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this summer will be 3 years since fable teaser released , how can people hope a game is doing great when you dont show anything for 3 years


Seriosuly , in 3 years no news of the game other than typical PR bullshit like " the development is going great " or " the game looks great , playground is doing a great job "

Im a huge rpg fan ( fable is one of my fav series of all time ) and to not have any news on fable and avowed is killing me , Obsidian keeps saying soon for 2 years now

Not a word on the type of game it will be , what mechanics it might use , i understand that making cgi videos costs money but nothing is stoping them from releasing articles where they can talk about the progress of the game , if after 3 years you cant say anything that means that even now you dont have a clear vision of the game you are going to make , that means that you have no faith in all that work you have been doing and that it might be scrapped


Gold Member
I have a bit of trust because i like fable and the forza team know his shit (with racing games).

It was never based on something concrete, just wishful thinking.
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One of the green rats
I’m sure development has been rebooted since the then. MS seems to have an issue with either too much micro managing or not enough.

If I were to guess they probably tried/are trying to rely too much on focus groups and consultants for their quality assessments. 🤷‍♂️


It was CGI teaser that the game was coming, they were still hiring, it takes longer than 3 years to make an AAA game from scratch with a new studio, same with Perfect Dark. Late 2024 or 2025 is when you would realistically expect to see those games.
Maybe we see something at E3.


Gold Member
Big RPGs in general these days seem to need a 5 year development time across all developers, is that bloated? Who knows. We’ll see how quickly they get Avowed out the door as one of the quicker teams.


I think more games should do shadow drops. Just show nothing and then do a trailer + release right after or a trailer + release within like a month of the trailer or less.

When you show trailers with no release dates and then next year you show a new trailer with no release date, then you show a trailer with a release date, then you delay the game, then you delay it again, then you delay it again. It really deflates hype.
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Hard to Kill
Remember when they showed games like Spider-Man and God of War at like 3 or 4 E3s in a row? No one questioned the games then.
I'm not sure about that the first GOW reboot was announced 2 years prior to its release, Ragnarok was announced at the reveal of the ps5 I believe and came out last year.And spiderman was also revealed 2 years prior to its release...
In comparison we have seen less of Hellblade, Everwild,State of Decay 3, Fable, Perfect Dark than GOW or Spidey,some of them even released during the same time window.
A better example would've been the last guardian.
So in comparison waiting 2 years between a reveal and a release and waiting 3 years to get anything else than a CGI teaser.
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OP's "problem" is what's wrong with the games culture today: games announced way too early timed to the needs of investors/corporate spreadsheets, empty hype cycles back and forth between creators and consumers that only build up to disappointment, money and time studios have to set aside to create some vertical slice or in development showcase that years later turn out to be nothing like the game, 24/7/365 nonstop news breeding a lack of patience in gamers who think they have a right to studio going ons, etc.

Game was announced with a CGI teaser that had zero substance to it = game wasn't even in development at that point. If it was announced with gameplay and 3 years later nothing you might have something to worry about...


Screw fable where the hell is hellblade 2. That better be ms big holiday release or feb/mar 24 early year release. Its like if that game has been forgotten.


You can't deny that MS is terrible in generating hype.

If the game is not ready within the 3 years, then don't announce anything at all. Look at Bloodborne, it was shown as Project Beast in the initial announcement which got me buying a PS4 without any interest of other games back then. One year later it was released, and that is how you make people jumping into your system.
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Gold Member
Its sad really. I don't even know how much of different the game is.
The first one wasn't much of a big deal, but it was very fun and cheesy game. I just wish they showed something soon instead of a mere teaser.
Microsoft announce their big games way way too early.

No game should be announced more than 12 months before release date IMO.


All these years later I still chuckle at what a fucking moron that guy is.
Games take time. Things don't always go to the plan. Cyberpunk 2077 took like 7 years to make.
It's time for gamers to understand how development works.
Are you including the post release development time in that 7 year figure?

Mr Moose

Elder Scrolls 6 and Dead Island 2:


i understand perfectly how development works but nothing is stopping them to talk more with the community
Why should they? Shall I show you what happens when developers talk to the gaming community? It doesn't end nice at all so I don't blame them for not showing anything at all. Blame the fickle gamers who want to nitpick at a game that is still in development.


Come on man,they just released a short thing to say we are making a new Fable game......then they went away and made it.Three years ain't long enough for a big game like this anyway,I wouldn't expect to see anything yet.One of the main issues with media these days is that not enough time is taken to make it good......just look at the absolute shit Disney spits out onto Disney+ because they have to keep adding content(urrghh).Let them make the fucking game.


Seriosuly , in 3 years no news of the game other than typical PR bullshit like " the development is going great " or " the game looks great , playground is doing a great job "

Im a huge rpg fan ( fable is one of my fav series of all time ) and to not have any news on fable and avowed is killing me , Obsidian keeps saying soon for 2 years now

Not a word on the type of game it will be , what mechanics it might use , i understand that making cgi videos costs money but nothing is stoping them from releasing articles where they can talk about the progress of the game , if after 3 years you cant say anything that means that even now you dont have a clear vision of the game you are going to make , that means that you have no faith in all that work you have been doing and that it might be scrapped

Because people like to dream? And specifically, Fable fans are still dreaming since Fable 1.
Dear, Obsidian, if you can hear me, please reach out the community to let them know you are alright. That Fable is alright. The community wants to know. They need hope. Their faith is being tested. Some of them are beginning to question your love. If you don’t give them a sign soon, the doubt will creep into their simple minds. Their fickle adoration may sour to become nerd rage and they will fill the voids in their hearts with insufferable noise. Silence does this to a community. Show them mercy, Obsidian. Restore their feeble spirits with purpose. A tweet to steady their resolve. Amen.


Why doesn’t this question asked about Metroid Prime 4? How long has that been? Four or five years now?
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Gotta love the thread title.

this summer will be 3 years since fable teaser released , how can people hope a game is doing great when you dont show anything for 3 years​

Summer is six months away, but let’s exaggerate that to stir up the Sony crowd. I see right through your fake ass concern OP.
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