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There is a non-consumer SSD that is faster than the PS5 SSD



Why Xbox fans are now hiding behind SSDs which are working in RAID? Prettx much Discord XboxERA members or from Xbox Discord are the same and with same purpose: spreading FUD

Same crap like AORUS SSD with 4 Phison controllers with RAID setup = 15 GB/s read speed.
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I didn't even know SX required an SSD. Has it always been that way?
It is not required but it is near unplayable... in most cases it didn’t even pass the loading screen with music.

I mean “near” because there are some very fast HDD and hybrid that can run the game with very very slow loading.
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But yet PC games aren't programmed to take advantage of faster SSD drives (except Star Citizen)like these consoles can cause of still needing to support old 5400rpm drives LMAO!

Yeah, for the low, low price of an arm and a fucking leg! "pie_tears_joy:

But for us normies the PC doesn't have a standard m.2 NVMe drive that is faster than PS5...yet...


The PS5 SSD is far ahead of anything that you can buy in any PC for any amount of money right now.”

we all know that this is factually incorrect. Also, why does he even say RIGHT NOW? Can I buy the PS5 RIGHT NOW?
This doesn’t make any sense. We all know that at launch much faster SSDs will be available.
This whole crap just sounds to me like marketing.
we had the same with PS4 back then.


we all know that this is factually incorrect. Also, why does he even say RIGHT NOW? Can I buy the PS5 RIGHT NOW?
This doesn’t make any sense. We all know that at launch much faster SSDs will be available.
This whole crap just sounds to me like marketing.
we had the same with PS4 back then.

There’ll certainly be much faster drives than Xsex has. And with the proprietary interface, Xsex is stuck with that all gen.

Faster drives just hook up to Sony’s decompressor and 22Gb/s is on the table - that’ll be sweet.


Gold Member
we all know that this is factually incorrect. Also, why does he even say RIGHT NOW? Can I buy the PS5 RIGHT NOW?
This doesn’t make any sense. We all know that at launch much faster SSDs will be available.
This whole crap just sounds to me like marketing.
we had the same with PS4 back then.
Of course it's marketing but it's also a boast of the speed differences, consoles have been trapped using low speed 5,400rpm 2.5'' Hard Drives for over 15 years now, keep in mind at the time they were not even a requirement for games to use so they still had to focus on Disc Read Speed, but even by THEN standards 5,400rpm wasn't good for the average PC user, that was 7,200rpm. So for this generation consoles have gone from a 5,400rpm Hard Drive (where initially it wasn't a requirement for game devs to design for), skipping past 7,200rpm, skipping past 10,000rpm, skipping SATAII and SATAIII SSD's and landed straight into what WILL still be considered high range for PC at the time of release.

Great Hair

Linus uploaded a video not long ago where he whined, cried for help, wanting to step down, he had enough of Youtube .... and here is now shilling for intel like a good boy, promoting "platform wars again", etc.

I guess, every Youtube is a sl#t to some degree. One who´s into clicks&views!

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8 drives on raid that doesn't sound like a good idea.

Even with that and the massive price, didn't someone say it is 24GB/s theoretical max? While ps5 is 22 GB/s theoretical max? iirc the kraken can compress geometry near 3:1 that means billions of triangles are transfered at a 16.5GB/s speed. The latency and real world output is still likely higher than this on ps5. There are also likely less reliability issues than you'll get with 8x raid.

we all know that this is factually incorrect. Also, why does he even say RIGHT NOW? Can I buy the PS5 RIGHT NOW?
This doesn’t make any sense. We all know that at launch much faster SSDs will be available.
This whole crap just sounds to me like marketing.
we had the same with PS4 back then.
The ps5 is faster than any single drive. Even these latest raid drives are barely faster theoretically but not really in the real world.


"Stumble"? Linus knew the point he was making from the beginning.

Was his point to be misleading? Because he contradicted himself, bashing Sweeney because some PC drives have a higher peak read speed, but then eventually also mentioning that gains become CPU bound - the point of the IO complex - without ascribing that very point to the PS5 trying to work around that.

When did MS claim that their SSD was faster than any existing PC SSD? pardon me if I missed it, but I don't follow every single comment made.

I'm not trying to start console wars, i'm just saying, the PS5 and XSX SSD are both very fast in the console world. Making a thread to point out that PC has a better part than console is redundant. We all know what Sweeney said and we all know there's always a faster/better/stronger alternative.

It's like saying the Bugatti Veyron is the fastest car on Earth, it's not, the ones that broke the landspeed record is/are.

Not been shitty by quoting myself, just lazy
That's why I would rather listen to Tim than a YouTuber. There is absolutely an SSD out there that is faster than the PS5/XBSX SSDs. There are GPU's out there that output more TF than a 2080ti. But, who the hell in their right mind would spec out their engine, their game, to target a SSD and GPU that is outside of any consumer reach?

I side with Tim. Cause I think Tim is talking a bit more than just SSD. I think there are other things he takes into consideration when making that statement. Tim has actually worked on the hardware. He's coded on the hardware. He has hands on experience. Also, Tim is right. It is the fastest right now. As far as I'm concerned it's plain ridiculous to even consider that $4000/$5000 SSD as "consumer" or as even being in the same category.

Edit: at this point, most people are just mad at Playstation, and Tim, it really just boils down to Fanboy wars. :messenger_tears_of_joy: You guys crack me up. I'm going to believe the people who have hands on experience with hardware, development, and architecture over some guy who read documents online, or runs benchmarks, or watches a bunch of youtube videos. Training to fight is not the same as fighting.
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Was his point to be misleading? Because he contradicted himself, bashing Sweeney because some PC drives have a higher peak read speed, but then eventually also mentioning that gains become CPU bound - the point of the IO complex - without ascribing that very point to the PS5 trying to work around that.

What makes you think CPU Bound is a problem on PC? that's where you case fails. I/O means nothing.

He showcased the fastest SSD solution on PC and that's raw uncompressed, he could slam that 64 ryzen to work to do 6x probably what kraken does + more.

About budgets etc, u can straight up just raid 2 of those 970 evo's of what 90 bucks? and get faster performance then the PS5? or just wait on the 980 to arrive and already be done with 1, which will release before PS5.

No amount of spinning makes the PS5 superior towards PC.


OP posts screams "gaiz gaiz look see!!! Ps5 ssd not fastezzz. Gotcha! ;)"

Bruh this shit isnt even in the market for the average consumer. And PS5 is more than just ssd speed.

Nice try though lmfao


He showcased the fastest SSD solution on PC and that's raw uncompressed, he could slam that 64 ryzen to work to do 6x probably what kraken does + more.

If your answer here is 64 Ryzen cores at 250 watts and $3990 for the CPU alone, that's a pretty great showing for the IO complex, isn't it? The higher core counts also come with lower per-core performance which is still important to gaming, and besides that almost no one in the addressable gaming market has that. If the answers here are blown up extreme examples of multi thousand dollar solutions for the CPU and SSD alone, that kind of tells me dedicated offload achieving this in a maybe 500 dollar console has some merit.

What makes you think CPU Bound is a problem on PC? that's where you case fails. I/O means nothing.

The fact that you can have an SSD ten times as fast as a HDD but only load a game twice as fast. In your own words, what causes that?

About budgets etc, u can straight up just raid 2 of those 970 evo's of what 90 bucks? and get faster performance then the PS5? or just wait on the 980 to arrive and already be done with 1, which will release before PS5.

And now with your budget solution you're not offloading check in's, DMAs, compression, and so on, pushing the load back to a more budget CPU...Which is the whole point being worked around. Just like Linus, this is talking around it not being about peak read speed, but end utility.
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Gold Member
holy fuckin shit

How much does one of these cost? That is insanely fast
Surely a lot. And a lot more durable.

I remember talking to my IT guy just asking random stuff as the server room is behind a security door. Supposedly those typical 2TB HDD you buy at Best Buy for $100 could costs $1,000s even though the space is the same.

I asked why and he said it's all about durability. Big businesses need this shit working all the time, so it's worth paying way more for something what won't break down.


Gold Member
but I'm just here for the games, so I can't lose. R-right...?
You really wont, you will notice a boost all round, hell hopefully some devs will opt their games to load as fast as old school cartridge games. At the bare minimum fighting game won't take like 40+ seconds to load into a fight :p


Which is exactly the same as someone requiring 60 fps: not an actual requirement

A game freezing mid gameplay for 20 seconds is not comparable to 30 vs 60 FPS.

SSDs will allow game designers create styles of games and gameplay that are not possible without them.

You could remake a version of the game that has designated zones for non-SSD versions, but that's limiting the visions game designers can have when they know the game has access to SSDs.
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Sure. Let me know when I can buy one and I’ll plug it right into PS5 and enjoy.

I’d do the same for Xsex but MS locked that system down with an inferior SSD and proprietary expansions smh
how much are you expecting a bigger replacement drive for PS5 to be? out of curiosity
Tim said no faster SSD was available at any price so it ie relevant

There isnt. This is a raid set up. You can do the same thing and get a theoretical bandwidth higher than the PS5 yourself.

Doesn't change the fact that there isn't a single SSD faster than the PS5s just like there isn't a single GPU faster than the 2080ti even though you csn theoretically get more performance through SLI using weaker cards
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we all know that this is factually incorrect. Also, why does he even say RIGHT NOW? Can I buy the PS5 RIGHT NOW?
This doesn’t make any sense. We all know that at launch much faster SSDs will be available.
This whole crap just sounds to me like marketing.
we had the same with PS4 back then.

Hows that incorrect? PC = Personal Computer, the device in the video is an enterprise raid card.

Of course its marketing...

Some of you are going too far to shit on the PS5. It's sad really stick to your one console, I'll he enjoying all the games I can on different systems.


yeah... Cuz the Xbox needs "damage control" :rolleyes:

This thread is proof in itself.
Someone's ego had to find $3k computer part to compete with a potentially $500 console.
That's just sad. (I won't put that one the xboxfans, more on the surprising fragile PC MAster race.)

But to try and post it here like a GOTHA moment.

How I imagine the people in the xbox discord.

xbox4eva: Hey guys, no one cares about TF's anymore, how can we knock PS down a notch?

boxISlife: I know, remember when that one guy said the ps5 SSD is the fastest, well i found a video about a super niche product that cost 6x as much as any console is likely to cost, but it has numbers that add up to be faster then the PS5 SSD. The Sony fanboys will bow to the power of the cloud! Xbox one cereal X. I WILL MAKE A POST THAT WILL DESTORY THE SONY BRAND!!! MUHAHAHAHAHAHA!!

Can't impress many people with what you have, so you have to knock the competition to make yourself look better.
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This thread is proof in itself.
Someone's ego had to find $3k computer part to compete with a potentially $500 console.
That's just sad. (I won't put that one the xboxfans, more on the surprising fragile PC MAster race.)

But to try and post it here like a GOTHA moment.

How I imagine the people in the xbox discord.

xbox4eva: Hey guys, no one cares about TF's anymore, how can we knock PS down a notch?

boxISlife: I know, remember when that one guy said the ps5 SSD is the fastest, well i found a video about a super niche product that cost 6x as much as any console is likely to cost, but it has numbers that add up to be faster then the PS5 SSD. The Sony fanboys will bow to the power of the cloud! Xbox one cereal X. I WILL MAKE A POST THAT WILL DESTORY THE SONY BRAND!!! MUHAHAHAHAHAHA!!

Can't impress many people with what you have, so you have to knock the competition to make yourself look better.

So this is damage control but hundreds of replies over anonymous dev tweets and trying to push some narrative that a weaker GPU is better for devs than a stronger GPU isn't?

You said it, more TFs should be enough. I agree. On the slip side, faster SSD/better I/O should be enough for the other side. I see the spin from both angles.

Also, I gotta say, I think you guys mention the "Discord of Evil" more often than the dorks who are in that discord group actually post in it.


Also, I gotta say, I think you guys mention the "Discord of Evil" more often than the dorks who are in that discord group actually post in it.

How do you know ? are you one of them !!!!!

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So this is damage control but hundreds of replies over anonymous dev tweets and trying to push some narrative that a weaker GPU is better for devs than a stronger GPU isn't?

You said it, more TFs should be enough. I agree. On the slip side, faster SSD/better I/O should be enough for the other side. I see the spin from both angles.

Also, I gotta say, I think you guys mention the "Discord of Evil" more often than the dorks who are in that discord group actually post in it.

Why do you keep pushing this dumbass narrative
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