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The Witcher 3 is now the Most Awarded game of all time. (Currently at 251 awards)


I'm just saying 2015 didn't have 2 widely well received games like 2013 had.

I'm trying to understand what you mean tho.
MGSV, Bloodborne, Tomb Raider, Fallout 4, Arkham Knight, Syndicate? To my knowledge it had 3, maybe 4.


None of them is on the same level as GTA5, it was a huge consensus, just like TLOU.

I forgot GTAV came out the same year as Last of Us. '13 was stacked. Wow.
It's among the best games of all time, so totally deserved. Congrats CDPR.

Why are people, again, bringing up BB in this thread? It's not even remotely comparable.


It's among the best games of all time, so totally deserved. Congrats CDPR.

Why are people, again, bringing up BB in this thread? It's not even remotely comparable.
I think you mean Bloodbored.


I think people are simply more inclined to give the new dog its bone. Dark Souls had its day and Bloodborne isn't enough of an iteration/evolution, as good as it is. It didn't excite on the same level. At least for me.

That's part of why I overall preferred TW3 to BB. Sure, I loved BB and it's a great game. It does some pretty cool things to mix the Souls formula up, but it's still too close to the other games to really blow me away like TW3 did. I'm getting more Souls which is great because the base formula is so great, but it's the 4th game in 6 years using the same kind of template (and it came only one year after the last one, and now there's a fifth one just around the corner). I know what to expect for the most part at this point.


I'm trying to understand what you mean tho.
MGSV, Bloodborne, Tomb Raider, Fallout 4, Arkham Knight, Syndicate? To my knowledge it had 3, maybe 4.

None of them is on the same level as GTA5, it was a huge consensus, just like TLOU.

TW3 is also a big consensus, but any other game on this list is not, besides BB which it not mainstream enough.


I mean, that's obviously impressive, but isn't that mostly because of the ever-growing cottage industry of gaming awards? The next really well-received will probably break the record for the same reason.


could never
So deserved.

Just finished up Heart of Stone, waiting for Blood and Wine. Easily the best RPG I've ever played I adore it. Most def in my top 5 games of all time.

News Bot

Easily one of my top 10 games of all time, and definitely within the top 5. Brilliant in every way. I've seen some people rag on the combat but I've never had an issue and have a lot of fun with it.

I'm still playing Hearts of Stone,
just passed the wedding (amazing and incredibly entertaining segment)
, and jesus christ no other game in history delivers such consistent quality while remaining fun and interesting all at the same time. It just hits every single right note.


Truly well deserved. Well done and thank you, CD Projekt Red.

This game might not be perfect. It has flaws but nothing major and could be fixed if they ever do an Enhanced Edition. I've played about 200 hours now and the things that bother me most are:

  • Act I, Novigrad, that was the roughest part of the game for me. You go there to speak to Triss to try find Ciri, Triss tells you to speak to Corrine, who points you towards Dandelion but you find Zoltan instead, while looking for Dandelion you need to go talk to 6 contacts of Dandelion, one of them points you to Priscilla, she helps you find Dudu who you need to rescue Dandelion. What the hell? I nearly gave up
  • NPC's aren't unique unless they are important characters. You will see the same NPC in one town as an armorer and then a merchant in another. They all have the same clothes, hair, and faces. Needs to be more unique.
  • Body animations during cutscenes are re used. It's the same set of hand motions just re used over and over again.

Those are the main issues I have with the game. The last 2 aren't that bad but the story section really isn't all that great. Other than that I love the game. Everything else is just so well done. Witcher 3 is one of the few games that I can just get lost in. At times I struggle to play a game for 1-2 hours but I can play for 9-10 hours straight in The Witcher 3. After I finished it last year about a month after launch I needed more so read the books and played the other games. Bought it again on PS4 and going through it all again and I'm having way more fun this time. The game keeps impressing me. I can't believe how much I missed out the first time and it's a game that you definitely need to play more than once. I haven't even got around to the expansions yet. Hearts of Stone looks fun and Blood & Wine is gonna be crazy.

Can't wait to see where CD Projekt Red go in the future. Cyberpunk 2077 will be something special.


I'm confused.

what kind of awards are these?

Overall GOTY awards.

This is not a completely sound comparison. Competition from other games released in the same year could be completely different.

Note: I'm not trying to take anything away from The Witcher. I love the game as you can see from my avatar, but TLoU had a far bigger competitor in GTAV (160 awards) than anything released last year.

True, but you can never get a completely sound comparison unless both games were released in the same year. At least looking at it with the total number of awards in mind is better then just looking at the raw numbers.


Congrats on being the most mainstream appealing game of the year 2015.

For example, 2 years ago Shadow of Mordor and Dragon Age Inquisition were the most mainstream appealing games, and that's pretty cool. And then you have Skyrim in 2011.

I think it's awesome that a wide audience got to experience these games that appeal to a wide audience and so I'd like to once again give props to The Witcher 3, Shadow of Mordor and Dragon Age Inquisition and Skyrim for being Western RPGs that appeal to a wide audience and getting all these mainstream awards from the mainstream.
I officially give out the following three awards:

* The Last Of Us - GOTY for best use of a car crash in a non car racing game.
* The Last Of Us - GOTY for being most underrated award, ultimately for having less awards in the future than TW3
* The Last Of Us - GOTY for all these awards are complete bullshit award, for having the most awards that are completely made up bullshit, because anybody could make a site and give out a title.

The last award might need a snappier title. I would nickname it the "bullshittery".

So, sorry TW3, second place again. Your move.


I officially give out the following three awards:

* The Last Of Us - Best use of a car crash in a non car racing game.
* The Last Of Us - Most underrated award, for having less awards than TW3
* The Last Of Us - All these awards are complete bullshit award, for having the most awards that are completely made up bullshit, because several dubious outlets give awards like "Best of E3" to like 20 games and ever single on of them gets counted by publishers. Case in point https://www.origin.com/en-au/store/...arfare/pc-download/base-game/standard-edition which lists PvZ as "10 awards, including best of E3!" which was made by this site in Russia, with 10 other games.

The last award might need a snappier title. I would nickname it the "bullshittery".

So, sorry TW3, second place again. Your move.

The Last of Us is underrated? haha alright then. Good one.


Deserved, but let's face it if MGSV, FO4 and Batman weren't huge disappointment it wouldn't have got probably half of them.


Congrats on being the most mainstream appealing game of the year 2015.

For example, 2 years ago Shadow of Mordor and Dragon Age Inquisition were the most mainstream appealing games, and that's pretty cool. And then you have Skyrim in 2011.

I think it's awesome that a wide audience got to experience these games that appeal to a wide audience and so I'd like to once again give props to The Witcher 3, Shadow of Mordor and Dragon Age Inquisition and Skyrim for being Western RPGs that appeal to a wide audience and getting all these mainstream awards from the mainstream.

A little salty aren't we?

DA:I won in a shitty year, this year was excellent (even if TW3 didn't have GTA5 to go against), TW3 is an amazing game, mainstream or not.

Deserved, but let's face it if MGSV, FO4 and Batman weren't huge disappointment it wouldn't have got probably half of them.
It would still most probably win but yea, it wouldn't be such a huge consenses, the competition was great, but not as great.
Deserved, but let's face it if MGSV, FO4 and Batman weren't huge disappointment it wouldn't have got probably half of them.

So you are saying if other games were much better, it wouldn't have won as many awards.

I would say you are correct, but Dragon Age Inquisitions.


Congrats on being the most mainstream appealing game of the year 2015.

For example, 2 years ago Shadow of Mordor and Dragon Age Inquisition were the most mainstream appealing games, and that's pretty cool. And then you have Skyrim in 2011.

I think it's awesome that a wide audience got to experience these games that appeal to a wide audience and so I'd like to once again give props to The Witcher 3, Shadow of Mordor and Dragon Age Inquisition and Skyrim for being Western RPGs that appeal to a wide audience and getting all these mainstream awards from the mainstream.

I hated DA:I, thought Mordor was average, and thought Skyrim was some good but mostly bad. The Witcher 3 is much, much better than all those games easily and shouldn't be ignored just because it happened to be popular.


It would still most probably win but yea, it wouldn't be such a huge consenses, the competition was great, but not as great.

Agreed it probably would have won, but not as much awards

literally all AAA huge game beside Witcher 3 were huge disappointments to their fans and media.

and Undertale and BB a4ren't mainstream enough to compete.

So you are saying if other games were much better, it wouldn't have won as many awards.

I would say you are correct, but Dragon Age Inquisitions.

what about it? Dark Souls 2 is niche compared to it and other great games were on the Wii U the failure of a system that only Nintendo fans bought and the likes of me.

DA(which I hate so much and what a waste of my money) was the highlight of AAA gaming in it's year for the mainstream on the PS4/X1 consoles.


sputum-flecked apoplexy
Congrats on being the most mainstream appealing game of the year 2015.

For example, 2 years ago Shadow of Mordor and Dragon Age Inquisition were the most mainstream appealing games, and that's pretty cool. And then you have Skyrim in 2011.

I think it's awesome that a wide audience got to experience these games that appeal to a wide audience and so I'd like to once again give props to The Witcher 3, Shadow of Mordor and Dragon Age Inquisition and Skyrim for being Western RPGs that appeal to a wide audience and getting all these mainstream awards from the mainstream.

i need a gasmask to protect me from these fumes


Congrats on being the most mainstream appealing game of the year 2015.

For example, 2 years ago Shadow of Mordor and Dragon Age Inquisition were the most mainstream appealing games, and that's pretty cool. And then you have Skyrim in 2011.

I think it's awesome that a wide audience got to experience these games that appeal to a wide audience and so I'd like to once again give props to The Witcher 3, Shadow of Mordor and Dragon Age Inquisition and Skyrim for being Western RPGs that appeal to a wide audience and getting all these mainstream awards from the mainstream.

This thread, keep 'em coming guys :lol
Congrats on being the most mainstream appealing game of the year 2015.

For example, 2 years ago Shadow of Mordor and Dragon Age Inquisition were the most mainstream appealing games, and that's pretty cool. And then you have Skyrim in 2011.

I think it's awesome that a wide audience got to experience these games that appeal to a wide audience and so I'd like to once again give props to The Witcher 3, Shadow of Mordor and Dragon Age Inquisition and Skyrim for being Western RPGs that appeal to a wide audience and getting all these mainstream awards from the mainstream.

Yeah, the majority of the awards - a lot of them from outlets many of us won't even read - will always go to a mainstream, multi million dollar AAA game. It's pretty meaningless in the end.

I mean, it's nice that a medium like the The New Yorker looks a bit further than games with budgets in the tens of millions and tons of marketing behind it (see their 2015 list here) and it's great that a niche but mechanically rich Japanese game like Bayonetta 2 gets recognized on GAF and in EDGE instead of shallow, by the numbers stuff like Shadow of Mordor), but in general indies and Japanese games don't stand a chance in mainstream lists. At least not in the majority of them.


Agreed it probably would have won, but not as much awards

literally all AAA huge game beside Witcher 3 were huge disappointments to their fans and media.

and Undertale and BB a4ren't mainstream enough to compete.

Well MGS5 did well critically, but it was reviewed mostly under Konami's event, most of the critics didn't even know there is no act 3 and a true ending and that the story is that poor, only after they realized it they began bashing it and express their disappointment.
But that's just a case of a poor journalism more than anything (I hope this review events shit will end some day), and the fan base was obviously very disappointed once they played enough of it.

TW3 is the only game which had a big consenses among media and the fans alike, besides BB, that's true.

Hahaha holy shit!

Congrats on being the most mainstream appealing game of the year 2015.

For example, 2 years ago Shadow of Mordor and Dragon Age Inquisition were the most mainstream appealing games, and that's pretty cool. And then you have Skyrim in 2011.

I think it's awesome that a wide audience got to experience these games that appeal to a wide audience and so I'd like to once again give props to The Witcher 3, Shadow of Mordor and Dragon Age Inquisition and Skyrim for being Western RPGs that appeal to a wide audience and getting all these mainstream awards from the mainstream.

Lmao dude, just because something is mainstream doesn't mean it can't be awesome and critically acclaimed.
Look at Mad Max for Hollywood last year.

The amount of meltdown salt in your post gave me a good chuckle though, so thanks!


Well deserved. Put a lot of hours into the game and Blood & Wine will probably increase those hours. Love the game.


Well MGS5 did well critically, but it was reviewed mostly under Konami's event, most of the critics didn't even know there is no act 3 and a true ending and that the story is that poor, only after they realized it they began bashing it and express their disappointment.
But that's just a case of a poor journalism more than anything, and the fan base was obviously very disappointed.

TW3 is the only game which had a big consenses among media and the fans alike, besides BB, that's true.
Nope. There were less than 20 reviews that went up when the game launched, if I remember correctly. Most sites actually waited days to finish the incredibly long game to publish reviews. And it still won considerably more awards than previous MGS games. Can you name any notable websites and critics that started to bash the game post release? Cause I haven't seen this happen personally.
As someone who didn't like the gameplay of any of the Witcher games, is there a way to enjoy the story in its most complete form without having to deal with the gameplay?

Half tempted to cheat engine my way through the three games.


As someone who didn't like the gameplay of any of the Witcher games, is there a way to enjoy the story in its most complete form without having to deal with the gameplay?

Half tempted to cheat engine my way through the three games.

I absolutely hated the second game from a gameplay prospective and it almost made my skip Wild Hunt

Ended up absolutely loving it, the combat is totally fine and much more approchable than in the past
Lmao dude, just because something is mainstream doesn't mean it can't be awesome and critically acclaimed.
Look at Mad Max for Hollywood last year.

Mad Max should have won way more awards (and film criticism is more mature than games criticism in general), but look at it the other way round: an awesome game that isn't mainstream will never win many awards. Sure, there are exceptions like Sterling giving it to Undertale, but I bet tons of these media don't even know that game, let alone played it.

What this is in the end is mainstream media praising mainstreams games. That doesn't mean mainstream games can't be good, but it does mean that more niche games, being indie, Japanese or both, never stand a chance.


Nope. There were less than 20 reviews that went up when the game launched, if I remember correctly. Most sites actually waited days to finish the incredibly long game to publish reviews. And it still won considerably more awards than previous MGS games. Can you name any notable websites and critics that started to bash the game post release? Cause I haven't seen this happen personally.

Hmm I remember only very few decided not to review it based on that event, the majority of the sites had their review at launch based on the event.

I'm talking more about podcasts and stuff, obviously most reviewers didn't change their score after completing the game, it would have seem even more embarrssing than giving it a score without finishing it based on a revirew event in the first place.

Mad Max should have won way more awards (and film criticism is more mature than games criticism in general), but look at it the other way round: an awesome game that isn't mainstream will never win many awards. Sure, there are exceptions like Sterling giving it to Undertale, but I bet tons of these media don't even know that game, let alone played it.

What this is in the end is mainstream media praising mainstreams games. That doesn't mean mainstream games can't be good, but it does mean that more niche games, being indie, Japanese or both, never stand a chance.
That's true, BB couldn't win no matter what, don't forget that there are tons of non gaming outlets who give their awards, these guys really played mostly mainstream stuff.

But still, the dude made it seem like any mainstream game that gets an award is shit, this is nonsense obviously, most games that got their GOTY (unless it was a really weak year like with DA:I) are actually very good, mainstream or not.

hemo memo

Lmao dude, just because something is mainstream doesn't mean it can't be awesome and critically acclaimed.
Look at Mad Max for Hollywood last year.

The amount of meltdown salt in your post gave me a good chuckle though, so thanks!

Call of Duty? FIFA? Assassin's Creed? GTA? Most didn't know or played any of the Witcher games or know the series before this one.
Mad Max should have won way more awards (and film criticism is more mature than games criticism in general), but look at it the other way round: an awesome game that isn't mainstream will never win many awards. Sure, there are exceptions like Sterling giving it to Undertale, but I bet tons of these media don't even know that game, let alone played it.

What this is in the end is mainstream media praising mainstreams games. That doesn't mean mainstream games can't be good, but it does mean that more niche games, being indie, Japanese or both, never stand a chance.

Well that's just a whole other argument isn't it?
Yeah it's hard to stop the well done AAA games from sweeping up at the end of the year from the mainstream outlets, (even then the poor ones like DA:I win) but we still get some gems here and there shaking things up.

Look at how The Walking Dead S1 AND Journey cleaned house when they came out.
Games like Undertale win a lot of awards too.

The cream almost always rises and gets recognition in some form even if its not universally acknowledged which is ok too.

Call of Duty? FIFA? Assassin's Creed? GTA? Most didn't know or played any of the Witcher games or know the series before this one.

Yeah of course I'm in agreement, it's no where near as popular as those games but that's just an obvious statement now.
Nobody can deny CDPR where aiming for the big time with TW3, in terms of budget and marketing and they still made a near flawless game that defied a lot of mainstream WRPG conventions which was amazing.
Question to all the Bloodborne fans criticizing Witcher 3 for it's combat.

If Bloodborne is so good, how come you can't create a player like NBA2K16?


Hmm I remember only very few decided not to review it based on that event, the majority of the sites had their review at launch based on the event.

I'm talking more about podcasts and stuff, obviously most reviewers didn't change their score after completing the game, it would have seem even more embarrssing than giving it a score without finishing it based on a revirew event in the first place.
The majority of 80+ reviews definitely did not go up immediately. And again, it did better at end of the year awards than previous games which is a bit more substantial than podcasts and 'not changing scores to avoid embarrassment'.


Mad Max should have won way more awards (and film criticism is more mature than games criticism in general), but look at it the other way round: an awesome game that isn't mainstream will never win many awards. Sure, there are exceptions like Sterling giving it to Undertale, but I bet tons of these media don't even know that game, let alone played it.

What this is in the end is mainstream media praising mainstreams games. That doesn't mean mainstream games can't be good, but it does mean that more niche games, being indie, Japanese or both, never stand a chance.

In terms of winners, big games still dominate, but if you comb top 10 lists of the big mainstream outlets, more and more niche games find their way there. There were a lot of niche games that got attention last year.
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