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TheSameCoin Rumor: DriveClub delayed till 2014

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No, but you have already painted from several angles how bad this news is, then you can't believe when others say they can accept it at this point? It will be better for the game... "the face of the racing genre at PS4 launch" as you put it will now have to be the"face of the racing genre at PS4 launch window."

Maybe it's just not as big a deal for many of us as you want it to be. You can't keep trying to convince users this is a big deal. They have their own opinions about how bad this news is and probably aren't going to change their mind based on your this is how bad it is scenarios.

If it's not a big deal to you then that's fine. I'm not trying to change people's opinion when it comes to the game itself. I just find the "were people actually getting a PS4 for this game" posts funny since it makes that group seem silly just for being interested in a different game and/or genre. There were people who made the game a reason for getting a PS4.

Same is obviously true for Forza on the Xbox One. I would be saying the same thing if that game got delayed with people making similar responses.
The could always pay a third party developer to move one of their launch titles to Plus. I know it is extremely unlikely and it would not be an exclusive title but it would definitely go along way to alleviate any bad press they get for the delay.

I bet EA is begging for Sony to call so they can pawn NBA Live on them.


Fair point team building and moral he seems great at. But managing the teams seems suspect. And it's not just the Drive Club news it's the vita situation it's the allocation or resources etc.

P.S. thanks for a decent reply instead of personal attack or a silly gif..

Silly comments require silly gifs, after all....



"GAF's biggest wanker"
So a delay isn't going to cause some to wait to get a PS4 -- possibly even doing so after the games are released?
So, fickle customers is what you're concerned about? People who apparently were deadset on getting a console at launch for a couple of games but if those games get short delays they suddenly don't even care if they get a console until sometime after the games they wanted are finally available? Yeah, sure, those kind of people exist, but in what numbers?

I'm not trying to say that this will be the "worst thing ever" but I just don't see how some can dismiss it like it's not important.
Because it's the kind of last minute jockeying for position that's par for course with every console launch. It's not that the delay is unimportant, it's just not out of the ordinary. If you'r buying a console at launch and not factoring for these kinds of circumstances, you really shouldn't be buying at launch in the first place.
If it's not a big deal to you then that's fine. I'm not trying to change people's opinion when it comes to the game itself. I just find the "were people actually getting a PS4 for this game" posts funny since it makes that group seem silly just for being interested in a different game and/or genre. There were people who made the game a reason for getting a PS4.

Same is obviously true for Forza on the Xbox One. I would be saying the same thing if that game got delayed with people making similar responses.

Fair enough bro, cheers ;)
I've been attacked a 1000 times about this. But a serious question, 2 first party launch games for the PS4 a severe 1st party drought on the vita.

If Shu isn't responsible who is? I know he's a cool guy and all. but why do these issues exist when Sony has the biggest and best 1st party in the industry?

The world is an imperfect place. Sometimes things just don't work out as planned.

You don't have to put somebody's neck in a noose every time you hit a bump in the road. That's actually a pretty poor way to run a company.
At the end of the day this delay is a good thing. Why?

*Launch line up is packed with Battlefield 4 and CoD giving little breathing room for anything else.
*Most likely the game wasn't in good shape - we hadn't seen multiple cars on screen, we didn't know anything about the gameplay. They were showing old builds over and over
*They wanted to aim for 60 FPS but all footage was 30 FPS with screen tearing and 1 car on screen.

Now that the game has been delayed, they can fix the tech, re-reveal the game at a later date and hype it properly.


Looks like it's certainly been delayed according to a few tweets - and that we're just waiting for an official press release. Shame, but I'd rather see a good game a few weeks later than a mess of a game sooner.


I've been attacked a 1000 times about this. But a serious question, 2 first party launch games for the PS4 a severe 1st party drought on the vita.

If Shu isn't responsible who is? I know he's a cool guy and all. but why do these issues exist when Sony has the biggest and best 1st party in the industry?

Launch is tough and like a console manufacture should do, Sony is still supporting their last generation's product?
Looks like it's certainly been delayed according to a few tweets - and that we're just waiting for an official press release. Shame, but I'd rather see a good game a few weeks later than a mess of a game sooner.

Same here, I can understand the disappointed people's point of view though
I hope they replace it with something else on PS+; I'd love if it was Knack but that seems too optimistic.

This might work out better for me if they do, since I don't like driving games anyway.

Definitely sucks if they don't replace it though.
I didn't know so many people were interested in Driveclub here. When I went to fanexpo this year, no one touched the driveclub booths, lol.
So I can't believe this news is out there, and we havent had a confirmation yet.

When will that come, surely if they know, they'd want to tell people. The release is a month off.


At the end of the day this delay is a good thing. Why?

*Launch line up is packed with Battlefield 4 and CoD giving little breathing room for anything else.
Considering those games are available for everything else, I don't think the Drive Club delay is a good thing for Sony.
I didn't know so many people were interested in Driveclub here.

This has been my takeaway from this situation.
Not many talking about DriveClub > Possible Delay > Where'd all these people concerned about DriveClub coming from?

Anyways, bummed if this pans out to be accurate, as this was one of the titles I was most looking forward to. At the very least, we'll have a better product, if this does come to pass. All I need is Resogun in my veins then. Oh god, gimme Resogun.


PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 Xbone PS4 PS4
So I can't believe this news is out there, and we havent had a confirmation yet.

When will that come, surely if they know, they'd want to tell people. The release is a month off.

I think they are spending a lot of time crafting a carefully worded PR piece.


I didn't know so many people were interested in Driveclub here. When I went to fanexpo this year, no one touched the driveclub booths, lol.

Well its big deal because it came free with plus. If they replace it with something better than its not a big deal.


So, fickle customers is what you're concerned about? People who apparently were deadset on getting a console at launch for a couple of games but if those games get short delays they suddenly don't even care if they get a console until sometime after the games they wanted are finally available? Yeah, sure, those kind of people exist, but in what numbers?

Because it's the kind of last minute jockeying for position that's par for course with every console launch. It's not that the delay is unimportant, it's just not out of the ordinary. If you'r buying a console at launch and not factoring for these kinds of circumstances, you really shouldn't be buying at launch in the first place.

You say that as if it's typical for console launch games to suddenly get delayed practically a month before release.


Its odd how some people act like they never seen a damn game delay.

This is probably a lot of peoples first launch window...if you are under 18 and got a 360 on day one, you were 11. If you were 11 you just asked mom and dad for it and played Halo and didnt even know people were screaming on forums.

ah, simple times.

Regard DC, im beyond acceptance and onto 'who cares send me shadowfall and my console and I'll be happy' I dont play a lot of games, but play a few alot.
I wonder if DriveClub PS+ edition was always planned as a potential fall back in the event that full game wasn't complete. As in... if they make the launch deadline (w/ full game), PS+ edition would just be a demo of the full version... if they didn't make the deadline (w/ the full game) the PS+ edition could serve as a demo (think GT5 prologue) until the full game is finished.


I don't understand why Sony hasn't said anything yet. FUD is worse than bad news.

The availability of DriveClub on PS+ was a big hook to a lot of people. I expect Sony are scrambling to secure the rights to a free game (or two) to compensate for losing DriveClub on PS+ immediately at PS4 launch,


I think they are spending a lot of time crafting a carefully worded PR piece.

I don't think that's the problem, delay is of course justified by the fact the game isn't ready and they want the best possible quality instead of rushing a disappointing product on the market. There's really nothing more to say, it's not the first game to be delayed. This year has been full of delays...Bioshock, The Last of Us, GTAV, Kinect Rivals and so on.
The reason they're taking their time is that there are consequences with bundles and their Plus offering, so they want those to be sorted out.

Still....Evolution I want dynamic weather at launch as a reward for the delay.


I've been attacked a 1000 times about this. But a serious question, 2 first party launch games for the PS4 a severe 1st party drought on the vita.

If Shu isn't responsible who is? I know he's a cool guy and all. but why do these issues exist when Sony has the biggest and best 1st party in the industry?

So you just want to find a scape goat? Why are you even continuing this train of thought? Do you want to become famous by getting quoted here:



"GAF's biggest wanker"
You say that as if it's typical for console launch games to suddenly get delayed practically a month before release.
No, I say that because it's typical for consoles to have a number of teething problems at launch, whether it's delayed software, rushed software, post-launch software droughts, limited hardware availability, missing OS features, etc. Anyone that tries to buy a console at launch thinking it will be a complete package is simply in for a rough ride.


I would love for it to be Black Flag but I know that will never happen. It could a game that has been out for a while already that is being ported to next gen like madden or fifa 14.

Hmm, I'd like to think Fifa would be possible considering the XBone pre-order deal they did but I cant see Sony shelling out $20m+ to secure something like that.
I refuse to believe this news warrants 40 pages. I understand we are fresh off the heels of another delay, and this would be a blow to Sony's first party lineup. But REALLY?


I know that's a little over 2 months old but the game was tracking the least of the bunch! The Watch_Dog delay thread barely hit 15 pages and the game was tracking pretty damn good. (i know multiplatform blah blah)

Crying for free stuff, blaming yosp, pretending this will hurt launch sales, Sony first party sucks etc. This thread is ridiculous. lol


I refuse to believe this news warrants 40 pages. I understand we are fresh off the heels of another delay, and this would be a blow to Sony's first party lineup. But REALLY?


I know that's a little over 2 months old but the game was tracking the least of the bunch! The Watch_Dog delay thread barely hit 15 pages and the game was tracking pretty damn good. (i know multiplatform blah blah)

Crying for free stuff, blaming yosp, pretending this will hurt launch sales, Sony first party sucks etc. This thread is ridiculous. lol
Funny thing is everyone talk about "exclusives" or list wars but the games that will sell the most are third party.

You have to remember this is the first "bad news" for the ps4 so people will act like it the end of the world. Its like kinect sports being delayed....sure some people care. I just want another free game for PS+
I think the point is that its stretching it a bit to call it a PS4 exclusive if the game is also on PC. Just because you don't have a gaming PC doesn't make it an exclusive,

I'm not even talking about exclusives, nor am I implying in any way or form that the indie games on PS4 should be dubbed exclusive.

I'm saying that some here are acting like the line up PS4 has, total, is now only 2 games. They act as if a game also being on PC specifically means it should be completely discarded and ignored as if it's not coming to PS4 at all. It's just typical PC gamer chest beating in a console centric thread.

PS4 only has a few launch exclusives =/= PS4 only has a few launch games.


But why do exclusives matter? I would say they're the biggest reason to pick one nearly identical console over another.

Launch exclusives may be the 4th or 5th reason to pick up a console at launch. People dont remember launch games and the exclusives people really care about do not happen at launch.

People buy console at launch to play old game[cod, bf, ac4] on new hardware. the best selling game on PS4 & xbone is black flags. http://www.amazon.com/best-sellers-video-games/zgbs/videogames/ref=zg_bsar_tab_t_bs#1

You are kidding yourself if you think these console are nearly identical. One is cheaper and more powerful and one has kinect and tv stuff.


Who buys a console just for launch games? You buy a console for the announced/shown games, with a long term mind share.

You do? Why would you buy a console at launch if it wasn't for launch games? What's the point in buying any kind hardware before you can get the software you want to use? It's not like the console is getting more expensive after launch, is it? If there's nothing to play for me at launch, I'll buy the system later. Maybe it's even available in a different color or so until then. I get the idea that it's neat to "be there" when new hardware launches. But that feeling wears off within hours after the purchase. At least for me.


And hd towns are hard

Heh heh. They sure are.

I know that 'Game of the generation' is often a launch title, but Sony and Shu are doing things a little different this time. Rather than shoving half finished and motion controller turned QTE games down our throats, they are trying to deliver solid products that we can play for years. I appreciate that.

If Driveclub does end up getting delayed (still a rumor), I still have plenty of games to make my way through on launch day and throughout the launch window. I'll even have racing games that I can play during that time so calling for Shu's head when I will have a steady stream of games from a variety of genres through 2014 is a little heavy. I have owned all of the Sony systems and the Legend of Dragoons, God of Wars, the Uncharteds, the Gran Turismos, the Last of Us' always come regardless of the number of first party titles available on Day 1.


Scapegoat? Come on man. I know he makes funny Twitter posts but I can't think of anyone better to take responsibility when Sony Worldwide Studios drop the ball than the president of them. Wouldn't you agree?

Not really. I agree with your statement, but not his. You need to look at his comments in the context of what he said before. He wanted Shu to step down, or at least he was suggesting that by criticizing everything he has done. And he goes on to justify it even though many people responded to him with valid arguments. Taking responsibility and stepping down are vastly different things right?

Besides, this is still labeled as a rumor. Such comments are just... toxic. Look at the other guy who immediately responded to his post explicitly wanting Shu to step down and Shahid take over(!). Even if that guy was joking, we end up with a meaningless conversation without even settling the rumor first. Venomous mindset indeed.

Also, he has been banned now. RIP. If he ever comes back, hope he adds something more constructive to the conversation.
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