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The Witcher 3 - Impressions


I really want to hear more about the combat, that was my only negative to the witcher 2. If they fixed that then oh boy!


I went to a pasta house, it was so amazing. They gave me a menu when I sat down and I ordered a meal, which is an incredibly smooth experience. There was pasta on my plate when it came and the waiter was in white and black, a very formal experience if I do say! One might point to a little Italian house as a source of inspiration. The pasta was great! The sauce was better than you could cook at home, no doubt. I will definitely be going back!
OP's post was not nearly as simplistic or indescriptive as your 'analogy' here.
It was serviceable. Super tight combat isn't really a top priority for me in RPG's.

It just bored me. I can't think of anything that was outright terrible about it but it just felt so uninspired. I really hope 3 goes back to the drawing board.

You could watch a gameplay video of witcher 2 and think it had good combat... But it doesn't. Without playing the game you can't tell.

Yeah exactly.
Also the adult theme which I want to emphasize is very apparent from the start
So, there's a sex scene at the start like Witcher 2 :p



My hype was waning... Now back to full rpm

Though the OP could be a lot more detailed

What improvements to combat?

Was all the world detail in the distance reachable on foot?

How much content fit into 3 hours exactly? Side quests? Main quests? (I suppose in a 200 hour game 3 hours is toytown, maybe I'm being too demanding)

What mechanics did or didn't make a return from 2?

Were you free to go wherever you wanted by the 3 hour mark?

I read a interesting article about their quest development a while back.


Found it! http://www.makinggames.biz/features/quest-design-in-the-witcher-3-wild-hunt,6896.html

Really fascinating read, thanks for the info.
All I want from Witcher 3 is to be like Witcher 2 in just an open world: a big number of great sidequests and not filler Elder Scrolls padding.

They promised as such.


So when someone says something good about the Witcher games, then it's automatically suspicious... but if it would be about some game from Naughty Dog, then it would be all gooood, right?..

Yeah, bash (fuck) some game from Eastern Europe,.. but if it's a PS4 exlusive, then no can't say anything negative about it
The OP and his impressions are not really insightful and detailed, but for those we need to wait till 26th, but just because he didn't mentioned anything negative (well, he played only 3 hours), it automacally means he is doing a PR thing for CD Projekt Red.. yeah, you can't find logic on Neogaf

no maam

My galumpkis are ready. If my 680 can't run this I'm gonna have to play the Xb version till I upgrade. I enjoyed 2, so I'm sure I'll love 3.
It just bored me. I can't think of anything that was outright terrible about it but it just felt so uninspired. I really hope 3 goes back to the drawing board.

It was boring but serviceable until certain bosses (mainly main villain fight half way through the game) at which point it was terrible. You either found a way to cheese the win or stick it on casual and destroy him. Seeing as the combat wasn't fun in the first place I ended up taking the second route.

The combat felt like it was inspired by the souls games somewhat but they had no idea how to implement it properly so it felt sluggish and clunky rather than weighty and precise. Hopefully they have fixed it but we will see.
So when someone says something good about the Witcher games, then it's automatically suspicious... but if it would be about some game from Naughty Dog, then it would be all gooood, right?..

Yeah, bash (fuck) some game from Eastern Europe,.. but if it's a PS4 exlusive, then no can't say anything negative about it
The OP and his impressions are not really insightful and detailed, but for those we need to wait till 26th, but just because he didn't mentioned anything negative (well, he played only 3 hours), it automacally means he is doing a PR thing for CD Projekt Red.. yeah, you can't find logic on Neogaf
And also the first 3 hours which are obviously the most polished and best quality. For an RPG, it'd be more representative of the whole experience if someone played it from the middle. Whether the quests are as high quality as the start.

Demon Ice

That is not what I meant. Does 'sexploitation' ring a bell to you? The use of sex and nudity has been juvenile and awful and was never something the show was praised for. That is what I meant by the comment.

Leave it. You haven't been paying attention if that's the sum of your answer.


"My opinion is correct and yours isn't for reasons"

well done bro, I'm convinced


So when someone says something good about the Witcher games, then it's automatically suspicious... but if it would be about some game from Naughty Dog, then it would be all gooood, right?..

Yeah, bash (fuck) some game from Eastern Europe,.. but if it's a PS4 exlusive, then no can't say anything negative about it
The OP and his impressions are not really insightful and detailed, but for those we need to wait till 26th, but just because he didn't mentioned anything negative (well, he played only 3 hours), it automacally means he is doing a PR thing for CD Projekt Red.. yeah, you can't find logic on Neogaf
Just today I saw people on other forum refer to gaf as SonyGAF :)
And yeah, it kinda fits
200 hours? I have no interest in starting something that I know I will never finish.

I'm getting bored of DA:Inquisition and I'm only about 30-35 hours into that.


Any negative impressions? Smells fishy, even my most favorite games do have stuff that i and others don't like.
Glad to hear you liked what you saw, but you might want to tone it down a bit, OP. All this GOTY talk while just having played a tiny snippety portion of the game makes it really hard for me to take anything you said seriously.
Naturally, at an event like this the developer/publisher would only let you play parts of the game they feel absolutely confident about. They want you to be hyped.
What I've seen of the game so far looks fantastic and I can't wait to read a more thoughtful report on the demo they showed at the event. The game certainly looks like it deserves more than just a hype piece.
I don't work for any press or game companies. I know a person who was part of organizing this event in San Francisco and was invited. Take my impressions however you want. You've seen enough gameplay videos to give you an idea of how it plays and how the missions are structured. It plays and feels exactly like how it looks or how you expect based on those videos. My impression of the game is that this game is just fucking sick! This is all I'll be playing and easily will put 200 hours into this game. And I'm pretty confident most of you guys will agree with me. Time will tell of course but I'll be happy to say I told you so.
What other people attended this event? Other big website writers? Was this a preview event?

Give us something negative about the game. I bet the menus were laggy. The lip syncing was probably not all there. The hair was last gen. Something! :p


Sounds good to me. I really want to believe CDPR when they say that they aren't just going to fill the world with MMO fetch quests. The "200 hours" they keep propping up makes me a bit concerned on that front though.
Glad to hear you liked what you saw, but you might want to tone it down a bit, OP. All this GOTY talk while just having played a tiny snippety portion of the game makes it really hard for me to take anything you said seriously.
Naturally, at an event like this the developer/publisher would only let you play parts of the game they feel absolutely confident about. They want you to be hyped.
What I've seen of the game so far looks fantastic and I can't wait to read a more thoughtful report on the demo they showed at the event. The game certainly looks like it deserves more than just a hype piece.
Sometimes you get that instant GOTY feeling. I had it when I played Wolfenstein back in Sept 2013
but I forgot to say it was a GOTY contender!
. You play the game at an event and shout out loud: "THIS IS A GOTY!". Then someone looks at you and replies, "dude everyone has facial hair. Overrated anyway".


That "200 hours" thing is not a positive. Do you think will be another shitty Dragon Age: Inquisition of Quantity > Quality and a huge amount of meaningless fetch quests and side quests throughout the whole game? Or do you think it is going to have a more focused story.

more does not always equal better when it comes to hours played.

Nothing about thus game will be like DA I.

Serious disservice as far as I'm concerned bring up that focus group crap in this conversation.


Some comparisons to TW2's combat system detailing the areas of improvement would've been nice. That's my only concern at this point.


I got grudge sucked!
The cynicism in this thread is approaching DEFCON 1 levels. I don't blame anyone talking a mostly positive preview with a grain of salt, but this isn't the first mostly positive user preview I've read on GAF either. Its not so much the scrutiny that bothers me, its the derision.
Has the OP been tarred and feathered as a corporate shill yet?


Never played this series, or a WRPG for that matter. But I just watched this video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N4ony2r0QFs) and man this game looks good. I think the combat system seems fluid enough that I am willing to give this game a crack.

Do I need to know anything from the previous games to play this? Or can I jump right in? I saw the recap trailer a few minutes ago btw.


Never played this series, or a WRPG for that matter. But I just watched this video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N4ony2r0QFs) and man this game looks good. I think the combat system seems fluid enough that I am willing to give this game a crack.

Do I need to know anything from the previous games to play this? Or can I jump right in? I saw the recap trailer a few minutes ago btw.

You'd certainly get more out of the story if you've played the games and read the books. However, the dev has promised that its not necessary and the game will get you up to speed on the important stuff.


The cynicism in this thread is approaching DEFCON 1 levels. I don't blame anyone talking a mostly positive preview with a grain of salt, but this isn't the first mostly positive user preview I've read on GAF either. Its not so much the scrutiny that bothers me, its the derision.
Has the OP been tarred and feathered as a corporate shill yet?

I think people have been burned last year with a lot of shitty broken games.

A random dude making a thread saying " hey guys, I got to play W3 early and won't tell you anything about the game, but its fucking amazing, definitely Got!!! " is going to be met with scepticism.

There *are* reasons to be wary as well, not least the game being delayed twice and needing 6 months of polishing even though it's apparently complete.

You also can't tell how janky the combat is looking at those videos.


You'd certainly get more out of the story if you've played the games and read the books. However, the dev has promised that its not necessary and the game will get you up to speed on the important stuff.

The combat in older games seems clunky so I don't think I could put myself through those. And don't really have the patience for books lol.

Is there a chance that this game will get a demo to try it out first? Would like to double check the combat looking at the comments in this thread.
I agree that the games so far have been awesome & I've got a pre-order for the CE of the new one. I'm excited, I'm hyped, I want it.

But there are a few comments in this thread (including the OP) that feel like PR. Could just be me being paranoid, but there it is.

I'm sure it's that shady dev CD Projekt Red sending out their mighty astro turfing army.



Finished Witcher 1, couldn’t make it through Witcher 2, so I am looking for something good with Witcher 3. I can live with the 50hr main storyline and 100 for everything claim, cause it usually takes me much longer, cause I get distracted and wander around. I’m not a completionist, I’ll do the side quests if they look interesting or can be done quick. Some of the DA:I quests ones aren’t required but in order to get XP they pretty much are required, wasn’t too thrilled about that, but at least most of them were okay. Basically, I don’t want a lot of padding, and if I want to blaze through the story then I hope that is an option.
I went to a pasta house, it was so amazing. They gave me a menu when I sat down and I ordered a meal, which is an incredibly smooth experience. There was pasta on my plate when it came and the waiter was in white and black, a very formal experience if I do say! One might point to a little Italian house as a source of inspiration. The pasta was great! The sauce was better than you could cook at home, no doubt. I will definitely be going back!

That pasta sounds super! I haven't eaten that pasta yet, but I'm sure that pasta will be my pasta of the year!

Yeah, bash (fuck) some game from Eastern Europe,.. but if it's a PS4 exlusive, then no can't say anything negative about it

Yes, because console exclusives, particularly those from Sony, are invulnerable to criticism on this forum. In fact, I've never seen anybody post anything negative about the Order.

Just today I saw people on other forum refer to gaf as SonyGAF :)
And yeah, it kinda fits

Oh, man.
So when someone says something good about the Witcher games, then it's automatically suspicious... but if it would be about some game from Naughty Dog, then it would be all gooood, right?..

Yeah, bash (fuck) some game from Eastern Europe,.. but if it's a PS4 exlusive, then no can't say anything negative about it
The OP and his impressions are not really insightful and detailed, but for those we need to wait till 26th, but just because he didn't mentioned anything negative (well, he played only 3 hours), it automacally means he is doing a PR thing for CD Projekt Red.. yeah, you can't find logic on Neogaf

Just today I saw people on other forum refer to gaf as SonyGAF :)
And yeah, it kinda fits

The game has been delayed several times, and someone who apparently worked on the project (I think vetted by bish) came on GAF months ago and said it was in development hell and the previews have been misleading. There are real reasons to be cautious here, beyond "lolz SonyGAF."


The combat in older games seems clunky so I don't think I could put myself through those. And don't really have the patience for books lol.

Is there a chance that this game will get a demo to try it out first? Would like to double check the combat looking at the comments in this thread.

Yeah, I don't blame you, the first game is particularly difficult to go back to these days. I'd be shocked if there was a demo, they are so rare these days.
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