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Torment: Tides of Numenera |OT| What Can Change The Nature of a Man?


25 pages. Game is dead.

I've had a browser tab opened on page 25 since the 13th. It's been a week since I've clicked over to check back and we're one post into a new page with a grand total of 22 over that week. Rough.

Really looking forward to playing the game after knocking out a few other games, hopefully with a few patches out.
(not an actual spoiler)


anyone remember how d:eek:s, poe, wasteland 2, tyranny, or the shadowrun series did their first 2 weeks?

Wow, ownership down 9K from the 13th to the 18th? I can't imagine any other reason, but are that many people getting a refund? With not enough sales to offset it?

The Wart

I've had a browser tab opened on page 25 since the 13th. It's been a week since I've clicked over to check back and we're one post into a new page with a grand total of 22 over that week. Rough.

Really looking forward to playing the game after knocking out a few other games, hopefully with a few patches out.
(not an actual spoiler)

Wow, ownership down 9K from the 13th to the 18th? I can't imagine any other reason, but are that many people getting a refund? With not enough sales to offset it?

No, it's just noise. Ownership is an estimate based on random sampling AFAIK, hence the uncertainty intervals. Values naturally fluctuate quite a bit from day to day.


Neo Member
Anyone else feel like the game has pacing problems? I just started playing recently and was plugging along at a good pace, but I just hit the bloom and am really losing motivation. It feels like the game was ramping up and becoming more focused, then all of a sudden it grinds to a halt and opens up again.


Anyone else feel like the game has pacing problems? I just started playing recently and was plugging along at a good pace, but I just hit the bloom and am really losing motivation. It feels like the game was ramping up and becoming more focused, then all of a sudden it grinds to a halt and opens up again.
Yeah, it put me off for a bit when I got to the Bloom. Maybe for people like me at least it's like we get into a grove and once we're thrown in this all new area we lose our grasp and have to get a hold again on what to do and where to go, making us freeze up. I know I felt that way with the beta anyway but got over it with the full game, and now I think I'm about done with the Bloom once I plunged back in again.


I just got a UPS notification, which confused me since I didn't remember ordering anything. It's from Techland, so I assume it's Torment.

Anyone else feel like the game has pacing problems? I just started playing recently and was plugging along at a good pace, but I just hit the bloom and am really losing motivation. It feels like the game was ramping up and becoming more focused, then all of a sudden it grinds to a halt and opens up again.
I actually really liked that part. Having 2 more open and 2 more linear phases interspersed.


I kinda lost interest in this game after a few hours. I loved the original, but maybe these games just aren't for me anymore.


Gold Member
Got my notice for my CE coming. I have only played about thirty minutes, but I'll likely wait until the new content and patches are in before going in. I'll give it a couple of months.


the area between Cliffs and Bloom is where the pacing goes to die

I've come to realize that one of the main, if not the biggest problem of Tides is that the "deep personal" story is honestly pretty generic at best. What the game actually does is taking you on a ride around Numenera and meet it's strange inhabitants, which is also where Tides is at it's best. Everything that has to do with the main plot is mostly disappointing


I'm post-Sagus, at the
Valley of Dead Heroes
, and my motivation/interest has kind of fizzled. Nothing terrible has happened, but the game is also not managing to keep/captivate my attention very well at this point. I'm forcing to continue because I know it will be very hard to restart if I stop, but I find myself wanting to play Zelda or Nier instead.

As others have said, this has nothing on MOTB or KOTOR2 (and Tyranny when it comes to lore/world-building, even if that game kind of feels half-complete in ways), much less the original PST.


the area between Cliffs and Bloom is where the pacing goes to die

I'm don't necessarily agree with that.

I went through 3 merecasters which were hit or miss, miel avaet was very informative/it was exciting to meet a bunch of other castoffs... especially leviarm who made me chuckle with "don't eat anything I wouldn't eat!".

then there was the 4th merecaster - Mazzof/the chimera's which was by far the most exciting point in the game. learning about the true use of the resonance chamber. the miel avest sorrow takeover was pointless and slightly annoying which was the only part that I kind of disliked.

the spectre twist wasn't even as bad as people are making it out to be

I just got to the bloom tho.


the area between Cliffs and Bloom is where the pacing goes to die

I've come to realize that one of the main, if not the biggest problem of Tides is that the "deep personal" story is honestly pretty generic at best. What the game actually does is taking you on a ride around Numenera and meet it's strange inhabitants, which is also where Tides is at it's best. Everything that has to do with the main plot is mostly disappointing
I agree on both fronts.

It's not your story, it's
the Changing God's.


I agree on both fronts.

It's not your story, it's
the Changing God's.

I've stalled at the post-Cliffs area because of this. I was expecting with the Tides system to be shaping my character in a particular way, instead you just end up going Blue & Gold for the most part regardless because of talking to people and doing quests.

I'll return back as a palette-cleanser between playthroughs of Nier: Automata, but I'm just not as enamoured as I hoped I would be.


I did. It's unneccesarily big for what's actually inside. All the stuff flying around inside in transit damaged the interior of the box and I've also got damage to the outside, as well as loose discs which I haven't checked properly for any serious damage. Not particularly impressed. They should have gone for a smaller box like the Divinity:OS collector's edition so everything inside was more snug or had something to lock the contents in place better.

I tend to be unlucky with these kinds of deliveries though.
Has there been any talk of performance fixes for the consoles? I am so desperate to get into this properly but I cannot stomach the frame rate drops, it's one of the few games that's made me feel queasy playing it. That and the 2 minute load times to get to the next grid :/
Just completed it a couple of minutes ago. I really enjoyed it - the ending I ended up with made sense to my character's desires and motives and the story being told
(Blue/Gold Dominant Tides > The value of a life is to learn and pass on information for the betterment of society > All those quests contributing to the story arc of learning about the Changing God's daughter > Merged the Castoffs into Miira).

I really liked the decision of finding a way to send Rhin back home - it was agonizing as a) she was my favourite party member and b) I didn't know how much of the game I had left. I was disappointed how abrupt it was that her quest was just seemingly over, and then when she turns up again in the Labyrinth having grown up into a badass hero it was a great moment. I was also satisfied with my other fav, Erritis', ending (having made the choice to remove the Audience's influence) - it was as bittersweet and uneventful as expected, so perfect really.

Matkina grew on me a lot - she was the third of my main trio and I liked how she warmed up over the course of the game and became a good ally and sister to have around. Callistege, cool, she merged with the datasphere - seemed like the kind of thing she would do so I told her to go with it. She was above the mundanity of the physical realm!

Tybir and Aligern didn't show up in the Labyrinth so I assume the game took note that I barely gave them a moment's thought outside of their sidequests. I'll revisit them and hopefully The Toy as a crew to roll with for a second play through sometime.

The Fifth Eye remains one of the very best quest hubs ever. The Bloom also had some fantastic moments - I really wanted more opportunities to interact with that scientist who was trying to study it. I would take an entire game of being an apprentice to that guy, haha.

I agree with the thoughts other people mentioned that the story really was that of the Changing God's rather than your own but I was cool with that. He was an interesting character. I also liked the thematic tie-in of my Last Castoff's dominant Tides being Blue/Gold in contrast with the CG's Blue/Silver, and that while the backstory and main quandries were the CG's, the solution to ending the Sorrow's pursuit and restoring his daughter is not something he would have thought of due to his lack of thought or concern for anyone outside of himself and so the Castoff was able to conclude his story for him. (Obviously this is just my experience and specific choices but it all tied up nicely in my head).
Patch 1.02 just released.

Notes: https://torment.inxile-entertainment.com/community/news/torment-patch-102-release-notes/


  • Fixed a large number of freezes that would happen in various states.
  • Numerous performance optimizations.
  • Addendum text should now be appearing on item descriptions. Many dozens of items now have more details depending on your lore skills and other factors!
  • Fixed an issue that was preventing party members from bantering. Party members should now be much more talkative!
  • Updated a number of crisis sequences to rebalance a number of enemies. In some situations, it will make combat proceed more quickly in encounters that were sluggish.
  • Numerous fixes and improvements to movement grid, pathing, and AI. This should prevent issues where the game would hang as combat could get stuck in numerous situations.
  • Several quest and conversation fixes.
  • Inspiring Presence and other looping sound effects have been removed.


Unconfirmed Member
Patch 1.02 just released.

Notes: https://torment.inxile-entertainment.com/community/news/torment-patch-102-release-notes/


  • Fixed a large number of freezes that would happen in various states.
  • Numerous performance optimizations.
  • Addendum text should now be appearing on item descriptions. Many dozens of items now have more details depending on your lore skills and other factors!
  • Fixed an issue that was preventing party members from bantering. Party members should now be much more talkative!
  • Updated a number of crisis sequences to rebalance a number of enemies. In some situations, it will make combat proceed more quickly in encounters that were sluggish.
  • Numerous fixes and improvements to movement grid, pathing, and AI. This should prevent issues where the game would hang as combat could get stuck in numerous situations.
  • Several quest and conversation fixes.
  • Inspiring Presence and other looping sound effects have been removed.

That is a good list of fixes right here. If they actually fix the wait time during Crises and and make the movement quick it would go a long way to making the game much more fun.


Wonder if it'll fix a quest being marked unfinished so I can
see the last ending choice that I haven't seen yet.

If people want clarification for the top, it's
Infestation not being marked complete if you left mid-crisis then returned healed up to fight the remaining fragments.


Praise the lord it looks like they fixed the sound loops from Inspiring Presence, etc. Now if I could only find it in me to deal with this crises...


I accidently finished the
Miel Avest
area and arrivated at
The Bloom
. I hadn't finished everything at
The Valley of Dead Heroes yet, including the Endless Gate quest
. Am I really missing out? I certainly don't want to do that longwinded crisis again
(and some stupid bug that wouldn't let me even let Erritis smash the rocks in the way)

Also, how much left do I still have left %-wise?


I accidently finished the
Miel Avest
area and arrivated at
The Bloom
. I hadn't finished everything at
The Valley of Dead Heroes yet, including the Endless Gate quest
. Am I really missing out? I certainly don't want to do that longwinded crisis again
(and some stupid bug that wouldn't let me even let Erritis smash the rocks in the way)

Also, how much left do I still have left %-wise?


Okay, after the latest patch didn't fix my "Saved games never show up in the Load screen and all I see is a endless loading icon" issue that I complained about previously I decided to look around (I want to dive into this game this weekend as my backlog has started to clear up).

Looks like it's an issue with the older alpha/beta saves having a different preview image format that hangs the game. The problem is exacerbated by Steam Cloud bringing back the old alpha/beta save files even if you manually delete them.

Solution is:

1) Disable Steam Cloud (right-click the game --> Properties --> Updates --> Uncheck the Steam Cloud checkbox)
2) For Windows users, navigate to [C:\]Users\[YourUserName]\AppData\LocalLow and delete the "InXile Entertainment" directory
3) Start up the game and create a new save file. Exit the game afterward
4) Re-enable Steam Cloud
5) Load your new save file


So, this is my first time (technically second, but I didn't get very far into torment. Don't worry, I will!) I played what essentially amounts to an old school RPG, one that's THIS text heavy.

Is it unfeasible for a game like this to have dialogue for all it's text? It gets tiring to have to read 1000+ words every time I see someone new. I'm not opposed to reading, I do so everyday, but this is just SOOOOO much of it.

Am I just a spoiled modern RPG player that is too used to the convienences of the likes of Mass Effect and Skyrim where NPC's speak their dialogue? I mean, granted, there is a significant trade off because they tend to have a lot less to say and everything, but I always like it when I actually hear the voice atleast for the first line from my companions. I want more of that.


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
Voice acting is expensive. I imagine Mass Effect Andromeda's VO budget alone was 3x the entire budget of Torment. There is literally no way they could voice Torment with the amount it has, not even a AAA publisher would greenlight that.


Yeah, waaaaay too much content to even to begin to voice it all. Or even a significant portion of it.

That said, the meres needed to be 100% voiced though.
Voice acting is expensive. I imagine Mass Effect Andromeda's VO budget alone was 3x the entire budget of Torment. There is literally no way they could voice Torment with the amount it has, not even a AAA publisher would greenlight that.

I don't disagree but I wonder how the script size of something like Torment compares to Steins;Gate which is clearly pretty low budget but has full voice acting over a huge script.


There are so many other characters that would have made for interesting companions. The Tortured Levy, The Genocide,
I wanted to take Peerless as a companion. He'd have been interesting, since in many ways his story (as far as I could tell) mirrors the Last Castoff's in many ways.


Finished this today. Really enjoyed it. Ending spoilers:
Liked how there wasn't a clear best ending, unlike Planescape.


Finished this today. Really enjoyed it. Ending spoilers:
Liked how there wasn't a clear best ending, unlike Planescape.
Best or worst, Planescape Torment's endings are about coming to terms with your past and accepting your fate.

Tides makes you choose an option from a menu.


Just bought this for 16 quid off shopto for my ps4 pro....I guess there have been no performance patches since this game was practically stillborn?
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