved the battles, the setting, the soundtrack, the characters and the story.

I felt the length of the game was just right, but it left me wanting more, that's for sure. I really hope we get a sequel.

And..i can't help but feel that this is one of the most polished titles i have played in recent years. The production value is through the roof, imo. All the details in the clothing, the decorations, weapons..everything was spot on. It kinda makes me we wonder where all the negativity comes from....is it just because there are lenghty cutscenes? or "boring" walking segments? If that's the case then i think it's way too harsh.

Anyways...two thumbs up from me.


- More Lycan battles. Make them far more threatening. Taking on a Lycan should be comparable to taking on a Big Daddy in Bioshock. Imagine walking down a dimly lit London alley, you see a Lycan feeding off in the distance. You have the choice of finding a way to get around it, or you can prepare to take it on by gearing up, setting traps and planning how you're going to kill it.
- Online co-op and a survival mode
- Upgradeable weapon system
- New game + and unlockable difficulties
- More fleshed out collectibles system
- More trophies

I'd LOVE to see this in a sequel.
I agree with this. I was fine with the ending tho. I felt it wrapped up most of the immediate story and left just enough to get me excited about the possibility of a sequel. Galahad is the best thing to come out of this game. One of the best new characters I've seen in a long, long time.
Had a great time playing it, I hope they go ahead and make a sequel.

For the sequel, I have a wish list of things I'd like to see.

- More Lycan battles. Make them far more threatening. Taking on a Lycan should be comparable to taking on a Big Daddy in Bioshock. Imagine walking down a dimly lit London alley, you see a Lycan feeding off in the distance. You have the choice of finding a way to get around it, or you can prepare to take it on by gearing up, setting traps and planning how you're going to kill it.
- Online co-op and a survival mode
- Upgradeable weapon system
- New game + and unlockable difficulties
- More fleshed out collectibles system
- More trophies

- Upgradeable weapon system


Everything else sounds good to me


I agree 100% with that comparison. If The Order 1886 had more meaningful discovery elements like actual letters/notes, the world would have came more to life for me. I hope in the TLOU sequel, Joel and Ellie befriend Ish

Who the hell is Ish lol. Guess I wasn't paying that much attention.
The Order: 1886 is the best-selling game in the UK right now, ousting Evolve from its position atop the throne. This is despite middling critical reviews which indicated that, yes, the game was gorgeous, and no, the quality of its gameplay didn’t match its visuals.
The Order: 1886 was always pegged as being the biggest release of the first quarter of 2015, thanks to its higher marketing budget and Sony’s touting of it as one of their biggest releases of the entire year, and it’s especially easy for it to achieve this feat at a time when there simply isn’t a great deal to choose from right now. It was almost inevitable, then, that The Order: 1886 would top the sales chart in the week of its release.
but considering how the average gamer will struggle to justify forking out $60 on every big release that is thrown our way, that so many are choosing to plump down their cash for a game that offers very little in the way of replayability and is an altogether lackluster package for its price point is a little odd to say the least.
Owners of new consoles want new games, and The Order: 1886 is very much a new game. People want to justify their purchasing of an expensive console with games to play on said console, and there is no fault in that.
So while The Order: 1886 has a multitude of problems as a video game, it has released at a point where people are so eager to lap up anything that comes their way that it couldn’t have come at a more opportune time.

Lol. The salt.
People wishing co-op so much... I think it's impossible for this type of game so focused in the story to add co-op in the campaing, maybe a separate game mode with missions or something but I don't see it happening and more importante (for me), I don't want it, it'll ruin the story and atmosphere.
Lol. The salt.

Reviewers don't read what the actual players think about games? I find this really odd.

I mostly disagree what reviewers say. It's almost always when I like a game, the reviewers say it's mediocre or shit. That's why I don't trust them. I watch twitch streams to see how a new game plays and then decide if it's for me or not.

The Order is no exception.
People wishing co-op so much... I think it's impossible for this type of game so focused in the story to add co-op in the campaing, maybe a separate game mode with missions or something but I don't see it happening and more importante (for me), I don't want it, it'll ruin the story and atmosphere.

Co-op can be a separate mode like Uncharted 2 or a horde mode like in Gears of War 2 and 3. It doesn't have to be campaign co-op. I would have welcomed either and I hope for something similar to be included in The Order: 1887 if it happens (I hope it happens).


extra source of jiggaflops
Reviewers doesn't read what the actual players think about games? I find this really odd.
How do you know what players think? There are no exit interviews after people played the game.

There will always be selection biases in any method I can realistically think of.
I kind of agree with him though. You have Tesla on the game, how cool would it be if he kept coming up with new gadgets and weapons as you progressed through the story? Very cool.

It's just a personal preference for me. I hate the whole unlocking upgrades/attachments and stuff for weapons in shooters, maybe I'm just old school in that regard.

I get why some people might find customization appealing though
Co-op can be a separate mode like Uncharted 2 or a horde mode like in Gears of War 2 and 3. It doesn't have to be campaign co-op. I would have welcomed either and I hope for something similar to be included in The Order: 1887 if it happens (I hope it happens).

I have no problems with that, sounds fair. I thought people wanted campaign co-op which, I think, would change the game's vision drastically.
That's goofy I guess, but I'm surprised a thread was never made here about it. It's a terrible tweet.

The tweet is absolutely terrible, thing is I believe that guy had nothing to do with making the game, Ready at Dawn catches flack for what some guy said that's a developer with Sony Santa Monica, not RAD.


People wishing co-op so much... I think it's impossible for this type of game so focused in the story to add co-op in the campaing, maybe a separate game mode with missions or something but I don't see it happening and more importante (for me), I don't want it, it'll ruin the story and atmosphere.

I would be perfectly fine with co-op just being added to the single player campaign. No reason to change the story or even try to justify the existence of player 2. Just a more interactive way for 2 people to enjoy the campaign. For example, both players can be the same character. If I remember correctly, that was how Halo did it and Im pretty sure other games have done something similar. That said, I could care less about co-op unless they made it couch/splitscreen.


extra source of jiggaflops
That's goofy I guess, but I'm surprised a thread was never made here about it. It's a terrible tweet.
You could always make a thread.

By watching streams, reading forums and ignoring metacritic and gaming medias. :)
All those things only touch upon a small group of your actual customer base and in addition to ther inherent selection bias for streamers and people that write on forums.
The tweet is absolutely terrible, thing is I believe that guy had nothing to do with making the game, Ready at Dawn catches flack for what some guy said that's a developer with Sony Santa Monica, not RAD.

Yeah, that's unfair to RaD, but they already messed up with their own comments far in advance, so it was easy for people just mix it all together. Seems like the hate has died down quite a bit, though.

You could always make a thread.

Too late now and I don't want to make another negative thread about the game. I enjoyed it.


Completed the game in 11½ hours, during three evenings. It certainly wasn't without faults, but the atmospheric ride was very enjoyable. A solid 4/5 game on a Netflix scale, which just reinforces my stance to ignore what reviewers say, as their opinions and playtimes have no bearing on reality for me.

I definitely hope there'll be a sequel, and that they introduce more variety to the enemy encounters, and lessen the amount of QTEs. The silent takedowns, and hand-to-hand combat agaist werewolves, were annoying due to them. That goes for short-circuiting the alarms and locks as well. All in all, the good outweighed the bad for me though.

I would say this sums up my impressions nicely
It's just a personal preference for me. I hate the whole unlocking upgrades/attachments and stuff for weapons in shooters, maybe I'm just old school in that regard.

I get why some people might find customization appealing though

It doesn't fit with this type of game, I feel like people are asking for things to completely change the vision RAD had and I don't think that's the course to take. Of course they need to refine the gameplay and there's ways to do that without messing with the vision they have.

-Less cutscenes
-Less QTE's
-More varied shooting arenas, with different paths to gain advantage
-More horror elements like the hospital that last longer
-Make Lycan combat exciting by fighting them out in the open while they're running on walls and rooftops
-Expand the use of the weapons like the Thermite Rifle by using it against the Lycans
-Some crazy set pieces, like maybe fighting on the train in London
-Fleshed out melee system like in Uncharted
I played both this and The Evil Within on a 42" Bravia, at nighttime, and the black bars were pretty much completely unnoticeable. Other than a dead pixel in the bottom right corner, the only resulting damage of a move from Hawaii to Colorado. :(

Hawaii to Colorado! Anti I'm so very sorry
It doesn't fit with this type of game, I feel like people are asking for things to completely change the vision RAD had and I don't think that's the course to take. Of course they need to refine the gameplay and there's ways to do that without messing with the vision they have.

-Less cutscenes
-Less QTE's
-More varied shooting arenas, with different paths to gain advantage
-More horror elements like the hospital that last longer
-Make Lycan combat exciting by fighting them out in the open while they're running on walls and rooftops
-Expand the use of the weapons like the Thermite Rifle by using it against the Lycans
-Some crazy set pieces, like maybe fighting on the train in London
-Fleshed out melee system like in Uncharted

I like all of these suggestions. Though I actually wasn't bothered by the amount of cutscenes or QTEs.


extra source of jiggaflops
I think the suggestion of having the lycan fights be modeled on the Big Daddy fights in BioShock 1 is quite nice.

I'm with banafactory though on the weapon upgrade thing. I think this unlock stuff is a bane on video games.
This is actually why I think Sony will greenlight a sequel. Lots of asset creation and engine work is already done. They will probably be able to get out a sequel with much lower cost than this game.

I agree. For all the reasons you mentioned, and I believe the game will sell well enough Worldwide to warrant a sequel as well. I bet this game will have very solid sales.
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