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this summer will be 3 years since fable teaser released , how can people hope a game is doing great when you dont show anything for 3 years


Gold Member
I’m sure development has been rebooted since the then. MS seems to have an issue with either too much micro managing or not enough.

If I were to guess they probably tried/are trying to rely too much on focus groups and consultants for their quality assessments. 🤷‍♂️

I wince thinking about all the employees who actually understand the people and culture behind the work they are doing being managed by asshats passing down orders based on something a clueless suit read in a report.

When MS tightens their grip too much, the creatives can't do what they want, resulting in bad games.

When MS lets them do what they want, there's no oversight and 343 is given free reign to burn the house down.

The answer is somewhere in the middle. They need to hold people accountable with goals and dates, but they also need to install the right competent managers and leaders. If you have the wrong people, you can keep throwing money and delays at a problem that will never go away.


Gold Member
This games not even close, why would they show something like the Horizon leak from this week? Shit takes time, just look forward to whats coming soon.


Dear, Obsidian, if you can hear me, please reach out the community to let them know you are alright. That Fable is alright. The community wants to know. They need hope. Their faith is being tested. Some of them are beginning to question your love. If you don’t give them a sign soon, the doubt will creep into their simple minds. Their fickle adoration may sour to become nerd rage and they will fill the voids in their hearts with insufferable noise. Silence does this to a community. Show them mercy, Obsidian. Restore their feeble spirits with purpose. A tweet to steady their resolve. Amen.
I wouldn’t expect Obsidian to say anything about a game they don’t develop :messenger_grinning_sweat:

Obsidian is very transparent about what they are working on at the moment.


Gold Member
Gotta love the thread title.

this summer will be 3 years since fable teaser released , how can people hope a game is doing great when you dont show anything for 3 years​

Summer is six months away, but let’s exaggerate that to stir up the Sony crowd. I see right through your fake ass concern OP.
Exactly this game was likely still in pre-production 3 years ago, expect it in another 3 years.

I think Horizon took 7 from start to finish and that was with an established team.........

HiFi Rush was pitched in 2017 so..........
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Elder Scrolls 6 and Dead Island 2:



Gold Member
IDK where you're going with this. There's literally nothing to discuss here, just stating the fact that there's no new info. I'll judge it if/when I play it.
I really enjoyed the first Fable. Fable 2 was everything a sequel should be, bigger, better, new gen, I spent a lot of time having fun with that game.
Fable 3 was........a rather massive step backwards.

I don't have a whole lot of faith in this release. I'm gonna apply my basic life mantra: Hope for the best, but prepare for the worst.


Gold Member
Gotta love the thread title.

this summer will be 3 years since fable teaser released , how can people hope a game is doing great when you dont show anything for 3 years​

Summer is six months away, but let’s exaggerate that to stir up the Sony crowd. I see right through your fake ass concern OP.
😆. so you believe is releasing in the next 6 months?

how people can be this defensive when Xbox's track record says otherwise?


Why should they? Shall I show you what happens when developers talk to the gaming community? It doesn't end nice at all so I don't blame them for not showing anything at all. Blame the fickle gamers who want to nitpick at a game that is still in development.
yeah show me what happend to the devs that released dev logs once every 4-5 months and talk free about the progress of the game


Because Microsoft announced it to soon?
Jesus. It's not that hard to understand.
In 2020 they did not have Bethesda. So they started announcing games way to soon to show that "games are in the works"
In 2019-2020 they announced Fable (not out), Everwild (not out), State of Decay 3 (not out), Forza Motorsport (out this year), Halo Infinite (out in 2021). All to "crush" the narrative, that Xbox has no games. It backfired spectacularly because they showed them primarily by CGI which is not great but also COVID fucked up all production schedules. Also, Microsoft showed them to drive interest for Xbox Series X/S that released same year. It's easier to convince people to buy Xbox when they know that Fable will come to Series X/S. Even if it won't be for several years.

It's not that hard to understand. Also, games are nowadays announced way too soon for hiring purposes. And that's valid especially for Fable, since PG had to create second separate studio and staff it properly.

Also, how long do you think AAA development takes nowadays? Do you realise that God of War Ragnarok (for example) took almost 5 years to complete? And that was a game that leveraged plenty of existing assets and had established lore? So how long do you think it takes to create new studio, develop complete reboot of a franchise, make ForzaTech engine compatible with RPG games and create huge ass game?
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😆. so you believe is releasing in the next 6 months?

how people can be this defensive when Xbox's track record says otherwise?
He didn't say anything about it releasing in the next 6 months, so you might wanna save your laugh emoji there.

His point is a valid one. Why add 6 months to the present just to be able to put "3 years" in your thread title instead of "2.5"?

Summer after next it'll have been 4 years since they announced Fable reboot. What gives?
Prime 4 was rebooted by Retro and Nintendo where honest about this.
Yeah a game they announced in 2017 and we've still yet to see a single bit of gameplay either from when it was in development by Namco or with Retro since they've been handling the project since 2018/9
We've still to get Pikmin 4, a game that was apparently 'very close to completion' in 2015.

I mean it's only been 8 years, after all. Don't tell us Nintendo fans. 'Take your time, I can wait

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Moderated wildly
Because games take at least 5 years to be any where near decent nowadays.

Microsofts issue was always that they showed games far too early. They had probably only just started on it. That's the problem.


How much of The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom have we seen?
Relatively speaking, a hell of a lot more than we've seen of Fable... not sure if you're being sarcastic. We've seen nothing of Fable beyond the CGI thing (which doesn't really count).

Also, I love how the Xbox fan responses have sort of switched from:

"Just wait, it'll come... next E3!!!!"


"They're not obliged to show any progress! fuck you all!!!!"

It's the same with Hellblade 2. First announced in 2019 and yet we've realistically seen one short snippet of gameplay.
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yeah show me what happend to the devs that released dev logs once every 4-5 months and talk free about the progress of the game
Look in the RE4 Remake thread. Look in the Armed Fantasia thread. Haved a look in the Halo Inifinite thread when it was still in development.


It doesn't necessarily mean there's something wrong with it. Just that they showed it waaaay too early.
To an extent I can understand MS. They had struggled for a while with this notion that Sony and Nintendo have a stronger first party lineup, so leading up to the Series X they really wanted to show that they'd be stepping up their game this gen. But in doing so they ended up announcing many games too early (Fable, Avowed, Perfect Dark, etc)


Moderated wildly
If we see in release in 2025 that would probably be in line with a game I expect of this scope. They shouldn't have shown it when they did though.
Gotta love the thread title.

this summer will be 3 years since fable teaser released , how can people hope a game is doing great when you dont show anything for 3 years​

Summer is six months away, but let’s exaggerate that to stir up the Sony crowd. I see right through your fake ass concern OP.
Summer of 2026 will be 6 years! 6 years since the initial announcement. How can gamers wait 6 years for fable? lol /s


Gold Member
He didn't say anything about it releasing in the next 6 months, so you might wanna save your laugh emoji there.

His point is a valid one. Why add 6 months to the present just to be able to put "3 years" in your thread title instead of "2.5"?

Summer after next it'll have been 4 years since they announced Fable reboot. What gives?
Thats not what he says, like at all.
Read between the lines my friends.

but let’s exaggerate that to stir up the Sony crowd
is six month and exaggeration? ok, we could say factually is.

what is happening since thar CGI teaser?:
instead of gameplay we had have multiple reports of development issues with fable.

and you could say: but they're are just rumors/Fake News.

ok. the only thing that we have is Xbox's track record of mismanagment.....In fact The Fable IP is being rebooted from a catastrophic mismanagement that ended up in the closing of LionHead Studios.

I see right through your fake ass concern OP.
could be fake or not. it dosen't matter anymore.

MS/Xbox has lost any Kind of "benefit of the doubt" any "lets give them the time" . Is on them to "clean up" this aura of incompetence and skepticism.


Read between the lines my friends.

is six month and exaggeration? ok, we could say factually is.

what is happening since thar CGI teaser?:
instead of gameplay we had have multiple reports of development issues with fable.

and you could say: but they're are just rumors/Fake News.

ok. the only thing that we have is Xbox's track record of mismanagment.....In fact The Fable IP is being rebooted from a catastrophic mismanagement that ended up in the closing of LionHead Studios.

could be fake or not. it dosen't matter anymore.

MS/Xbox has lost any Kind of "benefit of the doubt" any "lets give them the time" . Is on them to "clean up" this aura of incompetence and skepticism.
Over It Whatever GIF by Satisfied Customer

Seriously man.

The only people bothered by this are PlayStation warriors for obvious reasons.

hemo memo

Gold Member
Games take time. Things don't always go to the plan. Cyberpunk 2077 took like 7 years to make.
It's time for gamers to understand how development works.
I think the problem is that game studios still figure out how game development works. I mean they copied from hollywood BUT efficiency. I mean making movies as hard or even harder than making games yet Avatar 4 script is done and 6 and 7 planed. Not 3 years of silence because “oh oh making video games is hard” as an excuse for lack of disorganization and transparency.


Gold Member
Seriously man.

The only people bothered by this are PlayStation warriors for obvious reasons.
seriously....Not really.

Sure, PSWarriors will do their "job".

but this "drama" around Xbox has left the "only PS warrios are bothered" station a long time ago.


and as I said. it doesn't matter anymore.

Xbox has earned all this "Fake Concern".,
I honestly dont know how you survive the mods wrath when so many warriors dont.

Anyway the fact the game was shown off as a cgi vista basically tells you the game was probably VERY early in development, and 3 years really isnt a long time for this kind of game.
I wouldnt expect the game for another 2-3 years to be hoinest.


So where’s the fake concern over that? It’s in development hell with only a title shown for a trailer.

It’s only with Microsoft games around here. The goofy obvious console warring gets old
I dunno but Nintendo tend to release loads of highly rated games every single year so maybe that’s why people aren’t as bothered by delays (y) just one game like Metroid Dread would be one of Microsoft’s greatest games of the last decade but for Nintendo it was just a Tuesday.


Gold Member
again. you keep using the word ONLY.

that is what i would call, an examination exaggeration 😜

making racing games.
Pretty much every studio known to man started out making other genres other than what they are working on now. Whats your point?


Gold Member
I mean. It's literally fake concern.

This year we had fake concern that game is in dismal state and is switching engines. And then it got debunked, but I can see that many people are still believing random 4chan rumor even after it got debunked.
and again it dosen't matter if is fake or real.
(but Jez has said otherwise)

Xbox's track record is doing the talking instead.

cof, cof, cof Halo Infinite "switching engines" was also a "random" rumor....until it wasn't.

another example of Xbox's Track record for you


Remember when they showed games like Spider-Man and God of War at like 3 or 4 E3s in a row? No one questioned the games then.
God of war was announced with a Trailer in 2016 and Released 2018 before e3 that year. So not sure what Ur on about.


Gold Member
I honestly dont know how you survive the mods wrath when so many warriors dont.
i dont want to be rude. You trying to discredit my PoV by saying i ma a warrior....i am not.

Anyway the fact the game was shown off as a cgi vista basically tells you the game was probably VERY early in development, and 3 years really isnt a long time for this kind of game.
I wouldnt expect the game for another 2-3 years to be hoinest.
but again. you keep ignoring Xbox's track record.

of course was early. was early for:



State of Decay


and again it dosen't matter if is fake or real.
(but Jez has said otherwise)

Xbox's track record is doing the talking instead.

cof, cof, cof Halo Infinite "switching engines" was also a "random" rumor....until it wasn't.

another example of Xbox's Track record for you
I know that thinking hurts, but I will try to explain it to you in a form that you can understand
It's fake. Andy Robinson (who is former UK game developer with great contacts withing UK games industry) said it's fake. Christopher Dring said it's fake.
Jez only said "it would not surprise me." Nothing more, nothing else. But I can see that you somehow develop rest of the story inside of your head.

In Halo Infinite's case, it's pretty clear and understandable. Some youtuber got info that Halo is switching engines last year. Jez tried to verify and found some hints that it could be true, but did not have concrete evidence because Slipspace was also updating constantly. So he did not confirmed it. Now it is confirmed and it make sense. Because if you read yesterday's report from Schreier, he said that internally there was a "fight" inside 343 about engines. One group wanted Unreal, second wanted Slipspace. And new head of 343 Hintze decided do go for Unreal. And Hintze became head of 343 in september.

Also, that youtuber claimed that Halo Infinite is switching engines. Which is not true.

So what exactly doesn't make a sense to you?
Mr. Track record?
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If we see in release in 2025 that would probably be in line with a game I expect of this scope. They shouldn't have shown it when they did though.

I think when you've got fans of dormant established franchise's like this and Perfect Dark they thought just letting them know that the game is being made was enough. I doubt they'll do it again as we know the like of id, inXile and The Coalition are developing games now that haven't been announced.


You know stuff like this happens with most games through development right?
And thats even if these clickbait reports are true to begin with.
Yup. Problem is that XGS is leak-prone so that info are usually released to public, while other companies can keep this stuff for themselves.


I hope the industry just stops announcing games early. Obviously some companies can get a game developed with almost zero pre release hype.
I think that games will be announced even earlier for "staffing" reasons. See CDPR last year, Blizzard that annouced survival game etc. etc.

It's easier to draw eyes of developers to your game when they know what kind of game it is.
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