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Trump pick for USDA labelled progressives "race traitors".


How does it work in the States? Does the appointed head of a Cabinet role have a nonpartisan professional bureaucrat that manages the organisation for which the appointee is responsible? Is there a strong culture of speaking truth to power?

I work in government and have had dipshit ministers before. Since we work for the Queen not the politicians, we can just tell the politicians that their ideas are stupid. We may have to act on those ideas anyway, but we can make it very very clear that they are bad ideas. That often comes out in freedom of information requests.


The lack of a science background is more insulting because that's the shit that will directly translate into something damaging.


He heard the phrase "race traitor," wasn't sure if he heard "race trader," and now says both together because racist people nod approvingly when he does and he's too scared to ask whether traitor or trader is the original phrase.

lol I saw a cnn headline earlier that said he once said “race trader” and I legit thought they misspelled “traitor”. I thought it was rather embarrassing of CNN but turns out he said he it both ways.

Still have no clue what a race trader is tho
Given the track record of Trump picks I would have expected the CEO of a big poison producing company to head the USDA.


Unconfirmed Member
anti-colonist is a bad thing now? how can he keep a straight face?

i just can't help but imagine Tarantino doing a modern take of Django with these characters.
Sounds about white.

Every time you tell yourself this moron can't surprise you any more with his bullshit, he just proves you wrong. again and again and again.
anti-colonist is a bad thing now? how can he keep a straight face?

It is more about it being a dog whistle that Obama isn't American and that his true allegiance and roots are with Africa/Kenya. If I remember Newt Gindrich went around saying the same shit to anyone that would listen after Obama first got elected, it was during the heyday of the birtherism movement.

Do Better

a USDA spokesperson defended Clovis. “Dr Clovis is a proud conservative and a proud American,”

Totally excuses the racist statements he's written in the past. I look forward to his confirmation.
lol I saw a cnn headline earlier that said he once said “race trader” and I legit thought they misspelled “traitor”. I thought it was rather embarrassing of CNN but turns out he said he it both ways.

Still have no clue what a race trader is tho

Seems like he was talking about black leaders being race traders, basically suggesting they have traded away their blackness to be like white people or something?
I'm just trying to make up the answer, but something like that is what he meant, I guess.
Trump is evil incarnate by pick the worst of the worst to do the "opposite" of good for their positions their are apointed to

a truely evil government and evil cabinet and evil adminatstration

so much bad fatih out this adminstation


Bringing up Du Bois as a supposed 'race traitor'? Now that is some vintage nonsense.

I presume the 'keeping minorities enslaved to government' crap is a reference to beliefs welfare and such should be scrapped?

Yep, which, again, shows that most conservatives forget that white people make up the majority of poor people who use welfare, food stamps and other government assistance.


From across the pond it looks like Trump is just hiring people who hate Obama as much as he does for random positions.
Seems like he was talking about black leaders being race traders, basically suggesting they have traded away their blackness to be like white people or something?
I'm just trying to make up the answer, but something like that is what he meant, I guess.

But wouldn't that be race traitor?

I honestly think the above poster got it right, he heard it and thought someone said race-trader and then just ran with it. I've never heard it before.

Yep, which, again, shows that most conservatives forget that white people make up the majority of poor people who use welfare, food stamps and other government assistance.

Conservatives and people that vote for them don't have a problem with socialism at all, they just have a problem with it when it is helping out black and brown people.


Neo Member
It frustrates me so much how they toss around words like labeling people "liberals" or simply "progressives" like those are just evil words.

Liberty and progress. They use these words as evils that should be stamped out at all cost.

They do not want people free, they do not want progress. These words are literally disgusting labels to them that they can blanket over people they want to shut out.


Do they realise that being a "race traitor" and wanting to destroy all people of color are diametrically opposite? Or are they just stupid?
It frustrates me so much how they toss around words like labeling people "liberals" or simply "progressives" like those are just evil words.

Liberty and progress. They use these words as evils that should be stamped out at all cost.

They do not want people free, they do not want progress. These words are literally disgusting labels to them that they can blanket over people they want to shut out.

Well, when you oppose the greatest force for good in the history of humankind, you gotta find some way to make it sound bad.

Progress always wins, eventually. Sometimes I wonder what it would be like to rage against that and know you'll never truly win.


Looking for meaning in GAF
If this guy gets the job, I really hope the rest of the USDA treats this guy like Konami treated Kojima. Except lock him out from EVERYTHING. Don't tell him anything important at all, and don't let him touch anything. Just lock him in his office every day.

It would actually be the moral thing to do.


I can't be surprised anymore, but still disgusted. Grotesquely unqualified, misinformation-spreading assholes in key roles in our government because they kissed Trump's ass. So much damage will be done.


Something that's going to stick with me for a while is part of a speech by the head of a big Australian international policy think-tank yesterday. One of the members of the audience asked him if he was worried about Trump stacking the top positions with generals, and his response was along the lines of "No, because the generals will at least be competent".


Surely his base will recognize the hypocrisy of supporting this nominee when they railed against Hillary's "deplorables" comments!
We do. And it's bad.
But can you say that Boris is worse than Jeff Sessions?
The countless others that want to create an environment of hostility towards minorities that often leads to violence.

That job falls more to our rightwing press.

Being able to vote in the UK is simple and takes minutes to register and minutes to vote.

In America people get purged from voting registrars on the whims of politicians. The forms of ID poor minorities would have are not considered good enough like to vote whilst gun licences are.

That doesn't really happen here.

I agree that at least in aspects we have it better, but I personally believe that the way our politicians work could arguably be even more dangerous since they're much better at hiding their screwed up intentions or at the very least better at peddling their beliefs onto the country.
Ben Carson's at the cabinet meetings, oblivious that everyone in the room hates him because of his skin color. But at least they call him "one of the good ones" to his face.
If we talk about the "human race", wouldn't togetherness and equality be the ultimate achievement for mankind (what we strive for), which also means those that practice prejudice, bigotry and ideals that seek to tear us apart are the TRUE "race traitors".

It is as I always say, those who live under the banner of bigotry, hate always love to scapegoat the "other" (the progressives, the liberals, the left, the minorities) as everything wrong with society, when in fact THEY are the TRUE "others", the true definition of everything wrong with society, everything wrong with humanity. Accepting to hate has turned them into the actual living, breathing monsters they say the "others" are, just 10 times worse.
Conservatism is a disease.

When it's taken over by capitalism and racism, yes. "I don't know if we need to spend money to upgrade the local soccer fields this year" is fiscal conservation. "I think I need to read up more on the prices and costs to bring prescription drugs to market before I can make an educated decision on the length to which we need to make regulate pharma" is being fiscally conservative too.

"I think every kid needs to pay respect to God in the pledge of allegiance" is not conservative. It's religious self-righteousness.

"I think trans people are need to use the bathroom that their birth-genitals match up to" isn't conservative. It's transphobic.

"Gays can't marry each other because SINS" isn't conservative. It's homophobic.

"I think the government wants to take my guns away in order to suppress and enslave me" isn't conservative. It's fear.

"I think the government wants me to make less money" isn't conservative. It's greed.

"Conservative" has been demonized up and fucking down because "change" and "progress" are seen as the very same thing by so, so, so many people, when they're not. A "change" in a law or regulation that ensures opportunity isn't stifled is "progress". Being "conservative" doesn't mean that you don't look at the world and say "this is fine". Being "conservative", to me, means "let's actually do the work to look at things and, even though it might not be comfortable to me, move forward when we know we need to".

I'm progressive, and I think that we need to listen and adapt while work and study are taking place. I guess you could say a progressive is someone that says "you know what if even ONE person is wrongfully convicted then we need to fix our system so that this doesn't happen again".

Anyway, "conservative" has been warped to politically and socially include Christian zealots, diet racists, outright racists, bigots, the fearful, the paranoid, and the greedy. I think it's past time to stop saying "conservatives" are all of that, and call people out on those views.

They're not conservative. They're racist. They're greedy, They're fundamental. They have hate in their hearts. They think they're better than other people. They don't care about future generations. They don't actually want to "conserve" anything. They want to make their life better, or feel better, at the expense of other people. And that's not political. Those aren't judgment based. They're motive based. And when your motive involves the conscious denial or suppression of opportunity and rights to others, it's not "conservative".

It's wrong.
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