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Trump planning to sneak into UK to avoid large-scale protests


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Did the balloon work?

Yes. And how. The balloon assaulter is my high school friend too.



Homeland Security Fail
This clown can't stay away from golf courses, huh?

And what a fucking pussy. If there are no giant protests, I will be disappointed, UK.


People don't know how to protest. Everyone should just hold the same sign that reads "You are an idiot.".
The President of the United States sneaking into the UK, the biggest ally the US has in the world. I need some time to have that sink in.


This clown can't stay away from golf courses, huh?

And what a fucking pussy. If there are no giant protests, I will be disappointed, UK.
This is the year of disappointment but I am hoping that the UK comes through and embarrasses the fuck out of Trump and America with record setting protests.
Should bring in some Conservative Party activists to make it look like people like him. Pay people from "Conservative Future" to go and cheer for him. That's probably what they will do.
Coward. Able to talk a big talk on Twitter, but asked to do anything in-person? Suddenly all that bravado disappears and he tries stuff like this. No clue why even the alt-right give a fuck about him at this point. To use their lingo, he seems to be the definition of a "cuck," if you would. Hardly a shining pillar of masculinity, strength, courage, or fearlessness, anyway. Just a completely empty husk of a man. Pathetic.
Yet his supporters call liberals "snowflakes"?

Have they seen the man they voted for? LOL!

People who call others "snowflakes" are probably the "snowflakes" themselves. Remember I don't feel like Liberals were the ones to throw a fit when something so stupid like a cup not having merry Christmas on it.

Man, Trump is going to be surprised when there's a protest ready for him. And I want to see that reaction live.
You guys all play soccer, yeah? You all have cleats? It would be a shame if something happened to that nice grass on his golf course lol
Hahahhahaha, he could announce it only an hour in advance and that'd be enough time for a protest to form.

Had several thousand people at one earlier in the year in Sheffield with a days notice, if he thinks a whole day is enough time to avoid it, he's in for a rude awakening.
Dude's also forgetting that Scotland especially hates him. If they catch even a whiff of the bawbag, they'll be on him.


I heard on some show you guys would greet by pulling down your pants and spreading butt cheeks for him in the streets.

That would be AWESOME.


He does realise how comparatively small this country is right? Anyone could get wherever he's planning to visit in well under 24 hours. And they will.
He does realise how comparatively small this country is right? Anyone could get wherever he's planning to visit in well under 24 hours. And they will.

Moreover, it'll be kinda hard to miss when Air Force One is landing at an airport. And people will be watching every airport in range to try and spot it.

Edit: Just occurred to me, wouldn't this mean him technically snubbing, you know, Her Majesty and her government if he's visiting just his golf course?
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