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The Phantom Pain, aka Metal Gear Solid V, Announced (360/PS3, "Moby Dick Studio")

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It says the same thing that Kojima said about Ground Zeroes when asked about what hardware the demo was running at:
All footage is shown running in real-time on hardware equivalent to current generation consoles (PS3 & XBOX360).
Kojima said Ground Zeroes was running on a PC with equivalent specs to a PS3.

Ran rp


The kid definitely looks like he has a gas mask on. The only other people with a mask are the soldiers.

the TMO

Twin Snake's mood and atmosphere feel drastically different due to a lot of things, the cutscenes being a huge part of that. If I had to compare the two, the original MGS feels like a weird hybrid of Bladerunner and a David Lynch film. While Twin Snakes feels like The Matrix with less David Lynch qualities.

Cutscene was made from another director so are obviously totally different. I will get a new in no-time if they use same assets and original cutscenes.

And i liked Twin Snakes. Epic Thread btw! :D


Also, while we're talking about tech, am I crazy for thinking Snake's hologram map in Ground Zeroes looked a little too high-tech for it being in a game in the 70s? Snake Eater had nothing even hinting at something like that, and it took place only ten years prior.
Snake Eater had hover crafts...
However, the map device in the Ground Zeroes trailer is the same Soliton Radar you develop using your R&D department on Peace Walker's motherbase...




The bandaged guys face doesn't appear to be all that disfigured. Seems like it's covered because he's someone that we'd instantly recognize.
I've seen a lot of people say that Big Boss loses his arm from the car accident (polygon article and comments section of other websites). If you watch carefully Big Boss already has a missing arm during the car accident (that and the fact that he and the other dude are already bandaged up and wearing hospital patient clothes). The car accident happens AFTER he wakes up and tries to escape.

edit: the more I see of those 960x540 shots the more I think these are Vita screenshots (which would be pretty insane because its unbelievable that this can be done on a Vita). I can see pixelation/jaggyness in the doctor's beard which looks native res.



Also, while we're talking about tech, am I crazy for thinking Snake's hologram map in Ground Zeroes looked a little too high-tech for it being in a game in the 70s? Snake Eater had nothing even hinting at something like that, and it took place only ten years prior. There's still some part of me thinking it's present-day/future Snake.

I mean, yeah Kojima can retcon like a bastard, but something like that seems like too much an oversight.



Given the 70s comment, an older map might be in order.

Can't find a british colony or protectorate in Africa beyond 1968
There's Seychelles (part of Britain empire until 1976) actually but i doubt it's that.

Plus, we still have the american flag in Ground Zeroes trailer and i assume it's the same location
Snake Eater had hover crafts...
However, the map device in the Ground Zeroes trailer is the same Soliton Radar you develop using your R&D department on Peace Walker's motherbase...

Pretty sure those hover crafts were based on legit prototypes from the 60's. But you're right about PW going nuts.

Then again, the Cold War didn't end until 1999 in the Metal Gear universe so they've never really tried to sync up with reality. Unless they've retconned that aspect anyway, I can't remember.
edit: the more I see of those 960x540 shots the more I think these are Vita screenshots (which would be pretty insane because its unbelievable that this can be done on a Vita). I can see pixelation/jaggyness in the doctor's beard which looks native res.

Not unless KojiPro and Sony unlocked some extra power that no one knew was in the Vita. The character models, lighting and textures are far beyond anything we've seen on the Vita. And that includes the tech demos.


edit: the more I see of those 960x540 shots the more I think these are Vita screenshots (which would be pretty insane because its unbelievable that this can be done on a Vita). I can see pixelation/jaggyness in the doctor's beard which looks native res.

from their website:
All footage is shown running in real-time on hardware equivalent to current generation consoles (PS3 & XBOX360).
It's been a lot of years since I finished MGS3. Forgot about that haha

Didn't play PW though. Didn't know that.

Peace Walker also had Metal Gears that were driven by AI. One of them could fly and hover like a UFO.

In Metal Gear Rising, we see extremely advanced technology being spread throughout the world to the public after The Patriots were destroyed. So I guess the official explanation as to why everything was so advanced back then is that The Patriots hid everything from the public, and humanity was actually much further along than everyone believed.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
Pretty sure those hover crafts were based on legit prototypes from the 60's. But you're right about PW going nuts.

Then again, the Cold War didn't end until 1999 in the Metal Gear universe so they've never really tried to sync up with reality. Unless they've retconned that aspect anyway, I can't remember.

Whoa really? Something from Metal Gear 1 or something?

I seem to remember a lot of details getting left behind from those MSX games.... particularly in regard to Big Boss....


And the guy/girl at the end of the hallway standing in front of the elevator, there is no explosion in the direct feed trailer.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
I find the trailer pretty unsettling to be honest.

Me too.

If it's the opening intro for the game, I think it could rival the introductions of past games.. MGS1, 2 and 4 had intros that were highly regard at the time of their launch, and this seems to do the same, but in a pretty twisted new direction...


i haven't kept up with this huge thread, but why did people jump straight to metal gear solid? of course i see all the similarities and stuff, but is this supposed to be ground zeroes? or is the plan to really have three console metal gear games in the span of two years?


Imagine if The Sorrow came back to haunt Big Boss.


Which makes sense to a certain extent that The Fury (Use of fire), Volgin (The armor seen) and the Boss (The Horse seen) could be back.


Gold Member
I also noticed some pixelation in the 960x540 images... and that pixelation would be gross in 1280x720 compared to Ground Zeroes...
Something doesn't fit...

Also, I don't really think Vita can move this...


hmm.. do Elevators normally have a "G" for ground level..? or is that a hint at Ground Zeroes..?


and this is Merryl right..?



I think the point is that most elevators don't have both "G" and "1". I think Hanmik is on to something there.

Huh? At least in UK/Europe, the ground floor and 1st floor are different - the first floor actually being the first one up from the ground. Hence almost every elevator has both G and 1. Didn't realise that was different other places.


I find the trailer pretty unsettling to be honest.

Watching the VGA's it didn't really phase me. At 3 AM in the morning it really is unsettling and eerie. Bigboss having a coma nightmare like this makes sense, and a lot of things in the trailer allude to his life.

- Volgin covered in flames, not dead from the last time they met. Glowing red eyes.

- Flame Unicorn representing The Boss's horse, a reminder of their relationship

- Raikov/Eva/The Boss covered in flame

- The whale launching and destroying the helicopter could allude to Bigboss's experience with fighting and seeing the Shagohod.

So this is a coma nightmare, which is effecting Bigboss's emotions and the player's emotions also. The fire and flame motif actually makes sense. The nightmare shown takes place after Metal Gear 2, the two phantoms tagline could mean you play as both Bigboss and Solid Snake. What you do and how you play as Bigboss will effect and change how you play as Solid Snake.

The first act of MGS V will be Ground Zeroes, you play as Bigboss and build up Outer Heaven. The second act will have the player playing as Solid Snake and infiltrating and destroying what Bigboss/the player previously built. The third and final act will be Solid Snake infiltrating Zanzibar Land, this time the player will have no knowledge or previous experience with what Bigboss has done.

The finale being Solid Snake burning Bigboss would lead to what's shown in The Phantom Pain trailer, The Phantom Pain is actually just the epilogue of the game, the player plays as Bigboss when he's in his coma. Kojima potentially showed us the last moments of the game without actually spoiling anything.


I've figured it out. When the woman says "V has come to" she obviously referring to Vic Boss. She was influenced by Chico's accent since he was captured in Ground Zeros. Because of Amanda's death and the constant plug in of headphones in himself, he lost his sanity but began to unlock psychic powers because of previous exposure to radiation.

When Big Boss awakens in the hospital, Chico goes berserk, he is the kid in the elevator, he is Psycho Mantis. This is followed by all of Big Boss' hallucinations seen in the trailer.
I also noticed some pixelation in the 960x540 images... and that pixelation would be gross in 1280x720 compared to Ground Zeroes...
Something doesn't fit...

Also, I don't really think Vita can move this...

Of course Vita can't run this.
I'd be surprised if PS360 run this with no problem.
Whoa really? Something from Metal Gear 1 or something?

I seem to remember a lot of details getting left behind from those MSX games.... particularly in regard to Big Boss....

Yeah, MG1 was based in 1995 but since it came out in 1987, they didn't know the USSR was about to collapse. MG2 then ended it in 1999.


Gold Member
Can someone analyze the official 960x540 images and see if the pixelation is 960x540 native or if it's downsampled from 1280x720 to 960x540?


"All footage is shown running in real-time on hardware equivalent to current generation consoles (PS3 & XBOX360)."

So... The same as the GZ trailer then?
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