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Thor: Ragnarok |OT|



Release date- Nov 2nd
Runtime: 2hr 10 min




Imprisoned on the other side of the universe, the mighty Thor finds himself in a deadly gladiatorial contest that pits him against the Hulk, his former ally and fellow Avenger. Thor's quest for survival leads him in a race against time to prevent the all-powerful Hela from destroying his home world and the Asgardian civilization.
Should I see the other two first?


It depends, Thor 1 is not bad, kind of slow but sets things up nicely. Thor: Dark World is best avoided…
That being said… Thor: Ragnarok looks to be quite a bit better than the prior movies!
 Review thread


https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/thor_ragnarok_2017/   96% so far!
http://www.metacritic.com/movie/thor-ragnarok  - 73  




Yeah that's why I made the OT for it now. I figured why not since some will see it this Sunday even. So I figured may as well get a start on it.


I look after a theater and have tried to be on media blackout as much as I can be. Feel the Marvel trailers give too mich away. I’ve succeded so far, might try and watch it on US premiere night.

From wht I’ve seen though it looks a hell of alot more fun!
Saw it last night and loved it. Lots of Kiwi jokes that other countries might not get but that made it even better.

Definitely more “fun” than the other Marvel movies, it doesn’t take itself seriously at all.


Saw it last night and loved it. Lots of Kiwi jokes that other countries might not get but that made it even better.

Definitely more “fun” than the other Marvel movies, it doesn’t take itself seriously at all.
Good to know. I wonder if it will have any after credit goodies or just comedic scenes?
I know you said you were making this and even though I want to be nice I just haven't seen very many marvel movies at all cause of the ones I have seen being too silly, cg filled and just not serious enough. I do not even know if they are changing that direction but for the avengers and other films I did see I just couldn't hold much interest. I love comics, batman, wolveriene and a lot more but these films just feel so off to me time after time.
Then just watch the first two and marvel in their mediocrity.

I can sit through some pretty bad movies but some of the marvel movies are really really hard for me to sit through, I just can't pay attention to it. And I watch all other types of movies from HK, japan, action, comedies etc even some musicals I'd say. But these, it just feels so hard when it seems so forced and trying so hard to be funny, yet to me not very clever. Oh well, I'm sure there are a few I'd like perhaps.


Enjoyed the movie, it almost felt like a parody of the MCU in general.
An almost constant stream of jokes which also unfortunately made the serious dramatic moments lose their impact.


Enjoyed the movie, it almost felt like a parody of the MCU in general.
An almost constant stream of jokes which also unfortunately made the serious dramatic moments lose their impact.
That seems to be the concensus thus far, I plan to watch the first two before I partake something tells me planet hulk is in the pipeline.


ok, I just saw it, the visuals where great, nice action and it made me laught harder than I thought, Hella was insteresting but like most marvel movies really forgetable. I think its the second best super hero movie I've seen this year, I still rate Guardians 2 above it. btw and Logan was good but it was really predictable, at least this had its "wtf lol" momments

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
So is this movie better than the first two? Because the two Thor movies were pretty boring.
I had zero interest in this move when I first heard about it and saw the previews. Its good to hear it succeeds at humor though. Maybe I'll see it eventually.


Need to fix your Hela graphic in the OT and swap out the ThorYes.gif with the better one but other great OT :)


The comedy is both the best and the worst thing about the movie.

It works very well in lighter moments, but there's some jokes during or right after terrible events that simply shouldn't be there.

I enjoyed it a lot, but the "exaggerated" comedy suits Guardians a lot better.


Report me if I continue to console war
It was great, however I wonder how many more big action scenes with some 80's song playing they will do.I think it relies on the coolness of the song a bit to much.Im nitpicking here though. To me it felt more natural and better paced then guardians 2. 8.5/10


Loved the movie, its a very enjoyable and fun movie. Story is not as good as winter soldier obviously but is in my top 5 MCU movies.
Going to watch it again in Imax next week.
Best Thor in any movie so far. So much so, you'd think what the hell were they doing with him in Thor 1 and 2. Well, just like how Captain America got so much more badass in Winter Soldier, Marvel applied what they learnt here. They're great at that.

Jokes were all on point, even Strange's cameo was a joy to watch thanks to that. I think this will be a movie I can rewatch again and again.


It was great, however I wonder how many more big action scenes with some 80's song playing they will do.I think it relies on the coolness of the song a bit to much.Im nitpicking here though. To me it felt more natural and better paced then guardians 2. 8.5/10

Maybe once that paid for the licence they were like "fuck it use it all the time."

Personally i think it would have been more gun to use Thor by Manowar in the second fight.


Damn, that movie poster in the OP is fire.
Don't forget that infinity war is around the corner and Thanos is going to bring the pain so this light hearted step before it is a good way to make the (dramatic) impact of infinity war stronger.

Going to see this in imax.
Saw it last night, what a great movie . Easily into Top 5 marvel movies.

I dislike GotG due to a " too comedy style " Thor is the perfect balance.


Saw it a few days ago. I enjoyed it quite a bit, however it went the GotG route by focusing on comedy before action. Not necessarily a bad thing, just depends how you feel about it.
Still definitely recommend a viewing if you are invested in the MCU in any way.


Haven't seen it yet, but does it set things up for Infinity war, or just another standalone adventure?


Korg was incredible. His intro scene had me laughing more than any other film this year. Taika's sense of humour is too good.

I see a lot of discussion about the comedy stifling dramatic moments. In my opinion, this is overdue. Having world-ending drama more often than not grows tiresome. The humor in this subverted that completely, which is hilarious considering Ragnarok is about the threat of Asgard's destruction. It's too perfect.

I'm glad Ragnarok was made as a fun romp. It didn't take itself too seriously and that's what made it so unique and enjoyable to watch.


Not seen any Thors but the trailers have looked good.
Seems to have an 80s vibe with the Ragnarok design which I like.

Will probably see!
Caught this earlier. I actually thought the trailers weren't that great and was worried but it's great. Laughs from beginning to end.
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