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Todd Howard says they're working on 'other display modes on console' for Starfield (60fps)

Fart Knight

Al Pachinko, Konami President
Season 4 Reaction GIF by The Office


One of the green rats
That's not even an issue.

The bigger issue is that only ONE planet ever makes you leave the town to explore the planet. then the rest of the game you are either landing on moons or doing fetch quest from town to town.


Gold Member
Everyone's entitled to their opinions, but you can't deny that this games 'negatives' were overblown to a higher extent than most cases.

Of course I can. Sorry, but there is no "Xbox tax". Truth of the matter is that the game was hyped way beyond anything it deserved. If we are going to point to anything being overblown then I'll put to Bethesda for overselling the thing and then keeping it away from previews to hide its warts. I can say all that and still have the opinion that the game was good, but I have a bias for space/space ship oriented games. So while this stuff is right up my alley, I can understand those who think the game isn't good. Nothing about that is "overblown". That's just how it is. Time to get over it, I think. Microsoft will be ok.

30 FPS or not, calling it a useless turd is just a tad big extreme, no?

Why? I seen similar remarks made towards plenty of games, many of which I enjoyed. Does someone calling it that reduce my enjoyment? Nope.
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I just think they've rested on their laurels too much and a lot and the things that you might have overlooked ten years ago (or twenty in my case) aren't as forgivable anymore. My favorite part of the backlash against Starfield is it's the same reaction I've had with everything that came after Morrowind. I was just ahead of the curve for once and I welcome my new found friends.
Is Laurel, Todd's wife?


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
Of course I can. Sorry, but there is no "Xbox tax". Truth of the matter is that the game was hyped way beyond anything it deserved. If we are going to point to anything being overblown then I'll put to Bethesda for overselling the thing and then keeping it away from previews to hide its warts. I can say all that and still have the opinion that the game was good, but I have a bias for space/space ship oriented games. So while this stuff is right up my alley, I can understand those who think the game isn't good. Nothing about that is "overblown". That's just how it is. Time to get over it, I think. Microsoft will be ok.

Why? I seen similar remarks made towards plenty of games, many of which I enjoyed. Does someone calling it that reduce my enjoyment? Nope.

The truth of the matter is that it's a generally well reviewed, well received game. I like it, you like it. many people like it. Me saying that opinions calling a fine game 'a useless turd' are overblown is the most benign thing anyone who like something can say. Is this game a little overhyped by its publisher? Sure, many AAA game are.

The continued support is a sign of their confidence in the game and I'm all for it.


Gold Member
The truth of the matter is that it's a generally well reviewed, well received game. I like it, you like it. many people like it. Me saying that opinions calling a fine game 'a useless turd' are overblown is the most benign thing anyone who like something can say. Is this game a little overhyped by its publisher? Sure, many AAA game are.

The continued support is a sign of their confidence in the game and I'm all for it.

Fair enough. I'm looking forward to the expansion Just wish it was coming sooner.


Gold Member
Everyone's entitled to their opinions, but you can't deny that this games 'negatives' were overblown to a higher extent than most cases.

30 FPS or not, calling it a useless turd is just a tad big extreme, no?
The game feels outdated and lazy across the board. And not in a cool retro or nostalgic way. It's not a turd itself but the great parts are wrapped in turds. So to those that don't want to put up with the shit parts it is a useless turd.
I made my peace with it and hope we see a redemption story, but the Fallout show really made me realize that I'm not the problem.
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Here's hoping. The game had dreadful performance at launch to the point that my PC runs it up to twice faster nowadays. I also have an Xbox for playing on my TV but I ended up never bothering with it on that.

I still liked the game a lot for all its faults.


Wasn't Starfield CPU bounded? Unless they do some serious CPU optimizations isnt a 60fps mode pretty much confirmed impossible with those Zen 2 CPUs? 40Hz seems more likely to me.

March Climber

Gold Member
I think the biggest issue with Starfield is they went with "realistic space" versus "fantasy space". Look at their other games, Elder Scrolls is a complete fantasy game with different races and such to choose from. Fallout, while taking place on our Earth, its setting is an idealization of the future dreamed of those in the 50s-60s. So it is still fantasy and does not match our true future.
It could have worked if they had created moment to moment better scenarios to create tension, mystery, and dread when exploring space, and scaling down the insane amount of lower end side quests(and repeatables), finding a way to decrease loading screens, and scaling down the planet count.

Speakable alien races not being in the game wasn’t the problem for me. The problem was the amount of planets that were palette swaps with around only 10-15 unique repeatable interiors for enemy bases, creature caves, or abandoned outposts with aggro bots. Actual decent side quests would lead you to these locations, so there was no avoiding seeing the break of immersion and instead seeing a video game system.

Most alien species don’t have their own identity when it comes to creating their own identifiable living spaces. For example on earth, you see spider webs, you know you might see a spider nearby. The main thing most alien types would have are egg-pod-things and not much else unique to only them.

Too many loading screens when entering, traveling to, and exiting planets, which is another issue of bad design that’s mainly bad quest design(most quests took you off planet multiple times which meant constant loading screens). Also Bethesda games and item/menus/weight has been a consistent issue.

There is a way to help this game with a big bandaid, and I feel part of it is adding some sort of hardcore survival mode or something close to a rogulike. Games like Lethal Company, even without a group, all make the above fun. The mystery, scavenging for items to make ends meet or profit, surviving for dear life, the fear of the unknown when you land on a planet or moon. They nailed everything Starfield failed to in the moment-to-moment nature of the game.

Bounties felt flat, treasure hunts felt flat, scanning for new material felt flat, fighting aliens and bandits just felt like an annoyance instead of something to prep for and engage with caution. There was too many of all of the above. Too much bloat. Too many checklists.

The other part of this game happening in the big city planets should have had the majority of their quests happen within those planets, to keep you engaged with them more often and really make you feel like you could spend a ‘skyrim’ amount of time only doing quests for only that big planet. It would keep going until you almost forget then realize ‘oh wait, there are other big city planets like this, this is awesome’.

Instead, it’s ‘I need this from planet x’ loading screen, get it, loading screen, complete, ‘now I need this from planet y’ loading screen, kill it, loading screen, complete.

At that point, the game might as well be a selectable menu of quests that instantly take you to the planet, the location, and the mission, like Mass Effect 2, because at least then we would have more well designed levels, encounters, and quicker loading.

This is why myself and others are mixed on the game. There is greatness and potential here, that could be salvaged with time, but it’s wrapped in BS, loading screens, design choices from a decade+ ago, loading screens, and design choices that someone higher up would have to be humble enough to scale back on…and more loading screens. They’re adding even more content that will boil down to being really cool sidequests split up amongst planets that may mostly be palette swaps again with minor differences and even more loading screens.

I will continue to wait and see how this game progresses both officially and with mods before picking it back up again. If that ends up being 6-10 years from release like Skyrim and No Mans Sky, then so be it.


So basically when it releases on PS5 and has a performance mode that runs at 60fps, they are also going to have to retro fit it into the Xbox version in some capacity to prevent a huge backlash from the xbox community, got it


The other part of this game happening in the big city planets should have had the majority of their quests happen within those planets, to keep you engaged with them more often and really make you feel like you could spend a ‘skyrim’ amount of time only doing quests for only that big planet. It would keep going until you almost forget then realize ‘oh wait, there are other big city planets like this, this is awesome’.

I get that for sure. Too many quests had you leaving the planet where you started it on. Sure, you are a captain of a ship, meaning people may want to give you work that requires your ship. But, there definitely could have been more quests within a planet or using multiple cities within a planet. The world they built made it feel like each colony would only establish one major city on each planet, and then on to the next planet.


Rage Bait Youtuber
That’s what also many gaffer clung to, to say the game sucked.

Just some light reading.

King Dazzar

This just shows what a load of bollocks the apologists and green rat stance was. "Creative choice", "too CPU intensive", "consoles aren't powerful enough", "too next gen to run at 60fps". No, they simply couldn't be arsed at the time. This just highlights so much, the nonesense that gets peddled.


I'm not expecting 60fps, but 40fps would be quite nice, I'll take it. Hopefully this will come sooner than the expansion.


That’s what also many gaffer clung to, to say the game sucked.
The game does suck (in my opinion) but it certainly isn't the display modes. For me, personally, its a combination of several factors, mostly being that it is so bloody boring, it just isn't enjoyable (again, that's me, others like it, others have other issues with it) and 60fps (if that's what they mean) isn't going to fix that.


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?

Just some light reading.


Just some light reading.
too many threads.
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