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Trump endorses guns for teachers "to stop shootings"

Whatever the pro and con nuances of the situation, it appears Florida will arm its teachers.

Florida Senate rejects ban on assault weapons, votes to arm teachers

The Florida Senate rejected a proposal to ban assault weapons, and voted for a measure to arm some teachers
The bill includes $400 million in funding for schools to address mental health issues, the Herald reported.

At least they seek to invest in mental health. Not sure how far that will go in the state. Is that a significant amount? I'm guessing mentally disturbed students tend to fall through the cracks and never attend counseling sessions anyway.


Whatever the pro and con nuances of the situation, it appears Florida will arm its teachers.

Florida Senate rejects ban on assault weapons, votes to arm teachers

At least they seek to invest in mental health. Not sure how far that will go in the state. Is that a significant amount? I'm guessing mentally disturbed students tend to fall through the cracks and never attend counseling sessions anyway.

Mr Rubio - time to step your game up
California? I'm sure glad I believe in coincidences...

Is that a suggestion that the accidental shooting in California was some kind of set up to make a political point? That's some conspiracy theory logic there. Note, it's in the "news archive," so I doubt it's even a recent story.
Welcome to newgaf. Putting the neo back into neogaf apparently. Might as well call it diet 4chan at this point.

That's not fair, I'm sure being an assassination apologist (borderline terrorist apologist) wouldn't be tolerated on this...

Aside from that one guy who used their name as he committed a violent act, Britain First doesn't sound so bad.


(Cross-thread quote for dramatic effect)

Back on topic, it seems some people really need terrible things to happen to realize how terrible an idea is.


Note, it's in the "news archive," so I doubt it's even a recent story.
As thousands of students walked out of their schools on Wednesday to pressure Congress to approve gun control legislation, three other students were healing from wounds inflicted when a teacher’s firearm accidentally discharged in a California classroom.

I'm not saying it's a conspiracy, I'm just saying it's an amazing coincidence perfect for drivel like this...

Exactly what he's saying.
LMFAO, how sad that you have to create a villain just to sustain your outrage...


To be fair, the furthest right of the "far-right" parties in Britain would never agree to arm teachers. Comparing anything fringe here with what is mainstream in America is just not a fair comparison.

On topic, how many people are killed by guns going off accidentally per year in the home in the US? It is a lot. Therefore if you fill classrooms with guns there are going to be accidental shootings. It's pretty simple.

With regards to the comments about newgaf - the majority of the people I assume you are talking about are European and our far right parties would be called communist by even 'liberals' were they American.
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As thousands of students walked out of their schools on Wednesday to pressure Congress to approve gun control legislation, three other students were healing from wounds inflicted when a teacher’s firearm accidentally discharged in a California classroom.

I'm not saying it's a conspiracy, I'm just saying it's an amazing coincidence perfect for drivel like this...

How is it drivel? A teacher's gun almost killed kids. Wake up dude!
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Now what's the next step in your master plan?
All this is gonna lead to is some poor kid getting shot by a nervous teacher. They have an incredibly demanding and stressful job with none of the training of the cops who still shoot people all the time. Its a foolish solution for a serious problem.


All this is gonna lead to is some poor kid getting shot by a nervous teacher. They have an incredibly demanding and stressful job with none of the training of the cops who still shoot people all the time. Its a foolish solution for a serious problem.
I agree. I think that teachers who already feel very comfortable carrying guns should be allowed to do so in order to protect themselves and their students. But arming Ms. Maholic and Mrs. Lang on a whim is just a bad idea... they're more likely to shoot an aggressive student than an actual criminal...
As thousands of students walked out of their schools on Wednesday to pressure Congress to approve gun control legislation, three other students were healing from wounds inflicted when a teacher’s firearm accidentally discharged in a California classroom.

I'm not saying it's a conspiracy, I'm just saying it's an amazing coincidence perfect for drivel like this...

LMFAO, how sad that you have to create a villain just to sustain your outrage...

Noticed that you didn't deny it. What else could that comment possibly mean?


That's not fair, I'm sure being an assassination apologist (borderline terrorist apologist) wouldn't be tolerated on this...


(Cross-thread quote for dramatic effect)

Back on topic, it seems some people really need terrible things to happen to realize how terrible an idea is.
I did say outside of the violence.
My denial was strongly implied and what else the comment could possibly mean is literally written in the post you quoted...

Sorry, calling bullshit. Literally no other reason to post that other than to spread doubt about it happening as an accident, which anyone could tell you that it would happen. And many did while arguing against having guns in classrooms. And mentioning California?

Admit it, this wasn't a "Well that happened post".


Most people are have questionable skills, don’t respond well under pressure, are frequently tired or have external life factors affecting judgement. It’s why we have so many damn car accidents: even with training and driving every day people still have poor judgement and poor twitch decision making

Arming teachers in an environment where they will not receive day to day training, will not be in a position to hone their skills in any way, where there is pretty low odds that they will ever have to use a gun anyway.... it’s all so silly it’s hard to comprehend. It’s partially why you have a police force and militia.... you can barely trust anyone to make good decisions and you gotta be trained. And even then, police make mistakes all the time.

I am not a huge gun fan, but I can understand why some people in certain parts of the US would like to keep their gun rights. But I’d think even them would have to think twice thinking jo schmo should just be armed all the time around their kids and that this is somehow better than having less guns in the school to begin with. Unless you are simply that trusting of everyone else, and that people will actually be vetted and trained properly. Hell, even teachers being good at teaching itself is sometimes a problem in itself, let alone whether they have the skills to act under pressure with a gun in an environment filled with kids. And this isn’t a knock on teachers specifically but just people in general.


Arming teachers in an environment where they will not receive day to day training, will not be in a position to hone their skills in any way, where there is pretty low odds that they will ever have to use a gun anyway....

... will put them in about the same scenario as 99.9% of police in America


Sorry, calling bullshit. Literally no other reason to post that other than to spread doubt about it happening as an accident, which anyone could tell you that it would happen. And many did while arguing against having guns in classrooms. And mentioning California?

Admit it, this wasn't a "Well that happened post".
Why would I "spread doubt" when I have zero investment in this and I'm saying otherwise now? That's not a very effective strategy...

It's ok, you don't have to create villains... take care of the closest one you have first...


whoopsiedaisy, I'm just saying everything is suspiciously coincidental I'm totally not saying it's a conspiracy c'mon guys, stop creating villains!
Why would I "spread doubt" when I have zero investment in this and I'm saying otherwise now? That's not a very effective strategy...

It's ok, you don't have to create villains... take care of the closest one you have first...

Having that cake and eating it too. Plausible deniability when someone calls you out on someone but just enough that people who agree with the sediment can jump on too. Really for people who don't really enjoy having to explain themselves or their stance.


That was the dumbest attempt at saying face I've ever seen...
What? I'm just saying that if you think it's a conspiracy at least say so instead of doing this stupid dance around it pretending you don't.
Just asking questions, bro.
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What? I'm just saying that if you think it's a conspiracy at least say so instead of doing this stupid dance around it pretending you don't.
Just asking questions, bro.
And yet here you and others are doing this stupid dance pretending I do just to have a villain to blame... hop along now...
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